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Topics: Financial statements Analysis Paper instructions: The project is to obtain 2 Financial statements from their most recent

annual reports (Year ended 2013 or 2012) including the quarters financial statements for 2 different companies in a given industry (like manufacture, merchandise or services sector like insurance industry, banking industry). One Financial statement serves as the Base company and the other one will serve as a comparison company. Both companies must be a publically traded firm applying US GAAPs. Then, the project will provide in-depth analysis of the Financial statements and its industry of the Base company and compare it to the comparison company. The analysis will start with an introduction (2 pages) about the Company and its industry and its comparison company. Then the project will analyze key trends in the base companys income statement and balance sheet accounts for the last 3 years, discuss the base companys major sources and uses of funding, discuss non-financial statement items that would be important to consider for the investors before investing in a company in the industry, and to make an investment recommendation for the investors. The analysis should consider liquidity risk, credit risk and profitability evaluation for the company and projection of its future performance. The analysis should always compare the Base company to the Comparison company and based on that the recommendation will be provided for the investors.

The analysis should be in 10 pages and it should include 3 to 4 graphics for trend analysis. Also, in the introduction, please put the logos of the Companies. Also in the last page, put the links used for references and links to get annual reports and financial statements of the above companies. So total number of pages are 13.

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