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April 22-25, 2014

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Follow us on Instgram @ journeywithmrsk Congratulations to Giovanni for Honorable Mention in the Invention Convention!

important dates:
Wednesday, April 23: Unit 8 Retake (For students that choose) Spelling Test: Friday, April 25 MAP Testing: Week of May 5th

In Unit 9 students learn about Coordinates, Area, Capacity, and Volume. Students will be plotting ordered pairs on graphs, calculating area, capacity, and volume, and exploring transformations in all of the topics above. Please check out the Everyday Math Site for more information. We will be flipping most of the lessons in this unit. Students can access the math videos by scrolling to the Math menu on the class website. In the Math Menu go to Flipped Learning and then Unit 9.

Math: Unit 9

WEEKLY vocabulary
!Math Unit 8: area, axis, capacity, coordinate grid, formula, longitutde, latitude, ordered number pair, perpindicular, parallel, transformation, volume (Everyday Math Vocabulary Sheet) !Spelling: (Talk with an Astronaut story) artist, tourism, biology, phobia, heroism, meteorology, geology, cartoonist, technology, journalism, zoology, hydrophobia, violinist, patriotism, vocalist, claustrophobia, ecology, capitalism, novelist, technophobia

Students will complete their Harris Burdick stories and create QR codes to lead people to their site. Look for the posters around school and check out our writing. Please feel free to leave comments. Also, students will publish blog posts regarding Earth Day. We will work with our buddies in Chennai, India to write thoughtful comments on blog posts.

Language arts:

We will review the scientific method and then begin science experiences based on student created questions. During all the science experiments we will record our data in our science notebooks.
A creative picture of morning work snapped by Gabi S., our journalist for the week.


Congratulations to Nick, Sarah C, and Enzo for being Wise Giants!

mrs. ks notes:
!MAP Testing for the elementary will begin the week of May 5th. The MAP test is designed to show student growth throughout the year. It is not a standardized test and students cannot study for it. The best ways to prepare for MAP tests are to get a good night sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and to relax. ! Mariana Motto will be coming to our room once a week until the end of the school year to help ease the students transition to 6th grade. !The next assembly is May 19th at 8:45 am.

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