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Ingredients : kg Magnolia Chicken Siomai or Shanghai Mix 2 litrs chicke stock 100 gm misua 1 cup tsp Patola, peeled and sliced into 1-inch pieces ground black pepper

2 tbsp Oil 2 tbsp minced garlic cup chopped onions

Procedure: Form Magnolia Chicken Siomai or Shanghai Mix into 1-inch balls. Chill balls and set aside. Saute garlic and onions in hot oil. Add chicken stock and let boil. Add misua and prepared chicken balls. After 5 mins, add patola and continue cooking until patola is tender and chicken balls are fully cooked, about 3-5 mins. Season with pepper Makes 6-8 servings.


Ingredients: kg Chicken or Pork patties (pan fried) 2 cups water 1 tbsp liquid seasoning tsp ground black pepper

2 tbsp Butter cup all purpose flour 1 pc beef bullion cube dissolved in water

cup sliced mushroom

Procedure: In a pan, heat oil. Pan-fry Chicken or Pork patties for 3-4 mins per sideor until meat is fully cooked. Set aside. To make gravy, melt butter in sauce pan. Add flour and mix to form thick paste. While stirring, slowly add beef stock. Cook until slightly thick while stirring continuously. Season with liquid seasoning and pepper. Add mushrooms. Mix well and set aside. Pour sauce on top of the butter or on the side.


Ingredients: 1 kilo Pork Pata Slices cup Vinegar 2 cups water 1 tbsp minced garlic 1 cup 1 cup white onions, chopped native tomatoes, chopped

2 tbsp crushed garlic 1 tbsp fresh ground pepper 1 pc 1 tsp bay leaf Worcestershire sauce

cup soy sauce Procedure: Combine first 8 ingredients in a saucepan. Cooke over high heat until mixture comes to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and let simmer, covered for 45 mins. Remove cover and cook for another 5 mins for sauce from meat and set aside. In another pan, saut onions, garlic and tomatoes until tender. Add meat and cook for 5 mins. You may add the sauce if you like or you may serve it on the side.

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