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-BHAVITA BHATT A PLP is designed to develop a learners learning and teaching capabilities. Learners learn how to develop, implement, review, and adjust personal learning goals. Following is my PLP1. What are you working on, and what do you hope to accomplish, in terms of a. The craft of teaching in your content areas and in general I teach Accountancy and SPCC to grade 11 and 12. Both subjects are new to grade 11 students, so I need to demonstrate Accountancy as a language of business so I mostly have to use the lecture method to deliver my content, I would like to explore into other teaching methods. I prefer and hence try to create a classroom where students enjoy learning. b. Relationship with students and understanding students. I feel my class lacks in sense of humour so I would like to make my class more lively and interesting by cracking jokes and sharing anecdotes. I would like to develop the art of posing questions and sharing responses so that students show their deep understanding not only in the academics but also towards issues in the society. I want to develop an appetite for excellence into my students. c. Being a leader and collaborating with colleagues I wish to collaborate with teachers of other subjects within my team and in the process help me consolidate PBL in my classroom 2. What learning goals would I like to focus in this year? How will I achieve all the above goals with the given time frame and prepare students for their Grade 12 external exams. 3. What activities will you engage into pursue this goals. I really do not have an idea at this point of time about the activities I would carry on to achieve my goals; I would require your help in this matter. One thing I usually do is to observe other educators around in the organisation and try to learn the art of teaching.

4. How will you provide evidence of your progress towards these goals? I would like to maintain a journal for my personal views and a video to show how the learning has benefited others. Evidence also can be in the form of slides or projects prepared by students. 5. As you think about your Leading Schools Project.. a. What fierce wonderings are emerging? What do you hope to learn? My fierce wonderings Reading An Ethic of Excellence along with preparing PLP has made me aware of different practices I can follow with my students. But I am wondering how to put them in practice. I am aware of the deadlines set by the school, how am I going to manage all the above that I want to achieve along with it. I hope to learn to create Digital Portfolio that reflects my work. How do I collaborate with my colleagues? b. How might these be framed in an essential question or project? How do I integrate PBL with content of subjects that I teach? The thinking process is still on, not yet finalised on the question and the end product. c. What do you hope to accomplish? The one thing I would really like to be at the end of this journey is to be a better teacher. To be a leader in my school. To effectively collaborate with my colleagues 6. My Wicked Awesome Learning Opportunities (WALOs) Reflect on your practice Record myself teaching and discuss it with a colleague. Keep a regular journal about my practice, share this with a colleague. Have students in my classes fill out feedback forms. Share with a colleague Plan a project with my colleague. Work with colleagues to plan 11th grade students present their learning. Lead your community Lead an activity designed to support new teachers.

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