Expt. 8 EEE 214 Name of The Experiment: Study of A Jfet Amplifier

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8 EEE 214 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: STUDY OF A JFET AMPLIFIER OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency response, input impedance, output impedance and phase relationship of a JFET amplifier circuit. EQUIPMENT 1. Resistors 10k, 2.2k, 1k and 100 ohm 2. Potentiometer 0k, 10k !. "apacitor 10F #. $i%nal %enerator . '" po(er supply ). &scilloscope

Each one piece Each one piece Three pieces &ne unit &ne unit &ne unit


0k 100 Rs 10F


10F *o "!

"1 10k 1k "2 10F

*in 100m*

PROCEDURE 1. "onstruct the circuit as sho(n in fi%ure. 2. *ary the 0k potentiometer so that *+$ is appro,imately -1* and *'$ is appro,imately .. *. !. /pply input si%nal at k01, *in should 2e 100m* 304p5.

#. $et the oscilloscope ch 1 to input and ch 2 to output in dual mode. 7easure the phase relationship 2et(een the input and output 8olta%e. . 'isconnect ch 2 and connect ch 1 across 100 resistor and measure the 8olta%e. ). "onnect the 10k potentiometer from output to %round. 'isconnect ch 1 and connect ch 2 to output. &2ser8e the output 8olta%e. *ary the potentiometer until output 8olta%e is half the initial output 8olta%e. .. 9o(er the si%nal %enerator frequency and measure the lo(er cutoff frequency. :. $tart the frequency 2elo( the lo(er cutoff. ;eepin% the input constant durin% the e,periment measure the output 8olta%e for different frequencies up to a2o8e hi%her cutoff frequency.

REPORT 1. 'ra( the frequency response of the JFET amplifier circuit on a semi4lo% paper. 2. From the %raph paper determine the lo(er cutoff frequency, hi%her cutoff frequency and 2and(idth. !. <hat is the input impedance, output impedance, phase relationship and mid42and %ain of the JFET amplifier circuit= #. <hat is the role of "2 and "! capacitor= . <hat is the relati8e ad8anta%es and disad8anta%es of JFET amplifier circuit o8er >JT amplifier circuit= ). <hat is the role of Rs resistor on the %ain of the amplifier circuit= .. <hich element has the effect on lo(er cutoff and hi%her cutoff frequencies=

Re8ised 2y 7. ?. /. 'e(an on 1@A0:A2001

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