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Karla Zepeda Professor Topf English 114 B 18 April 2014 V for Vendetta Following the events of ww2 and Vietnam War, many are terrified and afraid. Across the world many are afraid, no one wants war. The Americans for brough fear into this country. Feeling unsafe, not being able to get a goodnights rest, and never being able to go outside without the fear of never returning. The chancellor promised a safe England if elected and he did go through with this promise. The type of government system that we have here is needed to ensure safety and to keep things in order. Many would say that our government system is controlling. No one wants to live in a totalitarian society. That V what does he know, just filling in the lies of the citizens with fear and being a manipulative person. He is brainwashing all of your minds, do not let him. Not only is he manipulative, he is a terrorist he is! A manipulative terrorist blowing up buildings. Who is he trying to help with that? There a loose madman on these streets and I want to feel safe again. We need more security; the curfew should be even more enforced. I want to once again feel safe and united. The government isnt bad. No one sees how lucky they are; no one is grateful. Do you not see how blessed this country is to have the type of government system that we have. The government isnt trying to be controlling, but to provide a safe place for all of England. I mean we are one of the most industrialized countries in the world. Would you rather live in another

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country? Like that foresaken place of America who is only good for war? Or how about Germany; the Soviet Union? All this government is trying to do is keep it safe. People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people. So having fear of the government, those who are only trying to protect this beautiful country. You shouldnt be afraid of the government in fact, you should be afraid of each other. Eevy, who seemed to be a simple average person, was living among you is now helping the terrorist V. Whos to say no one else is to make more mayhem? We NEED to monitor everyone, we need curfew, and we need all this because we need to catch this sick monster. I assure you fear isnt what is intended from the government. But if fear is what keeps one safe it is fear that one should feel. Take example of a child, we all want what is best for a child. Say a child doesnt listen it wants to go and play in dirt, we as adults/parents whomever we are will send fear into a childs mind in order to ironically keep them safe. Within the example given, the fear that is given to the child is of a bug crawling on them. We tell them that because we love them and are trying to keep them safe. We do not want you to be afraid, but we do want all to bear in mind that we are only trying to do what is best. To keep all calm and in control. For in god sake fear is what makes those strong, and accepting/ conquering that fear makes you unstoppable. I am aware of the many past and recent events that had occur. It was a very scary epidemic and we lost many of loved ones. So let me say this, The past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it. Move forward. Nothing of that has happened since the chancellor was in charge. Trust us, trust the government for the government is what is trying to make it safe for all of us to live in unity. There is something that Mr. V said that I do agree with, strength through unity. So I say this to all you, my fellow citizens let us unite. Let us unite and fight for what is

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right, let us not let fear reign over us, let us do what we can for our country. If any of you see either Eevy or V or anyone really who is trying to ruin the society that we took so long and hard to achieve, call the police, turn them in. It is something we need to do for ourselves, for each other, for we are what makes this country. Everything is so organized with this government. It is ran in a uniform manner without any discrepancy also, things can get done faster because there is no opposition. How many have ever felt as if the government has treated them different from another? The government doesnt discriminate. See, they believe everyone should be treated the same, there should be a sense of unity between everyone. We are a unity. There are no debates, we get things done. We dont sit around and argue who is right and who is wrong because there is no need in that. The government does in what it thinks is best for the citizens. So do please keep in mind that the number one priority of the chancellor is to make sure everyone feels safe once again, to feel indifferent and united. We do not have a totalitarian government, the government isnt controlling; we simply are trying to create equality. No one is different, no one is not equal, unless they are a threat to the government. V says blowing up building is going to change the world, but the only scrutiny I see is the cloud of fear overcasting this wonderful place we call our home. Justice must be served, V must be stopped and caught so that we may once again feel safe.

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