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P-Noy signs law amending Family Code

By Delon Porcalla (The Philippine Star) | Updated May 31, 2013 - 12:00a 3 !23 "oo"lepl#$2 0 M%&'(%, Philippine$ - Pre$ident %)#ino ha$ $i"ned into la* a +ill a endin" ,-ec#ti.e /rder 200, the 1a ily 2ode o3 the Philippine$, to e$ta+li$h the lia+ility o3 a+$ol#te co #nity or con4#"al partner$hip 3or the o+li"ation o3 a $po#$e practicin" a pro3e$$ion and the capa+ility o3 either $po#$e to di$po$e o3 e-cl#$i.e property5 Dep#ty pre$idential $po6e$per$on %+i"ail 7alte $aid 8ep#+lic %ct 109:2 a end$ %rticle$ :3 and 111 o3 the 1a ily 2ode to de$i"nate the co#rt$ to deter ine the +a$i$ 3or any o+4ection +et*een $po#$e$ in e-erci$in" any le"iti ate occ#pation, +#$ine$$ or acti.ity and to di$cern *hether any +ene3it 3ro thi$ e-erci$e $ho#ld accr#e a"ain$t co #nity property or $eparate property; and allo* either $po#$e to ort"a"e, enc# +er, alienate or other*i$e di$po$e o3 hi$ or her e-cl#$i.e property5 <So the $po#$e doe$ not need the con$ent o3 her partner in practicin" a le"iti ate occ#pation or pro3e$$ion,= $he $aid5 <B#t in ca$e$ o3 di$a"ree ent, the co#rt can $tep in and decide i3 there i$ +a$i$ to the o+4ection o3 the $po#$e,= $he $aid5 <&o*, i3 the 3a ily +ene3it$ 3ro the proceed$ o3 that occ#pation or pro3e$$ion that i$ +ein" o+4ected to, then they can char"e the +ene3it to the co #nity property5 '3 the $po#$e did not o+4ect +#t +ene3ited 3ir$t then o+4ected later, then it $ho#ld +e char"ed to the $eparate property o3 the $po#$e,= $he added5

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