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Kliebenstein/Pofek 1 Tara Kliebenstein/ Daphne Pofek Stephen Topf English 114B April 21, 2014 Americas Pastime Historically,

the European civilization has faced many different inequalities amongst human beings including sexism. Sexism is the attitudes or behaviors based on traditional stereotypes of gender roles. The two spaces we observed were a collegiate men's baseball game and a collegiate women's softball. The different expectations for men and women competing in higher-level athletics are a prime example of how sexism is being portrayed in America. For example, in baseball, men are allowed to show aggressiveness and anger when they feel frustrated from having a poor performance. As to where women athletes, we are instructed to control our emotions, remain classy, and lead by example when having what is considered to be a bad game. Sexism is apparent in the competitive level of athletics, and it is a negative influence to our society because it encourages misogynism to our generation. The historical facts of baseball are accurately exhibited in the article, Who Invented Baseball? published by the History Channel. According to the article, baseball was invented in the 18th century, but became most popular in the 19th century and created a new American tradition (par 2). This is how baseball claimed its nickname, Americas Pastime. Baseball reached its peak in America prior to World War II. Due to the fact that many baseball players were drafted to fight in the war, many women had to take on the role of becoming the new era of baseball players. A League of Their Own, was produced in 1992 portraying the creation of the

Kliebenstein/Pofek 2 All-American Girls Professional Baseball League during World War II in 1943. This film was produced in order to enlighten the audience on how the creation of softball came about. It also was produced in order to show the history of one of the first liberations for equal rights for women, sports wise that is. The two spaces are physically similar yet have their differences. A baseball field is a lot bigger than a softball field. From home to the outfield fence ranges from 300-400 feet, the bases are ninety feet apart, and the pitchers mound is 60 feet away. A baseball field also has a grass infield. A softball field from home to the outfield fence is normally 200-220 feet, the bases are 60 feet apart, and the mound is 43 feet away. A softball field also has an all dirt infield. The type of people who occupy the space are very similar. Both spaces consist of a male dominant crowd. There are still female in the audience but not as many. Also both audience had younger children attending to watch. At these two spaces you see similar values between the two. One that we noticed was leadership. At both games the coaches were yelling the importance of leadership by telling the players someone needs to step up and take charge. There were also different values between the two games. At softball games the women valued hustle more. The women sprinted on every ball they hit as to where the men would jog if the thought they were going to be out. Another value that was different was the energy. At the softball game the women were chanting song like cheers and had a lot more energy then the men did. At the baseball game it was more quiet and there was not any cheering. However, by attending both the baseball and softball game we did notice how the sport had a form of sexism between the two. Sexism in sports has been around ever since women sports have existed. The reason being it exist in sports today is because mens sports have been around longer then women sports.

Kliebenstein/Pofek 3 All women sports have been developed from men sports. With men being the to first play sports has caused majority of the audience who watches sports to be male. Sports have been considered to be something masculine, aggressive, and combative. Where society has placed an expectation on women to be feminine, gentle, and calm. Women in sports is considered to be a taboo. This is where we see stereotypes and sexism in sports arise. For example, Brittany Griner, a female WNBA player, who has excelled in her sport and has the same if not better athletic ability as a male has been continually scrutinized on by society. She has been placed under the stereotype of a tomboy, lesbian, and has even been considered to be a man. When women athletes standout in there sport they are considered to be manly and lesbian. Where men don't have to worry about these false claims. The severity of sexism of sports has come to the point where some female athletes have even considered giving up and quitting whatever sport they may play. Gender roles in sports are another difference in male and female sports. One that we instantly noticed in our observations was how the two difference sexes play sports. Men often get away with a lot more then females. In baseball, men are allowed to show aggressiveness and anger when they feel frustrated from having a poor performance. As to where women athletes, we are instructed to control our emotions, remain classy, and lead by example when having what is considered to be a bad game. Another gender role that came to mind for professional baseball players and professional softball players is women role to raise a family. Unlike men women are usually in charge of take care of the family making sure every one is fed and taken care of, where as men are usually in charge of supporting the family. You see this gender role come into play in sports because professional female athletes have to give up their sport in order to have a family, while men can continue to play their sport and be able to financially support

Kliebenstein/Pofek 4 their family. For example, Jenny Finch, an olympic gold medalist and professional softball player, had to give up her career to be able to start a family. However her husband, Casey Diagle, a professional baseball player, was still able to play baseball in order to support their family. In a video interview Jenny Finch stated, "I just feel like it gets harder and harder every year with Ace getting older and time away from my husband and even family events. By Fin ch stating this it gives an example of her gender role of wanting to be able to be with her family and wanting to have more kids. Another gender role that we observed and talked to the audience about was if women are tough enough. Talking to audience of both games an issue that both audiences brought up is the issue that women aren't thought to be tough enough to compete at such a high level. Luckily, there are many ways to avoid sexism in sports, and people are working together to try to make a difference in the athletic world. Title Nine is a law that was created to make sure that no woman in the United States be exempt from participating in any form of athletics. According to the article, A Title Nine Primer, published by the Womens Sports FoundationTitle Nine, Gives women athletes the right to equal opportuinity in sports in educational institutions that receive federal funds, from elementary schools to colleges and universities.

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