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Chapter7: Beam problems (Element :BEAM3-2D- Elastic Beam)

BEAM3 - 2-D Elastic Beam geometry

Element Description BEAM3 is a uniaxial element with tension, compression, and bending capabilities. The element has three degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x and y directions and rotation about the nodal zaxis. Assumptions and Restrictions

The beam element must lie in an X-Y plane and must not have a zero length or area. The beam element can have any cross-sectional shape for which the moment of inertia can be computed. However, the stresses are determined as if the distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber is one-half of the height. The element height is used only in the bending and thermal stress calculations. The applied thermal gradient is assumed linear across the height and along the length. The moment of inertia may be zero if large deflections are not used.

BEAM3 Input Data Figure 7.1: "BEAM3 Geometry" shows the geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element. The element is defined by two nodes, the cross-sectional area, the area moment of inertia, the height, and the material properties. The initial strain in the element (ISTRN) is given by /L, where is the difference between the element length, L (as defined by the I and J node locations), and the zero strain length. The initial strain is also used in calculating the stress stiffness matrix, if any, for the first cumulative iteration.


You can use the element in an axisymmetric analysis if hoop effects are negligible, such as for bolts, slotted cylinders, etc. The area and moment of inertia must be input on a full 360 basis for an axisymmetric analysis. The shear deflection constant (SHEARZ) is optional. You can use a zero value of SHEARZ to neglect shear deflection. See Shear Deflection for details. The shear modulus (GXY) is used only with shear deflection. You can specify an added mass per unit length with the ADDMAS real constant. Node and Element Loads describes element loads. You can specify pressures as surface loads on the element faces, shown by the circled numbers in Figure 7.1: "BEAM3 Geometry". Positive normal pressures act into the element. You specify lateral pressures as a force per unit length. End "pressures" are input as a force. KEYOPT(10) allows tapered lateral pressures to be offset from the nodes. You can specify temperatures as element body loads at the four "corner" locations shown in Figure 7.1: "BEAM3 Geometry". The first corner temperature T1 defaults to TUNIF. If all other temperatures are unspecified, they default to T1. If only T1 and T2 are input, T3 defaults to T2 and T4 defaults to T1. For any other input pattern, unspecified temperatures default to TUNIF. KEYOPT(9) is used to request output at intermediate locations. It is based on equilibrium (free body of a portion of the element) considerations and is not valid if:

stress stiffening is turned on [SSTIF,ON] more than one component of angular velocity is applied [OMEGA] any angular velocities or accelerations are applied with the CGOMGA, DOMEGA, or DCGOMG commands.

"BEAM3 Input Summary" summarizes the element input. Element Input contains a general description of element input.

BEAM3 Input Summary

Nodes I, J Degrees of Freedom UX, UY, ROTZ Real Constants AREA - Cross-sectional area IZZ - Area moment of inertia HEIGHT - Total beam height SHEARZ - Shear deflection constant ISTRN - Initial strain ADDMAS - Added mass per unit length Note :SHEARZ goes with the IZZ. If SHEARZ = 0, there is no shear deflection in the element Y direction. Material Properties :EX, ALPX (or CTEX or THSX), DENS, GXY, DAMP Surface Loads Pressure -face 1 (I-J) (-Y normal direction) face 2 (I-J) (+X tangential direction) face 3 (I) (+X axial direction) face 4 (J) (-X axial direction) (use a negative value for loading in the opposite direction)


Body Loads Temperatures -- T1, T2, T3, T4


!tp!t Data

The solution output associated with the element is in two forms:

Nodal displacements included in the overall nodal solution Additional element output as shown in Table 3.1: "BEAM3 Element Output Definitions".

Figure 7.2: "BEAM3 Stress Output" illustrates several items. Solution Output gives a general description of solution output. See the ANSYS Basic Analysis Guide for ways to view results. The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation: A colon (:) in the Name column indicates the item can be accessed by the Component Name method [ETABLE, ESOL]. The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file Jobname.OUT. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file. In either the O or R columns, Y indicates that the item is always available, a number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and a - indicates that the item is not available. Table 3.1 BEAM3 Element Output Definitions Name EL NODES MAT VOLU: XC, YC TEMP PRES SDIR SBYT SBYB SMAX SMIN EPELDIR EPELBYT EPELBYB EPTHDIR EPTHBYT Definition Element Number Element nodes - I, J Element material number Element volume Location where results are reported Temperatures T1, T2, T3, T4 Pressure P1 at nodes I,J; OFFST1 at I,J; P2 at I,J; OFFST2 at I, J; P3 at I; P4 at J Axial direct stress Bending stress on the element +Y side of the beam Bending stress on the element -Y side of the beam Maximum stress (direct stress + bending stress) Minimum stress (direct stress - bending stress) Axial elastic strain at the end Bending elastic strain on the element +Y side of the beam Bending elastic strain on the element -Y side of the beam Axial thermal strain at the end Bending thermal strain on the element +Y side of the beam O R Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y 3 Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Definition Bending thermal strain on the element -Y side of the beam Initial axial strain in the element Member moment in the element coordinate system Z direction

O R 1 1 1 1 2 Y 2 Y

MFOR(X, Y) Member forces in the element coordinate system X and Y direction

1. The item repeats for end I, intermediate locations (see KEYOPT(9)), and end J. 2. If KEYOPT(6) = 1. 3. Available only at centroid as a *GET item. The following tables list output available through the ETABLE command using the Sequence Number method. See The General Postprocessor (POST1) of the ANSYS Basic Analysis Guide and The Item and Sequence Number Table of this manual for more information. Table 3.2: "BEAM3 Item and Sequence Numbers (KEYOPT(9) = 0)" through Table 3.7: "BEAM3 Item and Sequence Numbers (KEYOPT(9) = 9)" all use the following notation: Name output quantity as defined in the Table 3.1: "BEAM3 Element Output Definitions" Item predetermined Item label for ETABLE command E sequence number for single-valued or constant element data I,J sequence number for data at nodes I and J ILN sequence number for data at Intermediate Location N


Table 3.3 BEAM3 Item and Sequence Numbers (KEYOPT(9) = 1) Output Quantity Name SDIR SBYT SBYB EPELDIR EPELBYT EPELBYB EPTHDIR EPTHBYT EPTHBYB EPINAXL SMAX SMIN MFORX MFORY MMOMZ P1 OFFST1 P2 OFFST2 P3 P4 ETABLE and ESOL Command Input Item LS LS LS LEPEL LEPEL LEPEL LEPTH LEPTH LEPTH LEPTH NMISC NMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC 1 TEMP LBFE 1 E 10 2 2 I 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 6 19 21 23 25 27 3 3 ILI 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 3 4 7 8 12 4 4 J 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 5 6 13 14 18 20 22 24 26 28

Pseudo Node


$ %&ED E'AM(%E


(roblem24: E++ect o+ $el+ ,ei-ht on a Beam %oa/s 0ill not be applie/ to the beam sho0n belo0 in or/er to obser.e the /e+lection ca!se/ b1 the 0ei-ht o+ the beam itsel+2 *he beam is to be ma/e o+ steel 0ith a mo/!l!s o+ elasticit1 o+ 233 4(a2 %56333mm7 ,553mm7 h563mm

(reprocessin-: De+inin- the (roblem 1. 4i.e e8ample a *itle: 9tilit1 $. Men! : ;ile : Chan-e *itle 222
/title, Effects of Self Wei !t for a "antile#er Beam

pen preprocessor men!: A)$<$





3. De+ine =e1points: %reprocessor












We are ta.le:


to define $ -e)points for t!is .eam as

"oordinates 0+,),,1 02,21 01222,21

i#en in t!e follo/in


1 $

3. Create %ines: (reprocessor : Mo/elin- : Create : %ines : %ines : >n Acti.e Coor/

"reate a line 5oinin (e)points 1 and $ 6. De+ine the *1pe o+ Element (reprocessor : Element *1pe : A//?E/it?Delete222 7or t!is pro.lem /e /ill use t!e BEAM3 0Beam $D elastic1 element. 8!is element !as 3 de rees of freedom 0translation alon t!e 9 and : a+es, and rotation a.out t!e ; a+is1.


<. De+ine @eal Constants (reprocessor : @eal Constants222 : A//222 In t!e =Real "onstants for BEAM3= /indo/, enter t!e follo/in properties: 1. "ross>sectional area AREA: 622 $. Area moment of inertia I;;: 31<<.<& 3. 8otal .eam !ei !t: 12 8!is defines a .eam /it! a !ei !t of 12 mm and a /idt! of 62 mm. &. De+ine Element Material (roperties


%reprocessor ' Material %rops ' Material Models ' Structural ' 4inear ' Elastic ' Isotropic In t!e /indo/ t!at appears, enter t!e follo/in eometric properties for steel: 1. :oun =s modulus E9: $22222 $. %oisson=s Ratio %R9:: 2.3 ?. De+ine Element Densit1 (reprocessor : Material (rops : Material Mo/els : $tr!ct!ral : %inear : Densit1 In t!e /indo/ t!at appears, enter t!e follo/in densit) for steel: 1. Densit) DE@S: &.?<e>< A. De+ine Mesh $iAe
(reprocessor : Meshin- : $iAe Cntrls : Man!al$iAe : %ines : All %ines222

7or t!is e+ample /e /ill use an element ed e len t! of 122mm. 12. Mesh the +rame %reprocessor ' Mes!in ' Mes! ' 4ines ' clic- =%ic- All=

$ol!tion (hase: Assi-nin- %oa/s an/ $ol.in1. De+ine Anal1sis *1pe Solution









$. Appl1 Constraints Solution ' Define 4oads ' Appl) ' Structural ' Displacement ' Bn (e)points 7i+ -e)point 1 0ie all DB7 constrained1 3. De+ine 4ra.it1 It is necessar) to define t!e direction and ma nitude of ra#it) for t!is pro.lem. o Select $ol!tion : De+ine %oa/s : Appl1 : $tr!ct!ral : >nertia : 4ra.it1222


8!e follo/in /indo/ /ill appear. 7ill it in as s!o/n to define an acceleration of A.?1m/s$ in t!e ) direction.

)ote: Acceleration is defined in terms of meters 0not =mm= as used t!rou !out t!e pro.lem1. 8!is is .ecause t!e units of acceleration and mass must .e consistent to i#e t!e product of force units 0@e/tons in t!is case1. Also note t!at a positi#e acceleration in t!e ) direction stimulates ra#it) in t!e ne ati#e : direction. 8!ere s!ould no/ .e a red arro/ pointin indicates t!at acceleration !as .een
D(,1,A44,2, A"E4,,A.?

in t!e positi#e ) direction. 8!is defined in t!e ) direction.

8!e applied loads and constraints s!ould no/ appear as s!o/n in t!e fi ure .elo/.

3. $ol.e the $1stem $ol!tion





(ostprocessin-: &ie0in- the @es!lts 1. Ban/ Calc!lations Dand calculations /ere performed to #erif) t!e solution found usin A@S:S: 8!e ma+imum deflection /as s!o/n to .e 6.&&&mm


$. $ho0 the /e+ormation o+ the beam 4eneral (ostproc : (lot @es!lts : De+orme/ $hape 222 : De+ C !n/e+ e/-e

As o.ser#ed in t!e upper left !and corner, t!e ma+imum displacement /as found to .e 6.&&&mm. 8!is is in a reement /it! t!e t!eortical #alue.


252 ;in/ the shear +orce an/ ben/in- moment /ia-ram +or the +oll30inproblem2 @ectan-!lar c?s /epth 23 mm7thicDness 63mm .5 323 E5 28635)?mm2

$ %9*> ):
1. $. 3. 7ile'c!an e 5o. name ' Enter EBeam6F Ans)s Main Menu ' %references ' structural ' BAns)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' E4EME@8 t)pe ' Add/edit/delete ' add ' Beam2D Elastic3 ' B(


Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Real constants ' Add/edit/delete 'Add'B(' set real "onstant @o: G 1 cross sectional Area G $22, Area Moment of InertiaG12+$2e3/1$, Dei !tG$2 ' B( ' "lose 6. Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Material %roperties ' Material Models ' Structural ' 4inear ' Elastic : Isotropic' Specif) Material @o: G 1' B(' :oun Hs modulusG $E6, %oissonHs ration MinorG 2.3 ' B( <. Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor 'Modelin ' "reate ' @odes ' In acti#e "S ' Set @ode @o: G 1, 9G2,:G2, ;G2 ' Appl) ' Set @ode @o: G$, 9G 622, :G2, ;G2 ' Appl) ' Set @ode @o: G3, 9G 1222, :G2, ;G2 ' Appl) ' Set @ode @o: G3, 9G 1622, :G2, ;G2 ' Appl) ' Set @ode @o: G6, 9G $222, :G2, ;G2 ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Modelin ' "reate ' elements ' Auto @um.ered &. ' 8!ru @odes ' %ic- 1 I $ nodes ' Appl) ' %ic- $ I 3 nodes ' Appl) ' %ic- 3 I 3 nodes ' Appl) ' %ic- 3 I 6 nodes ' B( ?. Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' 4oads ' Define 4oads ' appl) ' Structural Displacement ' Bn @odes ' %ic- 1 ' B- ' all Do7 ' B( A. Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor 'loads ' Define 4oads ' appl) ' Structural ' 7orce/Moment ' Bn @odes ' %ic- $nd @ode ' B- ' Select 7) J Appl) as "onstant Calue and Select Calue of 7orce/Moment G >322@ ' Appl) ' %ic- 3rd @ode ' 7) G >322@ ' Appl) ' %ic- 3t! @ode ' 7) G >?22@ ' Appl) ' %ic- 6t! @ode ' 7) G >622@ ' B( 12. Ans)s Main Menu ' solution 'Sol#e "urrent 4S 'B( Soln Done ' "lose Ans)s main menu ' eneral post processor ' Element ta.le ' Define ta.le ' Add ' 11. set user la.el for item G $;D2, select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 2 08)pe $ after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' set user la.el for item G $;D", select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 " 08)pe ? after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' set user la.el for item G BMD6, select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 6 08)pe < after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' set user la.el for item G BMD62, select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 62 08)pe 1$ after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' B( ' "lose 1$. Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' Element 8a.le ' 4ist Element 8a.le ' Select $;D27 $;D" ' B( ' @ote t!e stress in elements 0@ote t!e s!ear 7orces1 13. Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' Element 8a.le ' 4ist Element 8a.le ' Select BMD67 BMD62 ' B( ' @ote t!e stress in elements 0@ote t!e Bendin Moments1 13. Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' %lot Results ' Deformed S!ape ' Select Def MNnreformed ' B( 0Blue line indicates deformed s!ape and /!ite line indicates ori inal s!ape 16. Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' %lot Results ' "ontour %lots J4ine Element Results ' Select 4a.1G$;D2 and 4a.OG $;D" ' B- 0see t!e s!ear forces in t!e mem.ers1 1<. Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' %lot Results ' "ontour %lots J4ine Element Results ' Select 4a.1GBMD6 and 4a.OG BMD62 ' B- 0see t!e Bendin Moment Dia ram1 17. 7ile ' Sa#e as ' Select t!e user director) ' Beam1 ' B(



Results: E4EME@8A4 SB4N8IB@> S!ear 7orce and Bendin Moment: Node No. 1 2 3 4 Max stress:____________ Max deflection:________________ Slope at tip: Location:____________ Location:____________ Shear Forces on Elements SFD2 SFD8 Bending Moment Values BMD6 BMD12

Shear force diagram

Bending moment diagram Compare solutions from SOM.Also find deflections using SOM approach.


(@ B%EM$

) *@A)&E@$E % AD>)4 Beam Element0BEAM31

262;in/ the shear +orce an/ ben/in- moment /ia-ram +or the +ollo0inproblem2 Data: @ectan-!lar c?s /epth 623 mm7thicDness 63mm7.5 3237 E5 28635)?mm2

$ %9*> ):
1. $. 3. 3. 7ile'c!an e 5o. name ' Enter EBeam2F Ans)s Main Menu ' %references ' structural ' BAns)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' E4EME@8 t)pe ' Add/edit/delete ' add ' Beam2D Elastic3 ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Real constants ' Add/edit/delete ' Add ' B( ' set real "onstant @o: G 1 cross sectional Area G 1$22, Area Moment of InertiaG12+1$2e3/1$, Dei !tG1$2 ' B( ' "lose Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Material %roperties ' Material Models ' Structural ' 4inear ' Elastic : Isotropic' Specif) Material @o: G 1' B(' :oun Hs modulusG $E6, %oissonHs ration MinorG 2.3 ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor 'Modelin ' "reate ' @odes ' In acti#e "S ' Set @ode @o: G 1, 9G2,:G2, ;G2 ' Appl) ' Set @ode @o: G$, 9G $222, :G2, ;G2 ' Appl) ' Set @ode @o: G3, 9G 3222, :G2, ;G2 ' Appl) ' Set @ode @o: G13, 9G ?222, :G2, ;G2 ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Modelin ' "reate ' @odes ' Auto @um.ered ' 7ill Bet/een @odes ' %ic- 3 I 13 nodes ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Modelin ' "reate ' elements ' Auto @um.ered ' 8!ru @odes ' %ic- 1 I $ nodes ' Appl) ' %ic- $ I 3 nodes ' Appl) ' %ic- 3 I 3 nodes ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' Modelin ' "op)' Elements Auto num.ered ' %ic3rd Element' B( Set 8otal of "opies G 12, @ode increment G 1 ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor ' 4oads ' Define 4oads ' appl) ' Structural Displacement ' Bn @odes ' %ic- 1 and 13 ' B- ' Select N) ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor 'loads ' Define 4oads ' Appl) ' Structural ' 7orce/Moment ' Bn @odes ' %ic- $nd @ode ' B- ' Select 7) J Appl) as "onstant Calue and Select Calue of 7orce/Moment G >32222@ ' Appl) ' %ic- 3rd @ode ' 7) G>$2222@ ' B( Ans)s Main Menu ' %reprocessor 'loads ' Define 4oads ' appl) ' %ressure ' on Beams ' %ic- ' Select all t!e elements .et/een node 3 and 130Nse .o+ option to select t!e elements1 ' B( ' Set 4(E:G1, CA4IG12'B( Ans)s Main Menu ' solution 'Sol#e "urrent 4S 'B( Soln Done ' "lose



&. ?.

A. 12. 11.





16. 1<. 1&.




Ans)s main menu ' eneral post processor ' Element ta.le ' Define ta.le ' Add ' set user la.el for item G $;D2, select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 2 08)pe $ after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' set user la.el for item G $;D", select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 " 08)pe ? after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' set user la.el for item G BMD6, select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 6 08)pe < after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' set user la.el for item G BMD62, select item, comp, results data item G .) seKuence> select $M>$C7 62 08)pe 1$ after selectin SMIS"1 ' Appl) ' B( ' "lose Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor 'Element 8a.le '4ist Element 8a.le ' Select $;D27 $;D" ' B( ' @ote t!e stress in elements 0@ote t!e s!ear 7orces1 Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' Element 8a.le ' 4ist Element 8a.le ' Select BMD67 BMD62 ' B( ' @ote t!e stress in elements 0@ote t!e Bendin Moments1 Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' %lot Results ' Deformed S!ape ' Select Def M Nndeformed ' B( 0Blue line indicates deformed s!ape and /!ite line indicates ori inal s!ape Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' %lot Results ' "ontour %lots J4ine Element Results ' Select 4a.1G$;D2 and 4a.OG $;D" ' B- 0see t!e s!ear forces in t!e mem.ers1 Ans)s Main Menu ' Leneral %ost %rocessor ' %lot Results ' "ontour %lots J4ine Element Results ' Select 4a.1GBMD6 and 4a.OG BMD62 ' B- 0see t!e Bendin Moment Dia ram1 7ile ' Sa#e as ' Select t!e user director) ' Beam2 ' B(

Results: E4EME@8A4 SB4N8IB@> S!ear 7orce and Bendin Moment:

@ode @o. S!ear 7orces on Elements S7D$ S7D? Bendin Moment Calues BMD< BMD1$

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Also obtain maximum stress,maximum deflection and locations


Exercises : BEAM PROBLEMS Problem 27

A long cantilever beam with 30 mm square cross-section and 1000 mm length (see figure below) is subjected to (a) Concentrated tip force (b) Concentrated tip moment (c) Distributed pressure load Each loading is applied separately.


Deflection (mm) ANSYS Theory

Bending Moment (N-mm) ANSYS Theory

Max. Bending Stress (N/mm2) ANSYS Theory

Case A F=10KN Case B M=10KNm Case C P=5Mpa

Problem 28
A long cantilever beam with 30 mm square cross-section and 1000 mm length is subjected to an off-centered axial force of 1000 N (see figure below). The force is offset by 100 mm.


Node No.

Deflection (mm)

Node No.

Bending Moment (N-mm)

Element No.

Max. Bending Stress (N/mm2)

ANSYS Analysis Theory


(roblem E 2#
Determine the end forces of a clamped-clamped beam due to a 25 mm settlement at the right end. A = 50 X 50 Sq. E = 200 Gpa l=2m


Node No.

Deflection (mm)

Node No.

Bending Moment (N-mm)

Element No.

Max. Bending Stress (N/mm2)

ANSYS Analysis Theory

(roblem E 33
Determine the end forces of a clamped-clamped beam due to a 1 radian imposed rotation at the right end. A = 50 X 50 Sq. E = 200 Gpa l=2m


Node No.

Deflection (mm)

Node No.

Bending Moment (N-mm)

Element No.

Max. Bending Stress (N/mm2)

ANSYS Analysis Theory


(roblem E 36
A beam of length L and height h is built-in at one end and loaded at free end with (A) a shear force F, and (B) a moment M. Determine the deflection at the free end. A = 50 X 50 Sq. E = 200 Gpa l=2m


Node No.

Deflection (mm)

Node No.

Bending Moment (N-mm)

Element No.

Max. Bending Stress (N/mm2)

ANSYS Analysis Theory

%ro.lem J 3$
The figure shows a loaded beam subjected to various types of loading E = 200 Gpa I = 4 X 106 mm4


Max Deflection (mm)

Node No.

Bending Moment (N-mm)

Element No.

Max. Bending location Stress 2 (N/mm )

ANSYS Analysis Theory


Problem 33 Using the beam elements to model a steel beam structure as shown in figure, find the deflected shape and the reaction forces.

Result ANSYS Analysis Theory

Deflection (mm)

Node No.

Node No.

Bending Moment mm)


Element No.

Max. Bending Stress (N/mm2)

Problem 34
Using three elements to model a steel beam structure as shown in figure, find the deflected shape and the reaction forces at the ends.


Deflecti on (mm)

Node No.

Bending Moment (N-mm)

Node No.

Max. Bending Stress (N/mm2)

Element No.

ANSYS Analysis Theory



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