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By Kianna Vargas and Aaron Swiniuch

Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens

September 18,1960 Composed first score at 14 Graduated from University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music Grad School at NYU Met Ahrens at BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop Ahrens October 1, 1948 Graduated from Syracuse University Writes lyrics for choral pieces and Musical Theatre Duo Won several awards for their work

premiered on Broadway in 1998 dazzling physical production, overshadowed problems with script won Tony Award for Best Actress, Score, Book, and Orchestration Original cast includes: Audra McDonald, Brian Stokes Mitchell, and Marin Muzzie

Terrence McNally
November 3, 1938 Graduated from Columbia University Shows around gay acceptance First one-act play was And Things That Go Bump in the Night A couple flops until 1969 when Next opened. Won 21 awards 53 writing credits

Novel written by E.L. Doctorow Published in 1975 Set in New York City from the early 1900s until the US enters WW1 Musical shares most of the same characters and events

Main Characters
Mother Father Little Boy Younger Brother Grandfather Willie Conklin

Coalhouse Walker Sarah Coalhouse Jr. Sarahs Friend THE CELEBRITIES
Harry K Thaw Stanford White Harry Houdini Charles Whitman

Tateh Little Girl

Evelyn Nesbit Emma Goldman J.P. Morgan Booker T Washington

Henry Ford Admiral Robert Peary

Plot - Act 1
Scene 1
Ragtime Part A - Little boy introduces the scene and then we are introduced to the family: Mother, Father, Younger Brother, and Grandfather Part B - The people of Harlem join the stage and we are introduced to Coalhouse, Sarah, and Booker T. Washington. Tateh, alongside Houdini, Morgan, Ford, and Goldman join the stage. Part C - Evelyn Nesbit enters the stage with White and Thaw. Part D - Goldman Part E - Dance that swirls around the three principals: Mother, Tateh, and Coalhouse Part F - Conclusion Goodbye, My Love Father leaves on an expedition to the North Pole and Mother is left behind to tend to the house. Father tells Mother that everything will stay the same, but she hopes for change. Journey On Father talks to ships captain about journey and then notice a rag ship in the distance. Tateh and Little girl are traveling to America on the other ship and have a conversation about their plans. Mother then puts Little Boy to bed.

Plot - Act 1
Scene 2
Crime of the Century Evelyn Nesbit, The Girl on the Swing, is introduced at a Vaudeville Theatre and her storyline involving her husband and lover. Younger Brother is in love with Evelyn and goes to her show every night. The two share a moment where Evelyn kisses Younger Brother, he tells her he is in love with her, she dismisses this, and he is heart broken. What Kind of A Woman? As Houdinis airplane circles above, Little Boy asks Mother if they can go see him and then yells Warn The Duke. Mother asks Little Boy why he said that and he does not have an answer, so she tells him to read Fathers letter and soon yells for him to go get the maid. Mother has found a child buried in the ground and does not understand why a woman would do that. A Shtetl Iz Amereke/Success Tateh and the other immigrants enter Ellis Island, singing about their new home and opportunities. Emma Goldman goes to Tatehs silhouette cart and lecture him about J.P. Morgans silhouette. Tateh tells her that he does not work for anyone but his daughter and hands her a silhouette.

Scene 3

Scene 4

Plot - Act 1
Scene 4 (cont.)
A Shtetl Iz Amereke/Success J.P. Morgan enters and tells the immigrants that by looking up to them, they will be rich at some point. Houdini then enters and speaks directly to Tateh, telling him that is he is ever trapped to think like Houdini. Emma returns to the stage and describes the poor conditions of living for immigrants, then talks with Tateh about he is still now rich. A man then approaches Tateh and ask how much his daughter cost, which then cause Tateh to attack him. Tateh then sings about the reality of his situation. His Name is Coalhouse Walker/The Gettin Ready Rag/Henry Ford Harlem cast enters stage, introducing Coalhouse Walker and then Coalhouse explains that he has a broken heart because of a woman, Sarah, who left him without a word. Coalhouse exclaims that he has found where Sarah lives and he will try his hardest to get her back, then Coalhouse and cast get ready for the meeting. Henry Ford then enters and talks of his assembly line, giving a car to Coalhouse.

Scene 5

Plot - Act 1
Scene 6
Nothing Like The City Mother and Little Boy are at a train station talking about heading to the city to take care of Fathers affairs and Little Boy notes that a womans place should be in the home. Mother tells her that, that would be the case if Father had stayed or if Younger Brother didnt prowl the city at nights. Tateh and the Little Girl and find out that the money they have will take them to Boston and no longer. Mother and Tateh & LIttle Girl and Little Boy talks in separate conversations and then Tateh and Little Girl leave. Little Boy then tells Mother that they will one day get to know these people. Coalhouse stops by the firehouse to ask Willie Conklin and the rest of the fireman for directions to Mothers house. Willie does not offer Coalhouse help and calls him a derogatory term. Coalhouse leaves & Willie says that Coalhouse is a smart man and wont return this way.

Scene 7

Scene 8
Your Daddys Son/New Music Sarah is holding Coalhouse Jr. and sings to him the reason that she buried him in the ground. Mother takes the baby from Sarah and then there is a knock at the door.

Plot - Act 1
Scene 8 (cont.)
Your Daddys Son/New Music Coalhouse is at the door and asks to see Sarah, but she refuses and he leaves saying he will come back every Sunday. Coalhouse does come every week and at one point Mother offers him tea, which he accepts and then plays the piano that the family owns. At this point months have gone by and Father returns home, to an unexpected welcome and starts to see that things have changed. Coalhouse strikes up another song and each character reacts to the music. Sarah walks to the door and finally comes down to Coalhouses embrace, shocking the family. Wheels of a Dream Sarah and Coalhouse are on a hillside in New Rochelle, with Coalhouse polishing his car and Sarah holding their child. Coalhouse tells Sarah of a great man named Booker T. Washington and Sarah says they are much a like. Sarah gives Coalhouse their child and they begin to sing about their future and the life they will all live together.

Scene 9

Plot - Act 1
Scene 10
The Night That Goldman Spoke at Union Square/Gliding Tateh is on stage working in at a loom and Emma Goldman enters, she narrates that Tateh has become disheveled and that they did not come to America for this. Strikers then enter and Goldman tells them that they must support those who are on strike and join. Younger Brother is in the crowd and recounts what Goldman spoke that night at the rally in Union Square. Tateh talks to Little Girl preparing her to be sent to a safer home when the strike becomes violent and guns begin to fire. People are dropping all around him and Tateh yells that he hates America and runs after the train his daughter is on, jumping on just in time. Tateh grabs the Little Girl and begins to sing to her to calm her down, that they will be okay and gives her a book of silhouettes. The conductor of the train sees the books and wants to buy it, Tateh then realizes that he can sell them and calls them Tatehs movie books. Justice/President/Till We Reach That Day Booker T Washington is on stage giving a speech. Coalhouse and Sarah are returning in their car and are stopped by Conklin and the other fireman. Coalhouse tells Sarah to leave and Conklin says that they can pass for a fee. Coalhouse gets out of the car and goes to find a policeman; while he is gone Conklin and the fireman destroy his car. Coalhouse returns to find his car in dismay.

Scene 11

Plot - Act 1
Scene 11 (cont.)
Justice/President/Till We Reach That Day Sarah re-enters and tells Coalhouse that what has happened doesnt matter. Coalhouse sings to her that they will get justice, but he soon sees that no one in the court system will help him with his case. Coalhouse decides that he will not rest until he gets the justice he deserves and calls off his wedding until that day. Mother approaches Sarah and Sarah says that Coalhouse will get what he wants. Younger Brother enters, narrating that the Vice Presidential campaign has begun and that guards are on the ready due to the recent assassination of McKinley. Sarah moves through the stage and soon yells to the President, but J.P. Morgan fears she has a gun and Sarah is clubbed with a guards nightstick; she is dead. Coalhouse run on screaming for Sarah. Sarahs friend then enters and people are carrying Sarah at her funeral. The rest of the cast enters singing from different places in the city, all equally agreeing that this will happen again and that all people need the same things: peace, pride, and justice.

Plot - Act 2
Scene 1
Coalhouses Soliloquy/Coalhouse Demands Coalhouse is onstage and sings about the revenge he will get, ending in shooting three firemen. The company then joins and start to speak about a madman running around New Rochelle lighting all firehouse ablaze, before Coalhouse makes his demands. The citizens of New Rochelle are in fear and Booke T Washington sings of the disgrace the negro renegades are. What Game! Younger Brother and Father begin to fight over Coalhouse and his actions. Father thinks Mother has victimized the family by allowing Sarah and Coalhouse into their home, while Younger Brother thinks Coal house is doing what is right. Younger Brother is angered and leaves. Little Boy asks Mother why he is angry, to which she tells Father to tell him. Father then ignores the statement and asks Little Boy if he wants to go to a baseball game. Polo grounds soon appear and the game starts, but it is not the game as Father remembers it.

Scene 2

Plot - Act 2
Scene 3
Fire in the City Coalhouse exclaims that he will continue burning down firehouse until his demands are met and then we are brought to Mothers house. Reporters surround the house and a Welfare Official is talking with Mother. She exclaims that Little Coalhouse must be given up, but Mother refuses. Father is fed up with Mother and her love for the child. Atlantic City/Buffalo Nickel Photoplay Inc./Our Children Evelyn Nesbit and Houdini appear, interrupting the argument, and Father says that the move is only temporarily interrupting their conversation. Father knows that the was losing his family and tries to make amends, but it is time to leave. He finally sings his realization of the change that the family has gone through. Vacationers sing about their time in Atlantic City. Evelyn and Houdini once again enter and sing about the difference that their lives now have. Both become part of Tatehs movie, as the Baron Ashkenazy (Tateh) and Little Girl enter filming the scene. Tateh realizes how beautiful Mother is, just as Little Boy and Father enter. He wants to offer her an acting contract, but Father refuses and says his wife does not work. Tateh says that he meant it as a compliment, Mother agrees, and Tateh begins to sing of his success.

Scene 4

Plot - Act 2
Scene 4 (cont.)
Atlantic City/Buffalo Nickel Photoplay Inc./Our Children Little Boy the runs up to Houdini and asks for an autograph, but Houdini cant but does a magic trick and gives him a silver dollar. Little Boy then remembers and tells Houdini to warn the Duke, but Houdini is confused. Tateh enters stage as Little Boy and Little Girl are playing on the beach, Mother also enters and begins to talk with Tateh. Mother tells him that she misses her brother and Coalhouse, then Tateh asks her about his film. She returns with Tatehs title and they begin to look at their children. They share a song about their children and then cant speak after, the share a moment and then Mother leaves. Harlem Sequence/Sarah Brown Eyes/He Wanted to Say Younger Brother walks into street in Harlem to an unhappy welcome. Nobody wants him there, but he will keep coming until Coalhouse sees him. One of Coalhouses men asks him for money and then they leave one after another. Coalhouse sinks out of the shadows and watches a couple dancing and then out of his imagination comes a vision of Sarah. He remembers the night they first met and they dance, but never touch. Sarah leaves and Younger Brother is brought in blindfolded.

Scene 5

Plot - Act 2
Scene 5 (cont.)
Atlantic City/Buffalo Nickel Photoplay Inc./Our Children Emma Goldman then enters and narrates what Younger Brother wants to know, but says he could only tell Coalhouse that he knew how to blow things up. Booker T. Washingtons Speech/Back to Before Booker T. Washington reveals that Coalhouse had become a madman and switched his focus from Willie Conklin to J.P. Morgan, the most powerful man of his time. Mother is carrying the small child with Little Boy, when Father enters and tells her that he has been called to NYC so that he can try to talk down Coalhouse. Mother agrees that he must go and Father tells her that there is no need for her to come because Coalhouse has gone too far and will get what he deserves. Mother hands the child to Sarahs Friend and she leaves with Little Boy. Father tells Mother that he is not mad and that once he returns everything will go back to normal, but Mother tells him that there is no chance. Father leaves. Mother sings, knowing that things will never be the same almost accepting that something in herself is different too.

Scene 6

Plot - Act 2
Scene 7
Look What Youve Done/Make Them Hear You/Epilogue Coalhouse has taken hold of the Morgan Library, while Morgan, Conklin, Whitman, and Father stand outside. The three try to talk to Coalhouse, but he doesnt respond. Father then realizes that the one person that Coalhouse may listen to, is Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington has been admitted into the hospital and is singing to Coalhouse directly about how he is disappointed in the choices he has made. Lights fade on the library and come up on the outside again. Whitman, Morgan, Conklin, and Goldman are seen and all speak about the hostage situation in the library. We are back in the library and watching Washington speak to Coalhouse. Again Washington tells Coalhouse he is not doing the right thing and is actually going against everything he has worked for. Coalhouse demands that Washington should understand that what he is doing is the right thing. Time passes and the lights come up again inside the library. Washington gets to Coalhouse by reminding him of the legacy that he is leaving his son. Coalhouse the realizes what he is doing and makes new demands, that no one will be hurt and that he will get a fair trial. Coalhouses men, including Younger Brother, tell him they will not give up but Coalhouse does not back down. Then Father is heard and admitted by Younger Brother. Father is surprised to see Younger Brother and says that he owes his sister an explanation.

Plot - Act 2
Scene 7 (cont.)
Look What Youve Done/Make Them Hear You/Epilogue Younger Brother says he has always loved and admired her, but he doesnt seem to give up. Coalhouse then asks they are ready to leave, but they do not agree with him and say they are not leaving. He doesnt take that as an answer. Coalhouse then sings to his men that they will not stop, but the violence must. The men come together with Coalhouse and move to the door. Coalhouse stops Father on his way out and they make Younger Brother their white hostage. The men leave along with Younger Brother and Coalhouse stays a minute. He asks Father about his son and then if he will die. Father notes that they will not kill him because they are decent men. Coalhouse thanks Father, leaves the library, and then a vicious round of shots is heard. Father screams. At this point, each characters comes forward to complete their individual stories. We find that Father dies while traveling on the Lusitania and that Tateh and Mother end up married. Tateh, Mother, Little Girl, Little Boy, and Coalhouse III become a happy family. Coalhouse and Sarah join the cast and they all sing. Coalhouse and Sarah watch as the family leaves toward the future.

Difficulty of Accepting Change Imprisonment and False Liberation Struggle for Meaning

Songs - Part 1
Establishing Sung by Cast Original Broadway Cast (Tony Awards) - https://www. v=AZbPdFv7qVs

Back to Before
Ballad Sung by Mother Theme of accepting change Christiane Noll (Revival) - https: // v=1nc9l1d0834

Songs - Part 2
Till We Reach That Day
11 oclock, chorus number, I want Sung by Cast Theme of imprisonment and false liberation Belmont University -

Fiddlehead Theatre Company

History of MT & Growth History of MT

Came out right after RENT and Lion King Progressive Era Old musical written in contemporary era 1998

Promote Growth
Showed racism and classism Bad events occur but we carry on It is okay if it doesn't play out according to originally planned It is okay to be different

Ragtime is one of those shows that really makes you think. The themes shine through each of the characters individual stories and the songs that embody their beings. Edgar is one of the most interesting characters in the entire show.

Everytime I watch the show I fall more in love with it. I enjoy how it has a sad but realistic story, but at the same time has a musical theatre ending. Go watch it! Very Wheelockian!

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