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Stormi Holland


State College of Florida: Manatee-Sarasota, Associates of Science: Dental H giene, E!"ected #rad$ation Date: %&'(

Sarasota Hig) Sc)ool, Sarasota, F*+ Di"loma, %&'%

S,I ** S *eaders)i"

I am c$rrentl in a leaders)i" "osition at -or.+ I -or. in retail and I am a merc)andise leader+ M res"onsi/ilities are to .ee" clot)ing in t)eir "ro"er locations good -it) all si0es a1aila/le+ A"art of m res"onsi/ilities also incl$des leading a small team -)en t)e store is /eing redone+ I )a1e to .no- -)at m associates certain s.ills are so I can "$t t)em on t)e rig)t tas.s to .ee" t)ings r$nning as smoot) as "ossi/le+
Inter"ersonal Comm$nication S.ills

I $se t)ese s.ills e1er da + 2)en it comes to -or. I $se m ")one to te!t m manager to comm$nicate -)en I am a1aila/le t)at -ee. or if somet)ing on t)e sc)ed$le gets mo1ed aro$nd s)e te!ts me to .ee" me informed in a 3$ic. eas manor+ Anot)er -a I $se comm$nication reso$rces is t)ro$g) email+ I get im"ortant information from m "rofessors and from t)e sc)ool e1er da +
Com"$ter S.ills

T)ro$g)o$t )ig) sc)ool I too. a fe- different com"$ter classes+ I -or. 1er -ell in 4o-er4oint, e!cel, -ord, and I am certified in ado/e 4)otos)o"+ 2)en I )a1e assignments or "ro5ects d$e if I can $se 4o-er4oint I do+ I feel li.e it is a f$n eas -a to "$t researc) and information toget)er+ 2ord I $se almost e1er da from list to -riting essa s+ 4)otos)o" I do not $se a lot /$t if I e1er )a1e a digital design "ro5ect )a1ing t)at certification -ill /enefit me+
2 O6 ,7 8 O*U NT EE 6 E94E6I E NCE

T$tor, Alta 8ista Elementar , Sarasota, F*+ --- %&'' - %&'% Sales Associate, S"err To"-Siders, Sarasota, F*+ : ;an+ %&'% < ;$n+ %&'%

Merc)andise *ead, American Eagle O$tfitters, Sarasota, F*+ : ;$n+ %&'% < C$rrent

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