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Characteristics 1.


Important Facts, Evidence, Explanations, Shang armies had soldiers who rode horses and elephants, including fighters riding chariots. I chose this picture to represent strong armies who used this method of transportation for war. The Shang believed in life after death, and dead ancestors had power to help living things. In this picture, it shows a statue of ancestors the Chinese would worship. This picture represents craftspeople li!e bron"e wor!ers, stonemasons, and potters. #ron"e wor!ers made weapons and decorated containers for the !ing. $i!e nobles, craftspeople had a s%mbol of their wealth. This picture of a tool of war is an e'ample of technolog%. This includes a' heads, spearheads, and arrowheads. This tool helped the Shang remain in power for ()) %ears. This is a picture of a bron"e vessel to represent a stable food suppl%. The% used these vessels for wine. The main food was millet but rice and wheat were eaten too. Shang people had s!ill with bron"e and created vessels with m%thical creature. In this picture, there are talons of a bird. -ther creature included the e%e of a man, and the crest of a dragon. /eople used characters that stand for words called logographs. This picture relates to writing because it shows the horns of a ram used in the Shang language.

2. Religion

. Social Structure

&. Technolog%

(. Stable *ood Suppl%

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7. .riting

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