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written by Abbas Ahmadi

A. Give your USB printer a Share Name

1. Click the Start button. A menu appears. 2. Choose the Printer and Faxes option. A window appears, showing all your printers:

3. Right click on your USB printer. In this example hp deskjet 960c. A menu appears.

4. Choose the Sharing option. A window appears:

5. Click on the Share this printer option and give the printer a share name. For example HPDOS. Share names should be alphanumeric (the first letter must be an

alphabetic character). Do not put any space in the share name:

6. Click the OK button.

B. Determine the Name of Your Computer

1. Click the Start button. A menu appears 2. Choose the Run option. A window appears:

3. Type CMD and click the OK button. A black window appears.

4. Type:

and press the Enter key. The name of your computer will be displayed. In this example, the name of computer is EX2006

C. Redirect the DOS printing to the USB printer

1. At the black window, type:

net use LPT1 \\ext2006\HPDOS /persistent:Yes

and press the Enter key.

2. You must use your computer name instead of ext2006 and your printers share name instead of HPDOS 3. The above command line can be inserted into the c:\autoexec.bat use notepad to edit the file 4. To verify that the connection was successful, use this command:

net view \\ext2006

and press the Enter key.

You should be able to see the name of your computer and LPT1 and the share name, all on the same line. 5. To test that the printer has been successfully configured, at the command prompt, type: DIR > LPT1:
and press the Enter key.

Printer will print a directory listing.

D. How to Delete the LPT1 Redirection

1. From the DOS command, type: NET USE LPT1 /DELETE

and press the Enter key.

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