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Title :To practically configuration and characteristic of the Three Phase Motor in Delta configuration with Squirrel Cage

and Slip Ring Rotor.

Objective: Upon successful completion of this experiment ,the students will be able to: 1)Identify the number set of winding consists in Three Phase Motor . 2)Configure Three Phase Motor in Delta configuration with Squirrel Cage and Slip Ring Rotor. 3)Measure the winding resistance ,line voltage and phase of Three Phase Motor in Delta configuration with Squirrel Cage and Slip Ring Rotor.

Equipment Required
1)1xThree phase bench power supply Crotech TBP-06 2) 1xCage rotor -ADM110 3) 1xSlipring rotor -ADM110 4) 1xMechanical brake drum--ADM115 1xSlipring brushegear(3xbrush holders)-ADM112 5) 1xThree phase stator ADM107 1XEndshield-ADM101 6) 1xEndshield with brake slot and tachometer receptacle ADM101A 1xSplit phase stator-ADM105 7) 2xEndshield with brake terminals -ADM102 8) 1xSlipring brushegear(3xbrush holders)-ADM112 9) 1xSlipring Starting Switch Box-ADM221 10) 1xSlipring Resistor Box-ADM205 11) 4xSet bolt /nuts assembly-ADM116 12) 12)Set allen keys -ADM118 13)1xtachometer 14)1xSet connecting leads

1)At all time be aware that any machine that works on electricity is dangerous. 2)Manner during work in a clean to minimizes the chance of accidents. 3)Machine must be handled with care and placed in position where they cannot drop and break or hurt anyone. i)Make sure that your matrix card is not hanging at your neck when conducting electrical machine. ii)If you is long hair ,make sure if have tie up nicely or properly. iii)Person who making measurement must be ensure that keys DO NOT become part of the circuit being measured at any time. 4)All tools and instrumental must be handled with due care such as : i)Tool that consists of conductor material must have proper insulation ii)Ohmmeters are never used on energized circuits. iii)Ensure that all meters are on the correct ranges prior to taking measurement. 5)Make sure all exposed conductor material are ground nicely. 6)Please DO NOT switch on the supply before confirm by your instructor. 7)Remember that accidents only happen during unsafe acts or unsafe condition. 8)Identify location of Emergency Button in this laboratory just in case.

Procedure: 1)Make a simple observation and the number of set winding exist within the 3 phase stator. 2)Measure the resistance of each stator winding set and record in table 1. 3)Assemble Three phase induction motor illustrated in Figure 1 and make sure that all connection tied nice and properly.

Three Phase Stator in Delta Configuration with Squirrel Cage Rotor need to connect. 4)Configure the circuit diagram show in Figure 1 .Make sure that output of the 3 phase bench power supply is connected to Three Phase Motor. 5)All exposed conductor materials must grounded properly. 6)Make sure the multimeter until range is correctly select and located in maximum range value .Note selecting an inappropriate range value will damage to measuring instruments.

7)Make sure all connection are properly connected and all knobs at bench power supply is set to 0 volt before calling lecture to verifying the circuit connection. Note by ignoring all these procedure will result in a penalty of mark deduction. 8)Turn on main switch of three phase bench power supply and the lamp will light or on. 9)Turn on 3 poles miniature circuit breaker at the output number 3 and 4 .Record all phase voltage ,phase current and line current of Three Phase Motor in Table .Also related formula to calculate phase voltage and current.IL= Delta connection. And VL=VP.

10)Observe the rotation direction of the motor then turn OFF or switch off the power supply. Change any two supply terminal ,switch On or turn On the power supply with observe the rotation the direction again .

` 11)Asemble Three Phase motor illustreted in Figure 2 and ensure all that connection tied properly.


Connection Three Phase in Delta Configuration with Squirrel Cage Rotor

` This show about the connection need to do if need reserve the direction of motor .It can change the connection RED,YELLOW and blue ,choose from 2/3 or mean change with 2 connection like.

Answer All Question (Result) 1)Table 1:Three Phase Stator winding resistance Number of set Resistance (Between winding winging leads) 0 Set winding 1 0 Set winding 1 0 Set winding 1 Resistance Between winding lead and ground terminal

2)Table 2 :No load line and phase (voltage and current )of Three Phase Motor with Squirrel Cage Rotor. Measure Line Current ILINE (amp) Line Voltage VLINE (volt) Phase Current Iphase (amp) Phase Voltage Vphase (volt) Calculate Phase Current Iphase (amp) ` Phase Voltage Vline (volt) 0 VLINE=Vphase =415v 0 415v 0 415v

Discussion 1)With related ,explain the principle operation of Three Phase Motor. Answer

When three phase supply is given to the three phase stator winding of the induction motor,a rotating magnetic field is developed around the stator which rotates at synchronous speed. This rotating magnetic field passes through the air . Due to the relative speed between the stationary rotor conductors and the rotating magnetic field, an emf is induced in the rotor conductors. As the rotor conductors are short circuit, current starts flowing through it. And as current carrying rotor conductors are placed in the magnetic field produced by the stator, they experience a mechanical force torque which moves the rotor in the same direction as that of the rotating magnetic field. the induction motor can't run at the synchronous speed because at synchronous speed the induction motor can not develop any torque to move the rotor from its stationary position.

2)Explain the rotor construction of Three Phase Motor below: a)Squirrel Cage Rotor Answer
Squirrel Cage Rotor consists of a series of conducting bars laid into slots carved in face of the rotot.Any Induction Motor has a Stator and a Rotor. The construction of Stator for any induction motor is almost the same. But the rotor construction differs with respect to the type which is specified above.

b)Slip Ring Rotor Answer

The slip ring induction motors usually have a Wound rotor. This type of rotor is provided with a 3-phase, It is complete set of 3 phase winding that is a mirror image of winding on the stator.These three windings are starred internally and the other end of these three windings are brought out and connected to Connection and end of the three rotor wire are tied to slip rings on the rotor shaft. The rotor winding are shortened through brush riding on the slip rings

3)Explain briefly status of Three phase stator winding by referring to the table 1 result. What happen if the resistance of the winding result show zero or infinite value?? Answer Resistance of the winding show in zero or infinite value, the motor still can run or spinning 4)Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Squirrel Cage and Slip Ring rotor. Answer Advantages of Squirrel Cage Rotor Squirrel Cage Induction motors are cheaper in cost compared to Slip Ring Induction motors and Squirrel Cage motors are better cooled compared to slip ring induction motors. Disadvantages of Squirrel Cage Rotor Squirrel cage induction motor is that they have poor starting torque and high starting currents. Squirrel cage induction motors are more

sensitive to the supply voltage fluctuations. Advantages Slip Ring rotor.

High Starting torque with low starting current. Maximum starting can be attained in the slip ring motor compared to squirrel cage motor by inserting an external resistance in each phase of the rotor circuit and cutting the resistance during starting.

Disdvantages Slip Ring rotor. Initial and maintenance cost is more compared to squirrel cage motor because presence of slip rings, brushes, short circuiting devices .Speed regulation is poor when operated with external resistances in rotor circuit. 5)Explain why Squirrel Cage rotor are widely use in industrial today?? Answer Because the squirrel cage induction motor is cheaper and high starting torque. 6)State the application of this motor. Answer =Fan ,blower s,compressors ,electric vehicles and conveyor drive 7)Explain the differences between star and delta configuration of three phase motor.

Answer Delta Delta pictures a triangle and each side is a modifier or motor winding. It is call the 3 corners of the triangle A, B ,and C.

This is connection Delta Formula VL(line)=VP(Phase) IL(line)=

Star Star connection take our trio above and use your wire cutters. Also can calling is Y connection same like delta which have A, Band C wire but have three sides join in the center ,connect of fourth wire. Call this is wire neutral.

This is connection Star or Y connection

Formula IL(line)=IP(Phase) VL(line)= 8)State Three (3)advantage and Three disadvantage of Three Phase Motor. Answer Advantages Squirrel Cage Cheaper in cost Maintenance cost is low Simple starting arrangement More pull out torque Slip Rotor High Starting torgue High over load capacity Low starting current Nearly constant speed

Disadvantages Squirrel Cage Poor Starting torque Speed regulation not possible At light load the power factor is Slip Rotor Low power factor at light loads Speed regulation not possible if operate with external resistance High maintenance

very low Very sensitive to change in power supply

Lower efficiency

9)Define Slip?? Answer Define slip as the speed of the rotor in relation to the rotating field.

10)Explain how to change the direction of three phase motor?? Answer Simply change any two phase connections out of three & the direction will reserve. Conclusion

Conclusion is learning how to construct Delta configuration with Squirrel Cage and Slip Ring Rotor . Able to explain basic operating principle of the three phase motors. Learning also how to prevent from any dangerous .Able to know the characteristic of the Three Phase Motor either Delta configuration and star.

Reference reversed_in_a_three_phase_induction_motors?#slide=3 ectrical_3-phase_delta_connection_and_a_star_connection?#slide=29 71154AAYVP6b

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