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Thalia Tiburcio Keith Schoen English 10grade November 21,2011 Coral Reef ecosystems: An annotated bibliography. Angel Luis.

"Species in Coral reefs" name of the meeting.enviromental consultant. ontecriste Nov.1,2011.Lecture.n.!.Nov.1",2011. #n ontecristi$s %oral ree&s 'e can &ind ecos(stems as angroves.This is a !lant that !rovides some bene&icts to other ecos(stems.The angroves$s roots usuall( 'or) under'ater as a &ilter.Those roots that are tightl( together one to another,ca!ture !ollution or other )ind o& contamination and store it in a la(er in the botton. angroves clearl( hel!s the !o!ulation o& &ish to survive b( cleaning and )ee!ing a balance bet'een &resh and salt 'ater.Another s!ecie that have a big im!act in ontecristi$s %oral ree& ecos(stems is the lion &ish.#n 1**+ the( &ound out that lion &ish 'ere introduced to this %oral ree&s.Lion &ish started re!roducing and toda( are ver( common in ontecristi.The( have a !ositive and a negative a&&ect in the %oral ree&s because o& their ca!acit( o& eating others &ish.,henever there$s a sic) s!ecie o& &ish ,immediatel( lion &ish come and eat it,'hich is something !osive because the sic) s!ecie 'ont contagiar others s!ecies.-ut also,lion &ish .ust not eat others &ish 'hen the( are sic),also 'hen the( are health( 'hich decrase the &ish !o!ulation. #n m( o!inion this is a relaible source.Angel Luis have given us clear in&ormation 'ith s!eci&ict details.Also,he$ve been stud(ing and having e/!erience 'ith %oral ree&s &or (ears.0e 'as ob.ective unbias in the in&ormation !rovided,e/!laining others !eo!le !oint o& vie' and o!inions. This in&ormation is related to m( to!ic because is clearl( e/!laining interaction bet'een s!ecies that can hel! or damage %oral ree& ecos(stems.

1111111111111 2ur %oral ree&s are being a&&ected b( di&&erent &acts hard to control. 3ivers as the 4a5ue ends here and bring all )ind o& !ollution. The !o!ulation around here are tr(ing to control this situation but the !roblem is bigger than that. The 4a5ue arrastra plasticos,fundas,cartones, and all t(!e o& !ollution here 'hich a&&ect in man( 'a(s the health o& corals and &ish.Another &act that is a&&ecting our %oral ree&s is the over&ishing.6eo!le &ish man( as the( can because the( dont 'ant to other !eo!le &ish more than them.Also,!eo!le &rom other countries as 0aiti, are coming to &ish illegal( huge amounts o& &ish.The authorities is starting to ta)e and control and !unish those 'ho act illegal(. #n m( o!inion this is a reliable in&ormation.7rancisco Tavere8 have been living in ontecristi &or

(ears .

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