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Math PLC Notes 12-13-13

1. Strategies that are working well. a. Gentry Part-Part Whole Map b. Buck connecting to things in the outside world. c. Trejo gallery walk with math problems that students have created. d. Littrell using lots of manipulatives e. Harris front loading during tutorials; teach what were going to do the next day. f. Jurries working in groups. g. Torres small groups, one on one instruction 2. What do your grade level and ELL kids need? a. Modeling b. Solving word problems independently c. Vocabulary (both student and teacher use) d. Student created gallery walks/word problems e. Multiplication f. Multiple step word problems g. Getting rid of extra information h. Retaining information from one grade level to the next. i. Spiraling the instruction from beginning of the year. j. Mental Math k. Consistency within the same lesson. Part + Part = Whole but then the curriculum changes to doing Whole = Part + Part. l. Visuals math posters, anchor charts

3. As a teacher I need? a. Color Ink b. Manipulatives c. New TEK training (maybe through the new edition) d. Remaking and Remodeling the Math Classroom (Region 10) e. Ideas for Math Stations (Debbie Dillar) f. Time to collaborate and create

Math PLC Notes 12-13-13

4. I would like to see _____ changed. a. More time for math. b. Having grade level students first thing in the day. 5. Celebrations a. Mr. West is working great with his students, making huge progress. Giving teachers feedback on how the students are doing in his group. He gives students treasures to keep. b. In Mrs. Littrells class everyone in Mrs. Robinsons group and Mr. Wests group are actually in the STAR math test versus just being in the STAR math practice. c. Mrs. Osborn has started doing a small group during power hour and has been giving feedback to Lametha about her students.

Top Needs: 1. Consistent vocabulary 2. Problem Solving 3. Spiraling

Vertical Math Action Plan: Vocabulary: a. Being consistent with the vocabulary a.

b. Posting the words based on the unit. c. Personal math vocabulary dictionary. b. TASKS a. Word Wall start with current unit and words that have not been mastered from previous units. b. Consistently using vocabulary c. Incorporating vocabulary stations: matching vocab words with definitions (Justi, Rachel and Lametha), I have who has?, math

Math PLC Notes 12-13-13

stations on the ipad, vocabulary bingo. Each person by the next PLC will bring a math game centered on vocabulary to share. Bring one for each member of the team. Problem Solving/Word Problems (multi-step) a. Modeling b. UPSE Model January, 1 per day; by next meeting bring one problem and how your students completed the problem (student examples). 5+4=9 Understand the problem Planning the problem
(how are you going to solve it; addition, subtraction, etc) (part,part whole, model drawing, etc).

Add Solve the problem, show your work

Counting up, drawing a picture, manipulatives Explain your answer (Justify your answer whats tested on STAAR)

4+5=9 I added 5 more apples to the 4 apples I already had. c. Math Model Drawing Professional Development d. Incorporate math word problems into Think Tanks e. Read it! Draw It! Solve It! (Yendi Trejo) Spiraling a. In math stations in the month of January go and see one person in another grade level doing math stations. Come back with feedback, good things, questions about, etc

January Units Kinder Vocabulary (Unit 6)

add, subtract, addition, subtraction, joining, total, take-away, count on, number line, separating, sum, difference, plus, minus, equals, all together

Math PLC Notes 12-13-13

1st Grade (Fractions)
fraction, halves, thirds, fourths, equivalent, out of, whole, total, equal parts, fair shares 2nd Grade (Geometry) two-dimensional, polygon, parallelogram, circle, triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, trapezoid, three-dimensional, cone, cube, rectangular prism, pyramid, sphere, cylinder, attribute, side, edge, corner, vertex, vertices, face, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, compare, contrast, describe, combine **Be careful with side and corner, make sure they relate those to vertex and vertices. 3rd Grade (Geometry) classify, examples and non-examples, two-dimensional shapes, figures, circle, polygon, triangle, quadrilateral, square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, three-dimensional shapes, cone, cylinder, sphere, cube (square prism), rectangular prism, triangular prism, square pyramid, triangular pyramid, attributes, surface, base, edges, faces, sides, vertex, vertices, angles (right), nets, geometric pattern, pattern, rule, sequence, decreasing, increasing, line of symmetry (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), congruent, reflection 4th Grade (Fractions and Decimals) whole, fraction, numerator, denominator, equivalent, decimal, tenths, hundredths, and , compare, order, comparative symbols, greater than (>), less than (<), equal to (=), NOT equal to, more than, less than, greatest, least, in between, concrete model, pictorial model, simplify, simplest form, improper fraction, mixed numbers, one whole, proper fractions, whole number, number line, fourths, halves, rulers, represent, increment 5th Grade (Measurement) Metric vocabulary words for length are millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm), meter (m), kilometer (km), and meter stick. Customary words for length are inch (in), foot (ft), yard (yd), mile (mi), and yardstick. Metric words for capacity are milliliter (mL), and liter (L). Customary words for capacity are ounce (oz), cup (c), pint (pt), quart (qt), and gallon (gal). Metric words for weight and mass are gram (g) and kilogram (kg). Customary words for weight and mass are ounce (oz), pound (lb), and ton (T). Time vocabulary words include second (sec), minute (min), hour (hr), day, week (wk), month (mo), year (yr), quarter past, quarter to, half past, analog, digital, elapsed time. Temperature vocabulary words include thermometer, temperature, increase, decrease, rise, drop, relationship, Fahrenheit, and Celsius. Other vocabulary words included are models, conversions, relationship, nearest, unit, dimensions, formula, dimensions, length, width, height, perimeter, area, volume, capacity, weight, and mass.

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