TC 109

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Olyvia Causie


Sandwich artist

Benchmark: Teamwork/Communication Skills: TC109: Make and/or follow a set of rules and procedures

July 2013 was hired at Su!way" would have never thou#ht that somewhere like Su!way would have as many rules or $rocedures that need to !e %ollowed" There&s a lot more to makin# sandwiches than what kind o% !read and ve##ies someone wants" There are a lot o% rules that our mana#er sets %or us that we need to %ollow" There are also di%%erent $rocedures to makin# di%%erent su!s and $i''as" (ach su!) $i''a) and salad has %ormulas that have to !e %ollowed" (ach su! that we make can only #et a certain amount o% meat and cheese" The amounts are di%%erent %or a si* inch or a %oot lon#" +lso you,re only allowed to $ut a certain amount o% ve##ies on the su! unless they ask %or more" -hen we $re$ %ood there&s ways that it has to !e done" +ll the meats have to !e wei#hed out and dated" The ve##ies have to !e cut the same way) and everythin# has to !e rotated and made sure that it isn&t #oin# to waste" -hen we clock in we have to do a .!read count/" -e have to count how much !read) %lat !read) salad $lates) and money is in the store" -e also have to do one !e%ore we can leave to make sure everythin# is accounted %or" (very hour we have a checklist o% thin#s that need to !e done" There are di%%erent thin#s %or every hour all day that need to !e done" Thin#s like cleanin#) $re$$in# %ood) and #ettin# stu%% ready %or the ne*t day are all on the list" (ach shi%t we have to %inish what needs to !e done %or those hours !e%ore we can clock out" % all the rules and $rocedures aren,t %ollowed) we could #et written u$ and eventually could #et %ired" (very 0o! that you do there are certain rules and $rocedures that need to !e %ollowed" 1oin# into the medical %ield am $re$ared to %ollow rules and more likely $rocedures that are #oin# to need to !e %ollowed" -hen a doctor #ets a $atient they have to #o throu#h a $rocedure with them !e%ore they can dia#nose anythin#" + doctor is #oin# to do this with all their $atients" They are #oin# to take vitals and ask %or sym$toms !e%ore they can do anythin#" -hen !ecome a cardiac sono#ra$her &m #oin# to have to %ollow rules and $rocedures" 2nowin# how to %ollow rules and $rocedures will hel$ me in the %uture" will know what to e*$ect and how im$ortant %ollowin# these thin#s can !e"

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