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CAN/CAN'T In English, we have a a word to express the capability of doing something Can, or uncapability (cannot/can t!

" It has many usages we must learn how to use! #! Chec$, read and ma$e sure you understand the contents of the following webpages in order to understand better one of the topics we are to study in %nit & 'ravel! 1. http(//www!shertonenglish!com/resources/es/main)verbs/can!php 2. http(//www!english)grammar)lessons!com/can/menu!php 3. http(//www!englishpage!com/modals/can!html *! +lease do the following activities! ,! http(//www!grammar!cl/-ames/Can.Cannot!htm /! http(//www!grammar!cl/exercises/can)cannot!pdf 0! http(//www!english)grammar)lessons!com/can/exercise,!html &! http(//www!english)grammar)lessons!com/can/exercise/!html 1! http(//www!english)grammar)lessons!com/can/exercise0!html 2! http(//www!english)grammar)lessons!com/can/exercise1!html 3! http(//www!englisch)hilfen!de/en/exercises/4uestions/can/!htm
Workshop prepared by Jennifer Vanegas and Francisco Herrera

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