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The Railway Children

Name: _________________________________________________ Class:______________________

Section A : Circle the correct option.
1. Who said that Mother must have fruit and milk when she was sick?
A. Perks
B. Mrs. Viney
C. The Old Gentleman

D. Dr. Forrest

2. Who gave Perks and his family some apples and a pram?
A. The Station Master B. Phyillis
C. Mrs Ransome

D. Mrs. Viney

3. In the story, those who are poor do not like

A. to give presents
B. to get presents
C. those who are rich and generous
D. others to give them things out if pity
4. The children save their friend, the old gentlemans grandson. This support the theme of
A. The importance of loyalty
B. Facing lifes challenge with courage
C. Things are not what they seem
D. The importance of family love
5. What can we understand from the characters feel from their speech?
Its magic! said Phyllis. I knew the railway was magic.
A. Phyllis is frightened B. Phyllis is angry
C. Phyllis is amazed

D. Phyllis is determined.

6. What is the colour of the shirt that the boy, who broke his leg and was not able to get out of the
tunnel, wear during that time?
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. White
7. When the Old Gentleman said, Shes a woman in a million. (page 52), he referred to
A. Bobbie
B. Mother
C. Mrs. Viney
D. Mrs. Ransome
8. Where was the description take place?
The old gentleman presents the children with gold watches.
A. The railway station B. Tunnel
C. The house in London

D. The little white house

9. To whom did Bobbie pass her letter?

A. The station master B. Perks

D. Dr. Forrest

C. Mrs. Viney

10. The childrens father was falsely accused of being a _______

A. thief
B. spy
C. terrorist

D. rapist

Section B: Answer the questions below.

1. Why was Phyllis afraid to enter the tunnel?


2. How did Peter know that one boy was still in the tunnel?

3. In what ways did the old gentleman, Jims grandfather help?

4. How were the children able to see once they went into the dark tunnel?

5. What is Perks occupation?

Section C:
Based on the novel, The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit, write about the ending of the story and
why you like the ending of the story. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer.
Your response should be:
not less than 50 words
in continuous writing (not in note form)

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