May Is Stroke Awareness Month

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For Immediate Release

News Release # 392 ! icer "ednesday, #$ril 23, 2%&' at &&(39 a')$'

Media Contact
Crystal N. Hunt, Public In ormation ! ice( 3%&.*'+.%+,% Mobile( 3%&.-+2.-2'& .mail(

May is /tro0e #wareness Mont1

National Stroke Awareness Month takes place in May every year. On May 11, 1989, President George . !. "#sh signed Presidential Procla$ation %9&% designating May as National Stroke Awareness Month at the #rging o' National Stroke Association. Since then, National Stroke Association has (een honoring this special ti$e o' the year to increase p#(lic awareness o' stroke in an e''ort to con)#er it. * +N, -O. A/0 A1+NG A S*/O,02 3A44 95151 +MM06+A*04-7

8.A.S.*. is an easy way to re$e$(er the s#dden signs o' stroke. !hen yo# can spot the signs, yo#9ll know that yo# need to call 95151 'or help right away. 8.A.S.*. is: Face 6rooping ; 6oes one side o' the 'ace droop or is it n#$(2 Ask the person to s$ile. +s the person9s s$ile #neven2 Ar$ !eakness ; +s one ar$ weak or n#$(2 Ask the person to raise (oth ar$s. 6oes one ar$ dri't downward2 Speech 6i''ic#lty ; +s speech sl#rred2 +s the person #na(le to speak or hard to #nderstand2 Ask the person to repeat a si$ple sentence, like <*he sky is (l#e.< +s the sentence repeated correctly2 Ti$e to call 95151 ; +' so$eone shows any o' these sy$pto$s, even i' the sy$pto$s go away, call 95151 and get the person to the hospital i$$ediately. 3heck the ti$e so yo#9ll know when the 'irst sy$pto$s appeared 3all 95151 ; +' so$eone shows any o' these sy$pto$s, even i' the sy$pto$s go away, call 95151 and get the person to the hospital i$$ediately. 3heck the ti$e so yo#9ll know when the 'irst sy$pto$s appeared.

Severe weather and e$ergency notices will (e posted on the 3harles 3o#nty we(site =>, on the co#nty9s 8ace(ook Page>, and on the co#nty9s govern$ent ca(le station, 33G*1, (roadcast on 1eri?on channel 1@ and 3o$cast channel 9%.


C1arles County 2o3ernment 4 Public In ormation ! ice 4 P.!. 5o6 2&+%, 2%% 5altimore /treet, 7a Plata, M8 2%*'*

C1arles County 2o3ernment

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C1arles County 2o3ernment 4 Public In ormation ! ice 4 P.!. 5o6 2&+%, 2%% 5altimore /treet, 7a Plata, M8 2%*'* Visit us at

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