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Norris 1 C.J.

Norris English 1102 Raymond March 26, 2014 Sources Two sources that I would integrate into my final research paper are Sustainable Architecture White Papers and Green Source: the magazine of sustainable design. The Sustainable Architecture White Papers is a book of a collection of articles by architects, engineers, and designers. The magazine Green Source is a magazine that writes about current projects of green architecture and how the architecture benefits society. The source Sustainable Architecture White Papers will be used for paraphrasing and direct quotes. The collection of articles gives different perspectives from people with different backgrounds that describe how architecture can give back to the environment. For instance, in the article Landscapes that Renew, I would paraphrase how rooftops can give shade, but also give back to the environment by having plants on them that absorb carbon dioxide. The magazine Green Source, I would use visuals and summaries of description of buildings that are architecturally sustainable. I would site different projects like the Genome Science Building, which is an LEED building. The sources are credible because they are a collection of architects, engineers, and designer projects where they have performed different test to see how there projects will benefit the environment. Also, these sources give a perspective from different background on one issue and how they would tackle the issue.

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