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The Year 5/6 Science Quiz

Part Two

Section 1
The Human Body

Question 1
What organ pumps blood around the human body?

Question 2
What is plaque and what causes it?

Question 3
Give three reasons why exercise is important.

Section 2
Green Plants

Question 4
What attracts an insect to a flower? (could be two things)

Question 5
In what part of the plant are reproductive organs found?

Question 6
In what part of the plant are seeds made? A. Flowers B. Roots C. Leaves

Section 3
Variation and Classification

Question 7
Give two differences between a spider and an ant.

Question 8
All plants can be placed into one of two groups. What are the two groups?

Question 9
Ferns are non-flowering plants that do not make seeds. What do they make?

Section 4
Living Things in their Environment

Question 10
Animals that eat other animals are called what?

Question 11
Leaf Worm Bird Cat In the above food chain, which is the producer?

Question 12
Leaf Worm Bird Cat Name the prey of the bird in the above food chain.

Section 5
Grouping Materials

Question 13
Can you pour a solid?

Question 14
Name three different types of soil.

Question 15
Why would steel be used to make a bridge?

Section 6
Changing Materials

Question 16
Give an example of any change that cannot be reversed.

Question 17
What happens to a liquid when you freeze it?

Question 18
What is a solution?

Section 7
Doing an experiment

Question 19
What is the aim of an experiment?

Question 20
What equipment would you use to find out how hot a beaker of water is?

Question 21
How would you make sure that an experiment was a fair test?

Section 8

Question 22
Why is there usually a plastic coating around a metal wire?

Question 23
What happens when a circuit has a break (or gap) in it?

Question 24
Name three electrical components used in simple circuits.

Section 9
Forces and Motion

Question 25
When do two magnets attract each other?

Question 26
What sort of surface should a slope have to prevent slipping?

Question 27
What is the name of the force that pulls objects down towards the centre of the Earth?

Section 10
Light and Sound

Question 28
What is the pitch of a note?

Question 29
Explain why light shines off a silver brooch in bright sunlight.

Question 30
Which if the following are sources of light? Candle, Moon, Torch, Sun, Tin Foil

End of Quiz

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