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Ming Agriculturally based with trade contacts throughout Asia Sea Trading Zone showed they had mandate

andate by repairing infrastructure like the Grand Canal and Great Wall New World crops (potato, corn and peanuts) brought by the Europeans were able to grown in marginal areas (areas that prior were hard to grow foodstuffs in) Population increased because these crops supplement the staple crop of rice more population will demand more goods, increase in artisan class and merchant class, cities became highly active in trade, A commercial revolution occurred in the 1500s Overland trade with China was at the lowest point it had been in millennia, sea trade became highly developed. Shipping offered more efficient and safer trade options than did caravans attempting to cross the increasingly treacherous Taklimakan Basin. As trade along the sea routes became more developed, diplomatic relations with the various nations of East and Southeast Asia, India, the Arab coast and even as far as the east coast of Africa were more actively engaged. Trade remained a large continuity even after the Voyages of Zheng He ended; many foreign merchants did business at Macao and Canton in hopes of gaining special trading privileges such as the Portuguese

Qing Agriculturally based society Commercial and urban expansion increased under the peaceful conditions of the 17th century. They imported silver for their exported goods creating a favorable balance of trade. European traders came into Canton and Macao and Chinese merchants traveled overseas. When the Chinese refused to open up to the British the British began to smuggle the illegal drug, opium into the country destroying them economically and socially and causing the Opium War (18391842) Treaty of Nanjing (1842) would begin the economic imperialism of China through spheres of Influence

Tokugawa Shogunate Once peace was established, agriculture improved and expanded; new seeds, tools and fertilizer produced greater output Food surpluses increased population and towns grew as well as cities like Edo Merchants and artisans flocked to supply the needs of the daimyos and their families Internal trade flourished Merchants like in China gained a lot of wealth but had low social status The Japanese had very little natural resources with exception of silver and copper (this will become problematic in the future) By 1638, western merchants were barred and one to two Dutch ships were allowed in Deshima on a yearly basis By the 1650s, export of silver and copper was greatly restricted

The type economic boom was similar to China when they had their commercial revolution: new or better way to grow food , increase in population, need to create more goods to satisfy population, growth of cities, productive economy

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