Assumpta Magazine 2012 Final File Oct 11

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OCT OBE R 2012


The Many Faces of Eugenie


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Table of Contents

Presidents Message and Board of Trustees Religious of the Assumption and General Chapter News Jubilarians Silver Ruby Golden Emerald Pearl Jade Sapphire Diamond Alumnae Activities Outreach program Golf and Quarterly lunch Missions St. Martin School

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Presidents Message
It has been said that the presidents of the Assumption Alumnae Association continue to give sunshine to the young assumptionistas, so that the richness of the past can provide a roadmap for the freedom of expression of self. Yes, the little flowers have scattered their fragrance through the years of service, love and passion for Assumption.

I believe that each of us has a mission on earth. It is simply a question of seeking how God can use us to make His Gospel known and lived. These are the words of St. Marie Eugenie that serves as the inspiration of Assumption Alumnae Association. Twenty -Five Presidents and around 300 Board Members - Women of Faith and Women of Action have dedicated their lives to the Assumption Family. Each one represents the face of St. Marie Eugenie in one way or the other. Each one depicts the standards of a life fully lived faithful to the call of the Spirit of service. Each one symbolizes the virtues of obedience, fidelity to duty and love of simplicity. It has been said that the presidents of the Assumption Alumnae Association continue to give sunshine to the young assumptionistas, so that the richness of the past can provide a roadmap for the freedom of expression of self. Yes, the little flowers have scattered their fragrance through the years of service, love and passion for Assumption. Thus, the theme of our magazine this year is The Many Faces of Eugenie. Remembering the past invigorates the vision and mission of the Alumnae Association. Looking forward challenges every alumna to come home and give back. We are invited to look to St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus as a model of freedom, charity, peace and love. I am proud to be an Assumption Alumna! All Hail to our beloved Assumption !

Front Row L-R Dida C. Salita HS 67 COL 70 (Treasurer & Jubilarians), Sr. Luz Emmanuel Soriano (AAA Moderator), Gina G. Hechanova HS 77 COL 81 (President), Sr. Estela Infante (AAA Moderator), Carmen L. Velayo HS 66 (PR & Alumni Relations / Faith & Spirituality) Back Row L-R Atty. Angela Ylagan HS 83 (Legal Adviser), Ana O. Olondriz HS 55 COL 59 (Special Project: Bazaar), Marily C. Ledesma HS 73 (Special Projects Committee Head & Chapters/Membership), Anna R. Legaspi HS 82 (Secretary), Marilou L. Verano HS 61 COL 65 (Asst. Treasurer & Special Project: Golf), Lirio O. Mapa HS 56 COL 60 (Faith & Spirituality), Joy L. Lagdameo HS 83 (Special Project: Golf & Bazaar), Gretchen O. Recto HS 85 (PR & Alumni Relations & Special Project: Golf ), Rose R. Lopez HS 69 COL 73 (Special Project: Bazaar), Gina T. Evangelista HS 86 ( Board Member) Not in Picture: Mely Diaz HS 76 (Vice President/Faith & Spirituality Head), Crystal R. Calinawan COL 2007 (Asst. Secretary & Jubilarians), Lory-Vi Valdes HS 65 (Special Project:Bazaar & Jubilarians), Millette T. Ocampo HS 56 COL 60 (Ex Officio President)

Gina Gabaldon Hechanova HS 77 COL 81


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armest greetings to our Assumption Alumnae on this issue of the Assumpta Magazine, which has for its theme The many faces of St. Marie Eugenie. The theme reflects upon the life of our Mother Foundress as we relate the many facets of her life and her work to the events happening around us, to the life of our communities and the lives that we live ourselves. We acknowledge and celebrate our diversity and the different directions we have taken despite our common background. In the end, however, we come back always to the path of transformation, of transforming society by living the Word of God. This was the path St. Marie Eugenie took, the one she believed in, and this is the core of our work. We find inspiration in the many faces of our Foundress, as seen in her life and work; we find strength and solidarity, however, in her core belief, in the philosophy that binds us as a community of sisters. In this issue we hope to find stories that inspire us; the same should keep us steady on the path of transforming society by living the Word of God. We are all products of St. Marie Eugenies vision, of her life and works. May we all live the faith, with God in our hearts, finding strength in His love and grace In Christ Jesus.

To Our dear Old Girls of the Assumption,

Welcome Home! ou have come from different corners of the world, bringing with you the gift that you have become, enriched by life experiences that accompany the unfolding of age and time!

How can I describe the multi-faceted Assumption graduates of today who continue to make a difference through significant actions they make in their own little sphere of influence as St. Marie Eugenies envisioned for her children in the Assumption? Assumption graduates are leaders wherever they may be in big or small scale, discreet or public, in great or hard times, they are there! You can easily recognize them for the Tatak Assumption! Clarity, consistency and discipline are key characteristics of an Assumption Leader. Let us thank God for the gift of Assumption Education and celebrate the many facets of Assumption leadership!

Sr. Luz Emmanuel Soriano, R.A. Moderator

Sr. Anna Carmela Pesongco r.a., Ed.D President & College Dean

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General Chapter

Newly Elected Council

Maria Josefina Matias - Philippines Maria Del Carmen Escribano - Spain Maria Eugenia Ramirez - Ecuador Francoise Martin - France Sr. Martine Tapsoba Superior General

Philippines - Thailand

West Africa



Northern Europe

South Atlantic





Central Africa

Rwanda Chad

East Africa


Central America - Cuba

The Assumption today, listening to God and life,on the paths of communion, wisdom and prophecy

Ecuador - Chile



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General Chapter


Reflections on the General Chapter 2012

By Ma. Lourdes Baby G. Herrera HS 76
(Baby Herrera is the Lay Provincial Representative of the Philippines-Thailand Province of the Religious of the Assumption)

Living Communion in Diversity

he General Chapter has really been a shared experience of living communion in diversity. Nothing could replace the personal encounters with over 50 sisters and 16 lay from around the world, hearing from each other our own journeys in Assumption Together and working together on the Chapter themes as we discussed and gave our contributions in crafting documents that would give the direction for the congregation in the next six years. No community is too small to teach us and no community is too big so as not to humbly learn more. I was enriched by all the stories we shared, how we cope with our own challenges and frustrations as well as how struggles only served to make our faith stronger and our hearts big with hope! A major highlight for me was my first visit to Metz and Preisch. It was of course, for many of us, overwhelming to walk Marie Eugenies path, but what was amazing was visiting with the bus load of Assumption family in prayer, in fun, in awe, in joyful

anticipation, and with so much love. The day was tiring but filled with happiness and pure kindred spirit! Praying around Marie Eugenies relic was a scene to behold..... purple nuns with lay partners relishing the site of our Foundress first holy communion! In 2007, Sr. Diana said today a new continent has been born...and its name is Assumption Together! This is the new continent that will contribute much of its work in transforming Planet Assumption, the many areas around the world where we have a presence. During the first Assumption Together National Congress of the PhilippineThailand Province held in Manila in 2010, Sr. Diana, in her opening remarks, said that there are three elements of Assumption Together: memory, belonging and goal. Every community we have has its memory, knowing that we are all attached to Marie Eugenie and share her spirituality. Every community knows that it belongs to a wider body of an Assumption family, and every community has a goal, a shared mission of transformative education and value formation... working to be a new image, a new face of the church in our times. Starting out as boats of many colors we have now become bridges of communion. Our Assumption Together song says our mission is creating a heaven on earth .... and that we can make it happen... hand in hand with Gods loving hand Indeed, we are all making it happen!

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Eight Jubilarians

Celebrate the Gift of Life given to God and others

n Good Shepherd Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Easter 29 April 2012, eight (8) Assumption Sisters renewed their vows to chastity, poverty and obedience. It was a time of celebration with 600 sisters, relatives and friends witnessing the momentous event.

25 Years (Silver)
Sr. Ma. Salvacion Estil of the Presentation of Jesus, RA

50 Years (Golden)
Sr. Rita Imelda Lizares de lIncarnation, RA Sr. Maria Estela Infante de lEnfant Jesus, RA Sr. Josefa Margarita Derayunan de Jesus-Marie, RA Sr. Iris Marion Clark of the Whole Christ, RA

60 Years (Diamond)
Sr. Maria Paz de Moreta de la Mere de Misericorde, RA Sr. Maria Carmela Montelibano del Nio Jesus, RA Sr. Caridad Eugenia Yusay de la Ste. Famille


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Faith Fully AC
By Margie Abary Duavit & Lala Cruz Dy

ANANAMPALATAYA. A word inscribed on our Assumption High School ring when we graduated in the year 1987. We wore the ring proudly throughout the years not only because we took pride in our school, but more because we embraced and held on strongly to what it symbolized our Faith. Faith in God, Faith in our family, Faith in our friends, Faith in our education and Faithfulness to the teachings ofSaint Marie Eugenie. As a batch, we knew, that if we lived our lives in Faith, we would come back after 25 years, strengthened by our stories of Faith, eager to share and celebrate a life well lived, in our most awaited reunion , the Velada. And this is precisely what we intend to do on the 21st of October to celebrate our stories of deep friendship and bonding through dance and song. What could be more exciting in this time of our lives when we are in heart of our middle transition years? We have always been a closely-knit batch. Perhaps a direct result of the turbulent times during our high school daysstarting with the assassination of Ninoy, to the People Power Revolution at Edsa, to the restoration of democracy under President Cory Aquinos new government. It was a time of deep uncertainty but we held on together through these difficult times, foregoing the

traditional junior prom and graduation ball, opting for a simpler alternative, and believing that we could still have fun since we had each other to turn to. Cradled and protected within the walls of Assumption, our bonds have withstood the test of time, we know we will always be there for each other through thick and thin. It was only in March 2003, sixteen years after high school when we came together again for our first reunion. After moving on to different universities, years just passed so quickly and we saw ourselves rising from the ranks in our varying professions as doctors, lawyers, architects, teachers, artists, chefs, entrepreneurs,

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and building our own families with our spouse and children all trying to make a difference wherever we were placed. Catching up with old friends, reuniting with old classmates and just reliving all the countless and wonderful high school memories, were truly heartwarming. It was at this same time when we felt we needed to get together again to do something good. To give back or pay it forward for all that we were blessed with. This, we believe, is something our Assumption education has taught us to heed the call to be of service to others in big ways or small. The immersions were not for naught as it found us seeking avenues to share our resources with those in need. And so it begins. Starting in 2003, we have done several fundraising events, resulting in the renovation of the Oncological (Womens Cancer) Ward at the Cancer Institute of PGH, adopting and building a classroom in Katutubo Elementary School in Porac, Pampanga, supporting a book donation drive for Greenearth kids in San Miguel, Bulacan, packing and distributing over 1,500 relief goods during the recent calamity in flood-stricken areas in Cainta and Angono, Rizal, distributing house to house, through knee-deep waters, by truck and even by boat. Our search for meaning in our lives didnt stop after high school. We have come together as a batch for three retreats, one with Father Johnny Go, SJ and two with our former AC teachers, Mrs. Cory Villafania and Ms. Marilen Reambillo, who have both selflessly shared over two precious years of intimate and spiritual monthly Prayer meetings with us. A fitting tribute to the Saint that has truly inspired us to live out our Faith in Action, St Marie Eugenie has guided us to this very day, when we come together as one family, to revel friendships and celebrate life at our beloved Assumption. We are forever grateful for all the values we have learned, many of which, we have already passed on to our own children.

As shining silvers, we walk on in our Faith that has kept us together through twenty five wonderfully divine years, and with profound gratitude echo forever to the rest of humanity a Faith Fully AC!


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Quid hoc ad aeternitatem - what is this to eternity?

By Narcisa Ching De Leon Escaler


his was the class motto we adopted as high school graduates of 1962 of our beloved Assumption Convent in Herran, Manila.

an unwavering belief in a promised eternal Paradise. Little did we realize how much deeper our class motto would delve into our individual lives, helping shape many life decisions we would take; going beyond its simple religious message to a philosophy and a perspective of life. Looking back at the past 50 years,Quid hoc ad aeternitatem? consciously or unconsciously has resonated well in all our lives. It has become the unrecognized springboard which has given each of us the vision and the courage to go beyond the here and now, enabling us to see our lives in the light of a larger picture.

First attributed to a renowned Doctor of the Church, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Quid hoc ad aeternitatem? was traditionally used in a religious context. As graduates, we saw it in this light and unquestioningly welcomed this motto, accepting it as a natural reflection of the deep religious upbringing we all shared in a convent school that was Assumption in the early 60s. For us, adopting a class motto simply completed the graduation process and most of us left it at that: a basic religious tenet expressing

In 1962 we said farewell to Assumption, Herran, and to each other, and pursued different paths. Many of these paths converged again but some seldom crossed or for many, never did. We sadly lost four cherished classmates and will miss them terribly during this Jubilee celebration. More than half of the class moved permanently to other countries to build new lives there. Many got married and raised families; others chose not to marry, pursuing professional and business careers. Life, however, for many of us, was not always perfect. Side by side with our many successes, we also faced various forms of personal challenges, some more tragic than others, whether through failed relationships,

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illnesses, professional and business downturns, or the painful and tragic loss of loved ones, leaving deep wounds forever etched in our hearts. But rather than dwell on these personal hurt and failures, we moved on, and with unbowed resolve, drew courage from these setbacks. Diverse talents and skills shine brilliantly in the lives of the Jubilarians of HS Class 62 whether at home as wives, mothers and grand mothers; or professionals as doctors, medical researchers, and scientists; as company presidents, managers, and successful entrepreneurs; as educators, artists, poets, writers and historians; as sports enthusiasts; as diplomats and heritage advocates, among others. Such

multifaceted talents and skills and how we have used them clearly attest to the intellectual, technical and creative prowess of a group of women who consistently ventured beyond these God given gifts to find a greater meaning in their lives. As we eagerly look forward to celebrating our Golden Jubilee on October 21, 2012, we are certain of one thing: no matter how different the paths we each have taken, no matter what personal successes and accomplishments we have achieved, as well as the losses and failures we have suffered and overcome, what rings out loud and clear from the lives we have lived is that the here and now for us was never enough; that there was always something more precious

and enduring for us beyond the material and what we could tangibly hold. That over and above everything we made of our lives, what we valued most, held up consistently, and treasured most dearly are the precious gifts of family, of deep and lasting friendships, of a profound spirituality that goes beyond conventional religion, of lives directed to the service of others, and an unwavering affection for our beloved Assumption! Quid hoc ad Aeternitatem - what is this to eternity? What began 50 years ago as a simple class motto for Assumption Convent High School Class 62 has become a lived philosophy of life!


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HS 72 Women. . . Stronger than Ever

By Arlene May Abad-Gisbert and Nila Vibal-Mata

he class mottos of HS 72 left everything to the imagination of what our future would be.

Herrans And I Must Become... was an enigma. There was a purpose to become. But we would have to discover that ourselves in the future. San Lorenzos Spes or Hope gave some promise that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, things would eventually turn out better. This is how both graduating classes summed up our feelings about venturing out into the real world. The long journey of Becoming and Hoping has challenged us like no other. It has tested our physical and mental capabilities, our emotional states and relationships and even our spiritual beliefs and convictions. We have risen, we have fallen. And we have risen again. Now stronger than ever, we are giving back to the world what we had harvested. We look back with gratitude at the Assumption education we received from our beloved nuns and teachers. We value the varied friendships forged with our classmates and batchmates through the years. As Ruby Jubilarians we now know that holding each others hand will give us more strength to face the coming years.


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High School Class of 52

classmates still meet for lunch every single month. There, amid the banter and the laughter, we exchange the latest on our lives, plan gatherings and joint activities, and, most importantly, share our involvement, participation and commitment to our various individual advocacies, whether in church and religious organizations or in civic, social and charitable institutions. Sixty years is a long time but it is what you make of it that counts. For us, living up to our Alma Maters ideals have made our lives not only happy and regarding- it has made those sixty years well worth living!

ike all high school graduates, we were brighteyed and dreamy that graduation day sixty years ago. We looked forward to our College years with excitement and anticipation as we welcomed a world of new challenges, broader horizons. a world of great promise. Sixty years have since passed, leading us to different paths. to the espousal of marriage and family life; to the intricacies of the arts and the world of business; to the practice of Medicine for the service of mankind. But whatever path we chose to follow, whatever endeavor we chose to embrace, we remained and continue to remain faithful to the Assumption ideals of giving of our time, our talents, our resources God-given gifts to Gods needy ones. Incredibly, after many years, some twenty of our


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Dare Vivere Est.... To give is to Live



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By Gigi Santos


e shimmer, we glisten, we shine.

Once upon a time we sat quietly within the confines of our own protective shells, mostly undisturbed, sheltered from the jarring world outside. Then life happened. We were pushed and prodded, chafed and injured. But we fought back, armed with resolve, endurance, and steadfast faith. In time we emerged as priceless pearls, symbols of exquisite strength and pure grace. We are pearls of varying shapes, each one molded from her unique personal story. We come from different places, many from the farthest corners of the earth. But we come together, always. We come together to embrace, to laugh, to grieve, to work, to serve, to pray, to dance, and to celebrate.

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Five years ago we stood united onstage at the Mother Rose Hall 157-strong to celebrate Homecoming. It was a momentous day within a most remarkable year for us all. We hosted the Velada on the same year that our St. Marie Eugenie Milleret was canonized, an honor especially meaningful to us as our batch had been distinguished with two Mother Marie Eugenie awardees 25 years prior. This year we united again to grieve for one of our own, Maggie Go, who had fought cancer tenaciously for six years, never losing her hope, spirit, and faith. We fought along with her, our Prayer

Warriors all over the world beaming our fervent hopes and wishes to heaven for her healing and recovery. But when our Father called her home, we came together to bid her goodbye and celebrate her eternal homecoming. So we dance to remember Maggie, just as we dance for those who are facing other seemingly insurmountable battles. We dance together as our exuberant laughter echoes within a room the same way it filled the halls of our beloved alma mater decades ago. We dance as we laugh, in the spirit of true sisterhood.

ts been 30 years since we last left those halls we once dragged our soles through. We left with the motto Quid Retribuam Domino (from Psalm 115:3: What shall I render to the Lord, for all the things he hath rendered unto me?) engraved inside our school rings and etched in our hearts. Together, armed with this mission, we wholeheartedly serve our neighborhoods, our communities, and our churches all over the world without seeking recognition or reward. We are pearls and we shine far more brightly when we stand together.



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HS77: BFFs for Life

o much has happened in the last 10 years since our Silver. Now, 35 years after HS graduation, we find ourselves in another stage of midlife empty-nest, menopause, or grandparenthood. For some, its back to parenting a young child. We are scattered around the world, have diverse careers, civil status, religious and political beliefs. But with Facebook and e-groups, the world has become smaller thanks to Anna Trinidad-Kump and Tricia Esteban-Vergel de Dios who have brought 190 of us together again, to privately chat online in grief or joy, share a joke or song, feed the soul, bring back memories, celebrate happy moments, or support each other in sickness. No other section has kept the communication lines as unfiltered and open as Section 4, which has had its own e-group for 15 years. No topic is sacred, no thought policed. They cover the gamut of jokes, tips and ideas, with two classmates conversing in a language of their own. From small to large amalgamations, when we are together, we cannot stop talking. After a weekend at Laoag and Vigan, at the invitation of batch-mate Mayor Eva SingsonMedina, we lost our voices over the din of thirty women speaking at the same time. It was HS77s first out-of-town trip, but from the first day, the lines between six sections blurred as friendships redeveloped and rekindled. Senator Loren Legarda hosted a dinner attended by fifty of usincluding some whom we had not seen in ages.

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It made us proud to be from HS77 to witness Joey Alberts concerts, directorproducer Ellen Ongkeko-Marfils movie Boses, PETA director Maribel Legardas William (which dealt with Shakes-Fear with rap and hip-hop), and Care Divas, and to attend Quarterly Lunches and golf tournaments in support of Gina GabaldonHechanovas tenure as president of the Assumption Alumnae Association.

HS77 has not forgotten to give back to society either. The batch has partially funded the installation of Knowledge Channel (KCh) in Assumption San Simon, Pampanga and Lanao del Norte. Classmates have supported their respective advocacies, and one section through Rina Narciso has adopted a public school in Coron, Palawan, equipping it not only with KCh (thanks to Rina Lopez-Bautista) but also books, baseball equipment, and for the students

slippers and TOMS shoes. This year, as Jade Jubilarians, we celebrate our reconnection with one another. The class motto Strength is Gentle continues to guide our everyday lives. High school friends, friends for life. Truly BFFs.



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Sapphires HS 67
he gemstone Sapphire, one of the four precious gemstones, is said to symbolize calmness, constancy, contemplation, hope, innocence, purity, truth, and virtue. In our 45th year out of high school, it can be said that we are approaching the qualities of this gemstone. The friendships created during our carefree high school days continue to flourish. We decided to join the celebrating milestones (Pearl, Jade and Emeralds) while we are still up and about! Our becoming dual citizens two (2) years ago made us realize how blessed we are. We raised our families and pursued careers. Now, we are enjoying the fruits of our work as sit back, relax and thank God for continuous blessings.

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AAA Call for Help:

San Simon Relief Operations - Oct. 2011

ssumption Alumnae Association Inc. sounded A CALL FOR HELP on October 3, 2011 through social networking, emails, phone calls and various means to reach out to every alumnae. AAA President Ms. Gina Gabaldon Hechanova led the pack in conducting a field visit to check the areas inundated by flood waters caused by Typhoon Pedring and Quiel.

The response of alumnae, here and abroad was overwhelming. The AAA office became an instant warehouse. Goods poured in as fast as we could deliver to ATHS. Subsequently, cash donations received from alumnae here and abroad were significant. Total donations amounted to P1, 279, 598.80 (PESOS) and (2,930 DOLLARS). In transit from New York is another $1000 dollars and a peso donation of 40,200.

A total of 6 container 14 footer vans were delivered with an assortment of goods consisting of rice, water, medicines, blankets, food packs, canned goods etc. A total of 500 individual alumnae responded to our Call for Help and we are blessed with their generosity and support for San Simon Pampanga. All Hail to our beloved Assumptionistas!


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Assumption Annual Cup 2012

Golf For Cause


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Quarterly Lunches
February 2012

Its More Fun Travelling in the Philippines

Guest Speaker: Ms. Susan Calo Medina - Travel Guru and Tourism Expert


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August 2012

Fresh from Paris.... A New Beginning

Guest Speakers: Sr. Marjo Matias r.a, Newly elected General Councillor Ma. Lourdes G. Herrera, Lay Provincial Representative of the Philippines - Thailand Province to the General Chapter 2012



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n the cool mountains of Baguio City live the tribal communities of the Ibaloys, Kankanaeys and Ifugaos.

Please join us in the movement to promote the cultural heritage and dignity of the Cordillera children!

The St. Martins School in Baguio City was established 42 years ago by the Assumption Sisters. It serves 300 children of cultural minorities in the Mountain Province by providing various programs for skills development, formation in the faith, and building Christian communities around the area. It is the only elementary school in the country with an integrated inculturation program whereby focus is given in preserving the culture and values of the Cordilleras.


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AAA Staff
Everly S. Aquino Admin Assistant Annual Bazaar Project Officer AAA Website Developer and Administrator Has served AAA for 15 years.

Departed Alumnae 2011 - 2012

I am looking at the Lord. It is in looking at Him that one learns how to love. (St. Marie Eugenie r.a.)
Trinidad Miranda Aguirre HS 42 Anne Margaret Silayan Go HS 82 Cristina Syquia Daland, HS 59 Col 63 Isabel Malvar Villegas, HS 28 Col 32 Bert Ceniza TDEV Messengerial Staff Has served AAA for 6 years Lourdes De la Rama Osmena Ma. Lourdes Marylou Magalona Gomez, HS 62 Magdalena Moreta McCart Milagros Garcia, HS 63 Moonyeen Retizos Singson, HS 52 Nelly Lacson Gonzalez, HS 37 Petronila Syquia Larsen, HS 74 Connie Gomez Valdes HS 64 Administrative Officer AAA Facebook Adminstrator Hired April 2010 Rosario Cruz Zarate, HS 63 Rosario Roces Sotelo, HS 41 Sr. Lavinia, RA Teresita Jalandoni Cuenca, HS 37 Cecilia Albert Lapus, HS 65 Consuelo Nieva Blanch, HS 55 Dolores Calvo Roces, HS 29 Gigi Angeles Perez, HS 71 Irish Razonable Pascua, HS 89 Karen Hernandez Montinola, HS 74 COL 78 Lourdes del Prado Juliano, HS 63 Ma. Elena Peachy Pelaez Reyes, HS 64 Ma. Eugenia Chiqui Server, HS 63 Ma. Teresa Lizares, HS 76 Maite Jalbuena Margarita Bachiller Powell, HS 56 COL 60 Marilen Martinez Giner, HS 66 Mother Teresita Ledesma, R.A.

Rose G. Ocampo Accountant Has served AAA 1998-2006 resigned and came back 2012

2012 Jubilarian Committee Theme: Faith Fully AC Silver 87, Golden 62, Ruby 72, Diamond 52, Platinum 42, Emerald 57, Sapphires, 67, Jade 77, Pearl 82

Sol Tancinco Fabros, HS 36 Sr. Teresita Ledesma, RA Trinidad Miranda Aguirre, HS 42 Virginia Ginny Llamas Baughman, HS 65 Editors Note: Due to high cost of printing, The Assumpta Magazine 2012 : The Many Faces of Eugenie is limited to only 500 copies. ONLY alumnae that have paid their Annual Dues for Year 2012 will receive a copy.
YoU can vIeW a PDF versIon of the magaZIne In oUr WebsIte.

Tel. Nos.: 8943561 or 8943580 Email: Facebook: Assumpta San Lorenzo Website:

Print and Layout by: Nuovo Graphika Designing Consultant Mobile no.: 0916.489.8808 (Globe) 0933.443.2623 (Sun) Email:

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Anne Eugenie Milleret The Child The Nun The Saint

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