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1) Foi each lettei, ciiclehighlight the statement that best uesciibes you.

a) I eain high giaues because I am
I eain high giaues because I woik veiy
b) You have a ceitain amount of
intelligence anu you can't change
No mattei who you aie, you can change
youi intelligence with effoit.
c) It uoesn't mattei how much time I
invest in something, I always get the
same giaues.
I am moie successful in most things
when I put foith a lot of effoit.
u) I piefei getting a giaue insteau of
I finu constiuctive feeuback moie useful
than an actual scoie.
e) I feel anxious when otheis giasp an
iuea moie quickly than me.
I uon't concein myself with otheis'
giaues oi piogiess but tenu to focus on
my own success.
f) I want people to peiceive me as one
of the smaitest kius in the ioom.
It's moie impoitant how I view myself
iathei than how otheis view me.
g) I choose not to paiticipate in extia
help sessions because otheis might
peiceive me as uumb.
I will paiticipate in extia help session is
they will help me.
h) I hate making mistakes. Naking mistakes helps me to leain.

i) Challenges make me anxious because
what happens if I can't figuie out the
I love challenges even I can't figuie out
the solution.

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Fill in the following infoimation "# ,6>@ 68# 86@$%0

2) What aie the two uiffeient minusets iuentifieu. Below, biiefly uesciibe the key
chaiacteiistics of each.

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