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Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the re uirement for the de!ree of "ASTER IN B#SINESS AD"INISTRATION of #ttara$hand Te%hni%al #ni&er'it( Dehradun) *Bat%h +,,-.+,,/0
Under the Guidance of: Submitted By:

Dr) K) S) NEGI
Director UIM, Dehradun

Enrol. No. 06 !0"00#


$%&&ro'ed by %I()E*


+re&arin, a &ro-ect of thi. nature i. an arduou. ta./ and I 0a. fortunate enou,h to ,et .u&&ort from a lar,e number of &er.on. to 0hom I .hall al0ay. remain ,rateful. I 0ould li/e to add a fe0 heartfelt 0ord. for the &eo&le 0ho 0ere &art of thi. &ro-ect in numerou. 0ay.11&eo&le 0ho ,a'e me unendin, .u&&ort 2 ,uidance ri,ht from the .ta,e thi. &ro-ect 0a. concei'ed. I am de.irou. of &lacin, on record &rofound indebtedne.. to "') Shanu Khatri5 3aculty in De&artment of Bu.ine.. Mana,ement, Uttaranchal In.titute of Mana,ement, for the 'aluable ad'ice, ,uidance, &reciou. time and .u&&ort that .he offered. I con'ey my heartily affection to all tho.e &eo&le 0ho hel&ed and .u&&orted u. durin, the cour.e, for com&letion of my Di..ertation 4e&ort and ma/in, it a .ucce...


I ha'e done my re.earch &ro-ect at ING 56S6% B%N7. In my Study I ha'e analy8ed the rea.on. for 9i,h attrition rate of em&loyee. in ING 56S6% B%N7. )he &ro-ect .tart. 0ith an idea re,ardin, the ban/in, .ector and al.o the &rofile of ING 56S6% B%N7.

)he out.ourcin, hi.tory of India i. one of &henomenal ,ro0th in a 'ery .hort .&an of time. %ttrition refer. to a method of achie'in, a reduction in &er.onnel by not refillin, &o.ition. that are 'acated throu,h re.i,nation, rea..i,nment, tran.fer, retirement or mean. other than layoff.. %ttrition i. tran.actional referrin, to it. de&endency on both en'ironmental 2 &er.onal 'ariable.. )he fact that lar,e number. of em&loyee. turno'er in the fir.t .i: month. of em&loyment .u,,e.t. that thi. i. a critical time for hel&in, &eo&le ad-u.t to ne0 role.. Mana,in, em&loyee.; e:&ectation. .hould actually .tart before em&loyment. <rientation &ro,ram. .hould not be a one=day e'ent> they .hould .&an the fir.t three month. of em&loyment. % ,ood orientation &ro,ram hel&. &re'ent mi.under.tandin,., and ,radually introduce. the em&loyee into the <r,ani8ation. By &ro'idin, -u.t=in=time information and trainin,, rather than a one=day ?core dum&? of information, your trainin, effort. 0ill yield much better re.ult.. %fter detailin, the <r,ani8ational (hart, ta/e time to clearly e:&lain the im&ortance of the em&loyee;. -ob. Mo.t im&ortantly, e.tabli.h a .u&&ort .y.tem for the ne0 em&loyee.


INDIAN BANKING SECTOR )he'e Ban/ of India $4BI* act. a. a centrali8ed ,o'ernin, body. )hou,h +ublic Sector Ban/. currently dominate the Ban/in, Indu.try, numerou. +ri'ate and 3orei,n Ban/. e:i.t. India@. Go'ernment o0ned Ban/. dominate the mar/et. )heir &erformance ha. been mi:ed, 0ith a fe0 bein, con.i.tently &rofitable. Se'eral +ublic Sector Ban/. are bein, re.tructured and in .ome the ,o'ernment either already ha. or 0ill reduce it. o0ner.hi&. PRIVATE AND FOREIGN BANKS )he 4BI ha. ,ranted o&eratin, a&&ro'al to a fe0 &ri'ately o0ned dome.tic ban/.> of the.e many commenced ban/in, bu.ine... 3orei,n ban/. o&erate more than AB# branche. in India. )he entry of forei,n ban/. i. ba.ed on reci&rocity, economic and &olitical bilateral relation.. %n inter=de&artmental committee a&&ro'e. a&&lication. for entry and e:&an.ion. CAPITAL ADEQUACY NORM 3orei,n ban/. 0ere reCuired to achie'e an B &ercent ca&ital adeCuacy norm by March !## , 0hile Indian ban/. 0ith o'er.ea. branche. had until March !##" to meet that tar,et. %ll other ban/. had to do .o by March !##6. )he ban/in, .ector i. to be u.ed a. a model for o&enin, u& of India@. in.urance .ector to &ri'ate, dome.tic and forei,n &artici&ant., 0hile /ee&in, the national in.urance com&anie. in o&eration.


BANKING India ha. an e:ten.i'e ban/in, net0or/, in both urban and rural area.. %ll lar,e Indian ban/. are nationali8ed, and all Indian financial in.titution. are in the &ublic .ector. RBI BANKING )he'e Ban/ of India i. the centrali8ed ,o'ernin, body. It i. the .ole authority for i..uin, ban/ note. and the .u&er'i.ory body for ban/in, o&eration. in India. It .u&er'i.e. and admini.ter. e:chan,e control and ban/in, re,ulation., and admini.ter. the ,o'ernment@. monetary &olicy. It i. al.o re.&on.ible for ,rantin, licen.e. for ne0 ban/ branche.. 0 forei,n ban/. o&erate in India 0ith full ban/in, Dicen.e.. Se'eral licen.e. for &ri'ate ban/. ha'e been a&&ro'ed. De.&ite fairly broad ban/in, co'era,e nation0ide, the financial .y.tem remain. inacce..ible to the &oore.t &eo&le in India. INDIAN BANKING SYSTEM )he ban/in, .y.tem ha. three tier.. )he.e are the .cheduled commercial ban/.> the re,ional rural ban/., 0hich o&erate in rural area., not co'ered by the .cheduled ban/.> and the coo&erati'e and .&ecial &ur&o.e rural ban/.. SCHEDULED AND NON SCHEDULED BANKS )here are a&&ro:imately B0 .cheduled commercial ban/., Indian and forei,n> almo.t A00 re,ional rural ban/.> more than "0 central coo&erati'e ban/., A0 land de'elo&ment ban/.> and a number of &rimary a,ricultural credit .ocietie.. In term. of bu.ine.., the &ublic .ector ban/., namely the State Ban/ of India and the nationali8ed ban/., dominate the ban/in, .ector.


3orei,n ban/. in India are .ub-ect to the .ame re,ulation. a. .cheduled ban/.. )hey are &ermitted to acce&t de& and &ro'ide credit in accordance 0ith the ban/in, la0. and

4BI re,ulation.. (urrently about

0 forei,n ban/. are licen.ed to o&erate in India.

3orei,n ban/ branche. in India finance trade throu,h their ,lobal net0or/.. GOVERNMENT AND RBI REGULATIONS %ll commercial ban/. face .tiff re.triction. on the u.e of both their and liabilitie.. 3orty &ercent of loan. mu.t be directed to ?&riority .ector? and the Statutory DiCuidity 4atio and (a.h'e reCuirement. .e'erely limit the a'ailability of de& for lendin,. )he 4BI reCuire. that dome.tic Indian ban/. ma/e E0 &ercent of their loan. at confe..ional rate. to &riority .ector.@ .elected by the ,o'ernment. )he.e .ector. con.i.t lar,ely of a,riculture, e:&orter., and .mall bu.ine..e.. Since Fuly !## , forei,n ban/. ha'e been reCuired to ma/e A &ercent of their loan. to thi. &riority .ector. Githin the tar,et of A &ercent, t0o .ub=tar,et. for loan. to the .mall= .cale .ector $minimum of !0 &ercent* and e:&ort. $minimum of !A &ercent* ha'e been fi:ed. 3orei,n ban/., ho0e'er, are not reCuired to o&en branche. in rural area., or to ma/e loan. to the a,ricultural .ector. (ommercial ban/. lent doll. !6.E6 billion in the Indian financial year $I36, %&ril=March* A00"HA006, u& .har&ly from doll. !0# billion in the &re'iou. year. )here are .e'eral other 0orrie. about the ban/in, .ector, mainly confu.ion o'er o0ner.hi& and control. Sometime .oon India 0ill be forced to a&&ly the norm. of de'elo&ed countrie. and many ban/. $includin, .ome of the bi,,e.t* 0ill .ho0 'ery &oor return ratio. and do8en. of ban/. 0ill be ban/ru&t. Ghen that ha&&en. the t0o &o&ular rea.on. to defend bad ban/. 0ill di.a&&ear. )he.e are: one, to .a'e face in the remote ho&e of that fortune. 0ill Ire'i'e@ and t0o, .ome ban/. are too bi, to be allo0ed to fail, fearin, .ocial u&hea'al.


6ho 8e are ING Grou& i. a ,lobal financial .er'ice. com&any of Dutch ori,in 0ith !"0 year. of e:&erience, &ro'idin, a 0ide array of ban/in,, in.urance and mana,ement .er'ice. in o'er "0 countrie.. <ur !A0,000 em&loyee. 0or/ daily to .ati.fy a broad cu.tomer ba.e: indi'idual., familie., .mall bu.ine..e., lar,e cor&oration., in.titution. and ,o'ernment.. Ba.ed on mar/et ca&itali8ation, ING i. one of the A0 lar,e.t financial in.titution. 0orld0ide and ran/ed in the to&=!0 in Euro&e. )he immediate benefit to ING 5y.ya Ban/ ltd i. the &ride of ha'in, become a member of ,lobal financial .er'ice. ,iant, 0ith an ba.e of !!"# billion euro., net &rofit of J.A! billion euro. a. of December !.t A00". 3urther, the &re.ence of the ,rou& in o'er "0 countrie., em&loyin, o'er !!J000 &eo&le, .er'in, o'er 60 million cu.tomer. acro.. the ,lobe, only multi&lie. the credibility, not only acro.. the country but al.o acro.. the ,lobe. )he &ride of thi. ,lobal identity, the bac/ u& of a financial &o0er hou.e and the .tatu. of bein, the fir.t Indian International ban/, 0ould al.o ,reatly enhance &roducti'ity, &rofitability re.ultin, in im&ro'ed &erformance for the ban/ to tran.late into hi,her return., to all the .ta/e holder.. Bu'ine'' ING i. the number one financial .er'ice. com&any in the Benelu: home mar/et. ING .er'ice. it. retail client. in the.e mar/et. 0ith a 0ide ran,e of retail=ban/in,, in.urance and mana,ement .er'ice.. <ur 0hole.ale ban/in, acti'itie. o&erate 0orld0ide but 0ith a &rimary focu. on the Benelu: countrie.. In the United State., ING i. a to&=" &ro'ider of retirement .er'ice. and life in.urance. In (anada, 0e are the to& &ro&erty and ca.ualty in.urer. ING Direct i. a leadin, direct ban/ 0ith o'er !" million cu.tomer. in nine lar,e countrie.. In the ,ro0th mar/et. of %.ia, (entral Euro&e and South %merica 0e, for e:am&le, &ro'ide life in.urance. Ge are al.o a lar,e mana,er 0ith under mana,ement of around EU4 "00 billion. "i''ion 0e .tri'e to deli'er our financial &roduct. and .er'ice. in the 0ay our cu.tomer. e:&ect:

0ith e:em&lary .er'ice, ma:imum con'enience and at com&etiti'e rate.. )hi. i. reflected in our mi..ion .tatement: to .et the .tandard in hel&in, our cu.tomer. mana,e their financial future. Sta$eholder' ING conduct. it. bu.ine.. on the ba.i. of clearly defined bu.ine.. &rinci&le.. In all our acti'itie. 0e carefully 0ei,h the intere.t. of our .ta/eholder.: cu.tomer., em&loyee., .hareholder., bu.ine.. &artner. and .ociety at lar,e. ING .tri'e. to be a ,ood cor&orate citi8en. Our 'trate!( Ge are a cu.tomer=orientated com&any 0ith a clear or,ani8ation and .trate,y 0hich i. founded on 'alue ba.ed mana,ement. Ge ha'e a .tron, &o.ition in mature mar/et. 0here 0e 0ant to ,enerate further ,ro0th throu,h &ro&er e:ecution of our bu.ine.. fundamental. $.uch a. cu.tomer .ati.faction and mana,in, co.t., ri./ and our re&utation* and 0e focu. on ,ro0th in retirement .er'ice., direct ban/in, and life in.urance in de'elo&in, mar/et.. )hat 0ay 0e try to offer our .hareholder. a hi,her return than the a'era,e of our &eer..




ING GOING 4OR6ARD ING 0a. founded in !##! by a mer,er bet0een Nationale=Nederlanden and NMB +o.tban/ Grou& to become the fir.t banca..urer of the Netherland.. Durin, the &a.t !" year. ING ha. become a multinational 0ith 'ery di'er.e international acti'itie..

)he root. of ING can be traced to the in.urer. De Nationale De'en.'er8e/erin, Ban/ and De Nederlanden 'an !BE" and to the &ublic ban/ .er'ice. .uch a. De 4i-/.&o.t.&aarban/ and De +o.tcheCue= and Girodien.t, a. 0ell a. to the Nederland.che Midden.tand. Ban/. )he.e are the le,al &redece..on. of the Kfoundin, father.; of ING> Nationale= Nederlanden and NMB +o.tban/ Grou&. )he olde.t le,al &redece..or i. the 7oo,er Doodenbo. from 7oo,, Noord 9olland, founded in !JE . Durin, that &eriod many re,ional fund. 0ere created to in.ure &eo&le
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from certain communitie., &rofe..ion., 0ido0. and or&han. a,ain.t bad fortune. Many of the.e .mall or,ani.ation. 0ere ta/en o'er by lar,er nation0ide o&eratin, com&anie. .uch a. De Nationale De'en.'er8e/erin, Ban/. )he fire in.urer. 0ere the fir.t to underta/e international acti'itie., .tartin, in the Dutch Indie., but later al.o in the re.t of %.ia and in %merica. )hi. created the foundation for the international com&any ING i. today. )he &illari.ation of Dutch .ociety that .e&arated +rote.tant., (atholic. and Sociali.tHDiberal. i. al.o 'i.ible in the ING hi.tory. Ban/. 0ith a (atholic or +rote.tant .i,nature mer,ed into the NMB and became &art of ING. +rofe..ional ,rou&. al.o united in the ban/in, bu.ine... <r,ani.ation. .uch a. the (redietban/ for 7offiehui. en 4e.tauranthouder. $&ub. and re.taturant.*, the Ban/ 'oor den Diamantenhandel $diamond trade* and the 5a/bond..&aarban/ $Union Sa'in,. Ban/* 0ere in'ol'ed in .e'eral mer,er. and acCui.ition. and finally became &art of ING Ban/ and therefore &art of the ING family. )he foundin, of ING a. one com&any 0a. .tarted in !##0 0hen the le,al re.triction. on mer,er. bet0een in.urer. and ban/. 0ere lifted in the Netherland.. )hi. &rom&ted in.urance com&any Nationale=Nederlanden and ban/in, com&any NMB +o.tban/ Groe& to enter into ne,otiation.. )he mer,er into Internationale Nederlanden Grou& too/ &lace in !##!. )he mar/et .oon abbre'iated the name to I=N=G. )he com&any follo0ed .uit by chan,in, the .tatutory name to ING Groe& N.5. Since !##!, ING ha. de'elo&ed from a Dutch com&any 0ith .ome international bu.ine.. to a multinational 0ith Dutch root.. )hi. 0a. achie'ed throu,h a mi:ture of or,anic ,ro0th, .uch a. the creation of ING Direct from .cratch, a. 0ell a. 'ariou. lar,e acCui.ition..

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)he to& of the com&any &edi,ree abo'e .ho0. the Kfoundin, father.; of ING> at the bottom you 0ill find the com&anie. that ING ha. acCuired .ince it. e.tabli.hment. In addition, com&anie. 0ere bou,ht that ha'e in the meantime been .old a,ain. )he fir.t lar,e acCui.ition too/ &lace in !##", 0hen ING too/ o'er Barin,. Ban/. )hi. acCui.ition increa.ed the brand reco,nition of ING around the 0orld and .tren,thened it. 0hole.ale ban/in, &re.ence in the emer,in, mar/et.. Some of Barin,.; acti'itie. 0ere inte,rated in ING;. bu.ine.. unit., 0hile other &art. 0ere clo.ed do0n or .old. In !###, ING acCuired the German B93=Ban/, but thi. 3ran/furt=ba.ed merchant ban/ 0a. di'e.ted in A00E. (enE ban/ier. al.o &layed an im&ortant role in ING;. hi.tory. It had been &art of NMB .ince !#66, but in A00E ING decided to .ell (enE. %nd then there 0a. Dife of Geor,ia. )hi. in.urance com&any 0a. acCuired by Nationale=Nederlanden in !#J#, re.ultin, in a con.iderable increa.e in acti'itie. in the US. 5ia Dife of Geor,ia, the acti'itie. in %.ia e:&anded con.iderably. 9o0e'er in A00E, ING a. a ,rou& had become 0ell=e.tabli.hed in both re,ion. and Dife of Geor,ia 0a. .old. In !#"6 an ING = &redece..or $de Nationale* bou,ht de )iel=Utrecht. )hi. .i,nificantly increa.ed the .i8e of the com&any. But it 0a. .old a,ain in !### to De Goud.e. <ther acCui.ition., .uch a. the Bel,ian Ban/ Bru..el. Dambert, .tren,thened the Grou&;. &re.ence in the Benelu:. In addition, the acti'itie. in de United State. 0ere doubled a. a

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re.ult of or,anic ,ro0th and the acCui.ition of ECuitable of Io0a, 4eliaStar, %etna 3inancial Ser'ice. and merchant ban/ 3urman Sel8. ING i. al.o acti'e in other &art. of the 0orld. In A00!, ING acCuired a ma-ority intere.t in the +oli.h Ban/ Lla./i and &urcha.ed the remainin, .ta/e in the Me:ican in.urer Se,uro. (ommercial %merica. 3urthermore, ING &artici&ate. in a number of financial in.titution., .uch a. +acific %ntai Dife In.urance and the (hina Merchant. 3und Mana,ement. It ha. al.o e.tabli.hed a &artner.hi& 0ith the Ban/ of Bei-in,. )hi. ha. .tren,thened ING;. &re.ence in the emer,in, mar/et. of %.ia, 0here ING ha. a lon,.tandin, &re.ence. )he Netherland. of !BE" had been acti'e in (hina .ince !BB6 and NMB Ban/ had -oint 'enture. in !#JE $Inter=%l&ha %.ia*. Durin, it. .hort e:i.tence, ING ha. ,ro0n into a 'er.atile, international com&any. ING 0ill continue alon, thi. &ath by &ro'idin, e:cellent .er'ice. throu,h it. e:i.tin, bu.ine..e. and by, on three ,ro0th area.: direct ban/in,, &en.ion. and emer,in, mar/et.. Jth , A00A
!# 0 !#EB !#B" !#BJ !#BB !##0 !##A !## !##6 !##B A000 A00! A00A A00A Set u& in Ban,alore Scheduled Ban/ Dar,e.t +ri'ate Sector Ban/ )he 5y.ya Ban/, Dtd. (ommenced +ioneered the conce&t of (o brandin, of (redit (ard. +romoted 5y.ya Ban/, 3inance Dtd. De& cro.. 4..!000 crore. Number of Branche. cro..ed 00 Si,n. Strate,ic %lliance 0ith BBD., Bel,ium. )0o National %0ard. by Gem 2 Fe0ellery E:&ort +romotion (ouncil for e:cellent &erformance in E:&ort +romotion (a.h Mana,ement Ser'ice., 2 commi..ionin, of 5S%). Golden +eacoc/ %0ard = for the be.t 94 +ractice. by In.titute of Director.. 4ated a. Be.t Dome.tic Ban/ in India by Global 3inance $International 3inancial Fournal = Fune !##B* State =of = the =art Date (entre at I)+D, Ban,alore. 4BI clear. .ettin, u& of ING 5y.ya Dife In.urance (om&any ING=5y.ya commenced life in.urance bu.ine... )he Ban/ launched a ran,e of &roduct. 2 .er'ice. li/e the 5y. 5ya&ar +lu., the ran,e of loan .cheme. for trader., %)M .er'ice.,', &er.onal a..i.tant .er'ice, Sa'e 2 Secure, an account that &ro'ide. accident ho.&itali8ation and in.urance co'er, Sambandh, the International Debit (ard and the mi=bMn/ net ban/in, .er'ice. ING ta/e. o'er the Mana,ement of the Ban/ from <ctober Jth , A00A

ING ta/e. o'er the Mana,ement of )he 5y.ya Ban/ from <ctober

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A00A A00 A00E A00" A006

4BI clear. the ne0 name of the Ban/ a. ING 5y.ya Ban/ Dtd, 'ide their letter of !J.!A.0A Introduced cu.tomer friendly &roduct. li/e <ran,e Sa'in,., <ran,e (urrent and +rotected 9ome Doan. Introduced +rotected 9ome Doan. = a, loan &roduct Introduced Solo = My <0n %ccount for youth and (u.tomer Ser'ice Dine N +hone Ban/in, Ser'ice Saral Sa'in,. = No 3rill. %ccount for the common man

- 14 -

Doin! 6ell B( Doin! Ri!ht <&eratin, in a hi,hly com&etiti'e ,lobal mar/et, our re.ult. can be attributed to our 0illin,ne.. to challen,e con'entional thin/in,. Ge &ioneered the conce&t of the inte,rated financial .er'ice. com&any, brin,in, ban/in, and in.urance to,ether to benefit our cu.tomer. and .tren,then our bu.ine... %nother e:am&le i. ING Direct. )hi. inno'ati'e mar/etin, .trate,y 2 communication a&&roach of retail ban/in, .tarted in !##" and today ING Direct i. a leadin, direct ban/ 0ith o'er !" million cu.tomer. in # lar,e countrie.. Di/e e'ery bu.ine.., .ucce.. de&end. on deli'erin, re.ult.. But at ING 0e are al.o moti'ated by .omethin, more N en.urin, that e'ery deci.ion 0e ma/e i. the ri,ht one. %nd a. a re.ult 0e are doin, 0ell for our cu.tomer., our .ta/eholder. and our.el'e.. In .hort: KDoin, Gell by Doin, 4i,ht;. <ur to& &riority i. to li.ten to the need. and &er.&ecti'e. of our di'er.e cu.tomer. N allo0in, u. to .tay connected to them, to re.&ond more effecti'ely and antici&ate their need.. But from there 0e encoura,e our collea,ue. to ta/e char,e and ma/e their o0n deci.ion.. )hat 0ay, a ,ood outcome i. .omethin, 0e can all feel &art of. )he 0ay 0e 0or/ +erformance i. all 0ell and ,ood, but it mean. nothin, if inte,rity ha. to be di.carded for it to ha&&en. %t ING, 0e belie'e in re.&on.ible ,ro0th, 0hich mean. that ho0 0e do bu.ine.. i. -u.t a. im&ortant a. the .ucce.. 0e en-oy. Ethic. &lay an e..ential role at ING, and are re&re.ented by the Bu.ine.. +rinci&le. that ,uide ho0 0e conduct our relation.hi&., ma/e our deci.ion. and de'elo& the &otential of our &eo&le. 3et9' tal$ about (our future) 4ated a to& ten Euro&ean em&loyer by 3ortune ma,a8ine, ING i. one of the 0orld@. fa.te.t=de'elo&in, financial enter&ri.e.. But the .&eed of our de'elo&ment i.n;t limited to
- 15 -

our e'er=,ro0in, bu.ine.. .ucce.. = it al.o relate. to the &ro,re..i'e o&&ortunitie. 0e offer the &eo&le 0ho choo.e to build a career 0ith u.. ING 0ant. to ,ro0 &rofitably by enhancin, cu.tomer .ati.faction, in'e.tin, in ,ro0th and mana,in, our co.t., ri./. and re&utation. Ge .ee/ to e:ecute our .trate,y in a re.&on.ible 0ay, ,uided by the ING Bu.ine.. +rinci&le.. )hey &ro'ide the ba.i. for all conduct at ING and .tate the re.&on.ibilitie. 0e ha'e to0ard. /ey .ta/eholder..

2orporate So%ial Re'pon'ibilit( )he ban/ a. a &art of it. (or&orate Social 4e.&on.ibility ha. &artnered 0ith +ari/rma 9umanity 3oundation. +ari/rma 9umanity 3oundation i. a non=&rofit com&any aimin, to unlea.h the &otential of .lum children in urban India. )heir mi..ion i. to hel& the &oor brea/ their cycle of &o'erty and li'e meanin,fully throu,h tool. nece..ary to .ucceed in a /no0led,e ba.ed 0orld. 3or the &a.t A year., ING 5y.ya Ban/ and +ari/rma &artnered to,ether to &romote the uniCue &ro,ram = ?(han,e 6our Gorld in O a day?, 0ith the aim to tran.form the li'e. of hundred. of'ed children in Ban,alore.

)o /no0 more about +ari/rma and it. &artner.hi& 0ith ING 5y.ya Ban/, ' the .ite htt&:HH000.&ari/rmafoundation.or,Hcy0Phalfday.htm

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2orporate Re'pon'ibilit( Report In&e't in 'omeone 8ho %ould be (our future %ollea!ue %t +ari/rma, 0e ha'e a 'ery .im&le idea N &ro'ide the &oore.t of the &oor children the tool. to com&ete eCually for 'alue=added -ob.. 3or that they need to ha'e to&=cla.. education and 0e need to hold their hand. ri,ht throu,h School, Funior (olle,e, ,raduation and e'en &lace them in tho.e 'alue=added -ob.. (hildren ha'e reached ,rade 5III. )hree year. hence they 0ill enter a Funior (olle,e $&re=uni'er.ity* and 0e need to be ready for that. And all it ta$e' i' (our : a da(9' 'alar() Change your world in a day

In'e.t -u.t O a day of your entire year;. .alary. In return 0e 0ill ma/e you a .ta/eholder in +ari/rma. 6ou 0ill ,et to /no0 the im&act your O day i. ma/in, on the children and communitie. that +ari/rma .er'e.. %nd 0hat i. more you 0ill recei'e a free tic/et for A to a roc/ concert that 0ill in.&ire you. )he concert i. .lated for Fanuary !Eth, A00J. 2han!e Your 6orld in : a Da( ; +,,< Da.t year 6,A00 belie'er. from more than J0 com&anie. &artici&ated in the O a day &ro,ram. Ge 0ere able to rai.e enou,h fund. to loo/ &ro'ide our 60 de,ree de'elo&ment &ro,ram to o'er A"0 children $co.tHchild brea/ u&*. )hat i. the &o0er of each O a day.

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2han!e Your 6orld in : a Da( ; +,,- )hi. year our ob-ecti'e throu,h the O day &ro,ram i. to rai.e fund. to build a Funior (olle,e. 6our O day in'e.tment i. in'aluable to thi.. <f cour.e you may choo.e to in'e.t more than -u.t O a day. +lea.e do. E'ery ru&ee more 0ill further our ,oal of en.urin, continuity of the children;. education beyond .chool.

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SETTING THE STANDARD IN HELPING OUR CUSTOMERS MANAGE THEIR FINANCIAL FUTURE ING "ISSION STATE"ENT A clear or a!"#a$"o! )o fulfill any mi..ion .tatement you need an or,ani.ation that i. u& to the ta./. ING ha. a mana,ement .tructure ba.ed on the &rinci&le. of tran.&arency, accountability and client focu.. <ur acti'itie. are or,ani8ed alon, .i: functional bu.ine.. line. 0ith direct re&ortin, line. that enable Cuic/ deci.ion=ma/in, and fo.ter &er.onal em&o0erment and .tron, accountability.

A clear %"!a!c"al o&'ec$"(e) <ur ,oal. i. to deli'er 'alue to .hareholder. throu,h a combination of ,ro0th and return that i. hi,her than the a'era,e of our &eer.. A clear *$ra$e + )o achie'e thi., 0e mana,e for 'alue. )hi. mean., on ,ro0in, economic &rofit, 0hich mea.ure. &rofit beyond the co.t of ca&ital, and em&ha.i8in, return im&ro'ement and &rofitable or,anic ,ro0th.

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E7E2#TION In our mature bu.ine..e. &rofitable or,anic ,ro0th come. from the &ro&er e:ecution of our bu.ine.. fundamental.. )hi. mean. mana,in, co.t., ri./. and re&utation and e:em&lary cu.tomer .er'ice. C,*$o-er *a$"*%ac$"o! ING attache. the utmo.t im&ortance to e:em&lary cu.tomer .er'ice. E.&ecially in mature mar/et., 0e belie'e hi,h cu.tomer .ati.faction i. the 0ay to differentiate our.el'e. from our &eer. and to ,enerate &rofitable to&=line ,ro0th. In order to im&ro'e cu.tomer .ati.faction, ING;. mi..ion .tatement $abo'e* i. the ,uideline for e'ery em&loyee. Ge mea.ure cu.tomer .ati.faction and .et &erformance tar,et.. Ma!a "! co*$* (u.tomer .ati.faction alone, ho0e'er, i. not enou,h to create 'alue, e.&ecially not in mature mar/et.. 3ierce com&etition in the.e mar/et. ma/e. it e..ential to loo/ for 0ay. to /ee& co.t. under control and im&ro'e efficiency. (o.t containment and e:cellent cu.tomer .ati.faction ,o hand=in=hand a. o&erational dri'er. to create 'alue in the.e mar/et.. Ma!a "! r"*.* Mana,in, our ri./. and con.eCuently the co.t of ca&ital i. e..ential for .table, &rofitable ,ro0th. 4i./ mana,ement .u&&ort. 'alue creation by &ro'idin, in.i,ht into the le'el. of ri./ 0e can ab.orb com&ared 0ith our earnin,. &o0er and ca&ital ba.e. Inte,rated ri./ mana,ement $combinin, credit, mar/et, in.urance and o&erational ri./ into one common 'ie0* i. a /ey in,redient in our .trate,y. It allo0. u. to ca&ture the benefit. of bein, a di'er.ified financial .er'ice. firm and to create a clear o'er'ie0 of all ri./.. <ur ultimate ,oal of inte,rated ri./ mana,ement i. to better ali,n our ri./ ta/in, to our ri./ a&&etite. )hi. allo0. ING to ma/e o&timal u.e of it. ca&ital ba.e, leadin, to a lo0er o'erall co.t of ca&ital.
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Ma!a "! re/,$a$"o! Inte,rity and re&utation are t0o of ING;. mo.t im&ortant <ur .tron, focu. on e:ecution ha. re.ulted in a ,reater em&ha.i. on the im&ortance of adherence to la0. and re,ulation.. 4e,ulatory com&liance i. e..ential becau.e ING;. lon,=term relation.hi&. 0ith it. client. de&end on inte,rity and fairne... ING ha. a ,rou&0ide com&liance &olicy. Senior mana,ement i. accountable for com&liance and com&liance i. inte,rated in their &erformance tar,et. and remuneration .tructure. GRO6T1 ING al.o continue. to in'e.t in bu.ine.. area. that ha'e clear ,ro0th &otential. Ge ha'e defined three main area. of ,ro0th: retirement .er'ice., direct ban/in, and life in.urance in de'elo&in, mar/et.. ING ha. .tron, &o.ition. in the.e bu.ine..e. and intend. to rai.e further their &rofit &otential by, the e:&erience and ca&ital ,ained in ING;. mature bu.ine... D"rec$ Ba!."! )he continuin, increa.e of the u.e of internet offer. ,reat bu.ine.. o&&ortunitie.. Gith KING Direct; 0e ha'e deli'ered in thi. bu.ine.. and continue to do .o. )oday, ING i. the leadin, direct ban/ in the 0orld. By e:&andin, our &roduct ran,e from .a'in,. into mort,a,e., 0e e:&ect to continue to ,ro0 thi. bu.ine... (urrently ING Direct i. acti'e in nine mature economie.: %u.tralia, (anada, 3rance, Germany, %u.tria, Italy, S&ain, United 7in,dom and the United State.. In the Netherland., +o.tban/ i. ING;. direct ban/. Re$"re-e!$ *er("ce* Ge .ee .i,nificant o&&ortunitie. in mature and ,ro0th mar/et. for retirement .er'ice.. )hi. i. dri'en by demo,ra&hic and re,ulatory chan,e.. )he &o&ulation throu,hout the 0orld i. a,ein,. Go'ernment. can not deal 0ith thi. challen,e on their o0n. 4etirement .er'ice. are a /ey area for bu.ine..e. to de'elo&. ING ha. a lon,=.tandin, e:&erti.e in thi. field. Ge
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already e:cel in &ro'idin, retirement .er'ice. in many re,ion.. ING i. in'ol'ed in a..i.tin, ,o'ernment. and .ettin, u& &en.ion .tructure. in many de'elo&in, mar/et.. L"%e "!*,ra!ce "! 0e(elo/"! -ar.e$* Ge can build on an e.tabli.hed &re.ence in %.iaH+acific, Datin %merica and (entral Euro&e. In %.ia, 0e ha'e a ,reat &ortfolio of in.urance bu.ine..e.. Ge focu. on lon,= term relation.hi&. and .tron, alliance. 0ith ban/. in the re,ion. In (entral Euro&e, ING ha. been &re.ent from the .tart 0hen their mar/et. o&ened u& to the Ge.t. Ge ha'e a 'ery broad &re.ence there. )oday, ING i. the number one life in.urer in the re,ion and i. 0ell &o.itioned to benefit from the ,ro0th of the.e mar/et..

A PER4OR"AN2E 2#3T#RE Succe.. reCuire. that em&loyee. under.tand ING;. .trate,y and the ,oal. of their bu.ine.. unit. Em&loyee. mu.t /no0 their role in achie'in, the.e ,oal. and recei'e re,ular feedbac/ on their &erformance and are re0arded accordin,ly. )hi. i. ho0 ING .ee. a &erformance culture and ho0 it i. bein, embedded in the com&any.

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O#R VA3#ES Ge are a cu.tomer=orientated com&any 0ith a clear or,ani.ation and .trate,y 0hich i. founded on 'alue ba.ed mana,ement. Ge ha'e a .tron, &o.ition in mature mar/et. 0here 0e 0ant to ,enerate further ,ro0th throu,h &ro&er e:ecution of our bu.ine.. fundamental. $.uch a. cu.tomer .ati.faction and mana,in, co.t., ri./ and our re&utation* and 0e focu. on ,ro0th in retirement .er'ice., direct ban/in, and life in.urance in de'elo&in, mar/et.. )hat 0ay 0e try to offer our .hareholder. a hi,her return than the a'era,e of our &eer.. LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT HOW DO I DEVELOP MY STRENGTHS? BRINGING 3EARNING TO 3I4E. Di/e e'erythin, at ING, your learnin, and de'elo&ment i. de.i,ned to be &ractical, entre&reneurial and inno'ati'e. +ractical, becau.e 0e aim to ma/e you a. .ucce..ful a. &o..ible, a. Cuic/ly a. &o..ible, in your field> entre&reneurial, becau.e ultimately you are re.&on.ible for dri'in, your learnin,> and inno'ati'e, becau.e that@. -u.t the 0ay 0e are. Each country and Bu.ine.. Unit deli'er. learnin, in the 0ay mo.t a&&ro&riate to them, but the.e ,uidin, &rinci&le. remain con.tant: Gith the .u&&ort and ,uidance of your mana,er and 9uman 4e.ource. ad', you 0ill ha'e the o&&ortunity to e:&lore the bu.ine.., build u& a 'aluable net0or/ of contact. and find the area mo.t .uited to you Durin, your career at ING, you 0ill e:&erience different role. and &ro-ect. that really challen,e you. 3or e:am&le, you may be in'ol'ed in a @Greenfield@ initiati'e, hel&in, to build a ne0 bu.ine.. in a ne0 ,eo,ra&hical area> or a @Goldfield@ initiati'e, in 0hich you@ll &ioneer a ne0 mar/et 0here 0e already ha'e a &re.ence 6ou 0ill recei'e e:ce&tional on=the=-ob, in=hou.e and &rofe..ional trainin, Ge monitor your &erformance and ,i'e you re,ular feedbac/, .o you dee&en your under.tandin, of your.elf and the &o..ibilitie. o&en to you (ollea,ue. and mana,er. are 'ery 0illin, to .hare their e:&erience and ad'ice = after all,
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if it hel&. you, it hel&. the bu.ine..Q

)he ING Bu.ine.. School, ba.ed in the Netherland., offer. uniCue, hi,h Cuality leader.hi& education to current and future .enior mana,er. and .&eciali.t. acro.. our com&any in an ING .ettin,.

N#RT#RING O#R TA3ENT <r,ani.ational Dearnin, i. our fully=inte,rated ,lobal trainin, function. It i. a /ey contributor to &erformance .ucce.., allo0in, em&loyee. to ta/e re.&on.ibility for their o0n learnin, and de'elo&ment and reflectin, our commitment to buildin, a 0or/&lace culture 0here all em&loyee. ha'e the o&&ortunity to learn and ,ro0. Ge ha'e a K<ne Ban/; curriculum to en.ure that all em&loyee. ha'e acce.. to con.i.tent learnin, o&&ortunitie. acro.. our mar/et. .u&&orted by .e'eral Dearnin, 4e.ource (entre.. Such Dearnin, 4e.ource (entre. &ro'ide learnin, .olution. for both &er.onal and &rofe..ional de'elo&ment throu,h tau,ht and on=line learnin,. )hi. focu. ha. allo0ed u. to increa.e both the number of learner. and learner day. .i,nificantly in the &a.t three year.. 3EADERS1IP AND E7E2#TIVE DEVE3OP"ENT Effecti'e leader.hi& i. the /ey to both our current and future .ucce... Ge u.e a ran,e of de'elo&ment and a..e..ment &ro,ramme. to de'elo& leader. includin, the de'elo&ment of Indi'idual Deader.hi& +lan., de'elo&in, .tren,th., identifyin, learnin, o&&ortunitie. and mentorin,. Ge al.o &ro'ide indi'idual coachin, to im&ro'e leader. &erformance and encoura,e their &er.onal and &rofe..ional de'elo&ment. ING al.o .&on.or e:ecuti'e de'elo&ment &ro,ramme. 0ith leadin, academic in.titution.. 61AT9S IN IT 4OR YO#= +eo&le -oinin, ING 0ill be connected to a 0ealth of trainin,, de'elo&ment, career o&&ortunitie. and a 0hole lot more. Ge thin/ that a .ati.fyin, career at ING .hould incor&orate a number of other element. to /ee& you en,a,ed, &a..ionate and committed.

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1ERE9S 1O6 6E DO IT> Ge;re hun,ry. ING i. characteri.ed by differentiation and international e:&an.ion. It;. a ,ood time to -oin u., e.&ecially if you are loo/in, for an international 0or/in, en'ironment. )ime ,oe. fa.t in our bu.ine... Ge hire &eo&le 0ho are able and ea,er to handle re.&on.ibility fa.t N then hel& them de'elo& the &ractical ./ill. they need to do .o. )hi. mean. ,i'in, them early re.&on.ibility and hand.=on challen,e. to &ro'e 0hat they can. Ge are a learnin, or,ani.ation 0ith an inno'ati'e and &ro,re..i'e re&utation. Ge ha'e our o0n ING Bu.ine.. School, to 0hich you 0ill ,et re,ular acce... <ur &eo&le en-oy a ho.t of &er.onal, &rofe..ional and 'irtual learnin, tool. to .tay ahead of the re.t. %t ING, &eo&le that deli'er re.ult. and create 'alue 0ill be fairly reco,ni8ed and re0arded.

YO# AND ING Ghat you 0ill find at ING i. a combination of inde&endence and collaboration. Ge all 0or/ clo.ely to,ether, acro.. bu.ine.. line. and international border.. But at the .ame time 0e encoura,e &er.onal re.&on.ibility and o0ner.hi&. Ge &ride our.el'e. on offerin, e'en our ne0e.t .tarter. the o&&ortunity to ma/e a real contribution, and deli'er real re.ult.. )a/in, o0ner.hi& of the deci.ion=ma/in, &roce.., you 0ill ma/e .ure your idea. are ri,ht for our cu.tomer., our .ta/eholder. and each other. )hen 0e 0ill ,i'e you the .u&&ort you need to ma/e them ha&&en. Becau.e 0e belie'e that our ,lobal .ucce.. i. .omethin, 0e .hould all feel &art of. In .hort: KDoin, Gell by Doin, 4i,ht;. 4e0ardin, +erformance ING belie'e. em&loyee re0ard. .hould be .tron,ly lin/ed to mar/et and &erformance, and therefore each bu.ine.. line ha. de.i,ned .&ecific remuneration and incenti'e and benefit &lan. 0hich .u&&ort thi. belief. More information about 0or/in, at ING can be read in the RGe em&loy +eo&leS .ection of ING (or&orate 4e.&on.ibility re&ort.

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1O6 A" I DOING= B,"l0"! a 1" 1 /er%or-"! or a!"*a$"o! ING i. committed to bein, a hi,h &erformin, or,ani.ation 0hich deli'er. e:cellent re.ult. and .tandard. of .er'ice to all our .ta/eholder.. <ur a&&roach aim. to en.ure that all em&loyee. are clear about 0hat they are e:&ected to achie'e, their &er.onal de'elo&ment ,oal. and their contribution to bu.ine.. &erformance. RE6ARD AND RE2OGNITION HO2 AM I RECOGNISED AND RE2ARDED3 Differentiatin! hi!h performan%e Ban/ i. committed to &ro'idin, com&en.ation and benefit. com&etiti'ely &o.itioned to attract, retain and moti'ate talented indi'idual.. %. a hi,h &erformin, or,ani.ation, 0e lin/ re0ard. to indi'idual &erformance and the e:tent to 0hich the em&loyee ha. demon.trated a commitment to our 'alue.. (on.i.tent 0ith our 'alue., ba.e .alarie. bonu. and .hare a0ard. are benchmar/ed a,ain.t our /ey com&etitor.,, on hi,h &erformin, em&loyee.. (ore benefit. .uch a. annual lea'e, retirement benefit., .ic/ne.. and medical benefit. are &ro'ided acro.. our bu.ine..e. and ,eo,ra&hie. in accordance 0ith local cu.tom and &ractice.

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E44E2TIVE SERVI2E DE3IVERY Effecti'e .er'ice deli'ery i. the &riority of the human re.ource function to deli'er an efficient, 'alue=added .er'ice acro.. the Ban/. 9UM%N 4IG9)S ING .u&&ort. the ri,ht. of the indi'idual a. e:&re..ed in the !#EB United Nation. Uni' Declaration of 9uman 4i,ht. $UD94*. )he UD94 contain. a number of fundamental ri,ht., 0hich 0e aim to u&hold in all circum.tance., includin,: )he ri,ht to life )he ri,ht to le,al reco,nition a. a &er.on 3reedom of thou,ht, con.cience and reli,ion 3reedom of o&inion and e:&re..ion 3reedom from torture 3reedom from cruel, inhumane or de,radin, treatment 3reedom from .la'ery and .er'itude 3reedom from retroacti'e &enal le,i.lation ING meet. all rele'ant international le,al obli,ation. and all rele'ant local le,al obli,ation. in the countrie. in 0hich 0e o&erate. Ban/ .trictly a&olitical and do not en,a,e in &olitical acti'ity, .u&&ort &olitical &artie. or ha'e any &olitical affiliation. 0orld0ide. )hey reco,ni8e hat ban/ ha'e direct re.&on.ibility for the im&act of their acti'itie. on their em&loyee., .u&&lier., cu.tomer. and the communitie. in 0hich they o&erate. Ban/ 0or/ to &rotect human ri,ht. in their o0n o&eration. throu,h their internal &olicie. and &rocedure.. Ban/ &olicie. al.o en.ure that human ri,ht. are ta/en into account in &rocurement and lendin, deci.ion.. LABOUR STANDARDS )he International Dabour <r,ani.ation $ID<* i. a United Nation. a,ency 0hich &romote. human and labour ri,ht.. )here are ei,ht ID< (on'ention. that ha'e been identified a. fundamental to indi'idual. at 0or/, irre.&ecti'e of le'el. of de'elo&ment of indi'idual member .tate.. ING fully .u&&ort. the fundamental ID< con'ention.. 9o0e'er, ban/ are mindful of labour la0. 0ithin the countrie. in 0hich they o&erate and of the fact that .ome countrie.
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ha'e not ratified all of the.e con'ention.. Ban/ commitment to the Global (om&act al.o mean. that they'e it. &rinci&le. on labour .tandard..


ING 5y.ya Ban/ Dtd., i. an entity formed 0ith the comin, to,ether of er.t0hile, 5y.ya Ban/ Dtd, a &remier ban/ in the Indian +ri'ate Sector and a ,lobal financial &o0erhou.e, ING of Dutch ori,in, durin, <ct A00A.
- 28 -

)he ori,in of the er.t0hile 5y.ya Ban/ 0a. &retty humble. It 0a. in the year !# 0 that a team of 'i.ionarie. came to,ether to found a ban/ that 0ould e:tend a hel&in, hand to tho.e 0ho 0eren@t &ri'ile,ed enou,h to en-oy ban/in, .er'ice.. It@. been a lon, -ourney .ince then and the Ban/ ha. ,ro0n in .i8e and .tature to encom&a.. e'ery area of &re.ent=day ban/in, acti'ity and ha. car'ed a di.tinct identity of bein, India@. +remier +ri'ate Sector Ban/. In !#B0, the Ban/ com&leted fifty year. of .er'ice to the nation and &o.t !#B"> the Ban/ made ra&id .tride. to reach the co'eted &o.ition of bein, the number one &ri'ate .ector ban/. In !##0, the ban/ com&leted it. Diamond Fubilee year. %t the Diamond Fubilee (elebration., the then 3inance Mini.ter +rof. Madhu Danda'ate, had termed the &erformance of the ban/ @Stu&endou.@. )he year of A00" 0a. the J"th anni'er.ary or +latinum Fubilee year.

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4etail Ban/in, N4I Ban/in, Ser'ice. +ri'ate ban/in, Ghole Sale ban/in, 3inancial Mar/et. ING 5y.ya Dife In.urance

ING 5y.ya Mutual 3und

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ING9S B#SINESS 3INES ING ha. a .tructure of .i: bu.ine.. line.. % clear client focu. and .tron, bu.ine.. lo,ic are the /ey element. in thi. .tructure.

In'uran%e Europe <&erate. the in.urance acti'itie. in the Netherland., Bel,ium, S&ain, Greece and (entral Euro&e and,ement acti'itie. in Euro&e. In the.e countrie. 0e offer life in.urance 0ith .&ecial attention for &en.ion.. In the Netherland. and Bel,ium 0e al.o offer non=life in.urance. In'uran%e Ameri%a' 9old. in.urance o&eration. and,ement acti'itie. in the %merica.. It i. 0ell e.tabli.hed in the US 0ith retirement .er'ice., annuitie. and life in.urance. and ha. leadin, &o.ition. in non=life in.urance in (anada and Me:ico. 3urthermore, 0e are acti'e in (hile, Bra8il and +eru. In'uran%e A'ia?Pa%ifi% 9old. the life in.urance o&eration. and a..etH0ealth mana,ement acti'itie. in %.iaH+acific. It ha. 0ell e.tabli.hed &o.ition. in %u.tralia, 9on, 7on,, Fa&an, 7orea, Malay.ia and )ai0an. )he acti'itie. in (hina, India, and )hailand are future ,ro0th en,ine. for ING.

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6hole'ale Ban$in!


4etail Ban/in, Gealth Mana,ement Bu.ine.. Ban/in, Di'i.ion %,riculture 2 Social Ban/in, N4I Ban/in, Ser'ice. (or&orate 2 In'e.tment Ban/in, Emer,in, (or&orate. +ri'ate Ban/in, Ghole Sale ban/in, 3inancial Mar/et Mutual 3und. Dife In.urance +ayment. (a.h Mana,ement Ser'ice. (u.tomer .er'ice )rade 3inance Ser'ice. 9ome Doan +er.onnel Doan 94 I)+D (or&orate Ser'ice. De&artment (or&orate Sale. Doc/er (redit card.

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%. &er 0eb definition, R4eduction in a com&any;. cu.tomer &o&ulation that ha&&en. a. a re.ult of normal turno'er or becau.e of .ome .&ecific e'ent T &erha&. a ,ood com&etiti'e offer or a failure on the &art of the com&any. $%l.o /no0n a. churn*S BANKS AS E"P3OYERS IN 2ANADA *@#3Y +,,A0 *888)%ba)%a?en?%ontent?'tat'?fa'tfa%t'?,A,/BC.Ban$'D+,a'D+, EN.leaE)pdf0 (anada;. ban/. and their .ub.idiarie. contribute .i,nificantly to em&loyment and -ob creation. )hey directly em&loyed more than A J,000 (anadian. a. of Fuly !, A00 . )hi. re&re.ent. an increa.e of more than J &er cent .ince !##B, 0hen the indu.try em&loyed AAA,A00 (anadian.. Emplo(ment Trend' )echnolo,y i. one of the main dri'er. of -ob. in the ban/in, indu.try. (ontinuin, inno'ation. in technolo,y allo0 em&loyee. to mo'e from tran.action=ba.ed to /no0led,e=inten.i'e -ob., more on in=de&th, 'alue enhanced cu.tomer relation.hi&.. 3or e:am&le, the number of em&loyee. at the middle mana,ement le'el increa.ed by !0 &er cent from !##B to A00A. In /ee&in, 0ith thi. trend, ban/. are recruitin, em&loyee. 0ith hi,her education or ./ill le'el. and are hel&in, their e:i.tin, em&loyee. u&,rade their ./ill. throu,h trainin,. <cca.ionally indi'idual ban/. ,o throu,h &eriod. of re.tructurin, and ad-u.tment 0hen certain ty&e. of -ob. may be reduced or eliminated. Ghen ban/. mu.t reduce .taffin, le'el. they u.ually do .o o'er .e'eral year. and lar,ely throu,h attrition and early retirement. )hey al.o 0or/ 0ith em&loyee. to hel& them find ne0 -ob. 0ithin the ban/ throu,h retrainin,, rede&loyment and relocation or they may &ro'ide them 0ith -ob &lacement coun.ellin,. E'en 0hen &o.ition. are bein, reduced in .ome area., other bu.ine.. line. in the indu.try continue to ,ro0. (urrent ,ro0th area. are in.titutional deli'ery, mort,a,e., commercial loan., and o&eration. and .y.tem..
- 33 -


The name i' bond5 emplo(ee bond *Arti%le b( Shell( Sin!h5 Bu'ine'' 8orld5 Au!u't C,5 +,,A0 Ghat;. the be.t 0ay to retain em&loyee. on 0hom a com&any ha. in'e.ted &reciou. time and moneyU )ie them do0n 0ith bond.. Sound. li/e an idea that 0a. buried 0ith 6A7. Gell, it;. bac/. Gith attrition u& at !6=!J &er cent no0 from -u.t E=6 &er cent about !B month. bac/, that;. 0hat com&anie. li/e Gi&ro )echnolo,ie. and Mind )ree (on.ultin, are fallin, bac/ on. In fact, attrition amon, cam&u. recruit. i. hi,her at E0 &er cent, and that;. 0here the &roblem i.. Gi&ro train. em&loyee. only to find that they are off in -u.t =E month.. )hat;. 0hen it came u& 0ith a bond .cheme for it. 0or/er.. But bond. ha'e ne'er been a ,reat 0ay to retain &eo&le. Say. Sreeni'a. (ha/ra'arthy, 'ice &re.ident $&eo&le de'elo&ment*, %diti technolo,ie.: RE'en court -ud,ment. ha'e not been in fa'our of com&anie. a./in, em&loyee. to .i,n bond.. It i. a ne,ati'e 0ay to retain &eo&le.S Gi&ro be,. to differ. It claim. to ha'e loo/ed at the bond .cheme. &re'alent in the &a.t and come u& 0ith 0hat it call. Ran a,reement 0ith em&loyee. to .tay for !" month.S. Under the a,reement an em&loyee de& 4.. J",000 0ith a ban/. )he ban/ mar/. a lien to Gi&ro. In ca.e an em&loyee i. unable to &ay, the ban/ ,i'e. a loan to the em&loyee. )he bond &eriod i. for !" month. $co'erin, three month. trainin, and !A month. 0or/*. %t the end of the &eriod the em&loyee ,et. the 4. J",000, a fi:ed de& intere.t for the duration and an additional 4. 6,000 a. retention bonu.. )he com&any ha. been doin, thi. for the la.t three month. and already ha. !,000 &eo&le under thi. .cheme. )he re.ult: attrition amon, cam&u. recruit. i. do0n to =E &er cent. Say. Bi-ay Sahoo, 'ice=&re.ident $talent en,a,ement and de'elo&ment*, Gi&ro )echnolo,ie.: RGe do not 0ant em&loyee. to u.e Gi&ro a. a mere trainin, ,round. )hi. al.o hel&. u. ,et .eriou. em&loyee.. %l.o, our .cheme i. the fir.t of it. /ind T em&loyee. do not &ay u. directly and ,et the money bac/ 0ith intere.t and a bonu..S
- 34 -

Mind)ree (on.ultin,;. a&&roach differ. a. it doe. not a./ em&loyee. to &ay. In.tead it ma/e. them .i,n a bond for !A month. if it i. .&on.orin, a recruit;. hi,her education. Say. +unit Fetli, ,eneral mana,er $&eo&le function*, Mind)ree (on.ultin,: R)here i. re.entment a,ain.t &ayin, for bond..S In a mar/et 0here ne0 o&&ortunitie. are in abundance T the indu.try 0ill recruit about "",000=60,000 &eo&le thi. year T any /ind of bond could actually bac/fire. Entry=le'el em&loyee. lea'e for better &ay and 0ider e:&o.ure. Inno'ati'e retention .trate,ie. mi,ht &ay more than bond.. Gi&ro belie'e. it;. too early to come to ne,ati'e conclu.ion.. %. it loo/. at em&loyee bond. a. a lon,=term .trate,y, it remain. to be .een 0hether the time for bond. i. ri&e a,ain. ValueNote' India Out'our%in! 6ee$l( *O%tober ,F5 +,,< Vol II No) F<0 A!+ T"-e Mo!e+4 O5!e0 or o,$*o,rce0 E.timate. by the Indian Ban/.@ %..ociation .u,,e.t that there 0ill be about E",000 %)M. in India by A00B, u& from A0,000 in A00E. Ghile thi. i. dri'en by increa.ed cu.tomer need. for con'enience and 'alue added .er'ice., %)M. ha'e in fact meant a &rohibiti'e co.t for indi'idual ban/.. Gith, com&etition and &re..ure on re.ource. a..ociated 0ith &rime real e.tate rent., e.tabli.hment co.t., mana,ement, maintenance and .er'icin, of %)M., &ri'ate a. 0ell a. &ublic .ector ban/. ha'e ta/en to out.ourcin, the mana,ement of %)M.. )he trend .tarted a. forei,n ban/. (itiban/ and Standard (hartered, and Indian ban/. IDBI, U)I and (or&oration Ban/ be,an, third &artie. to mana,e %)M. = either &artially or com&letely. 4i,ht from .electin, and o0nin, the .ite and .uch a. %(, &o0er bac/=u&., .ur'eillance and 5=Sat .y.tem. to ca.h re&leni.hment and .0itch mana,ement, &ro'ider. are 0illin, to do all the hard 0or/ at a lo0er co.t, much to ban/.@ ad'anta,e. <ut.ourcin, the %)M function i. al.o enablin, ban/. to .tay at the forefront of ra&id technolo,ical ad'ance.. It i. al.o e:&ected to be the be,innin, of a trend to0ard. out.ourcin, of the entire ban/in, I) infra.tructure. )he third &arty &layer i. often al.o ca&able of &ro'idin, better and u&dated .ecurity .y.tem., an ad'anta,e for the hi,hly fraud=dri'en %)M indu.try.
- 35 -

Ser'ice &ro'ider. include I) ma-or. .uch a. )(S, Gi&ro and +olari., 0ho mana,e the technolo,y a.&ect., a. 0ell a. Euronet and India S0itch (om&any $IS(*, 0ho can &ro'ide end=to=end .olution.. +layer. .uch a. )ata Indicom and 4eliance are al.o offerin, telecom .olution. for %)M out.ourcin,. Ban/. ha'e al.o ta/en to reduce co.t. by &oolin, to,ether re.ource. and offerin, .hared %)M net0or/.. 3or in.tance, @(a.htree@, an alliance .tarted in A00 by fi'e &ublic .ector ban/. = Ban/ of India, Union Ban/ of India, Indian Ban/, United Ban/ of India and Syndicate Ban/, offer an %)M branch net0or/ -ointly, the mana,ement of 0hich ha. been out.ourced to IS(. If the alliance trend hold. out, the ,ro0th rate of %)M. i. li/ely to .lo0 do0n, but that may not im&act the demand for out.ourced %)M mana,ement .er'ice.. Ghen %)M. fir.t .tarted in India, many ban/. u.ed them a. their ma-or .tren,th and US+. But no0, control o'er %)M. i. no lon,er a &lu. &oint. %ll in all, the modern day cu.tomer i. more concerned 0ith the con'enience of %)M ban/in,. Gho run. the .ho0 may not matter to them.

- 36 -

Ghile underta/in, thi. &ro-ect it 0a. a really a 0onderful e:&erience a. 0e 0ere able to ,et a loo/ into cor&orate 0orld and one of it. mo.t tal/ed about i..ue. of 9uman 4e.ource Mana,ement .&ecifically, Em&loyee attrition and 4etention .trate,ie..

- 37 -



)he follo0in, .ur'ey 0a. mainly done 0ith an ob-ecti'e to analy8e em&loyee;. &.ycholo,y in re.&ect to ING 56S6% B%N7 and o&&ortunitie. they ha'e in outer mar/et.


4ea.on. to find 0hy ING 56S6% B%N7 em&loyee;. turno'er i. .o hi,h. )o recommend &o..ible .u,,e.tion. in order to ha'e a control on attrition.

- 38 -


)he follo0in, .tudy 0a. done to find hi,h attrition rate in ING 56S6% B%N7 4e,ional <ffice Ne0 Delhi. )he .tudy hel&. u. to /no0 the .tate of mind of em&loyee. in ING 56S6% B%N7 that 0hy they thin/ for lea'in, the -ob and 0hat can be done to reduce the, attrition rate.

- 39 -

%ttrition refer. to a method of achie'in, a reduction in &er.onnel by not refillin, &o.ition. that are 'acated throu,h re.i,nation, rea..i,nment, tran.fer, retirement or mean. other than layoff.. %ttrition i. tran.actional referrin, to it. de&endency on both en'ironmental 2 &er.onal 'ariable.. PRI"ARY REASONS 4OR E"P3OYEE T#RNOVER Benefit. Dac/ of &ro&er &eer .u&&ort Do0er .u&&ort Do0er .alary &ac/a,e De.. &romotional o&&ortunitie. Gor/ en'ironment De.. -ob o&&ortunitie. (om&en.ation. 2 ad'ancement a..ociated 0ith -ob Increa.ed .train &laced on em&loyee. Do not feel 'alued <r,ani8ation culture Emotional e:hau.tion Increa.ed .en.e of de&er.onali8ation

- 40 -


There are 'e&en hidden rea'on'>. T1E @OB 6AS NOT 61AT T1E E"P3OYEE E7PE2TED )hi. i. the No. ! rea.on for turno'er in fir.t .i: month. 2 ha&&en. becau.e em&loyee. ha'e unreali.tic e:&ectation. 0hen they are hired, ha'e mi.conce&tion. about the 0or/er are .ometime. mi.lead durin, the inter'ie0 &roce... Em&loyee .hare the blame for not chec/in, out the -ob or 0or/&lace before .i,nin, on, but em&loyer. are al.o ,uilty, they are in too bi, hurry to hire or ea,er to .i,n on a ne0 recruit failin, to de.cribe the e'eryday -ob reality or ,i'e &re hire tour. of the 0or/&lace. %. a re.ult ne0 hire. feel betrayed or reali8e that they don;t fit the -ob. T1E "IS"AT21 BET6EEN @OB G PERSON )he main cul&rit i. the &re..ure to hire in a hurry. )ho.e 0ho hire often %..ume that becau.e a -ob i. at a lo0er le'el, anyone can do it, for,ettin, e:cellence can be found in all -ob. 2 that i. 0orth ta/in, time to a..e.. Gho ha. ri,ht .tuff to .ucceed, in e'ery -ob in an or,ani8ation. %nother contributin, i..ue i. that mana,er. a..i,n 2 &romote 0or/er. into 0ron, -ob., thin/in, that anyone can be trained to do anythin, or o'erloo/in, the fact that -ob .ati.faction may be more im&ortant to an em&loyee than ,ettin, &romotion. TOO 3ITT3E 2OA21ING OR 4EEDBA2K By a trainin, ma,a8ine it 0a. found that mana,er feedbac/ and coachin, ./ill. 0ere con.i.tently rated a. mediocre. )hi. i. ma-or rea.on ,en=:er. lea'e in there fir.t year of the -ob. Gay too mana,er;. ./ill &ractice. once a year coachin, at the annual &erformance a&& TOO 4E6 ADVAN2E"ENT AND GRO6T1 OPPORT#NITY
- 41 -

)hi. i. the number one fru.tration of youn,er to& &erformer.. Ghen em&loyee. rated today;. mana,er on leader.hi& com&etencie. the ability to de'elo& direct re&ort ran/. near the bottom. B"V of em&loyee. .ay career ,ro0th i. the /ey re0ard only E"V &ercent .ay there or,ani8ation &ro'ide it. 4EE3ING DEVA3#ED AND #NRE2OGNIHED. )hi. rea.on for lea'in, encom&a..e. a 0orld of .in.. )he.e include not bein, &aid fairly not recei'in, a .im&le than/ you for -ob 0ell done, bein, treated 0ith, bein, i,nored, bein, &ut do0n, in.tead of 'alued for bein, different not ,ettin, the ri,ht tool. and re.ource. to do the -ob and ha'in, to 0or/ in an unacce&table en'ironment. STRESS 4RO" OVER6ORK AND 6ORK 3I4E I"BA3AN2E. % family and 0or/ .ur'ey re&orted that J0" of all 0or/er. don;t thin/ that there i. healthy balance bet0een their 0or/ life and &rofe..ional li'e.. % re.earch .tudy found that 6!V of 0or/er. are 0illin, to .acrifice &ay in e:chan,e for more &er.onal and family time. 3OSS O4 TR#ST AND 2ON4IDEN2E IN SENIOR 3EADERS. It 0a. found that com&anie. 0ith hi,h tru.t le'el. out&erform. 0ith com&any 0ith lo0 tru.t le'el. by !B6V and le.. than half of the 0or/er. tru.t their .enior leader.. Becau.e their .enior e:ecuti'e. are .elf intere.ted .hort term focu.ed e,o dri'en, and ,reedy. But 0hen em&loyee. there .enior leader are committed to their 0ell bein, they tend to return that commitment by .tayin, and becomin, more en,a,ed and &roducti'e.


T1ere are $5o -a"! rea*o!* %or e-/lo+ee $,r!o(er:- 42 -

B) Iualit( of 'ele%tion '('tem +) Iualit( of leader'hip SE3E2TION SYSTE" I#A3ITY No .in,le .election .y.tem i. ri,ht for all or,ani8ation.. Before ma/in, chan,e., <r,ani8ation. mu.t determine their current le'el. of .o&hi.tication and u.e of be.t +ractice.. )here are " &ractice. a..ociated 0ith selection systems: BE1AVIO#RA3 BASED INTERVIE6S %./in, candidate. to &ro'ide .&ecific e:am&le. of &a.t beha'ior. that illu.trate their ability to demon.trate reCuired -ob /no0led,e, ./ill. 2 abilitie.. TRAINING G E7PERIEN2E EVA3#ATION +ro'idin, a chec/li.t or other tool that mea.ure. candidate.; e:&erience in .&ecific ./ill. or .ituation..

ABI3ITY TESTS )e.tin, candidate;. mental, clerical, mechanical, &hy.ical or technical ca&ailitie..

BIOGRAP1I2A3 DATA 4eCue.tin, information about candidate.; life e:&erience. $e.,. familie., hobbie., attitude.* that correlate 0ith -ob &erformance. "OTIVATIONA3 4IT INVENTORIES Mea.urin, candidate.; &reference. for -ob, the or,ani8ation, and location Cualitie.. 3EADERS1IP I#A3ITY T5o %ac$or* 0r"("! re$e!$"o! are46 B) Wuality of relation.hi& a &er.on ha. 0ith hi. .u&er'i.or or mana,er
- 43 -


%mount of meanin,ful 0or/

)here are many thin,. that an or,ani8ation can do to im&ro'e the.e factor.. Some .olution. directly im&ro'e le !e"s#i$ s%ills, 0hile other. im$"o&e systems ' t#e (o"% en&i"onment)

- 44 -

T1e Re*earc1 5a* co!0,c$e0 "! $5o *$a e*: I#A3ITATIVE I#ANTITATIVE I#A3ITATIVE RESEAR21: Here a! e%%or$ 5a* -a0e4 )o under.tand the &roduct 2 the information 0hich hel&ed to frame the Cue.tionnaire. I#ANTITATIVE RESEAR21: % Cue.tionnaire 0a. &re&ared for thi. &ur&o.e, /ee&in, in mind the im&ortant factor. 0hich 0ould enable to meet the ob-ecti'e. of the &ro-ect. Databa.e of em&loyee. 0a. &re&ared 0ith the hel& of 0hich tho.e em&loyee. 0ere a&&roached 0ho had left the -ob 2 from them the reCuired information 0a. ,athered. T1e Re*earc1 0e$a"l* 5ere *,--ar"#e0 a* %ollo5*4 T(pe of re'ear%h Sample 'iJe Sour%e of Data Primar( Data Se%ondar( Data PRI"ARY DATA: > DES(4I+)I5E 4ESE%4(9 > "0 WU<)% S%M+DING > WUES)I<NN%I4E : IN)E4NE), NEGS+%+E4S >

Samplin! te%hni ue >

- 45 -













him.elf for &ur&o.e of .&ecific .tudy. )he data .uch collected i. ori,inal in character. )he ad'anta,e of thi. method of collection i. authentic. % .et of Cue.tion. 0ere &ut to,ether in the form of Cue.tionnaire. SE2ONDARY DATA: Ghen an in'e.ti,ator u.e. the data it ha. been already collected by other.. )he .econdary data could be collected from Ne0.&a&er., Fournal., 4e&ort. 2 'ariou. &ublication.. )he ad'anta,e. of .econdary data can be in term. of money 2 time .&ent. )he re.earcher of the re&ort al.o did the .ame and collected .econdary data from 'ariou. internet .ite. li/e GOOG3E)2O", YA1OO)2O". )he re.earcher of the re&ort al.o 'i.ited 'ariou. librarie. for collection of the introduction &art.

- 46 -

Unreliable re.&on.e from the or,ani8ation at time. due to lac/ of time. Non=a'ailability of concerned &er.on at the time of .ur'ey. )ime and other factor. 0hich are beyond the human limitation. ha'e al.o a bearin, on the .tudy.

- 47 -

I ha'e conducted a .ur'ey to /no0 0hat are the rea.on. of, attrition rate in ING 56S6% B%N7. )he .ur'ey &roce.. in'ol'ed t0o &ha.e.: )he re.&on.e that i. ,enerated durin, thi. e:erci.e i. con'erted in the form of &ercenta,e. to ha'e a com&arati'e outloo/, a. the number. it.elf cannot e:&lain the true &icture. )he.e &ercenta,e. are then re&re.ented throu,h the .im&le tool. li/e bar ,ra&h., &ie chart., etc. $.ee a&&endi:*.

- 48 -

Primar( Rea'on 4or 3ea&in! No) Of Emplo(ee' Benefit. Better -ob o&&ortunity (ommute (onflict 0ith other em&loyee. (onflict 0ith mana,er 3amily rea.on. Fob e:&ectation. Not challen,in, +ay +er.onal rea.on. 4elocationHmo'e Gor/in, condition
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No. Of Employees Conflict with other employees Conflict with mana er !amily reasons

!0 !E 0 0 A E A0 !0 0 0 0 !0

Better job opportunity Commute

- 49 -


Time duration <ne Month <r De.. <ne )o " Month. More )han " Month.

No) of emplo(ee' A6 E0 E

"0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No. of employees #ore %han 5 #onths One #onth Or $ess One %o 5 #onths

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that mo.t of em&loyee. are thin/in, of lea'in, the or,ani8ation from ! to " month.)

- 50 -


Sati'fa%tion le&el E:tremely Di..ati.fied 5ery Di..ati.fied Neither Sati.fied Nor Di..ati.fied 5ery Sati.fied E:tremely Sati.fied No) of emplo(ee' A0 A0 E6 !0 E

50 "0 30 20 10 0 No. of employees

E&tremely 'issatisfie( )ery 'issatisfie( Neither *atisfie( Nor 'issatisfie( )ery *atisfie(

E&tremely *atisfie(

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that em&loyee. are neither .ati.fied nor di..ati.fied 0ith the com&any.

- 51 -


No) Of 6or$in! 2ondition' Much more &o.iti'e than ne,ati'e More &o.iti'e than ne,ati'e More ne,ati'e than &o.iti'e Much more ne,ati'e than &o.iti'e Emplo(ee' B "0 0 !A

50 "0 30 20 10 0 No. Of Em ployees

#uch m ore positi+e than ne ati+e #ore positi+e than ne ati+e #ore ne ati+e than positi+e #uch m ore ne ati+e than positi+e

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that 0or/in, condition of em&loyee. i. much more &o.iti'e than ne,ati'e.

- 52 -


4a%tor' 4or Ne!ati&e EKperien%e My +erformance E'aluation %nd <utcome My 4ole, 4e.&on.ibility %ndH<r )itle Fob )rainin, My Bo.. My (o=Gor/er. My (om&en.ation (han,e In (om&en.ation +ac/a,e (om&any Sa'in,. +lan Medical Benefit. %nd In.urance 4elocation 5acation )ime Other No) Of Emplo(ee' 0 !6 !A A 0 AE !6 0 !E !6 0 0

25 20 15 10 5 0 No. Of Employees
- 53 -

#y ,erformance E+aluation -n( Outcome #y .ole/ .esponsibility -n(0Or %itle 1ob %rainin

#y Boss

#y Co23or4ers

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that com&en.ation i. a ma-or factor for ne,ati'e e:&erience of em&loyee..

- 54 -


4leKibilit( of %ompan( 5ery Infle:ible Some0hat Infle:ible Neither Some0hat Infle:ible 5ery fle:ible

No) of emplo(ee' A0 !6 A0 E0 E

"0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No. of employees

)ery 5nfle&ible

*om ew hat 5nfle&ible


*om ew hat 5nfle&ible

)ery fle&ible

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that com&any i. .ome0hat infle:ible to0ard. family re.&on.ibilitie..

- 55 -


2areer ad&an%ement opportunitie' Stron,ly Di.a,ree Some0hat Di.a,ree Neither %,ree or Di.a,ree Some0hat Di.a,ree Stron,ly %,ree No) of emplo(ee' 6 A0 "0 A0 E

50 "5 "0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

*tron ly 'isa ree *omewhat 'isa ree Neither - ree or 'isa ree *omewhat 'isa ree *tron ly - ree No. of employees

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that career ad'ancement o&&ortunitie. are neither 'ery ,ood nor 'ery bad.

- 56 -


Sati'fa%tion le&el 5ery di..ati.fied Some0hat Di..ati.fied Not .ati.fied or Di..ati.fied Some0hat .ati.fied 5ery .ati.fied No) of emplo(ee' !6 A AE AE E

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No. of employees

)ery (issatisfie( *omewhat 'issatisfie( Not satisfie( or 'issatisfie( *omewhat satisfie( )ery satisfie(

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that em&loyee. are .ome0hat di..ati.fied 0ith their &o.ition in the com&any.

- 57 -


Per%enta!e of pa( A0=E0V E0=60V 60=B0V B0=!00V

No) of emplo(ee' !6 !E 60 !0

60 50 "0 30 20 10 0
INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that &ay &lay. 60=B0V role in em&loyee;. turno'er.

202"07 "02607 602807 8021007

No. of employees


- 58 -

6or$in! %ondition' 6e. No

No) of emplo(ee' 6A B

3or4in Con(itions of Em ployees

38% 62%

Yes No

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that 0or/in, condition. of em&loyee. &lay. a ma-or role in em&loyee turno'er.

- 59 -


Rate of morale Do0 5ery lo0 9i,h 5ery hi,h

No) of 8or$er' EE AE A0 !A

"5 "0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

$ow )ery low 9i h )ery hi h

No. of wor4ers

INTERPRETATION )hi. .ho0. that rate of morale i. lo0 in com&any.

- 60 -


En%oura!ement to 'ta( 6e. No

No) of 8or$er' A0 B0

.etentation pro rams ta4en by company

20% Yes No 80%

INTERPRETATION Nothin, ha. been done to &re'ent em&loyee turno'er.

- 61 -

)urno'er rate mea.ure. the &ercenta,e of em&loyee. that lea'e the or,ani8ation in a ,i'en time &eriod. )urno'er can include re.i,nation., termination., retirement., tran.fer., and &romotion.. %,ent turno'er rate i. al.o referred to a. attrition, retention rate or a,ent churn.

T,r!o(er *1o,l0 &e $rac.e0 "! or0er $o4

(ontrol co.t. 4ai.e em&loyee morale


T,r!o(er "!crea*e* co*$* "! a (ar"e$+ o% 5a+* "!cl,0"! 4

recruitin, and hirin, tem&orary .taffin, lo0er &roducti'ity of ne0 a,ent. o'ertime co.t. for current .taff 0hile the -ob i. 'acant unem&loyment in.urance &remium.

Su&er'i.or. confront a ma-or challen,e 0ith turno'er and co.t control. )hi. challen,e include. balancin, the co.t of ne0 hire..

- 62 -

3inally, turno'er i. a ,ood indicator of em&loyee morale. %lthou,h em&loyee morale i. difficult to Cuantify, it ha. con.eCuence. &roducti'ity, and o'erall &erformance.


Fac$or* $1a$ ca! "-/ac$ $,r!o(er are a* %ollo5*4
!. Re%ruitment5 '%reenin!5 and orientation pro!ram' 4ecruitin, techniCue. that .im&ly brin, in @0arm bodie.@ 0ill rai.e turno'er, 0hile tar,eted recruitin, 0ill re.ult in hi,her retention le'el.. Screenin, &roce..e. .hould identify &eo&le that are a ,ood match for the -ob reCuirement.. 3inally, com&any orientation. that &ro'ide a &o.iti'e introduction to the com&any and an under.tandin, of com&any 'alue. e.tabli.h a ,ood relation.hi& 0ith em&loyee.. +) Trainin! and 'upport of ne8 !raduate' +oor trainin, &ro,ram. rai.e turno'er 0hen a,ent. don@t ha'e the tool. to do their -ob Gell. . Iualit( of dire%t 'uper&i'ion Good .u&er'i.ion en.ure. im&ro'e their ./ill., a. 0ell a. .u&&ort 0ith challen,in, -ob )a./.. If mana,ement i. bia.ed, uncommunicati'e, turno'er 0ill increa.e. E. 2ompetiti&ene'' of pa( '%ale Ga,e. .hould be com&etiti'e 0ith other -ob o&&ortunitie. 0ill be lo.t to better= &ayin, -ob.. ". Other emplo(ment opportunitie' in the area <ther -ob o&&ortunitie. 0ith better ad'ancement o&&ortunitie., challen,e., and ./ill de'elo&ment may cau.e turno'er.

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6. 3e&el of Eob 'ati'fa%tion and re8ard' Sale. re,ularly deal 0ith a .tre..ful -ob. Burnout le'el. are hi,h and can be a,,ra'ated if there are fe0 in.tance. of -ob reco,nition and re0ard for e:cellent &erformance. %,ent. al.o can be un.ati.fied 0ith their -ob 0hen they do not ha'e the tool. and 0or/ &roce..e. to do a ,ood -ob for their cu.tomer.. J. Attra%ti&e ad&an%ement opportunitie' 8ithin the %ompan( %d'ancement moti'ate em&loyee. to .tay 0ith a com&any. B. #nplanned %han!e +oorly=mana,ed chan,e can lead to attrition.

21e! *1o,l0 $,r!o(er &e a00re**e03

So ho0 do you /no0 0hen turno'er i. .e'ere enou,h to 0arrant .&ecial focu.U In addition to em&loyee moraleH&roducti'ity, there are .ome other factor. to con.ider. )he lo.. of hi,hly ./illed em&loyee. i. one con.ideration. )he attrition of fir.t=rate em&loyee. can be an irre&laceable lo.. for com&anie.. In addition, con.tant turno'er and recruitin, can create a ne,ati'e im&re..ion about the com&any. 3inally, turno'er 0arrant. e:tra focu. if a clear &attern be,in. to a&&ear. 3or e:am&le, if there ha. been "0V turno'er in the &a.t year due to re.i,nation., chance. are that .ome fundamental &roblem. e:i.t at the com&any and need to be addre..ed. If em&loyee. are al0ay. lea'in, becau.e of ne,ati'e circum.tance., thi. i. a red fla, that .i,nificant &roblem. e:i.t 0ithin the or,ani8ation and that mana,ement &ractice., trainin,, and 94 &olicie. need to be re'i.ited.

Ho5 ca! $,r!o(er &e re0,ce03

9i,h turno'er i. a ma-or &roblem to identify cau.e. of attrition. 7no0 0hy turno'er i. ha&&enin,. It i. im&ortant to /no0 the e:act rea.on. 0hy a,ent. lea'e in order to:
- 64 -

identify @controllable@ rea.on. 0hy a,ent. lea'e $to focu. attention on reducin, the cau.e. of the.e de&arture.*

accurately &lan ahead for recruitin,, hirin,, and trainin, re&lacement. at the .ame &ace a. you e:&ect a,ent. to lea'e

Some rea.on. for a,ent turno'er are beyond the control of mana,ement. )he.e de&arture. 0ill occur re,ardle.. of ho0 attracti'e mana,ement ma/e. it for a,ent. to .tay.

LNon.%ontrollableL turno'er include.:

retirement. &romotion. tran.fer. to other de&artment. 0ithin the com&any illne..

@2ontrollableL turno'er include. re.i,nation. due to:

-ob .tre.. lo0 &ay lac/ of ad'ancement &o..ibilitie. lac/ of .u&&ort and re0ard on the -ob

A%tion 'tep' (ou %an ta$e

!. E'aluate the B area. identified in the .ection ?%rea. to con.ider for reducin, turno'er rate? to determine 0here the ,reate.t contribution to a,ent turno'er may be ta/in, &lace. A. (onduct e:it inter'ie0. to identify 0hy they are lea'in,. . (onduct focu. ,rou&. 0ith mana,er., .u&er'i.or. and em&loyee. to brain.torm the root cau.e of em&loyee turno'er.
- 65 -

E. U.e the re.ult. of the data from .te&. ! throu,h

to &rioriti8e the root cau.e. for

em&loyee turno'er. De'elo& action &lan. to addre.. the.e root cau.e.. ". Im&lement the.e action &lan. and mea.ure the re.ult..

PRI"ARY REASONS 4OR E"P3OYEE T#RNOVER Benefit. Dac/ of &ro&er &eer .u&&ort Do0er .u&&ort Do0er .alary &ac/a,e De.. &romotional o&&ortunitie. Gor/ en'ironment De.. -ob o&&ortunitie. (om&en.ation. 2 ad'ancement a..ociated 0ith -ob Increa.ed .train &laced on em&loyee. Do not feel 'alued <r,ani8ation culture Emotional e:hau.tion Increa.ed .en.e of de&er.onali8ation


)here are .e'en hidden rea.on.:= T1E @OB 6AS NOT 61AT T1E E"P3OYEE E7PE2TED

- 66 -

)hi. i. the No. ! rea.on for turno'er in fir.t .i: month. 2 ha&&en.

becau.e em&loyee.

ha'e unreali.tic e:&ectation. 0hen they are hired, ha'e mi.conce&tion. about the 0or/er are .ometime. mi.lead durin, the inter'ie0 &roce... Em&loyee .hare the blame for not chec/in, out the -ob or 0or/&lace before .i,nin, on, but em&loyer. are al.o ,uilty, they are in too bi, hurry to hire or ea,er to .i,n on a ne0 recruit failin, to de.cribe the e'eryday -ob reality or ,i'e &re hire tour. of the 0or/&lace. %. a re.ult ne0 hire. feel betrayed or reali8e that they don;t fit the -ob. T1E "IS"AT21 BET6EEN @OB G PERSON )he main cul&rit i. the &re..ure to hire in a hurry. )ho.e 0ho hire often %..ume that becau.e a -ob i. at a lo0er le'el, anyone can do it, for,ettin, e:cellence can be found in all -ob. 2 that i. 0orth ta/in, time to a..e.. Gho ha. ri,ht .tuff to .ucceed, in e'ery -ob in an or,ani8ation. %nother contributin, i..ue i. that mana,er. a..i,n 2 &romote 0or/er. into 0ron, -ob., thin/in, that anyone can be trained to do anythin, or o'erloo/in, the fact that -ob .ati.faction may be more im&ortant to an em&loyee than ,ettin, &romotion.

- 67 -

TOO 3ITT3E 2OA21ING OR 4EEDBA2K By a trainin, ma,a8ine it 0a. found that mana,er feedbac/ and coachin, ./ill. 0ere con.i.tently rated a. mediocre. )hi. i. ma-or rea.on ,en=:er. lea'e in there fir.t year of the -ob. Gay too mana,er;. ./ill &ractice. once a year coachin, at the annual &erformance a&& TOO 4E6 ADVAN2E"ENT AND GRO6T1 OPPORT#NITY )hi. i. the number one fru.tration of youn,er to& &erformer.. Ghen em&loyee. rated today;. mana,er on leader.hi& com&etencie. the ability to de'elo& direct re&ort ran/. near the bottom. B"V of em&loyee. .ay career ,ro0th i. the /ey re0ard only E"V &ercent .ay there or,ani8ation &ro'ide. it. 4EE3ING DEVA3#ED AND #NRE2OGNIHED. )hi. rea.on for lea'in, encom&a..e. a 0orld of .in.. )he.e include not bein, &aid fairly not recei'in, a .im&le than/ you for -ob 0ell done, bein, treated 0ith, bein, i,nored, bein, &ut do0n, in.tead of 'alued for bein, different not ,ettin, the ri,ht tool. and re.ource. to do the -ob and ha'in, to 0or/ in an unacce&table en'ironment. STRESS 4RO" OVER6ORK AND 6ORK 3I4E I"BA3AN2E. % family and 0or/ .ur'ey re&orted that J0" of all 0or/er. don;t thin/ that there i. healthy balance bet0een their 0or/ life and &rofe..ional li'e.. % re.earch .tudy found that 6!V of 0or/er. are 0illin, to .acrifice &ay in e:chan,e for more &er.onal and family time. 3OSS O4 TR#ST AND 2ON4IDEN2E IN SENIOR 3EADERS.
- 68 -

It 0a. found that com&anie. 0ith hi,h tru.t le'el. out&erform. 0ith com&any 0ith lo0 tru.t le'el. by !B6V and le.. than half of the 0or/er. tru.t there .enior leader.. Becau.e their .enior e:ecuti'e. are .elf intere.ted .hort term focu.ed e,o dri'en, and ,reedy. But 0hen em&loyee. there .enior leader are committed to their 0ell bein, they tend to return that commitment by .tayin, and becomin, more en,a,ed and &roducti'e.

- 69 -


T1ere are $5o -a"! rea*o!* %or e-/lo+ee $,r!o(er:B + Iualit( of 'ele%tion '('tem Iualit( of leader'hip

SE3E2TION SYSTE" I#A3ITY No .in,le .election .y.tem i. ri,ht for all or,ani8ation.. Before ma/in, chan,e., <r,ani8ation. mu.t determine their current le'el. of .o&hi.tication and u.e of be.t +ractice.. )here are " &ractice. a..ociated 0ith selection systems: BE1AVIO#RA3 BASED INTERVIE6S %./in, candidate. to &ro'ide .&ecific e:am&le. of &a.t beha'ior. that illu.trate their ability to demon.trate reCuired -ob /no0led,e, ./ill. 2 abilitie.. TRAINING G E7PERIEN2E EVA3#ATION +ro'idin, a chec/li.t or other tool that mea.ure. candidate.; e:&erience in .&ecific ./ill. or .ituation.. ABI3ITY TESTS )e.tin, candidate;. mental, clerical, mechanical, &hy.ical or technical ca&abilitie.. BIOGRAP1I2A3 DATA 4eCue.tin, information about candidate.; life e:&erience. $e.,. familie., hobbie., attitude.* that correlate 0ith -ob &erformance. "OTIVATIONA3 4IT INVENTORIES Mea.urin, candidate.; &reference. for -ob, the or,ani8ation, and location Cualitie..
- 70 -


T5o %ac$or* 0r"("! re$e!$"o! are46

! A Wuality of relation.hi& a &er.on ha. 0ith hi. .u&er'i.or or mana,er %mount of meanin,ful 0or/

)here are many thin,. that an or,ani8ation can do to im&ro'e the.e factor.. Some .olution. directly im&ro'e le !e"s#i$ s%ills, 0hile other. im$"o&e systems ' t#e (o"% en&i"onment)

- 71 -

ATTRITION AREA The Eob 8a' not %learl( eKplained to them

SO3#TIONS % reali.tic -ob &re'ie0 $4F+* tool ha. been &ro'en to e.tabli.h hone.t E:&ectation. about the -ob. 4F+ can reduce %ttrition bet0een "=!"V.

Poor prior 8or$ hi'tor( that lead' to Poor future 8or$

% bio,ra&hical data a..e..ment re'ie0 &re'iou. 0or/ hi.tory to 9el& eliminate tho.e candidate. 0ith &oor &rior 0or/ hi.tory.

Do not ha&e ri!ht %o!niti&e abilit( for Eob

% mental alertne.. te.t can mea.ure the -ob candidate. ability to thin/ 2 .ol'e &roblem..

2annot mana!e the interper'onal re uirement' for Eob

% beha'ioral &hone inter'ie0, .imulation, role &lay, or in=&er.on inter'ie0 .hould hel& you e'aluate the -ob candidate a,ain.t thi. criteria.

Ne8 hire Eob preferen%e' do not mat%h re uired Eob preferen%e'

% -ob related &er.onality a..e..ment can mea.ure -ob fit 2 -ob &reference..

- 72 -

6hat are the be't 8a(' to %ombat turno&er= Our model of turno&er 8ould 'u!!e't there are 'e&en maEor area' of inter&ention.
T1e+ are4

Early Inter'ention. S/ill Inter'ention. Deader.hi& Inter'ention. (ommunication Inter'ention. 4e0ardHreco,nition Inter'ention. Fob Enrichment Inter'ention. Selection Inter'ention.

I 0ant to touch on each area briefly and offer .ome &ractical ad'ice and de.cribe .ome tried and &ro'en .trate,ie..

B) Earl( inter&ention' )he fact that lar,e number. of em&loyee. turno'er in the fir.t .i: month. of em&loyment .u,,e.t. that thi. i. a critical time for hel&in, &eo&le ad-u.t to ne0 role.. Mana,in, em&loyee.; e:&ectation. .hould actually .tart before em&loyment. %. 0e de.cribe in our earlier article, reali.tic -ob &re'ie0. can hel& en.ure that em&loyee. 0al/ into their -ob. 0ith their eye. 0ide o&en. <rientation &ro,ram. .hould not be a one=day e'ent> they .hould .&an the fir.t three month. of em&loyment. % ,ood orientation &ro,ram hel&. &re'ent mi.under.tandin,., and ,radually introduce. the em&loyee into the or,ani8ation. By &ro'idin, -u.t=in=time information and trainin,, rather than a one=day ?core dum&? of information, your trainin, effort. 0ill yield much better re.ult.. %fter detailin, the or,ani8ational chart, ta/e time to clearly e:&lain the im&ortance of the
- 73 -

em&loyee;. -ob. Mo.t im&ortantly, e.tabli.h a .u&&ort .y.tem for the ne0 em&loyee. % ,ood &ractice i. to .et u& a ?buddy? .y.tem for ne0 em&loyee.. % ?buddy? i. a .ea.oned em&loyee 0ho 'olunteer. to ?loo/ out for the ne0 em&loyee?, ma/in, introduction., &ro'idin, ad'ice, and hel&in, a'oid early &itfall.. +) S$ill inter&ention' 7ee& em&loyee. moti'ated and committed by enthu.ia.tically offerin, both trainin, and de'elo&ment o&&ortunitie.. Smart com&anie. /no0 the im&ortance of &er.onal de'elo&ment in em&loyee retention. In fact, the to&=rated com&anie. to 0or/ for ha'e .e'eral Cualitie. in common. )hey .&end con.iderable time in trainin, their &eo&le, they ha'e lo0 turno'er rate., and they ha'e im&re..i'e number. of a&&licant. &er -ob o&enin,. C) 3eader'hip inter&ention' Better Bo..e. mean lo0er turno'er. E.tabli.hin, &erformance e:&ectation., &ro'idin, coachin, and &o.iti'e feedbac/, and interactin, in a fair and con.iderate manner are all thin,. that ,ood leader. do to hel& ne0 em&loyee. be .ucce..ful and recei'e en-oyment from their -ob.. )o im&act turno'er, ma/e .ure that .u&er'i.ory &romotion and trainin, &ro,ram. ha'e inter&er.onal ./ill. a. &art of their focu.. Mea.ure em&loyee &erce&tion. of leader.hi& beha'ior. and incor&orate beha'ioral e:&ectation. into leader.; &erformance mana,ement e:&ectation..

A) 2ommuni%ation inter&ention' % ,ood ca.e .tudy of ho0, on communication. can hel& im&ro'e em&loyee retention i. Ne0 6or/ (ity;. )a'ern on the Green. In a recent article $.ource: 4a,an (ommunication.*, the trainin, director for the re.taurant offered numerou. .u,,e.tion. for o&enin, u& communication., includin,:

Hol0 o/e! %or,-*. Set u& monthly or at lea.t Cuarterly forum. in 0hich em&loyee. can tal/ 0ith deci.ion=ma/er. on i..ue. im&ortant to them.

I-/ro(e Cre0"&"l"$+. Do 0hat you .ay you are ,oin, to do or offer a ,ood rea.on 0hy you can@t;.
- 74 -

F"!0 5a+* $o co--,!"ca$e. Eliminate fear of re& Share im&ortant information. )reat em&loyee. a. &artner.. (ommunicate number., XbothY ,ood and bad. Don;t hoard data on .ucce..e. that mi,ht ma/e 0or/er. feel a .en.e of accom&li.hment or on &roblem. that mi,ht encoura,e them to ,o the e:tra mile.

<) Re8ard'?re%o!nition inter&ention' Money can tal/ 'olume., but the creati'e u.e of money i. /ey to retention. 5ariou. /ind. of contin,ent bonu. .trate,ie. can be u.ed to hel& 0ith retention. Deferred bonu.e. are &aid out incrementally 0ith a .i,nificant bac/=end &ayoff for a combination of &erformance doe.n;t addre.. lon, term retention. +erformance bonu.e. can hel& an em&loyee reach hi,h le'el. of income &ro'idin, they can con.i.tently demon.trate .u&erior le'el. of &erformance. )hi. ty&e of bonu. can be 'ery 'alue of .u&erior &erformance. % third o&tion be.ide. the u.e of bonu.e. i. to re,ularly ma/e .alary ad-u.tment. for your .tar &erformer. or indi'idual. 0ith /ey ./ill .et. .o that they are not tem&ted to ,o el.e0here for bi,,er &aychec/.. <b', thi. .trate,y can only be u.ed for a .mall &ercenta,e of /ey &layer.. If you can;t afford to &ay more, or to offer contin,ent &ay, don;t for,et the 'alue of non=monetary or .ymbolic re0ard. li/e time=off, a0ard., and other reco,nition &ro,ram.. -) @ob enri%hment, the -ob .ati.faction of hi,h turno'er -ob. can reduce turno'er. 3or indi'idual. 0ho ha'e a need for ,ro0th, the follo0in, -ob de.i,n .trate,ie. are a..ociated 0ith increa.ed -ob .ati.faction:
- 75 -



)hi. ty&e of bonu. .y.tem can hel& ,uarantee .er'ice for a finite number of year. but


if &erformance metric. are readily a'ailable and additional co.t. are con.i.tent 0ith the

Increa.e the 'ariety of ta./. &erformed +ro'ide ,reater o0ner.hi& and deci.ion=ma/in, on ho0 the -ob i. &erformed and hold the -ob holder accountable for Cuality of out&ut.

%dd more .i,nificant re.&on.ibilitie. Im&ro'e the accuracy and Cuality of feedbac/ on &erformance

F)Sele%tion Im&ro'ed .election may be the mo.t &o0erful 0ea&on a,ain.t turno'er.. Impro&in! inter&ie8in! pro%edure' redu%ed turno&er rate' on a&era!e a 8hoppin! A+D) Selection i. a &re'enti'e techniCue for reducin, turno'er. By im&ro'in, the initial fit bet0een an indi'idual and a -ob, you can ha'e a hu,e im&act on turno'er. RED#2ING T#RNOVER> T1E E44E2TS O4 2O""ON3Y.#SED "ET1ODS Senior 3e&el "iddle "ana!er' 4ront 3ine Emplo(ee' Better com&en.ation 6JV Better com&en.ation 6!V More careful "JV 2 benefit. Stoc/ o&tion. More careful .election in hirin, +rofit=.harin, 4etention bonu. "AV EJV AJV A6V 2 benefit. More careful .election in hirin, )uition reimbur.ement Stoc/ o&tion. %do&tion of ca.ual dre.. code "EV E!V AV !V .election in hirin, Better com&en.ation 2 benefit. )uition reimbur.ement Im&ro'ed trainin, &ro,ram. Better orientation &ro,ram. "0V EJV E"V #V

- 76 -

- 77 -

#'in! the 6heel to Impro&e Emplo(ee Retention

KEiL' Emplo(ee Retention Strate!( i' ba'ed upon t8o primar( belief'>
$!* It i. difficult for em&loyer. to retain ,ood em&loyee. if they don@t ha'e a &roce.. to hire the ri,ht &eo&le in the fir.t &lace. $A* 4etention &roce..e. mu.t directly .u&&ort the rea.on. that .ucce..ful, .ati.fied em&loyee. .tay. 7Ei@. concentration on the center of the Em&loyee 4etention Gheel &ro'ide. em&loyer. 0ith Internet=ba.ed tool. that ,i'e em&loyee. .y.tematic, on,oin, .u&&ort to be .ucce..ful in their 0or/ and .ati.fied 0ith their em&loyment.

T1E 2ENTER O4 E"P3OYEE RETENTION 61EE3 $ * )he.e ei,ht central &roce..e. of the Em&loyee 4etention Gheel are the factor. that are mo.t critical to an em&loyee@. -ob &erformance .ucce... ATTIT#DE 4OR E"P3OYING % &roce.. to clearly define the 0ay .u&er'i.or. are e:&ected to interact 0ith em&loyee.> a &roce.. to ,i'e em&loyee. a 0ay to e:&re.. 0hat i. mo.t im&ortant to achie'e -ob Succe..> and a &roce.. to ,i'e em&loyer. a 0ay to demon.trate ?Em&loyin, 5alue.? throu,h em&loyment &olicie..

- 78 -

4INDING 2ANDIDATES % &roce.. that ,i'e. em&loyer. a com&rehen.i'e 0ay to communicate to -ob .ee/er. 0hat it ta/e. to achie'e .hort=term and lon,=term -ob .ucce.., and to attract the candidate. 0ho fit thi. criteria. SORTING APP3I2ANTS % &roce.. that ,i'e. em&loyer. a 0ay to confirm 0hether the attitude. and beha'ior. of -ob .ee/er. are a match for their 0or/ en'ironment. 21OOSING E"P3OYEES % &roce.. that ,i'e. em&loyer. a 0ay to define the .&ecific inter'ie0 Cue.tion. that &ro'e -ob .ee/er abilitie. to .ucce..fully &erform the tar,et ./ill.> and a &roce.. that ,i'e. em&loyer. a 0ay to 'erify the accuracy of re.umeHa&&lication data and inter'ie0 re.&on.e.. STARTING E"P3OYEES % &roce.. that &ro'ide. a 0ay for ne0 em&loyee. $before &erformin, the -ob* to under.tand ?0hy the em&loyer. bu.ine.. e:i.t.>? ?0hat ma/e. the bu.ine.. or,ani8ation .ucce..ful>? ?0hy the em&loyee@. -ob e:i.t.>? and ?0hat it 0ill ta/e for the em&loyee to achie'e -ob .ucce...?

- 79 -

% &roce.. that ,i'e. em&loyer. a 0ay to &ro'ide e..ential information $from fi'e critical information .ource.* that i. needed by em&loyee. to ma/e daily 0or/ deci.ion.. I"PROVING E"P3OYEES % &roce.. that ,i'e. .u&er'i.or. and em&loyee. a 0ay to 0or/ to,ether to build &er.onali8ed &lan. for im&ro'in, each em&loyee@. &riority -ob ./ill.> and a &roce.. that ,i'e. the em&loyer a 0ay to ?deli'er ./ill.=im&ro'in, trainin, curriculum? and to ?mea.ure the learnin, effecti'ene..? from the trainin, e:&erience.. RE6ARDING E"P3OYEES % &roce.. that ,i'e. em&loyer. a 0ay to define and communicate e:actly ho0 indi'idual em&loyee .alarie. are determined> and a &roce.. that ,i'e. em&loyer. a 0ay to &ro'ide em&loyee. 0ith e:tra incenti'e income that i. earned throu,h the achie'ement of ca.h ,eneratin, bu.ine.. ,oal..

- 80 -


The pre'ent report indi%ate' that the follo8in! feature'>.

!. Better -ob o&&ortunitie. in outer mar/et 2 &ay are the main rea.on. for, attrition rate. A. )he em&loyee. do not feel 'alued by their em&loyer. . )he 0or/in, en'ironment in the com&any al.o ma/e them to lea'e their -ob. E. +erformance %&& are not ,i'en at re,ular inter'al. .o that the Em&loyee feel moti'ated for it. 0or/. ". )he 0or/ .chedule i. 'ery much infle:ible 2 Stre..ful.

If .ome &o..ible mea.ure. are done to o'ercome the.e &roblem. then A$$r"$"o! ra$e can be decrea.ed to a lar,e e:tent.

- 81 -

Sear%h En!ine> htt&:HH000.,oo, htt&:HH000.a./.com 6eb'ite> htt&,.com htt&,'y.yaban/.com htt&:HH000..ur' htt&:HH000.banc0e.tcor&.com #R3> htt&:HH000. in,'y.yaban/.comH htt&:HH000. in,'y.yaban/.comHhtmlPfile.Haboutu..htm htt&:HH000. in,'y.yaban/.comHhtmlPfile.H&rofile.htm

Ne8' Paper'> Bu.ine.. Standard. Economic )ime.

- 82 -

7To F"!0 $1e Var"o,* Rea*o!* %or I!crea*"! A$$r"$"o! Ra$e "! ING VYSYA BANK0


>. >. >. >. >.

6hat I' Your Primar( Rea'on 4or 3ea&in! The 2ompan(= Benefit. Better Fob <&&ortunity (ommute (onflict 0ith <ther Em&loyee. (onflict 0ith Mana,er 3amily 4ea.on. Fob E:&ectation Not (hallen,in, +ay +er.onal 4ea.on. 4eallocationHMo'e Gor/in, (ondition +) 1o8 3on! 1a&e You Been Thin$in! About 3ea&in! The 2ompan(= <ne Month <r De.. <ne )o " Month. More )han " Month.


1o8 Sati'fied Are You 6ith The 2ompan( You 6or$ 4or= E:tremely Di..ati.fied
- 83 -

5ery Di..ati.fied Neither Sati.fied nor Di..ati.fied 5ery Sati.fied E:tremely Sati.fied A) 1o8 6a' Your 6or$in! EKperien%e= Much More +o.iti'e than Ne,ati'e More +o.iti'e than Ne,ati'e More Ne,ati'e than +o.iti'e Much More Ne,ati'e than +o.iti'e <) If Your EKperien%e' Are "ore Ne!ati&e Than Po'iti&e5 6hat 4a%tor' Are Re'pon'ible= Sele%t All That Appl() My +erformance E'aluation and the <utcome My 4ole, 4e.&on.ibility andH<r )itle Fob )rainin, My Bo.. My (o=Gor/er. My (om&en.ation (han,e in (om&en.ation +ac/a,e (om&any Sa'in,. +lan Medical Benefit. and In.urance 4elocation 5acation )ime <ther

- 84 -












Re'pon'ibilitie'= 5ery Infle:ible Some0hat Infle:ible Neither Some0hat 3le:ible 5ery 3le:ible F) Do You 1a&e A 2lear Path 4or 2areer Ad&an%ement= Stron,ly Di.a,ree Some0hat Di.a,ree Neither %,ree or Di.a,ree Some0hat %,ree Stron,ly %,ree /) 1o8 Sati'fied Are You 6ith Your Po'ition At Thi' 2ompan(= 5ery Sati.fied Some0hat Di..ati.fied Not Sati.fied nor Di..ati.fied Some0hat Sati.fied 5ery Sati.fied M) 6hat Part Of Pa( Pla( In Your De%i'ion To 3ea&e The Or!aniJation= A0=E0V E0=60V 60=B0V B0=!00V

- 85 -


Doe' 6or$in! 2ondition' Affe%t You To 3ea&e Your @ob= 6e. No


1o8 6ould You Rate The "orale In Your 2ompan(= Do0 5ery Do0 9i,h 5ery 9i,h


2ould Thi' 2ompan( 1a&e Done An(thin! To En%oura!e You To Sta(=

Yes No


YO#R VA3#AB3E S#GGESSTIONS ARE 6E32O"E .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ...................................................................... T1ANK YO# 4OR GIVING TI"E TO "E

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