Artifacts 7, 8 & 9

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Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 1

Capstone Assignment: A ti!a"t Summa # 7, 8 & 9 $eathe Ande son Saint Ma #%s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota S"hoo's o! ( aduate & ) o!essiona' ) og ams *+ ,-- . Capstone S#mposium Ap i' 1/, /011

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 / Artifact Summary 7: Talent Management Strategy Plan I ha&e "hosen m# ta'ent management st ateg# p'an as m# se&enth a ti!a"t, 2hi"h 2as su3mitted in *+ ,11 . Ta'ent Management4 Fo the assignment I "omp'eted a p'an that a'igns 2ith m# o gani5ation6s mission, &ision and &a'ues4 I a'so p o&ided insight into the g o2th and sustaina3i'it# o! ta'ent 2ithin the etai' setting4 The de&e'opment o! 2omen in etai' management and adapting the o gani5ationa' st u"tu e to a'ign 2ith the needs and e7pe"tations o! #ounge 2o 8e s a e t2o main topi"s add essed in this st ateg#4 This "ou se o!!e ed an oppo tunit# to e7p'o e and app'# &a ious ta'ent management st ategies4 The de&e'opment o! this p'an o!!e ea' 2o 'd so'utions in m# "u ent o gani5ationa' o'e4 I 2as a'so a3'e to use the in!o mation I gained to "ontinue m# pe sona' de&e'opment 2hen "onside ing a !utu e "a ee in etai' management4 This a ti!a"t a'igns 2ith the !o th * gani5ationa' +eade ship p og am out"ome to "o''a3o ate in "omp'e7 2o 8 teams uti'i5ing e!!e"ti&e moti&ationa' and "oa"hing te"hni9ues :St4 Ma #6s Uni&e sit#, n4d4;4 Coa"hing and moti&ation a e mo e e!!e"ti&e 2hen a 'eade unde stands the easons that spe"i!i" g oups o! peop'e ente into "e tain 8inds o! o gani5ations and 2hat &a'ues "onne"t them to o gani5ation4 The ta'ent management st ateg# p'an a'so a'igns 2ith the "ou se out"omes that sho2 an a3i'it# to e&a'uate ta'ent management mode's to add ess o gani5ationa' needs and to e&a'uate e" uitment and etention st ategies !o a'ignment 2ith o gani5ationa' &a'ues :St4 Ma #6s Uni&e sit#, /01<;4

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 < Re!e en"es Saint Ma #6s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota4 :n4d4;4 /01<=/01- Cata'og & hand3oo8: S"hoo's o! g aduate and p o!essiona' p og ams4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>"ata'og4smumn4edu>mime >media>&ie2>1/>8/1>/01<=1-=S())4pd! Saint Ma #6s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota4 :/01<;4 M4A4 in o gani5ationa' 'eade ship4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>2224smumn4edu>g aduate=home>a eas=o!=stud#>g aduate=s"hoo'=o!=3usiness= te"hno'og#>ma=in=o gani5ationa'='eade ship

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 1

Ta'ent Management St ateg# )'an $eathe Ande son Saint Ma #%s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota S"hoo's o! ( aduate & ) o!essiona' ) og ams *+ ,11 . Ta'ent Management *"to3e 17, /01<

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 Introduction The etai' indust # has app o7imate'# 141 mi''ion emp'o#ees and !a"es the "onstant "ha''enge o! att a"ting, e" uiting, and etaining a ?"ompetent 2o 8!o "e@ as emp'o#ee tu no&e "ontinues to g o2 :$u st and (ood, /009;4 The &o'unta # tu no&e ate !o etai' positions is a ound <147 pe "ent :$u st and (ood, /009;4 The a3i'it# to att a"t high 9ua'it# "andidates, espe"ia''# ! om the ne7t gene ation, 2i'' "ome ! om a !o"us on the 3ene!its o! a 'ong=te m "a ee in the etai' indust # and a ea'isti" app oa"h to t ansitioning #oung 2o 8e s ! om s"hoo' to !u'' time 2o 8 :$u st and (ood, /009;4 Retai' o gani5ations "an uti'i5e esea "h and ta'ent management st ategies to thin8 a3out thei 2o 8!o "e in a mo e st ategi" and methodi"a' 2a#4 A ta'ent management st ateg# that !o"uses on de&e'oping #ounge 2o 8e s, de&e'oping 2omen, o!!e s mo e meaning!u' inte pe sona' e'ationships and mento ing oppo tunities "an 2o 8 to o&e "ome the gaps that a e "u ent'# 3eing !a"ed in etai' ta'ent management4 I 2i'' p o&ide 3a"8g ound in!o mation a3out )etsma t as an o gani5ation, I 2i'' o!!e an en&i onmenta' s"an o! the inte na' and e7te na' in!'uen"es on the "u ent ta'ent management mode', and then I 2i'' de!ine the p o3'ems that !a"e m# o gani5ation and the etai' se"to as a 2ho'e4 Fina''#, I 2i'' o!!e a p'an !o imp'ementing a ne2 st ateg# that 2i'' 3ette p epa e the o gani5ation to manage ta'ent and " eate a su""ession p'anning !o"us that 2i'' p o&ide oppo tunities !o mo e high potentia' 2o 8e s4 Petsmart of today )etsma t is a spe"ia't# pet supp'ies sto e that 2as !ounded in 198, and is no2 the top spe"ia' pet etai' supp'ie in the "ount # :2224petsma t4"om;4 The o gani5ation has e&o'&ed its ta'ent management st ateg# o&e the past se&e a' #ea s to !o"us on a mo e sophisti"ated and ho'isti" app oa"h4 It is "'ea that hi ing and e" uitment !o 8e# e7e"uti&e positions "ommon'#

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 , e9ui es 3u#ing high potentia' e7te na' "andidates, 3ut most o! the 'ine management positions a e !i''ed inte na''#4 This p a"ti"e is a'most e9ui ed due to the sti"8# o gani5ationa' "u'tu e that &a'ues e7pe ien"e 2ithin the o gani5ation o&e the int odu"tion o! ne2 ideas and p a"ti"es4 As !ede a' egu'ations ega ding the amount o! hou s a''o2ed !o pa t time 2o 8e s "hange, and as the "ompan# "ontinues to 'imit the num3e o! !u'' time 2o 8e s it "an suppo t !inan"ia''#, the !utu e 'oo8s e&en mo e un"e tain !o de&e'oping !utu e 'eade s4 Re"ent'# the !o"us has shi!ted to o&e a'' tu no&e , 3ut this st ateg# is sti'' in de&e'opment and 3eing tested 3e!o e t a"8ing 3e"omes pe manent4 Fundamenta''#, hi ing ent # 'e&e' 2o 8e s into sto es is the p ima # 2a# that indi&idua's ente the o gani5ation4 The demand !o 2o 8e s on the ! ont 'ines !'u"tuates th oughout the #ea 4 The hou s that a e a''otted !o hou '# 2o 8e s a e di e"t'# e'ated to the &o'ume o! sa'es and the o gani5ation maintains a 2at"h!u' e#e on ho2 'a3o "osts a e maintained4 Aa"h sto e a'so &a ies in the num3e o! 2o 8e s that a e needed to ope ate the 'o"ation4 M# "u ent 'o"ation ea ns a ound se&en mi''ion do''a s in tota' sa'es a #ea and emp'o#s a ound !i!t# peop'e4 The e a e essentia''# !i&e depa tments and the maBo it# o! the !u'' time emp'o#ees a e in the spe"ia'i5ed 2o 8e o'es, su"h as management, dog g ooming o pet t aining4 )a t time emp'o#ees !i'' positions 'i8e "ashie , pet "a e asso"iate and sto"8ing asso"iate4 A'' management positions a e !u'' time, 3ut the e has 3een a e"ent shi!t ! om 1- to 10 hou s pe 2ee8 !o a'' hou '# paid manage s in o de to sa&e on o&e time "osts4 Sma'' "hanges to the 2a# 2o 8e s a e hi ed su"h as aising the minimum age e9ui ement to 18 and e9ui ing d ug testing !o a'' ne2 hi es ha&e 'o2e ed tu no&e 2ithin the o gani5ation and a'so aised the o&e a'' "ustome satis!a"tion 'e&e'4 Cith its !o"us on de'i&e ing "ustome impa"t, )etsma t has 2o 8ed to aise the 9ua'it# o! 2o 8e s that a e hi ed and de&e'oped

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 7 :$e mann, /011;4 The o gani5ation a'so 3egan to ea'i5e that a st ong !o"us on sto"8ing and ope ationa' tas8s 2as negati&e'# a!!e"ting the "ustome e7pe ien"e, and that emp'o#ees that 2e e g eat at getting the p odu"t on the she'&es 2e e possi3'# not a3'e to p o&ide the 'e&e' o! "ustome se &i"e that the "ustome s e7pe"ted4 This unde standing 3 ought a3out anothe "hange 3ased on a ne2 mode' o! "a ing !o asso"iates and "ustome s4 Cith a ne2 !o"us on "onne"ting, assisting, e"ognition and ene g#, 2o 8e s 2e e hi ed and t ained in ne2 2a#s that ha&e imp o&ed the o&e a'' p o!ita3i'it# o! the "ompan#4 The e is 'imited te"hno'ogi"a' st ateg# and no so"ia' media in! ast u"tu e 3eing used 3# the o gani5ation at the sto e 'e&e' to e" uit ne2 ta'ent4 +ine manage s must e'# upon in=sto e !'#e s, net2o 8ing 2ith othe high pe !o ming asso"iates, and "o'd "a''ing 2o 8e s ! om othe "ompanies that disp'a# high potentia' to su""eed 2ithin the o gani5ation4 The "u ent ta'ent management st ateg# gap "ou'd 3e 3ette managed 3# !u the de&e'oping te"hno'ogi"a' oppo tunities and 'e&e aging net2o 8ing e'ationships4 A'' ad&e tising and net2o 8ing is 'e!t up to the sto es to !ind potentia' ne2 hi es4 Some ma 8eting to2a d the "ustome s in the sto e o""u s in the !o m o! !'#e s that a e stu!!ed into 3ags and a stan"hion that 'ists "u ent Bo3 openings4 The app'i"ations a e e"ei&ed th ough an inte na' hi ing p og am that ates ea"h "andidate 3ased on the pe sona'it# 9uestionnai e that is ta8en du ing the on'ine app'i"ation4 The num3e o! app'i"ations is usua''# a ound - pe 2ee8 !o m# sto e 'o"ation4 This 'o2 &o'ume does not sustain the hi ing needs o! the o gani5ation4 A !o"us on hi ing the ight "andidate the !i st time, 'o2e ing the num3e o! hou s that it ta8es to on3oa d and "omp'ete o ientation t aining, and the use o! "ontinuing edu"ation th ough e='ea nings has 3 ought a3out nota3'e "ost sa&ings !o the o gani5ation4 The st ateg# "ontains a !e2 stop gaps to attempt to 3 ing the ta'ent management 3eha&io s into 'ine 2ith simi'a

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 8 su""ess!u' "ompanies in the etai' ma 8et4 This shi!t has had a &e # positi&e impa"t on the 3usiness and the "ompan# a&e age !o "omp'ete'# satis!ied "ustome s is a'most 80 pe "ent on a&e age nationa''#4 Environmental Scan The e'ements in"'uded in an en&i onmenta' s"an a e the Demog aphi", )o'iti"a', A"onomi", So"ia', Amp'o#ment, Te"hno'ogi"a', Inte nationa' aspe"ts o! an o gani5ation4 E# 3ette unde standing ho2 these "omponents "ome togethe , o gani5ations 2i'' 3e 3ette e9uipped to design a ta'ent management st ateg# that is 2e'' ounded and ea'isti"4 The demog aphi" o! )etsma t emp'o#ees &a ies g eat'# a" oss the "ount #4 The e a e mo e 2omen emp'o#ed as hou '# 2o 8e s in the o gani5ation, 3ut mo e men in management4 This is espe"ia''# t ue o! highe 'e&e' management4 The !i&e 8e# e7e"uti&es 2ith the o gani5ation a e 2hite men a3o&e the age o! 1-4 Retai' emp'o#ees in gene a' a e 'ess 'i8e'# to ha&e a"hie&ed a deg ee 3e#ond high s"hoo' o a (AD and a e 'ess 'i8e'# to 3e 'i&ing 2ith a spouse o a pa tne 4 Retai' emp'o#ees a e a'so mo e 'i8e'# to in"'ude those at 3oth ends o! the gene ationa' spe"t um4 <9F o! etai' emp'o#ees a e unde /8 #ea s o'd4 :Sa8ai, /008;4 This is spe"i!i"a''# t ue o! )etsma t4 The e is 'itt'e uni9ue po'iti"a' in!'uen"e that is di e"t'# "onne"ted to )etsma t4 The e"ent "hanges to emp'o#ee o'es due to the A!!o da3'e Ca e A"t e!!e"t the da# to da# ope ations 2ithin the o gani5ation4 The e is a'so a "onsistent "ommitment to maintaining !ede a' sa!et# and AA*C guide'ines to maintain uni!o m and egu'ated p o"ess to hand'e emp'o#ment guide'ines4 In e"onomi" te ms, )etsma t is "onside ed to 3e p o!ita3'e and has 2eathe ed the e"ent "ha''enges !o etai' o gani5ations 2ith st ong !inan"ia' su""ess4 The "ompan# p ides itse'! on "onse &ati&e !is"a' spending and is "a e!u' a3out easona3'e o gani5ationa' g o2th4 Spe"i!i"a''#,

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 9 the "ompan# "ont o's ope ations spending, te"hno'og# upg ades, 'a3o "osts, ne2 "onst u"tion "osts and ene g# "osts 2ith a "a e!u' e#e and is 9ui"8 to "hange st ategies 2hen it is deemed ne"essa #4 So"ia''#, )etsma t Cha ities is the !a"e o! the o gani5ation6s "ha ita3'e gi&ing4 )etsma t is the Gationa' 'eade in pet adoptions and the 'a gest !unde o! anima' 2e'!a e o gani5ations in the United States4 The Cha it# 2as !o med in 1991 and has a''o2ed )etsma t to "on&e# a st ong image o! "o po ate so"ia' esponsi3i'it# :2224petsma t"ha ities4o g;4 The o gani5ation is st ategi" in its gi&ing and !o"uses on "ha ities and oppo tunities di e"t'# e'ated to anima' 2e'!a e4 Th ough the "ha ita3'e gi&ing and the o3edien"e t aining p og am, the o gani5ation has the goa' to end euthanasia o! un2anted pets4 This distin"tion att a"ts emp'o#s that a e a' ead# in&o'&ed in anima' es"ue o those that ha&e a po'iti"a' inte est in anima' ights and " ue't# issues4 The emp'o#ment s"an o! the o gani5ation e&ea's that the e a e /1,000 !u'' time emp'o#ees and o&e -/,000 tota' emp'o#ees 2o 8ing !o )etsma t :2224petsma t4"omH 2224me genton'ine4"om;4 $ou '# pa t time emp'o#ees ma8e up the maBo it# o! the 2o 8!o "e4 A'' o! the 1,/00 sto es a'so ha&e a team o! 'ine manage s that o&e see the da# to da# ope ations4 The e a e se&e a' depa tments 2ithin the Sto e Suppo t ( oup, 'o"ated in )hoeni7, that p o&ide human esou "es, supp'#, and o&e sight se &i"es4 The emp'o#ment goa's o! the o gani5ation a e t2o!o'd: to etain ne2 emp'o#ees !o mo e than 90 da#s and to de&e'op high potentia' emp'o#ees into the ne7t gene ation o! 'eade s4 Te"hno'og# has 3een a 'o2 p io it# !o the o gani5ation o&e the past ten #ea s4 The e ha&e 3een s#stem 2ide upg ades, 3ut the oppo tunities a e sti'' an unde uti'i5ed to 3ette "ompete 2ith o gani5ations 'i8e Ta get and Ca'ma t4 In the 'ast 1/ months the e ha&e 3een

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 10 se&e a' ha d2a e and so!t2a e upg ades to 3 ing the o gani5ation in 'ine 2ith the "ompetition4 An *mni "hanne' app oa"h is s"hedu'ed to o'' out in /011 and 2i'' !ina''# a'ign the inte net 3usiness 2ith the 3 i"8 and mo ta 3usiness4 These t#pes o! te"hno'ogi"a' upg ades 2i'' ma8e the tas8s e7pe"ted o! 2o 8e s to 3e"ome easie and shou'd imp o&e the e7pe ien"e o! the 2o 8e and the "ustome 4 Te"hno'og# upg ades a e a'so ma8ing it easie to inte a"t 2ith $R needs &ia a "ompan# 2e3site "a''ed $RConne"t4 Chi'e this esou "e "annot ep'a"e the pa tne ships that a e ne"essa # 3et2een sto es and the sto e suppo t g oup, gi&ing emp'o#ees mo e "ont o' o&e thei pe sona' in!o mation empo2e s them and imp o&es thei 2o 8 e7pe ien"e4 Inte nationa''#, )etsma t !o me '# o2ned and ope ated sto es in ( eat E itain !o se&e a' #ea s 3ut has sin"e 'e!t the ma 8et4 The e a e no2 app o7imate'# 80 sto es in Canada, 3ut o&e a'' the e is &e # 'itt'e inte nationa' in!'uen"e on ta'ent management4 An# !u the inte nationa' g o2th 2ou'd depend on a "u'tu e that "an suppo t the same high 'e&e' o! in&estment in pet anima's and ha&e a need !o a 3ig 3o7 mode' !o these supp'ies4 China ma# 3e the ne7t ma 8et !o the o gani5ationa' mode' :Iun, /010;4 Learning online Chen "onside ing &a ious t#pes o! ta'ent management st ategies that 2ou'd 3est se &e )etsma t as an o gani5ation, it is impo tant to emem3e that the s"a'e o! the "ompan# is 9uite 'a ge and the e is a g eat amount o! ph#si"a' sepa ation 3et2een ea"h o! the 'o"ations p o&iding on3oa ding, de&e'opment, e" uiting and p omotions4 The "ompan# has a' ead# added e=t aining, on'ine pe !o man"e testing, emp'o#ee !eed3a"8 th ough so"ia' media and a 3ette inte !a"e !o $R tas8 management su"h as 3ene!its, paid time o!! 3a'an"e epo ts and othe pe sona' in!o mation4 Eut "ontinuing to de&e'op the e=$R "apa3i'ities ma# not p o&ide a 'ong te m 3ene!it !o a ta'ent management st ateg#4 Mo e emp'o#ees 2i'' 3e a''o2ed to "ont o' thei o2n destin#

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 11 in te ms o! s8i'' de&e'opment and pe sona' g o2th 2ithin the "ompan#, 3ut 2ith this method the e is 'ess a""ounta3i'it# to 'eade s !o the de&e'opment and etention o! ne2 high=potentia' ta'ent4 Co po ations ha&e "ontinuous'# in&ested in the de&e'opment o! e=t aining en&i onments, ega d'ess o! e"onomi" e"essions, in an e!!o t to in" ease the etention ate o! thei 3est emp'o#ees4 This "ontinuous in&estment ma# 3e due to the idea that e=t aining, "ompa ed to t aditiona' methods, "an edu"ate egiona''# dist i3uted 2o 8e s mo e "ost=e!!i"ient'# th ough the use o! standa di5ed t aining mate ia's4 $o2e&e , "on"e ns ega ding the &a'ue o! e=t aining a e g o2ing among p a"titione s as 2e'' as esea "he s4 These "on"e ns in"'ude 'o2e 'ea ne a"hie&ement and a 'a"8 o! inte a"tion 3et2een 'ea ne s and t aine s :E#un and Mi''s, /011, p4 ,-;4 A=t aining s#stems a''o2 "onsistent inte na' "ommuni"ation 3et2een team mem3e s4 It is a 2a# !o o gani5ations to disseminate ne2 in!o mation &e # 9ui"8'# to man# egiona' 2o 8e s4 ?*n the Bo3 'ea ning e7pe ien"es a e int insi" moti&ato s that "ont i3ute to emp'o#ee pe sona' "a ee de&e'opment@ :E#un, /011;4 The e a e se&e a' issues 2ith the adoption o! e='ea ning s#stems !o 'a ge "o po ations4 Fundamenta''#, an# 2o 8p'a"e t aining shou'd ?se &e the pu pose o! imp o&ing 3oth emp'o#ees6 pe sona' and Bo3 8no2'edge s8i'' sets the e3# ma8ing them 3ette "iti5ens o&e a''@ :E#un, /011;4 The mo e e'e&ant the 'ea ning is to the Bo3 !un"tions, 'ea ning goa's and 8no2'edge 'e&e's, the mo e e!!e"ti&e the e='ea ning 2i'' 3e4 Women in leadership Comen ma8e up t2o thi ds o! a'' etai' 2o 8e s :E oad3 idge, /007;4 The# ma8e up the maBo it# o! the ! ont 'ine se &i"e 2o 8e s, #et the# a e disp opo tionate'# unde = ep esented in manage ia' positions, pa ti"u'a '# senio positions4 Comen !a"e spe"i!i" gende e'ated "on!'i"t

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 1/ in the etai' se"to 4 Fo e7amp'e, the 8inds o! the p o3'ems en"ounte ed 3# etai' manage s in thei "a ee s 2e e ?'imiting p omotion oppo tunities and in!o ma' p o"esses o! se'e"tion that e7ist in o gani5ations@ :E oad3 idge, /007;4 The issues spe"i!i"a''# e!!e"ting 2omen manage s 2e e that 2omen a e mo e 'i8e'# to epo t p o3'ems 2ith 'a"8 o! t aining, 'a"8 o! suppo t ! om ma'e "o''eagues, 'a"8 o! o'e mode's 2ithin the o gani5ation , o gani5ationa' attitudes to2a d 2omen, and se7ua' dis" imination :E oad3 idge, /007;4 Man# o! the p o3'ems 2omen !a"e as etai' manage s e'ate to inte pe sona' o o gani5ationa' "u'tu e "'ashes4 Comen in senio etai' management a'so en"ounte 3a ie s to ad&an"ement due to ?!ami'# esponsi3i'ities, the 2a# 2o 8 is o gani5ed, o gani5ationa' "u'tu es, the 'a"8 o! !ema'e o'e mode's, and 'a"8 o! "on!iden"e and po'iti"a' a2a eness o! 2omen@ :E oad3 idge, /007;4 Chen 2omen a e e7"'uded ! om "onside ation !o management oppo tunities 2ithin the etai' se"to , the a3i'it# to " eate a ta'ent management st ateg# that p o&ides the most e!!e"ti&e use o! potentia' high a"hie&ing indi&idua's is g eat'# edu"ed4 I! 2omen a e 3ette managed and de&e'oped 2ithin the etai' se"to , then the e "ou'd 3e an e7ponentia''# deepe ta'ent poo' to d a2 ! om ega ding su""ession p'anning4 Unea ned p i&i'ege and !a&o itism a e su3t'e 3eha&io s that p omote ine9ua'it# in o gani5ationa' "u'tu e4 ?Resea "h has demonst ated the impo tan"e o! the pe "eption o! !ai ness in these t#pes o! 2o 8p'a"e de"isions as emp'o#ee attitudes, intentions, and 3eha&io s ma# 3e impa"ted 3# de"isions 2hi"h a e inte p eted to 3e un!ai @ :MuBta3a, /011;4 ounger !or"ers in retail Younge 2o 8e s a e ente ing the etai' 2o 8!o "e 2ith high e7pe"tations ega ding thei !utu e "a ee s and emp'o#ment status :$u st, 199,;4

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 1< Amp'o#ees 3 ing to the 2o 8!o "e thei o2n set o! &a'ues and e7pe"tations4 The e!o e, emp'o#e s that adBust thei human esou "e st ategies to 3e"ome mo e !'e7i3'e and potentia''# a""ommodating to emp'o#ee &a'ues, 2i'' mo e 'i8e'# att a"t a&ai'a3'e ta'ent, and u'timate'# 3e"ome the 2o 8p'a"e o! "hoi"e4 To adBust thei st ategies, emp'o#e s must e"ogni5e and, idea''#, a""ommodate gene ationa' di!!e en"es that ma# distinguish indi&idua's the# ha&e hi ed in the past ! om the ne2 'a3o poo' :$u st, 199,;4 (ene ation Y :3o n 1980=/00<; 2ants an inte''e"tua' "ha''enge, su""ess, 2ants to ma8e a di!!e en"e, and see8s emp'o#e s 2ho 2i'' !u the thei p o!essiona' de&e'opment :$u st, 199,;4 Amp'o#e s 2i'' 3e !o "ed to adapt and e&o'&e to meet the "hanging needs o! the ne7t gene ation i! the e is hope o! att a"ting and etaining the ne2 ta'ent that is a&ai'a3'e4 The o'e that supe &iso s p'a# !o #ounge ne2 emp'o#ees ma# 3e the most impo tant indi"ato o! Bo3 satis!a"tion and desi e to g o2 2ith the o gani5ation4 Resea "h has !ound that a 2o 8p'a"e 2ith high 'e&e's o! supe &iso # suppo t "an positi&e'# impa"t Bo3 pe !o man"e, Bo3 satis!a"tion, and the intent to sta# :$u st, 199,;4 In othe 2o ds, i! the 'ine manage s a e a3'e to 3ui'd e'ationships 2ith ne2 #ounge emp'o#ees and p o&ide suppo t, di e"tion and mento ing, then #ounge 2o 8e s a e mo e 'i8e'# to de&e'op into the ne7t gene ation o! 'eade s and ma8e up the needed pipe'ine !o ta'ent4 Retai'e s need to unde stand the e7pe"tations o! ne2 hi es and 3e a3'e to se'e"t t aining and mento ing st ategies that edu"e gaps 3et2een Bo3 e7pe"tations and Bo3 ea'ities4 In addition, etai'e s must e"ogni5e that di!!e ent gene ations "ome 2ith di!!e ent e7pe"tations and e9ui e di!!e ent s#stems o! mento ing and t aining4 Re" uitment st ategies that emp'o#e s need to use to att a"t, e" uit, etain and moti&ate #oung peop'e in the t2ent#=!i st "entu # 2i'' need to e'# 'ess hea&i'# on t aditiona' pa# and 3ene!its

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 11 :i4e4 Bo3 se"u it#;, and instead !o"us mo e hea&i'# on " eating a 2o 8 en&i onment that a''o2s indi&idua's to g o2 and de&e'op4 Io3 se"u it# is not a moti&ato 3e"ause (en Y does not e7pe"t 'ong=te m emp'o#ment, 2hi"h ma# !it 2e'' in the etai' se"to due to high tu no&e 4 Conse9uent'#, some suggested st ategies !o (en Y emp'o#e s in"'ude: in" easing emp'o#ees6 ma 8eta3'e s8i''s &ia "ontinued t aining and de&e'opmentH p o&iding "ha''enging 2o 8 assignments and tas8 &a iet#H o!!e ing "ontinuous !eed3a"8 ega ding pe !o man"e and instant g ati!i"ation &ia pe 8s and 3onusesH !oste ing a !'e7i3'e 2o 8 en&i onment that en"ou ages a 2o 8>!ami'# 3a'an"eH and e"ogni5ing that pa# a'one 2i'' not 3e enough to etain emp'o#ees :$u st, 199,;4 Cithin the o gani5ationa' "u'tu e, these shi!ts 3e"ome mo e ea'isti" as mo e #oung 2o 8e s t ansition to 'eade ship positions4 Chen the o gani5ation has the in!'uen"e and pe spe"ti&e o! #ounge 2o 8e s, the e is mo e moti&ation !o "hange4 F'e7i3i'it# and pe sona' "ha''enge and de&e'opment must 3e a pa t o! !utu e ta'ent management st ategies4 It is un ea'isti" to e7pe"t that #ounge 2o 8e s 2i'' !ee' a st ong 'o#a't# to an o gani5ation that "annot o!!e them Bo3 se"u it#, 3ene!its, a !'e7i3'e s"hedu'e, 'imited 2ee8'# hou s 2o 8ed, o ad&an"ement oppo tunities as etai' has done in the past4 The indust # must adapt to the needs o! the ne2 high potentia' 2o 8e s and o!!e an enti"ement that is t u'# moti&ationa'4 $ome Depot has ea'i5ed the "hanging needs and pe spe"ti&es o! #ounge 2o 8e s and has " eated a 'eade ship t aining p og am that !o"uses on the ne2 t#pes o! 2o 8 that (en Y 2o 8e s a e e7"ited to sign up !o :Do2e'', /010;4 The# ha&e de&e'oped t2o p og ams that o!!e : Mu'ti=hu d'e, intense se'e"tion p o"esses, " oss=dis"ip'ina # otationa' assignments o! a du ation su!!i"ient to ma8e a "ont i3ution to the 3usiness unit, "ent a'i5ed "'ass oom

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 1'ea ning as a "oho t, and unp e"edented a""ess to senio 3usiness 'eade s th ough mu'tip'e !o ums :Do2e'', /010;4 The# a'so o!!e these #oung 'eade ship t ainees otationa' assignments in ope ations, IT, me "handising, and supp'# "hain4 The# a e gi&en hands on 'eade ship e7pe ien"e in the !ie'd ope ations, high=&isi3i'it# team 3ased p oBe"ts, and p esentation o! esu'ts and e"ommendations to the e7e"uti&e 'eade ship team :Do2e'', /010;4 The $ome Depot is "hanging the 2a# that the# engage 2o 8e s to meet the needs o! #ounge high potentia' ta'ent4 Young 2o 8e s !ee' &a'ued, 'i8e the# a e ma8ing a di!!e en"e and the# a e !a mo e engaged than thei pee s 2ho a e sti'' 2o 8ing in mo e t aditiona' etai' 2o 8e o'es4 E# 3ette unde standing the potentia' that these indi&idua's ho'd, o gani5ations "an 'e&e age thei e7pe ien"e to de&e'op ne2 ideas and in" ease e&enue4 Talent Management Strategy It is e"ommended that )etsma t adopt a st ateg#=d i&en integ ated ta'ent management mode' as suggested 3# Do2e'' and Si'5e :/010;4 A e" uitment st ateg# aimed at ne2 "o''ege g aduates and high potentia' !ema'e 2o 8e s must 3e added to the o gani5ation6s ta'ent st ateg#4 These g oups ep esent the maBo it# o! 2o 8e s in the etai' indust #, 3ut a e not ep esentati&e o! the e7e"uti&e 'eade ship o the 'ine management that is p esent in the o gani5ation4 Retention o! these indi&idua's 2i'' on'# 3e possi3'e 2ith "a e!u' de&e'opment and suppo t4 Younge 2o 8e s e9ui e time'# !eed3a"8 ! om supe &iso s, st et"h assignments and di&e se on the Bo3 "ha''enges :$u st, 199,;4 Comen in 'eade ship e9ui e !ema'e o'e mode's, un3iased oppo tunities !o top 'eade ship positions, and mo e suppo t and in"'usion in the o gani5ationa' "u'tu e :E oad3 idge, /007;4 In toda#6s 3usiness en&i onment, dis" imination o! an# 8ind "annot 3e to'e ated4 A'' 2o 8e s need to spend 'ess time 'ea ning ! om "ompute s and mo e time 3ui'ding e'ationships

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 1, 2ith thei supe &iso s and 'ea ning !a"e to !a"e :E#un, /011;4 +eade s must "ommit to p o&iding this time to a'' 2o 8e s, and shou'd unde stand that this 'e&e' o! t aining and suppo t o!!e s the 3est "han"e at ea' 'ea ning and de&e'opment4 Implementation The imp'ementation o! a st ateg#=d i&en ta'ent management mode' has a 'ot o! potentia' positi&e impa"t !o the etai' se"to , and mo e spe"i!i"a''#, )etsma t4 Some o! the 3ene!its this st ateg# o!!e s a e: Di e"t'# suppo ts the a"hie&ement o! 3usiness st ategies, !a"i'itates st ategi" nim3'eness and the a3i'it# to adapt 9ui"8'# to "hanges in st ateg#, suppo ts and pu sues the e!!i"ient use o! esou "es 3# se'e"ti&e in&estment, !o"used p og ams, and "oo dinated e!!o ts, integ ates and "onne"ts &a ious e!!o ts and p og ams to a''o2 eas# a'ignment and simp'e t ansitions ! om p o"ess to p o"ess, !o"uses e&e #one on pu suing sha ed "ompan# goa's and o3Be"ti&es and en"ou ages "o''a3o ation and team2o 84 It ensu es st ong 'in8s 3et2een ta'ent de"isions and 3usiness de"isions, identi!ies and etains high=potentia' ta'ent that !its st ategi" 3usiness needs and 3ui'ds an o gani5ationa' "u'tu e as 2e'' as &a'ues a ound ta'ent, and !ina''# en"ou ages and e9ui es o3Be"ti&e measu ement o! ta'ent out"omes and impa"t on st ateg# su""ess :Do2e'', /010;4 E# imp'ementing a st ateg#=d i&en ta'ent management p'an, the o gani5ation "an " eate a mo e suppo ti&e and de&e'opmenta' p'a"e !o 2omen in 'eade ship4 Comen a e the p ima # "ustome s, and the# a'so ma8e up the maBo it# o! the 2o 8!o "e :E oad3 idge, /007;4 The "ompan# must e"ogni5e the &a'ue that these indi&idua's ha&e to o!!e and unde stand that 3e#ond ethi"a' 3usiness p a"ti"es, this t#pe o! st ategi" suppo t "an add to the 3ottom 'ine4

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 17 The se"ond "hange to the ta'ent management st ateg# must "ome in the 2a# the #ounge gene ation is engaged and de&e'oped4 The di!!e en"es in e7pe ien"es 'ead these indi&idua's to e7pe"t something mo e ! om 'eade ship and the# 2i'' not sta# i! those needs a en6t 3eing met4 The #ounge gene ation has a 'ot to o!!e and the# ma8e up a 'a ge po tion o! the etai' 2o 8!o "e :$u st, /009;4 E# a'te ing and enhan"ing the st u"tu e o! e'ationships, e7panding Bo3 o'es and o!!e ing st et"h assignments, etai' o gani5ations "an 3ette "onne"t 2ith the #ounge 2o 8e and 2i'' ha&e a 3ette "han"e to de&e'op those indi&idua's into the ne7t gene ation o! 'eade s4 Fina''#, 3# 3ui'ding a ta'ent management st ateg# that does not e'# so'e'# on e=t aining !o the t aining o! ne2 emp'o#ees, the o gani5ationa' "u'tu e 2i'' en"ou age mo e "onne"tion and 3ui'd 3ette mento ing e'ationships 3et2een 2o 8e s and supe &iso s4 It is impo tant to ensu e that a'' emp'o#ees in &a ious egiona' a eas e"ei&e e9ua' t aining, 3ut this t aining shou'd not "ome at the "ost o! pe sona' e'ationships and t ue suppo t and de&e'opment ! om 'eade s 2ithin the o gani5ation4 Monitoring and Measurement +i8e most o gani5ations, )etsma t sti"8s to ?3asi" ta'ent met i"s, su"h as tu no&e and time to !i'' a position@ :Do2e'', /010;4 The most di!!i"u't aspe"t o! ta'ent management !o an o gani5ation 'i8e )etsma t, is the di!!i"u't# in monito ing p og am !o''o2 th ough and e!!e"ti&eness in 1,/00 'o"ations sp ead a'' a" oss the "ount #4 It is not su p ising that the "ompan# has tu ned to e=t aining as an eas# !i7 to the gaps that o""u in t aining due to m# iad mitigating "i "umstan"es that "ause ea"h egion to ope ate outside o! the e7pe"tations o! the "o po ate st u"tu e4 ?Chat a e the "omp'e7ities and 'imitations o! measu ing ta'ent management e!!e"ti&eness against 3 oad o gani5ationa' pe !o man"eJ Chat is the 3est o gani5ationa' 'e&e' to esta3'ish these met i"sJ@ :Do2e'', /010;4 A7e"uti&e management, 'ine management, and human

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 18 esou "e and ta'ent management p a"titione s as the th ee 8e# sta8eho'de s 2hen attempting to imp'ement a ne2 ta'ent management st ateg# :Do2e'', /010;4 Cithin )etsma t, o!ten the e7e"uti&e management and the "ent a'i5ed $R team a e on the same page due to thei "'ose ph#si"a' p o7imit# and st onge 2o 8ing e'ationships4 +ine manage s, !a mo e de"ent a'i5ed ! om the o gani5ationa' "u'tu e, a e as8ed to de'i&e an# ne2 st ateg# o'e outs and the 'e&e' o! 3u#=in the# ho'd di e"t'# e!!e"ts the a""ounta3i'it# that the# !ee' to2a d att a"ting, de&e'oping and etaining st ategi" ta'ent4 ?In de"ent a'i5ed o gani5ations, 'o2e 'e&e' manage ia' Bo3s a e mo e gene a'ist and p oa"ti&e, 2ith g eate emphasis on ent ep eneu ia', esou "e a''o"ation, 'iaison and human esou "e management a"ti&ities than those in "ent a'i5ed o gani5ations@ :$a'es, 199,;4 Cith this e7pe"tation shou'd "ome enough human esou "es t aining and de&e'opment !o manage s so that the# a e p epa ed to he'p an# indi&idua' 2ho has potentia' !o g o2th4 E# using <,0 !eed3a"8 e&ie2s, 'ine manage s 2i'' 3e a""ounta3'e to thei teams !o p o&iding de&e'opment oppo tunities and 3ui'ding e'ationships that !a"i'itate high potentia' ta'ent g o2th4 The <,0 !eed3a"8 e&ie2 2i'' !o"us on aspe"ts o! app oa"ha3i'it#, !ai ness, p o!essiona' suppo t, !oste ing e'ationships and 3ui'ding st ong "ommuni"ation4 In addition, pe !o man"e app aisa's 2i'' 3e done 2ith the indi&idua's6 ta'ents in mind and mo e in!o mation and !eed3a"8 a3out possi3'e "a ee options and "a ee path goa's 2ithin the o gani5ation4 Chi'e CA* suppo t is ne"essa #, 'ine manage s 2i'' 3e the !a"e o! the insta''ing ta'ent management as a "o e 3usiness p a"ti"e4 #onclusion )etsma t &a'ues "a ing !o its "ustome s, thei pets, and its emp'o#ees4 The o gani5ation has made "hanges to 3ette suppo t the peop'e that a e on the ! ont 'ines o! "ustome se &i"e and

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 19 spe"ia'i5ed pet se &i"es4 The o gani5ation is poised to " eate a ta'ent management st ateg# that app'ies a mo e sophisti"ated app oa"h to managing spe"i!i" g oups o! indi&idua's that 2i'' d i&e the 3usiness to g eate su""ess4 E# adapting ta'ent management p a"ti"es to 3ette suppo t and in"'ude #ounge 2o 8e s and !ema'e manage s, and 3# adapting some aspe"ts o! e=t aining o ep'a"ing po tions o! it 2ith a"tua' 'eade ship mento ing, the o gani5ation "an 3ette manage the high potentia' ta'ent that it has and a'te the pe "eption o! etai' as a "a ee "hoi"e !o man# indi&idua's4 The su""ess o! this t#pe o! ta'ent management p'an e'ies upon e7e"uti&e 'eade ship, $R mange s and 'ine manage s a'' adopting the p o"ess and emaining &igi'ant in the administ ation and suppo t o! the ne2 "o e 3usiness st ateg#4 +ine manage s must adapt thei 3eha&io to p o&ide mo e "ha''enge, !eed3a"8 and pe sona' "onne"tion 2ith #ounge 2o 8e s4 The# must a'so see8 out high potentia' 2omen to de&e'op as 'eade s and a&oid the ?3o#s "'u3@ menta'it# and othe dis" iminato # 3eha&io s that e7"'ude 2omen ! om etai' management o'es4 A7e"uti&e 'eade s must ma8e a "ommitment to o!!e mo e di e"to 'e&e' o'es to 2omen and de&e'op mo e !ema'e o'e mode's !o up and "oming indi&idua's4 ) o&iding mo e !'e7i3i'it# and adapta3i'it# in Bo3 o'es, s"hedu'ing and p omotion oppo tunities suppo ts 3oth g oups and "an ma8e it possi3'e !o mo e high potentia' 2o 8e s to Boin the o gani5ation4 Fina''#, 'ine manage s must in" ease se'!=a2a eness and see8 to de&e'op thei o2n 'eade ship s8i''s in o de to suppo t the goa's o! othe s and !ind ne2 and " eati&e 2a#s to de&e'op indi&idua's that a e o! g eat &a'ue to the o gani5ation, 3ut "hoose to 'ea&e !o oppo tunities that 3ette !it thei needs and e"ogni5e the high &a'ue o! thei ta'ents and gi!ts4

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /0 $eferences E oad3 idge, A4 :/007;4 Dominated 3# 2omen: managed 3# menJ The "a ee de&e'opment p o"ess o! etai' manage s4 International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, <-:1/;, 9-,=9714 doi:1041108>09-90--07108<-19< E#un, S4, & Mi''s, I4 A4 :/011;4 A7p'o ing the C eation o! +ea ne =Cente ed A=T aining An&i onments among Retai' Co 8e s: A Mode' De&e'opment )e spe"ti&e4 C#3e ps#"ho'og#, Behavior & Social Networking, 11:1>/;, ,-=,94 doi:1041089>"#3e 4/009400,, Do2e'', E4 A4 & Si'5e , R4 :/010;4 Strategy !riven talent management" # lea!ershi$ im$erative4 San F an"is"o, CA: Iosse#=Eass4 $a'es, C4, & Tamangani, K4 :199,;4 An in&estigation o! the e'ationship 3et2een o gani5ationa' st u"tu e, manage ia' o'es e7pe"tations and manage s6 2o 8 a"ti&ities4 Journal of Management Stu!ies, <<:,;, 7<1=7-,4 $e mann, L4, Lomm, A4, & Smit, S4 :/011;4 Do #ou ha&e the ight 'eade s !o #ou g o2th st ategiesJ4 Mckinsey %uarterly, :/;, //=/,4 $u st, I4 +4, & (ood, +4 L4 :/009;4 (ene ation Y and "a ee "hoi"e: The impa"t o! etai' "a ee pe "eptions, e7pe"tations and entit'ement pe "eptions4 &he 'areer Develo$ment International, 11:,;, -70=-9<4 doi:1041108>1<,/01<0910997<0< Iun, I4 :/010, *"to3e /;4 )etsma t in China4 #gen!a in Business4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>agenda3eiBing4"om>top=dog=#an='ei=o!=the='ee=pet> MuBta3a, E4, & Sims, R4 :/011;4 (ende di!!e en"es in manage ia' attitudes to2a ds unea ned p i&i'ege and !a&o itism in the etai' se"to 4 (m$loyee Res$onsibilities & Rights Journal, /<:<;, /0-=/174 doi:1041007>s10,7/=010=91,/=#

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /1 )etsma t4"om>"ompan# in!o mation et ie&ed ! om http:>>ph74"o po ate=i 4net>phoeni745htm'J "M9<-0,&pMi o'=homep o!i'e )ATsMART, I4 "4 :n4d;4 )ATsMART, In"4 10L o Inte nationa' A9ui&a'ent /0114 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>2224me genton'ine4"om477p o7#4smumn4edu>"ompan#detai'4phpJ paget#peMs#nopsis&"ompnum3e M77<19 Sa8ai, L4, Matos, L4, (a'ins8#, A4 :/008;4 Retai' indust # emp'o#ees and tu no&e 4 )amilies an! *ork Institute4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>!ami'iesand2o 84o g>site> esea "h> epo ts>Tu no&e AndRetai'4pd!

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 // Artifact Summary %: &rgani'ational #hange Plan Analysis I ha&e "hosen m# o gani5ationa' "hange p'an ana'#sis pape ! om *+ ,1- . * gani5ationa' Change and De&e'opment, as m# eighth a ti!a"t4 I p epa ed an ana'#sis o! T*MS Shoes 2hi"h is an o gani5ation that "om3ines phi'anth op# and p o!it in a easona3'# su""ess!u' 2a#4 Eased on !eed3a"8 ! om "onsume s and " iti"s, T*MS Shoes 2as a3'e to est u"tu e the t#pe o! "ha ita3'e gi&ing the# o!!e and ho2 thei p odu"ts a e made to suppo t a mo e so"ia''# esponsi3'e e7isten"e4 Resea "hing this "ompan# and 2 iting this ana'#sis 2as one o! the most pe sona''# in!'uentia' assignments o! the MA*+ p og am4 I 3egan to "ha''enge m# pe spe"ti&e and pe "eption o! the o'e o! 3usiness in so"ia''# esponsi3'e 3eha&io 4 I am a'so a2a e o! the 2a#s in 2hi"h o gani5ations "an 3est suppo t so"ia' agendas in espe"t!u' and inno&ati&e 2a#s that "an do the most good4 This ne2 unde standing has he'ped me to dete mine the t#pes o! o gani5ations that I 2ant to Boin and 2hat t#pes o! "o po ate so"ia' esponsi3i'it# shou'd 3e app oa"hed 2ith "aution4 This a ti!a"t a'igns 2ith the se&enth * gani5ationa' +eade ship p og am 'ea ning out"ome 3# o!!e ing an oppo tunit# to "ondu"t esea "h and "ommuni"ate esu'ts su""ess!u''# :St4 Ma #6s Uni&e sit#, n4d4;4 As m# 2 iting and esea "h s8i''s ha&e imp o&ed th oughout the p og am, I !ee' mo e "apa3'e o! "ommuni"ating the hea t o! the issue and de&e'oping a uni9ue pe spe"ti&e th ough m# 2 iting4 The a ti!a"t a'so demonst ates the "ou se out"omes that sho2 m# a3i'it# to e&a'uate oppo tunities !o p'anned and eme gent "hange app oa"hes and identi!# o3sta"'es to "hange and st ategies to add ess them :St4 Ma #6s Uni&e sit#, /01<;4

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /< Re!e en"es Saint Ma #6s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota4 :n4d4;4 /01<=/01- Cata'og & hand3oo8: S"hoo's o! g aduate and p o!essiona' p og ams4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>"ata'og4smumn4edu>mime >media>&ie2>1/>8/1>/01<=1-=S())4pd! Saint Ma #6s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota4 :/01<;4 M4A4 in o gani5ationa' 'eade ship 4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>2224smumn4edu>g aduate=home>a eas=o!=stud#>g aduate=s"hoo'=o!=3usiness= te"hno'og#>ma=in=o gani5ationa'='eade ship

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /1

* gani5ationa' Change )'an Ana'#sis $eathe Ande son Saint Ma #%s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota S"hoo's o! ( aduate & ) o!essiona' ) og ams *+ ,1- . * gani5ationa' Change and De&e'opment De"em3e 1-, /01<

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /Introduction T*MS Shoes 2as " eated in /00, 2ith the "on"ept that !o ea"h pai o! shoes pu "hased, the o gani5ation 2ou'd donate anothe pai to a "hi'd in need4 T*MS is po t a#ed as a p og essi&e and so"ia''# !o"used o gani5ation 2he e 2o 8e s a e engaged in so"ia' "hange on an indi&idua' 3asis4 The 2e3site eads: ?he e at T*MS $N, 2e a e su ounded 3# peop'e d i&en to 3e the "hange, 3oth on thei T*MS p oBe"ts and 3e#ond@ :http:>>2224toms4"om>sto ies>"atego #>"u'tu e>;4 Eased on the idea o! the go'den "i "'e " eated 3# Sine8 :/009; T*MS has 3een su""ess!u' 3e"ause the message o! 2h# the o gani5ation 2as " eated esonates 2ith so man# indi&idua's on a 3asi" 'e&e'4 Sine8 states: ?)eop'e don6t 3u# 2hat #ou do, the# 3u# 2h# #ou do it@ :/009;4 T*MS Shoes has 3een &e # su""ess!u' 3ut has a'so un into "ustome and media 3a"8'ash due to the 'a"8 o! sophisti"ation the "o po ate so"ia' esponsi3i'it# impa"t that the 3u# one, gi&e one donation mode' has4 Chen the o gani5ation gi&es shoes a2a#, the e is an impa"t on 'o"a' e"onomies and the a"t does not add ess the a"tua' needs o! the peop'e in poo "ommunities4 The "u ent in!'u7 o! shoes into an eme ging e"onom# ma8es a 'ot o! assumptions a3out the needs o! that 'o"a' e"onom# 2ithout ea''# unde standing ho2 those p odu"ts 2i'' e!!e"t 'o"a' a tisans and 3usiness o2ne s, the "u'tu e o! the peop'e o ho2 the mone# spent on these shoes "ou'd 3e 3ette spent :Coste''o, /01/;4 Implemented #hange Process T*MS has 3egun to "hange the 2a# that the# manu!a"tu e the shoes that a e gi&en a2a#4 The# a e "ommitted to ensu ing one thi d o! a'' gi&ing shoes 2i'' 3e p odu"ed in the "ommunities that the shoes a e meant !o 3# /01:http:>>'i&e4hu!!ingtonpost4"om> >a "hi&e>segment>toms=!ounde = esponds=to=one=!o =one=

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /, " iti"ism>-/8101/e!e<1111ea8000/"a;4 This t#pe o! "hange e9ui es a g eat dea' o! te"hno'ogi"a' and manu!a"tu ing "hange management4 Initia''#, T*MS 2as hesitant to ma8e these t#pes o! "hanges, 3e"ause o! the !inan"ia' and 'ogisti"a' imp'i"ations that seemed di!!i"u't to o&e "ome :Chu, /01<;4 Cu ent'#, China is the 'eading p odu"e !o the etai'e 6s p odu"ts, 3ut no2 the# 2i'' ha&e to 'oo8 to 'ess g'o3a''# "onne"ted pa ts o! the 2o 'd 2he e p odu"tion and dist i3ution #ontinuous Improvement( T)M and Learning #ulture Fo an o gani5ation 'i8e T*MS Shoes, ho2 and 2he e the p odu"ts a e made is Bust as impo tant as the 9ua'it# o! the p odu"ts4 This so"ia' and te"hno'ogi"a' 'in8 e9ui es the o gani5ation to p o"eed "a e!u''# and de'i3e ate'# to p odu"e its p odu"ts4 Tota' Nua'it# Management has man# 3ene!its !o an o gani5ation 'i8e T*MS shoes4 A'though it is a phi'osoph# usua''# imp'emented 3# 'a ge o gani5ations, the !a"t 3ased app oa"h "an he'p 3ui'd a "u'tu e o! 'ea ning that 2i'' meet the goa's and &a'ues o! the o gani5ation4 E'a"8 and )o te :Cen3in, /009; dete mined that the " iti"a' TNM su""ess !a"to s a e: peop'e and "ustome management, supp'ie pa tne ships, "ommuni"ation o! imp o&ement in!o mation, "ustome satis!a"tion o ientation, e7te na' inte !a"e management, st ategi" 9ua'it# management, team2o 8 st u"tu es !o imp o&ement, ope ationa' 9ua'it# p'anning, 9ua'it# imp o&ement measu ement s#stems, and "o po ate 9ua'it# "u'tu e :p4 <8;4 A""o ding to Cen3in :/00<;, TNM is a phi'osoph# that is !o"used on "ustome e'ations4 This is a'so a p ima # !o"us !o T*MS Shoes4 The o gani5ation unde stands the impa"t o! "ustome sentiment on the so"ia' message o! thei o gani5ation4 Cithout a st ong "ustome !o"us, it 2i'' 3e"ome di!!i"u't to "onne"t the media and 3u#ing pu3'i" to the message o! the o gani5ation and "ause the gi&ing mode' to !ai'4

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /7 *ne aspe"t o! TNM that is 3eing uti'i5ed at T*MS Shoes is !'e7i3'e 2o 8 teams4 ?The team mem3e s Boint'# assign tas8s and t ans!e 2o 8e s ! om one tas8 to anothe as ne"essa #@ :Iones, /01/;4 Design teams "an 3e seen on the 2e3site 2o 8ing in g oups 2ithout igid st u"tu e o hie a "h# :http:>>2224toms4"om>sto ies>2eOa e>a='ette =! om=ou ="hie!=gi&ing=o!!i"e >;4 The est u"tu ing that has ta8en p'a"e has 3een "u'tu a' in that the o gani5ation has "hanged its unde standing o! ho2 "ha ita3'e gi&ing t u'# impa"ts othe "ommunities4 E# 2o 8ing 2ith mo e sophisti"ated st ategi" pa tne s and 3# 3eing mo e adapta3'e in the 3eginning, the CA* might ha&e 3een a3'e to a&oid some o! the pu3'i" 3a"8'ash and " eate a supp'# "hain that suppo ted 'o"a' e"onomies4 M#"os8ie 2as pu3'i"'# de!iant against the " iti"ism at !i st, 3ut e&entua''# e'ented and is no2 edesigning his supp'# "hain to " eate a mo e so"ia''# a2a e and esponsi3'e and suppo ti&e supp'# "hain4 In su"h a sma'' and #oung o gani5ation that is not "ont o''ed 3# a 3oa d o sto"8ho'de s, the attitudes and 3e'ie!s o! the CA* set the tone !o the g oup6s a3i'it# to "hange4 M#"os8ie, the CA* o! T*MS Shoes, 2as initia''# the most esistant to "hange 3e"ause he 3ased his gi&ing mode' on the Ceste n !aith 3ased o gani5ations he had 3een a pa t o! in the past4 These o gani5ations pa tne 2ith 'o"a' "hu "hes 2hen gi&ing4 This "onne"tion is not a'2a#s positi&e'# &ie2ed 3# "onsume s 2ho see8 out so"ia''# esponsi3'e etai'e s :Coste''o, /01/;4 The e 2as 'itt'e anth opo'ogi"a' o so"io'ogi"a' esea "h done 3# the o gani5ation to dete mine the most e!!e"ti&e 2a# to ma8e an impa"t in eme ging e"onomies4 * gani5ationa' +ea ning is a p o"ess !o imp o&ing a"tions th ough 3ette 8no2'edge and unde standing4 ?It is espe"ia''# mani!est in the idea' !o m o! 'ea ning o gani5ation that is 'in8s 'ea ning to "ompetiti&e ad&antage o! !i ms@ :Cen3in, /009;4 A'though the CA* o! T*MS Shoes, E'a8e M#"os8ie, 2as initia''# esistant to the " iti"ism a3out the t ue impa"t o! gi&ing a2a# shoes 2hen the "ommunities he se &ed ea''#

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /8 needed Bo3s instead, he 2as a3'e to 'ea n ! om it and !ind a 2a# to adapt manu!a"tu ing and dist i3ution to 3ene!it these "ommunities4 In this "ase, the 'e&e' o! "onsume 'ea ning and sophisti"ation su passed the unde standing o! the o gani5ation4 The o gani5ation is "u ent'# p odu"ing the shoes it gi&es a2a# in Len#a, Athiopia, A gentina and China4 The# a e testing p odu"tion in India and a e 'oo8ing to e7pand manu!a"tu ing in A! i"a and othe egions4 The# a e a'so 'oo8ing to use 'o"a''# p odu"ed te7ti'es in the !utu e :http:>>2224toms4"om>e&o'&ing= ou =gi&ing>'Pe7panding='o"a'=p odu"tion;4 The o gani5ation too8 !eed3a"8 ! om the "onsume and uti'i5ed the ideas and e!!o ts o! team mem3e s to !ind a 2a# to "apita'i5e on 2he e and ho2 thei p odu"ts a e p odu"ed4 E# a'te ing thei app oa"h, the# 2e e a3'e to sta# t ue to thei mission and message and p o&ed adapta3'e to "hanges in ho2 "onsume s unde stand 'ogisti"s and the impa"t o! so"ia' esponsi3i'it# initiati&es on "ommunities 2ith eme ging e"onomi" ma 8ets4 T)M *arriers and moving for!ard !ith sustaina*le change Resea "h sho2s that imp'ementing TNM "an meet esistan"e 2hen the e is a 'a"8 o! "ustome o ientation, 'a"8 o! p'anning !o 9ua'it#, 'a"8 o! tota' in&o'&ement, 'a"8 o! management "ommitment, and a 'a"8 o! esou "es :Cen3in, /01<, p4 <9;4 It is "'ea due to the "ontinued !inan"ia' su""ess o! T*MS Shoes that the "ustome s 2e e 2ith them a'' a'ong4 The "ompan# ea"ted in a time'# manne to pu3'i" "on"e n and 2as a3'e to a&oid 'osing "ustome 'o#a't#4 The !ounde , M#"os8ie, has 3een a"ti&e in the media sha ing the "hanges that the o gani5ation is going th ough and appea s to 3e on 3oa d and 'eading his o gani5ation to2a d tota' 9ua'it# management and "ontinuous imp o&ement4 The e ha&e 3een no epo ts o! emp'o#ee esistan"e and the o gani5ation appea s "ommitted to 3egin "hanges that 2i'' !u the g o2 the g'o3a' in&o'&ement o! eme ging e"onomies in p odu"tion and dist i3ution4 * gani5ationa' 'ea ning

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 /9 de&e'ops a'ong an e&o'utiona # and e7pe ientia' p o"ess4 Continuous imp o&ement is a &ehi"'e o d i&ing !o "e !o 'ea ning mo e :Cen3in, /01<;4 $ecommendation for Improvement The on'ine etai'e Giso'o is a'so 2o 8ing to "onne"t the needs o! the de&e'oping 2o 'd 2ith so"ia''# minded "ustome s4 The o gani5ation sha es: I! #ou ha&e spent mu"h time in the de&e'oping 2o 'd, #ou ha&e p o3a3'# noti"ed the ta'ent, hope, and dedi"ation e&ident in the midst o! impo&e ished "ommunities4 You ha&e p o3a3'# met ema 8a3'e peop'e 2ith p'ent# o! ta'ent and potentia' #et 2ho 'a"8 a""ess :to "apita', t aining, esta3'ished ma 8ets, et"4; and t ue oppo tunit#4 The Giso'o team has spent e7tensi&e time in &a ious egions o! the de&e'oping 2o 'd, and 'i8e #ou, 2e ha&e 2anted to "ome up 2ith so'utions to add ess this inBusti"e4 Ce ha&e !ound that in man# "ases, the g eatest need in the de&e'oping 2o 'd is not !o mate ia' donations o! shoes, "'othing, o !ood4 Co 8ing to p o&ide in this manne is a 2a# o! add essing the Qe!!e"tsQ o! po&e t# :'a"8 o! shoes, 'a"8 o! "'othes, hunge et"4; Instead, ou goa' is to add ess one o! the main "auses o! mate ia' po&e t#: 'a"8 o! a "onsistent Bo3 o 'i&e'ihood :http:>>2224niso'oshoes4"om>a3out=us>ou ="ause>;4

The g'o3a' en&i onment is &o'ati'e, unst u"tu ed, "omp'e7 and am3iguous :Iohansen, /01<;4 This is espe"ia''# t ue 2hen attempting to in!'uen"e de&e'oping "u'tu es that a e un!ami'ia and a'so meet the needs o! high'# sophisti"ated "ustome s that a e a'so attempting to 3ette unde stand the am3iguit# o! the g'o3a' "ommunit# and ha&e a positi&e impa"t 2hi'e sti'' e"ei&ing high 9ua'it# p odu"ts4 E# adopting the ?Eu# *ne, (i&e *ne@ mode', T*MS Shoes has added a 'e&e' o! "omp'e7it# to thei o gani5ation that "ha''enges the 'ean and e!!i"ient manu!a"tu ing goa's o!

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 <0 TNM4 E# !o"using on !u the de&e'oping "ontinuous imp o&ement and tota' 9ua'it# management o! the p odu"t 'ines that it is unning a'' o&e the 2o 'd, T*MS 2i'' 3e 3ette suited to sustain g'o3a' gi&ing and he'p othe "ommunities de&e'op sustaina3'e e"onomi" 3ene!its4 T*MS shou'd a'so "ontinue its * gani5ationa' +ea ning in the sphe e o! "ha ita3'e gi&ing and so"ia' esponsi3i'it# so that it "an 3est uti'i5e its &ast esou "es to do the most good4 ?Eu# *ne, (i&e *ne@ ma# 3e the ha''ma 8 o! the o gani5ation, 3ut the g oup ma# ha&e to ta8e a se ious 'oo8 at the t ue etu n on in&estment !o that so t o! anti9uated and dange ous gi&ing mode' as it "ontinues to 'oo8 !o 2a#s to imp o&e in the !utu e4

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 <1 $eferences Ande son, $4 :/01<, Go&em3e ,;4 T*MS Shoes4 Saint Ma #6s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota4 Chu, I4, & Ceiss, I4 :/01<;4 The Co33'e 6s Conund um4 Fast Compan#, :177;, 98=11/4Conge , I4 A4, & Lanungo, R4 G4 :1988;4 Cha ismati" 'eade ship: The e'usi&e !a"to in o gani5ationa' e!!e"ti&eness4 San F an"is"o, CA: Iosse#=Eass Coste''o, A4 :/01/, Ma "h 1-;4 T*MS Shoes: A "'ose 'oo8 R)od"astS4 Tin# Spa 84 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>2224tin#spa 84o g>pod"asts>toms=shoes> Iohansen, E4 :/01<;4 Ga&igating the TUCA Co 'd4 Resea "h Te"hno'og# Management, -,:1;, 104 doi:104-1<7>089-,<087-,0100< Iones, (4 R4 :/01/;4 * gani5ationa' theo #, design, and "hange4 Uppe Sadd'e Ri&e , GI: ) enti"e $a''4 Sine8, S4 :/009;4 Simon Sine8: $o2 g eat 'eade s inspi e a"tion RTideo !i'eS4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>2224ted4"om>ta'8s>simonOsine8Oho2Og eatO'eade sOinspi eOa"tion4htm' Singh, I4, & Singh, $4 :/01<;4 Continuous Imp o&ement St ategies: An *&e &ie24 IU) Iou na' o! *pe ations Management, 1/:1;, </=-74 Cen3in, G4, & $ong#i, S4 :/009;4 The e'ationship among o gani5ationa' 'ea ning, "ontinuous imp o&ement and pe !o man"e imp o&ement: An e&o'utiona # pe spe"ti&e4 Tota' Nua'it# Management & Eusiness A7"e''en"e, /0:10;, 1011=10-14 doi:1041080>1178<<,090</17<1/

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 </ Artifact Summary +: Integrated Learning ,orum I ha&e "hosen m# integ ated 'ea ning !o um p esentation ! om *+ ,-1 . St ateg# and Inno&ation !o m# ninth and !ina' a ti!a"t summa #4 The assignment e9ui ed detai'ed esea "h, a tea"hing e7pe ien"e in the !o m o! a Toi"e Th ead, and a st ategi" a"tion p oposa'4 I esea "hed a " eati&e too' de&e'oped and used 3# Eoston Chi'd en6s $ospita' "a''ed the inno&ation 'i!e"#"'e mode'4 This mode' p o&ides a oadmap !o an#one 2ithin the o gani5ation to e"ogni5e, de&e'op and imp'ement oppo tunities !o "hange and "hange management4 Du ing this "ou se the 3ene!its o! " eati&it#, inno&ation and di&e se teams 2e e e&ea'ed4 The te"hni9ues to 3est engage int o&e ts and " eati&e team mem3e s ha&e "hanged ho2 I inte a"t 2ith and 'ead "o''eagues and emp'o#ees4 Unde standing ho2 peop'e 3est pe !o m and de&e'op, and the o'e o! " eati&it# and inno&ation in "hange management has g eat'# enhan"ed m# &ie2 o! o gani5ationa' 'eade ship4 This a ti!a"t a'igns 2ith the eighth * gani5ationa' +eade ship p og am 'ea ning out"ome 3# sho2ing ho2 to " eate an o gani5ationa' "u'tu e o! di&e sit# and in"'usion :St4 Ma #6s Uni&e sit#, n4d4;4 De&e'oping inno&ation too's that suppo t the pa ti"ipation o! a'' mem3e s o! an o gani5ation e"ogni5es the " eati&it# o! e&e #one and suppo t di&e sit# and in"'usion4 The a ti!a"t a'so demonst ates the "ou se out"ome sho2ing ho2 to integ ate " eati&e thin8ing st ategies in a s#stem o an o gani5ation to 3ui'd and>o !oste the "apa"it# to inno&ate, "hange and de&e'op :St4 Ma #6s Uni&e sit#, /01<;4 M# p esentation "an 3e !ound at: https:>>de'ta84&oi"eth ead4"om>sha e>--0,,70>

Running head: ARTIFACT SUMMARY 7, 8 & 9 << Re!e en"es Saint Ma #6s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota4 :n4d4;4 /01<=/01- Cata'og & hand3oo8: S"hoo's o! g aduate and p o!essiona' p og ams4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>"ata'og4smumn4edu>mime >media>&ie2>1/>8/1>/01<=1-=S())4pd! Saint Ma #6s Uni&e sit# o! Minnesota4 :/01<;4 M4A4 in o gani5ationa' 'eade ship4 Ret ie&ed ! om http:>>2224smumn4edu>g aduate=home>a eas=o!=stud#>g aduate=s"hoo'=o!=3usiness= te"hno'og#>ma=in=o gani5ationa'='eade ship

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