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King Wu


Early Years A. He claimed they had been given the Mandate of Heaven B. King Wu overthrew the Shang, and then he established the Zhou Dynasty


Significant Events A. In the 700s B.C.E., the feudalism broke down, and states got stronger and powerful. B. In 1045 B.C.E., King Wu became the first leader of the Zhou dynasty.


Personal Attributes (characteristics)

A. I think King Wu was a powerful leader because he was the son of Heaven since heaven gave his the right to rule the Z. B. He was also considered to be just and able leader. IV. Contributions

A. King Wu influenced people to ask questions about human nature and the way for rulers to govern. B. He also created a system called feudalism.


My Impressions

A. King Wu was a great leader because he questioned rulers to ask scholars the best way on how to create order and increase their power. B. I also think that King Wu is keen because he came up with a system that led to the three philosophies.

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