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Name: Samantha Basile

Date: 03/13/2014

The Stamp Act Lesson Plan

Type of Setting: This lesson will be taught in a self-contained 4th/5th grade classroom. 1. PURPOSE: This lesson will hel the students gain a better understanding !olonial "mericans# reaction to the Stam "ct and wa$s the$ showed their dis leasure toward it. 2. O!A"ULAR#: Tax $ the action% rocess% or s$stem of ta&ing eo le or things Act $ a formal decision or law b$ a legislature% ruler% court% or other authorit$. Parliament - a legislati'e assembl$ in certain countries Protest - a statement or action e& ressing disa ro'al of or ob(ection to something. %. O"&E!T' ES: Students will be able to e& lain wh$ "merican colonists were u set with the British ta& laws% s ecificall$% the Stam "ct% after the )rench and *ndian +ar. Students will be able to identif$ two strategies the colonist used to demonstrate their unha iness with these ta&es. (. NE) #OR* STATE LEARN'N+ STANDARDS: ,-S./ 0earning Standards1 Social Studies- Standard 1/2istor$ of the 3nited States and ,ew -or41 use a 'ariet$ of intellectual s4ills to demonstrate their understanding of ma(or ideas% eras% themes% de'elo ments% and turning oints in the histor$ of the 3nited States and ,ew -or4. ,-! Social Studies Sco e and Se5uence1 !olonial life in ,ew -or4 before the 6e'olutionar$ +ar 1.1a% 1.3b% 2.2b The colonists resist British 7arliament#s re'enues 8Sugar "ct% Stam "ct% Townsend "cts% Tea "ct9 1.1a% 1.4a% 4.1a% 4.1d% 4.1f% 5.1a 6esults of colonial rule 2.4a% 2.4b% 2.4c% 4.1c% 4.1e% 5.1a !ommon !ore1 !!SS..0"-0*T.6"!-.+.5.2.B /e'elo the to ic with facts% definitions% concrete details% 5uotations% or other information and e&am les related to the to ic. !!SS..0"-0*T.6"!-.+.5.2./ 3se recise language and domain-s ecific 'ocabular$ to inform about or e& lain the to ic.

!!SS..0"-0*T.6"!-.+.5.3./ 3se concrete words and hrases and sensor$ details to con'e$ e& eriences and e'ents recisel$ !!SS..0"-0*T.6"!-.S0.5.1 .ngage effecti'el$ in a range of collaborati'e discussions 8one-on-one% in grou s% and teacherled9 with di'erse artners on grade 5 to ics and te&ts% building on others: ideas and e& ressing their own clearl$. !!SS..0"-0*T.6"!-.S0.5.1.B )ollow agreed-u on rules for discussions and carr$ out assigned roles. ,. PRE$ASSESS-ENT: This lesson is being used to hel re'iew and de'elo a better understanding of the colonist erce tion of the Stam "ct. The lesson builds on re'iousl$ taught conce ts and encourages student discussion to dri'e instruction. .. LESSON PRESENTAT'ON: SET 'NDU!T'ON$ Simulation1 Tell the students that the$ will be doing a fun acti'it$ toda$ in Social Studies "t the start of the lesson% ha'e all materials re-made and read$ to distribute as the students enter the classroom. ;nce the$ are sitting 5uietl$% ha'e the students ic4 role cards. Their cards will indicate what role the$ will be la$ing 8<ing% 7arliament% or a !olonist9. 0ea'e the role of Ta& !ollector to the teacher. /iscuss these roles as the$ are assigned and how the$ relate to the Social Studies cha ters the students ha'e been reading. /istribute cu s with ten =>=#s in each one. *nstruct the students not to touch them right awa$. !all the <ing% and 7arliament members to the front of the room. Then% allow 7arliament members to select the ob(ect cards and read them aloud to the class. "s the Ta& !ollector% collect =>=#s from the colonist with a s oon and gi'e them to the <ing as a$ment de ending on what was stated on the ob(ect card. *n the end% most students should ha'e little to no =>=#s% while the <ing% 7arliament members% and Ta& !ollector could ha'e man$. PRO!EDURE$ 1. )acilitate discussion about how the students are feelings and how this relates to the Stam "ct and the colonists# feelings. -Ask questions: +hat was unfair about the => =#s Ta&? +hat would $ou do if $ou were ta&ed e'er$ da$ li4e this? 2. .& lain that if an$ of the students felt li4e the ta& was unfair% then the$ were feeling similar to the colonist who had to a$ ta&es on man$ things in !olonial "merica. 3. 6emind the students that the$ had alread$ started reading about the Stam "ct last wee4% but that toda$ we are going to read about it some more toda$. 4. /istribute the Stam "ct 6eading 7ac4et 8Tell the students that the$ need to listen and a$ attention as we ta4e turns reading. "lso as4 them to be on the loo4out for e&am les e& laining how the colonist and British 7arliament felt and what the$ did as a result9

5. !all on students to read and discuss the content of the reading throughout. @. /istribute the chart a er and e& lain that the$ need to wor4 in grou s to fill it out and record te&t based answers. A. !ircle the room to see if the$ are on tas4. !LOSURE$ Bet the class# attention and stand u at the board. "s4 them to roduce their answers and write it on the board. *nstruct them to co $ an$ answers that the$ didn#t 8=a4e sure the$ ha'e te&t based answers9. -ATER'ALS AND RESOUR!ES: +hite Board =ar4ers ;ne C ounce 8224grams9 bag of =>=#s Ta& !ards 8teacher made9 6ole !ards 8teacher made9 ;ne small a er cu for each student Two lastic s oons 7ers ecti'es on The Stam "ct of 1A@5 Stam "ct reading ac4et /OLLO) UP A!T' 'T#: )or homewor4 write a draft of a letter to <ing Beorge *** 8*nclude the information we recorded in class and an$ other useful outside 4nowledge9. E ALUAT'ON AND ASSESS-ENT: "fter re'ising and editing their letters% chec4 for content from the lesson to ma4e sure the$ de ri'ed meaning from it and understood the colonist resistance to the Stam "ct and reasons for acting in the wa$ that the$ did. D'//ERENT'AT'ON: 6emedial-Brou wor4 to generate ideas and ha'e hel from eers .&em lar$-The students who finish will be able to start brainstorming for the follow-u acti'it$ =ulti le *ntelligences Disual-!hart is used to hel the students understand the ers ecti'es on the Stam "ct from the colonist and British 7arliament. "uditor$-/iscussion based acti'it$ at the start of the lesson

-6eading is done aloud -Euestions are as4ed throughout the lesson <inesthetic-the use of =>=#s let them get a hands on e& erience on what it ma$ ha'e felt li4e to be a colonist losing mone$ for unfair reasons. RESOUR!ES: htt s1//www.teacher' lan/4332A.html htt 1//www.educatione& dfs/attachmentsG200HG12G1@/=aria F20+alle'and. df

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