Stereotypes Lesson Plan

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Stereotypes Lesson Plan Template

Unit/Topic (If unit-note how many lessons in unit): Personal/Social Title of Lesson: Understanding Stereotypes Grade Level: 10th (9-12) ASCA Standards Addressed: PS:A2.1, PS:A2.2, PS:A2.3, PS:A2.4

Learning Objective(s): Students will learn how to define stereotypes and how those labels can affect how people treat each other Collaborative Partners (who can assist with this lesson?): Materials Needed: Internet Access, Stereotypes Worksheet, Youtube, pencils, whiteboard Activity Summary: 40 minutes total 1. Icebreaker (Name first letter adjective) 2. Play Shrek Clip 3. Discuss the concept of Stereotypes 4. Complete first sheet handout 5. List examples from first sheet, discuss 6. Complete second handout 7. List examples from second handout, discuss 8. Compare and contrast the difference between one and two 9. Discuss how stereotypes affect us as people 10. Post-test

1 Edited Fall 2012

Unit/Topic (If unit-note how many lessons in unit): Personal/Social Learning Activities (Include introduction to lesson, Activity(ies), resources required, and Conclusion): *Include time needed for lesson Pre-test assess student understanding of their personal values and how that affects their decisions and actions (5 minutes) 1. Icebreaker: Use the first letter of their name and find an adjective that starts with the same letter to describe themselves (ie. Determined Demarcus, Creative Chris, etc.) 2. Play Shrek clip (45:40-47:51) from Youtube 3. Use clip as a jumping off point to discuss assumptions that people make because of how someone might look. Talk about stereotypes as ways to categorize and generalize people. Discuss how stereotypes can be correct and incorrect, positive and negative. 4. Complete first handout that describes stereotypes based on roles or positions people choose (ie. Teacher, Police Officer, Musician, Athlete, etc.) 5. List examples on the white board for each of the roles listed on the worksheet. 6. Complete second handout asking for stereotypes based on who people are (ie. Senior Citizen, White, Aftrican American, Hispanic, Physically Disabled) 7. Discuss the stereotypes based on age, race, and physical attributes 8. Compare and contrast how stereotypes might affect people in the two different groups. Discuss how it would be different. 9. Discuss how it feels to be categorized in a certain way because of who you are or what you choose to do. How do people learn stereotypes? Is it possible to change them? What would the benefit be of changing them? 10. Post-test.

Unit/Topic (If unit-note how many lessons in unit): Personal/Social Evaluation Plan: What data will you collect and how will you collect data to show: 1. impact on K-12 students (use pre/post-test)

Post-test: Please circle your response: I can define the term stereotype I understand the term stereotype I have been affected by a stereotype I will be aware of stereotypes I will work to change stereotypes Strongly Disagree 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 Strongly Agree 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5

2. Feedback on lesson *Must include the pre/post assessment Follow-Up Plan: Stay in contact with school Resource Officer to maintain a current understanding of cell phone protocol for confiscation and consequences References/Resources Used: Stereotype worksheets by list: List 1: Teacher, Athlete, Police Officer, Musician List 2: Senior Citizen, White, African-American, Hispanic, Asian American, Physically Disabled

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