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Saint Ignatius College Formal After party

Dear Parents, Year 12s and guests This bulletin is to advice you about the Arrangements for a private gathering for Saint Ignatius Year 12s and their guests, after the Saint Ignatius formal. *N.B Please note that this is not a school event.* We would like all parents of attendees to be aware of the arrangements and need for all Year 12s, their guests and parents to share the responsibility of ensuring that a safe, secure and enjoyable event is had by all. It is a condition of entry that parents of those wishing to attend give their consent and by doing so indicate an understanding of the arrangements. The Saint Ignatius College Formal After Party will commence at 12:00am and conclude at 4:00am. Understand there will be a lock in at 1:00am so please arrive promptly.

Entry Fee
- $35 - Consent forms and money must be provided in a sealed envelope marked with attendees name.

Venue and Transport

The party is at a private property; the address is 1/49 Plymouth Road Wingfield. The venue is approximately 20 minutes from the city.. You will need to bring a form of Photographic ID. $35 per person entry fee is required to be paid by 7th of May to secure a booking.! - Signed consent forms must be provided with payment.!

Health Safety and Security

The safety and security of your children and their invited guests is of paramount concern. A recognised security firm has been engaged to assist with the care and control of those attending.

All Saint Ignatius year 12s and their dates are invited to attend the event. There are many attendees who are not attending the formal whos invite has been approved by an invite only Facebook event. Each attendee must have his/her name checked off the official invitation list. If someone with in the event

is found not to be wearing their wristband at any stage, a security representative may ask them to leave. Bags and belongings are able to be stored within a secure cloak room. Organisers of the after party do not take responsibility for any belongings or possessions that may be lost, damaged or stolen.

Alcohol will not be supplied but it is of great

importance that parents understand that there will be alcohol at this event. As the function is being held on
a private property, invitees are permitted to supply their own alcohol for the event. Only cans will be permitted. If this rule is not followed, your alcohol will be confiscated. Whilst it is not illegal for persons under the age of 18 to consume alcohol on private property, it is important that all parents are made aware that alcohol will be consumed with parent or guardianship consent. With this information in mind, you may consider your daughters' and sons' attendance at the event.

Fitness to Enter and Removal of Attendees Important Note: Attendees may be refused entree/removed from the event if they are unable to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner due to the suspected ingestion of alcohol and/drugs.

In the event that the conduct of a year 12 or guest is deemed unacceptable, whether due to their condition, behaviour or seen ill health, a supervisor will telephone the contact number provided for that person and make arrangements with their parent/guardian for their safe retrieval. Taxis will not be an option in these situations and it is important that all parents take seriously the responsibility of nominating themselves or another appropriate adult driver to assist organisers to convey their daughter or guest home safely if the need arises.

In the interest of promoting a safe and harmonious environment for the event it is recommended that you make your children aware of the content of this letter. Please encourage them to help the organisers to make a success of the event by looking after their guests and acting responsibly.

All reasonable steps will be taken by the organisers to ensure that all the participants in this event enjoy themselves within a safe and secure venue. Without the goodwill and generosity of the venue hosts and the organisers, this event would not be possible. Your support and commitment to encourage your children to act responsibly is an essential part of this endeavour.

Experience suggests that excessive consumption of alcohol prior to the commencement of the function causes most problem for organisers of such functions. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that attendees' arrive at the event in an appropriate state, if the supervisors and/or professional security personnel believe that they are already adversely affected by alcohol or drugs, entry WILL be refused.

Please DO use this bulletin as the basis of providing an open and adequate explanation of arrangements to the parents of the guests that your children invite to this event. In order to help avoid unwanted attention, (Gate crashers), please DO NOT PUBLICISE THESE ARRANGMENTS. By taking a firm and sensible approach to the facilities of this event, the organisers hope that all participants will be able to replace and enjoy themselves, free from intrusion by a minority of attendees who seem to thrive on upsetting those around them and spoiling the fun for others.

Return slip
This form must be signed and returned along with the $35 entry fee per person to Ashleigh Stevens at Saint Ignatius College Parent/Guardians name.............................................. Attendees Name...................................................... Parent/Guardians Mobile Phone Number......................... Home Phone Number................................................. Expected Time of pick up/way home ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... I .............................. have read the above information and give my son/ daughter .................................... permission to attend the 2014 Saint Ignatius College After Party. I .............................. have read the above information and do / do not - give my son / daughter.................................. permission to consume alcohol at the venue.

Parent/Guardian Signature.

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