Shang Dynasty

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Characteristic Government


Important facts, Evidence, and Explanations Shang kings depended on strong armies to maintain their rule. Kings were almost constantly at war so they needed a good army. he king!s armies were very "ig and strong "ecause they had weapons made of "ron#e. his picture shows a typical offering to the Shang!s ancestors. hey "elieved that their ancestors could help or harm the living. hey sacrificed wine, food, and sometimes humans. he Shang social structure consisted of the king, no"les, craftspeople, traders, and slaves. %o"le!s fought in the army, provided weapons, foot soldiers, and chariots.

Social structure


he Shang dynasty!s advance in technology was one of the few reasons why the remained in power for more than &'' years. hey made a lot of weapons with "ron#e. he picture on the left is (ust one of them. his farmer is farming on a small plot of land. )ere, he grows millet, wheat, "arley, rice, fruit, vegeta"les, and nuts. )e is getting watched "y a no"le who will soon "ring the food to the king and to his household. he farmers don!t get to keep most of their food. Shang artists worked with "ron#e a lot. hey made "eautiful vessels, geometrical designs, and pictures of mythical features. he most common picture was an animal mask that had the horns of an ox, the ears of an elephant, the talons of a "ird, the eye a man and the crest of a dragon.

Sta"le food supply



he Shang dynasty used logographs, characters that stand for words. )aving a written language helped unify the Chinese people. %ot every"ody used the same language, "ut all the upper class citi#ens used logographs.

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