Cubbies Field Trip Permission Slip

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Field Trip Permission Form

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child is going on a field trip. Please read the information at the top of this form,
then sign and return the permission slip at the bottom of this form by February 21, 2014
Field trip information:
Date: ____February 28, 2014
Location: _____10044 s Bell Ave. Chicago Illinois
Purpose: ____Frog Farm
Cost: _____$10:00 bring your own lunch
Cash of Check Payable to: ___Cubbies Daycare
Means of Transportation: ___School Bus
Leave School: ____9:30 am____________________________ Arrive back at School:
2:00 pm. ______________________
Special Instructions: ______please be on time
Save this part of the form for future reference
Cut Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut Here
__________________________________________________________ Has permission to attend a field trip to
On _______________________________________________________ from ____________________________________ to
Enclosed, please find cash/check in the amount of _______________________________________ to cover the cost of the trip. I give

Permission for __________________________________________________________ to receive emergency medical treatment. In an

Please contact:
Name: ___________________________________________________________ Phone:
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date:

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