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C!reer Gui'!"ce !"' Cou"se&&i"( i" M!&!%si!: De#e&o)*e"$ !"' Tre"'s Assoc. Prof. Dr. Quek Ai Hwa Education Faculty, University of Malaya Kuala Lu !ur, Malaysia A+s$r!c$ "#is !a!er e$tends a co !re#ensive !resentation of career %uidance and counsellin% in Malaysia &y addressin% develo! ent and trends, w#ic# ay #ave i !lications for Asian counsellors. Attention is drawn on career %uidance develo! ent in Malaysia w#ic# s!anned over four decades of !ractice startin% wit# its introduction into t#e educational syste and !ro%ressin% as a social service in t#e Malaysian society. Discussion !roceeds onto t#e odernity i !act of society on career %uidance to%et#er wit# reviewin% factors like !olicy le%islation ai ed at le%iti isin% counsellin% !ractice includin% career counsellin% to'date in Malaysia. (iven t#e !revalence of infor ation tec#nolo%y )*"+ and ra!id c#an%es in la&our arket conditions )includin% work culture as well as structure+ &rou%#t a&out &y science and tec#nolo%y ),-"+ in any Asian countries includin% Malaysia, it is relevant to discuss so e of t#e c#allen%es to Asian career counsellors in %eneral and wit# s!ecial reference to Malaysian counter!arts. "#ese c#allen%es include !re!aredness of counsellors to #andle career cases in societies w#ic# are in transition fro !roduction oriented to tec#nolo%y driven and knowled%e econo ies. Acco !anyin% t#ese cases are associated issues )includin% erosion of value syste s and lack of res!onsiveness to c#an%e+ i !acted &y increasin% levera%e of ,-" on individuals in t#eir work!lace and at #o e. .urrent trends )like inte%ratin% livin% and learnin% in work+ and t#e future of career counsellin% w#ic# #ave i !lications for Asian and Malaysian counsellors are also discussed. Key words/ .areer %uidance and counsellin%, develo! ent, !olicies, trends, future !ractice.

*ntroduction "#e essence of career %uidance and counsellin% is #u an develo! ent. "o t#e e$tent t#at #u an develo! ent is concerned wit# #u an well'&ein% t#en it is not sur!risin% t#at in Malaysia, career %uidance ori%inated in t#e sc#ool syste . 1etainin% t#is re!ose in sc#ools, it is re!orted t#at career %uidance )Llyod, 2345+ was initiated in Malaysia as far &ack as 2363. 7n a %eneral note, t#e stren%t#s of %uidance services were found to offer !otentials for eetin% student !ro&le s )"an, 2383+ resultin% in student well'&ein%. "#is reco%nition is docu ented in t#e 1e!ort on 9ocational Education, 2364 w#ic# e !#asised t#e necessity of %uidance services )Federation of Malaya, 23::+ in sc#ools. Maintainin% t#at %uidance services are essential in sc#ools, t#e su&se;uent years )till t#e co ence ent of t#e .ounsellors Act 2334+ saw %uidance services includin% career counsellin% e er%in% as #el!in% services in t#e educational syste )Quek, 2333a< 2333&< 0===a+. Develo! ent And "rends Followin% t#e a&ove !ers!ective t#is discussion addressess career %uidance and counsellin% as !art of ainstrea counsellin% in Malaysia. "#is a!!roac# to career %uidance and counsellin% is reflective of t#e conte !orary develo! ent and trends of counsellin% in Malaysia, na ely/ t#e introduction of %uidance services t#e consolidation of %uidance and counsellin% t#e e er%in% counsellin% !rofession *ntroduction 7f (uidance ,ervices

Even t#ou%# career %uidance was &roac#ed as early as 2363, #owever, its launc#in% in sc#ools only took !lace in 2358. *n su ary, %uidance services actually started in sc#ool settin%s &y !u&lic !olicy effected t#rou%# t#e Ministry of Education )M7E+ in its ,ervice .ircular, KP:0=3>6:>?)?+ w#ic# called for all sc#ools )!ri ary and secondary+ to #ave t#eir own %uidance teac#er )M7E, Malaysia, 235?+. Accordin% to A&dul Latif )234?+ it is re!orted t#at M7E in its directive to sc#ools, Surat Pekililing Pentadbiran @o. 6>58 in 2340 a ended t#at eac# secondary sc#ool was to #ave a .areer (uidance "eac#er startin% fro 2346. "#us, in 234? directives were sent to sc#ools &y M7E, concernin% t#e settin% u! of a counsellin% roo and ot#er &asic a enities so as to ena&le t#e .areer (uidance "eac#er to conduct s oot#ly %uidance services.

*n t#e conte$t of sc#ool settin%s, %uidance services were considered as a!!ro!riate educational services )M7E, Malaysia, 2354+ since sc#ools !resented suita&le !re ises for .areer (uidance "eac#ers to assist students in akin% intelli%ent decisions and effectuate co!a&ility. "#is ensuin% trend was c#aracterised &y t#e esta&lis# ent of career clu&s in sc#ools and t#e !ractice of co !ilin% inventories of students t#rou%# kee!in% cu ulative record cards includin% disse inatin% of career infor ation. "#e .areer (uidance "eac#er also #andled cases of social !syc#olo%ical !ro&le s, career !ro&le s and educational !ro&le s ).#ew, Lee - Quek )Eds.+, 233:+ Even t#ou%# &y 234: eac# secondary sc#ool #ad a .areer (uidance "eac#er and a counsellin% roo , ore needed to &e done to i !rove t#e %uidance services in sc#ool settin%s. Accordin% to A ir Awan% and Latiff Mirasa )234?+, a on% t#e various difficulties encountered in t#e !rovision %uidance services were a s#orta%e of trained counsellors and a lack of !ro!er facilities. *n addition, t#e .areer (uidance "eac#er also #ad to !erfor teac#in% duties and uc# of t#e %uidance services #ad to &e rendered durin% off'sc#ool #ours. Additionally, in t#e early 234=s, t#e a&ove !ro&le s were also found in ot#er !u&lic educational institutions like .ounsellin% ,ervices Unit of MARA sc#ools, t#e University of Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Universiti Putra Malaysia )A&dul Hali 7t# an, 234?< 2333< ,uradi ,ali , 233?+. *n su ary, in t#e early 234=s, %uidance services includin% career counsellin% were !ractised wit# wide variations. "#is eans counsellin% was conducted &y counsellors w#o #ad various ty!es of trainin%< t#e et#ics also varied a on% counsellors< t#e !erfor ance a on% counsellors were ;uite different and t#e nature of services ter ed as counsellin% also was not unifor a on% counsellors in sc#ool and non'sc#ool settin%s. For instance, in t#e De!art ent of ,ocial Aelfare, counsellin% was conducted &y Aelfare Assistants or 7fficers w#o were not counsellin% s!ecialists. *n addition, t#ese Aelfare Assistants or 7fficers were &ound &y t#e Et#ical .ode of t#eir De!art ent )Mo#a ad Hussein, 233?+. 7n t#e ot#er #and, t#e ,c#ool (uidance "eac#ers at t#at ti e followed t#e .ode of Et#ics of t#e Malaysian .ounsellin% Association. Elsew#ere, in t#e !rivate sector, career counsellin% was li ited (iven t#e a&ove scenario of t#e early 234=s, it see ed t#at career counsellin% was like a ty!e of folkway !ractice. As suc#, t#e career counsellor could &e any !ersonnel w#o #ad so e, little or no !rofessional trainin% in %uidance and counsellin%.

.onsolidation 7f (uidance And .ounsellin%

*n t#e lack of !ersonnel wit# s!ecialised trainin% to i !le ent t#e %uidance !ro%ra e, teac#ers were a!!ointed as counsellors in sc#ools. Pri e e !#asis of M7E was !laced u!on t#eir in'service trainin% and se inars re%ardin% w#at to do and #ow to do it in t#e conduct of %uidance and career services )Mo#a ad Hussein, 233?< Quek, 2330< 2336+. However, fro 234: onwards, witnessed !u&lic !olicy and M7E akin% concerted efforts in consolidatin% %uidance services. *n retros!ective, t#eir efforts were in tande wit# t#e for ulation and i !le entation of t#e *ndustrial Master Plan in 234: w#ic# !roduced t#e foundation for t#e antici!ated accelerated industrial develo! ent )Quek - ,oon, 233:+. "#e !u&lic strate%ies ado!ted in t#is Plan catalysed t#e transfor ation of t#e Malaysian econo y t#rou%# diversifyin% t#e industrial sector to include a &roader &ase of #eavy industries and resource'&ased industrials. As a !recursor to #i%# tec#nolo%y and knowled%e'&ased industries in 2346 was esta&lis#ed t#e Malaysia *ncor!orated &y t#e Malaysian %overn ent. "#ese strate%ies were antici!ated to s!eed u! relevant industrial and co ercial activities of t#e &usiness sector so as to kee! !ace wit# develo! ent of t#e !u&lic sector in attainin% national develo! ent %oals )Quek, 233?a< 2335a< 2335&+. "#is trend towards su!!ortin% and sustainin% national develo! ent eant consolidation of !u&lic strate%ies to address t#e ana%e ent of econo ic advance ent and related social !syc#olo%ical !ro&le s t#at arise fro c#an%es in t#e econo y. For instance, t#e need to focus on social issues and !ro&le s arisin% fro t#e fast %rowt# of t#e econo y so as to ascertain t#at et#ical and oral i !air ent did not #a !er t#e develo! ent of t#e youn% in society )Quek, 2338+. "#is !osited ore co !re#ensive efforts t#rou%# !u&lic !olicy to i !rove t#e educational syste . "#us, %uidance services in sc#ools also received !u&lic attention and intervention. For e$a !le, in 234? was esta&lis#ed t#e (uidance and .ounsellin% Unit wit#in t#e ,c#ool Division of M7E. "#is (uidance and .ounsellin% Unit t#en !roceeded to introduce %uidelines on t#e !ractice of %uidance and career services in sc#ools. "#is Unit for ulated ten )2=+ !rescri&ed roles for %uidance and counsellin% teac#ers in t#e secondary sc#ools. "#ese roles included ,tudent 1ecord< *ndividual *nventory< *nfor ational ,ervice< (rou! (uidance< .ounsellin%< Place ent, 1eferral and .onsultation< Parental .onferencin%< 1esource .oordination and Evaluation. 1einforcin% t#is trend of consolidatin% %uidance and counsellin% services &y t#e %overn ent t#rou%# M7E, was t#e rena in% of t#e .areer (uidance "eac#er to t#at of ,c#ool .ounsellor. * !licit in t#is new no enclature was t#e acco !anyin% e$!ectation of t#e ,c#ool .ounsellor to conduct not only t#e !rescri&ed roles ore effectively &ut also to #andle dru%'a&use !ro&le s and increasin% nu &ers of disci!linary cases a on% students.

*n t#e conte$t t#at counsellin% results in &etter #u an well'&ein%, t#e 233=s witnessed t#e esta&lis# ent of counsellin% units in various %overn ent and non' %overn ent institutions outside sc#ool settin%s. For e$a !le, in 233=, t#e .entral Bank Malaysia set u! t#e .ounsellin% Unit in its Personnel De!art ent at its #ead;uarters. *t is noted t#at career counsellin% undertaken dealt wit# cases of salary, !ro otion, financin%, e !loy ent !ro&le s, Co& transfers and ot#er as!ects of career and !lace ent )Ka arudin Hassan, 233?+, Anot#er instance is t#e Malaysian Ar ed Forces, w#ic# saw counsellin% as i !ortant in assistin% ilitary !ersonnel deal wit# issues and !ro&le s in t#eir !ersonal and ilitary ca!acities in duty !erfor ance and daily livin%. .areer counsellin% is also carried out &y t#e esta&lis# ent of counsellin% units in t#e ar y. *n ot#er instances, t#e Aelfare 7fficers also conducted career counsellin% as !art of t#eir duties in social work. 1e%ardin% t#at counsellin% initiates and #el!s sustain #u an develo! ent w#ic# contri&utes to develo!in% a carin% society, a !ivotal easure was undertaken &y t#e Malaysian %overn ent to esta&lis# in 2330 t#e .ounsellin% and Psyc#olo%ical Unit in t#e .ivil ,ervice De!art ent at Kuala Lu !ur. "#is %ives official sanction t#at counsellin% includin% career counsellin% is not t#e caveat of t#e ,c#ool .ounsellor. 7fficial reco%nition is %iven for t#e first ti e to t#e needs for counsellin% &y individual ot#er t#an students. "#ese ot#er individuals include civil servants, e &ers of non'%overn ental or%anisations )@(7s+ and ;uasi'%overn ent !ersonnel and a #ost of ot#er !u&lic servants. Ait# official endorse ent %iven to counsellin% &y t#e Malaysian %overn ent, t#e 233=s witnessed ore students, civil servants and ot#er individuals wantin% counsellin% includin% career counsellin%. *t is re!orted wit#in sc#ools settin%s, counsellin% was !referred to t#e ot#er %uidance services &y students )Quek 2335a< 233?&< ,uradi ,ali , 233?+. *t is o&served t#at t#e career counsellin% sou%#t &y students were on acade ic and vocational !ro&le s. .areer %uidance also dealt wit# cases lar%ely associated wit# educational and career infor ation needed for decision akin% &y students ),uradi ,ali , 233?+. *t is noted t#at in t#e &usiness sector, career counsellin% tended to &e %iven lowest !riority. *n so e for s, career counsellin% was #andled &y t#e #u an resource !ersonnel )Quek - ,oon, 233:< 2334< 2333+. 7n a voluntary &asis, so e %uidance and career services are conducted as co unity services &y @(7s like t#e Befrienders, and counsellin% centres of various reli%ious or%anisations and t#e Pu&lic ,ervices De!art ent of t#e co !onent !arties of t#e rulin% @ational Front )Barisan @ational+ in Malaysia as well as wo anDs or%anisations. 1es!ondin% to t#e needs for ore and ;ualified counsellors to conduct %uidance services includin% career counsellin%, t#e 233=s witnessed concerted efforts atte !ted to train counsellors. Pri arily, t#e !u&lic sector !layed an active and !rinci!al role in trainin% counsellors. "#is is seen t#rou%# t#e efforts of t#e "eac#ers Education Division )of M7E+, t#e Aelfare and Ho e Affair Ministries, t#e Prison

.olle%e and !u&lic universities. 7n t#e !art of t#e "eac#ers Education Division of M7E, t#rou%# its counsellor education !ro%ra es at t#e ,!ecialist "eac#ers "rainin% .olle%e, Kuala Lu !ur, t#e selected teac#ers under%o a one year s!ecialist !ro%ra e< w#ilst t#e in'service vacation course and s#ort'ter !ro%ra es !roduced teac#er'cu 'counsellors to service !u&lic institutions. At t#e sa e ti e, M7E also s!onsored %raduate teac#ers for counsellor education at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to !roduce counsellors wit# Di!lo a in .ounsellin%. At t#e tertiary level, t#e University of Malaya at Kuala Lu !ur, trained its first &atc# of counsellors in 2384 w#en it enrolled students for Masters of Education !ro%ra es in %uidance and counsellin% in 2385. ,ince t#en t#e University #as ounted counsellin% !ro%ra es includin% t#e Bac#elor of .ounsellin% )in 2334+ , Masters of .ounsellin% )in 2333+ and P#. D. in counsellin%."#e UniversityDs .entre for .ontinuin% Education #as also !ro%ra es for counsellor education. However, t#e Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since 2336 also offers counsellor education at first de%ree and !ost'%raduate levels. ,i ilarly, Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2342 started a first'de%ree !ro%ra e in %uidance and counsellin% and &e%an its Masters !ro%ra e in 2348. 7t#er !u&lic universities also #el!ed to train counsellors includin% t#e Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, t#e Universiti Sains Malaysia and ore recently in 2338, t#e Universiti Malaysia Sabah. *n su , t#ese counsellor education !ro%ra es offered &y t#e a&ove !u&lic universities fulfilled so e funda ental re;uire ents of counsellor trainin% )Lloyd, 2345< 2348< Quek - ,oon, 2334< Quek 0===a< 0===&+. 1e!#rased, it is found t#at t#ese !ro%ra es in counsellor education )de%ree, di!lo a or certificate+ were related lar%ely to t#e %eneral areas of %uidance and counsellin%. Additionally, t#ese !ro%ra es also included !ractical learnin% )!racticu + and %enerally #ad a relatively sufficient duration like a ini u of a year of full'ti e attendance. More i !ortantly, t#ese counsellor !ro%ra es were lar%ely desi%ned to train counsellors includin% sc#ool counsellors and career counsellors to eet t#e !revailin% needs of sc#ools and society. "#e E er%in% .ounsellin% Profession

* !licit in t#e ulti!licity of counsellor education !ro%ra es is t#e conferrin% of various ;ualifications )de%ree, di!lo a and certificate+ to successful candidates to !ractise counsellin% for t#e years !receedin% 2334. *ndeed, t#is accentuated t#e variations in t#e level of co !etence of counsellin% !ractitioners includin% t#ose involved in t#e trainin% of counsellors. "#is was &ecause in 2334, t#ere was no !rofessional re%ulation on w#at constituted ini u co !etence level for certification of counsellors )Quek, 0===c< 0==2+

"#e enact ent of t#e .ounsellors Act 2334 )Act :4=+ in Malaysia !osted a land ark in esta&lis#in% counsellin% as a !rofession. Pivotal in t#e e er%in% counsellin% !rofession is certification and licensin% of counsellors includin% career counsellors. * !licit in t#e conce!t of certification is t#e deter ination of t#e standard of counsellin% trainin% !ro%ra es, t#e ;ualifications for eli%i&ility to &e re%istered as a counsellor< t#e !rescri&in% of et#ics< t#e re%ulatin% of fees c#ar%ed as re ittances for counsellin% services and t#e rulin% on t#e ty!es as well as t#e levels of counsellin% accessi&le to t#e Malaysian society. "#ese considerations were first assi%ned to t#e @ational .ounsellin% .ouncil and lately undertaken &y t#e First Board of .ouncillors. A on% t#e res!onsi&ilities of t#e Board are Eto overseeF)and+ re%ulateFcounsellin% servicesG in Malaysia ).ounsellors Act 2334/ 20+. "#e rationale of onitorin% and re%ulation of counsellin% !ractices )often referred to as certification+ is to !rotect t#e !u&lic fro inco !etent counsellors and fraudulence )Quek, 0==2+. As in ot#er !rofessions, t#e licensin% and re%istration of counsellors also ai to !rotect t#e !u&lic fro wron%doin% and isconduct )Quek, 0==2+. "#e !ower of certification and licensin% of counsellin% !ractitioners also carries t#e aut#ority to acce!t or to deny entry into counsellin% and to dis&ar inco !etent !ractitioners fro counsellin%. Future Directions As afore discussed, career counsellin% to'date in Malaysia co es under t#e Curisdiction of t#e .ounsellors Act 2334 )Act :4=+. As suc#, t#e Act is &indin% on career counsellors in Malaysia. "#erefore, !rocedural atters re%ardin% standards of trainin%, ;ualifications, et#ics, ty!es and levels of counsellin% !ractices, w#ic# are deter ined &y t#e Board of .ounsellors, would also a!!ly to career counsellors. For counsellin% includin% career counsellin% to develo! as indi%enous to Malaysian culture and reflectin% t#e c#aracteristics of a !rofession, certain di ensions #ave to &e considered. ,o e of t#ese di ensions for t#e future of career counsellin% are !resented &elow/ Followin% standards of !ractice .urrently, t#e "ec#nical .o ittee on .ounsellor "rainin% and Education, of t#e First Board of .ounsellors is assi%ned t#e task of studyin% t#e various !ro%ra es of counsellor education conducted a on% !u&lic universities in Malaysia. "#is co ittee is to reco end to t#e Board of .ounsellors su%%estions to enc#ance counsellor education in Malaysia. Details of t#is study are co !iled in a re!ort w#ic# is to &e released to t#e relevant &odies in t#e near future. *t is re inded t#at t#e need to !roduce ore counsellors s#ould not co !ro ise t#e ;uality of counsellors. *n t#is direction, it is i !ortant for desi%ners and educators of career counsellin% !ro%ra es to ac;uaint t#e selves wit# t#e !rocedural re;uire ents to assist t#eir counsellor trainees to attain

!rofessional co !etence for certification and re%istration. "#is would ensure unifor ity in t#e standard of career counsellor !re!aration. Additionally, followin% t#e et#ics as esta&lis#ed &y t#e .ounsellors Act 2334 and enforcin% t#e Act in t#e !ractice of career consultancy would furt#er enc#ance !rofessionalis in counsellin%. Pro!o%atin% a !rofessional culture Practisin% career counsellin% as a !rofesison re;uires ore t#an a ec#anistic &lend of ;ualifications ac;uired t#rou%# trainin%. Accordin% to Ar&uckle )235:+, a co !etent counsellor #as to reflect and analyse t#e !ur!oses underlyin% counsellin% as a !rofessional service. 1e!#rased, a ;ualified career counsellor #as t#e !#iloso!#y and t#eory of counsellin% to outline t#e rationale for counsellin% actions. *t is found t#at !#iloso!#y and t#eory of counsellin% ena&le t#e career counsellor to #andle unusual cases, novel situations, unfa iliar incidents, awkward encounters and contrastin% individuals. *n t#is direction, it is essential for a career counsellor to understand t#e funda ental !ur!oses )Hw#yD+ of oneDs !rofessional conduct in counsellin% )Ar&uckle, 235:+. "o do t#is, it is i !ortant t#at a career counsellor understand t#e nature of #u an &ein%s includin% values, nor s and attitudes w#ic# influence #u an &e#avior. Accordin% to Boy and Pine )2354/ 25?'25:+, a career counsellor #as to #ave a clear Econce!t of anG so as to assist clients in Hself'clarificationD, Hself'understandin%D and Hself'actualisationD. Pro otin% !u&lic understandin% of career counsellin% .areer counsellors #ave to #el! e &ers of t#e !u&lic understand t#e conce!t of counsellin% as e &odied in t#e .ounsellors Act 2334. "#is eans t#at counsellin% is not t#e folkway !ractice as was ra !ant in t#e local society !rior to 2334. "#e !u&lic needs to &e infor ed also t#at counsellin% is no lon%er t#e caveat of t#e ,c#ool .ounsellor as was &efore 2334. *n t#is direction, career counsellors can #el! educate t#e !u&lic on counsellin% as a !rofession &y %ivin% talks, or%anisin% se inars, conductin% works#o!s and !artici!atin% actively in road s#ows. *n t#is direction, t#e yt#s associated wit# counsellin% are dis!elled. For instance, to dis!el t#e yt# t#at career counsellin% is solely advisin% on career atters.

Develo!in% an inte%rated a!!roac# E !irical evidence )A ir Awan% - Latiff Mirasa, 234?< Quek 2335a< 0===a< ,uradi ,ali , 233?+ re!eatedly re!ort t#at ost individuals w#o want career counsellin% are also !reoccu!ied wit# social !syc#olo%ical !ro&le s. However, t#ese individuals use t#e faIade of a career !ro&le to &uild ra!!ort and develo! a counsellin% relations#i!. "#is ena&les t#e client to siJe u! t#e counsellor as one w#o is worka&le or not in develo!in% a counsellin% relations#i! )Quek 0===a+. *n t#is direction, it is i !ortant for career counsellors to develo! an inter%rated a!!roac# towards a client w#ic# includes knowled%e of a clientDs interests, a&ilities, talents, values, attitudes and !ersonality. *n su , t#e career counsellor needs to &e sensitive to t#e clientDs self'conce!t )and social !syc#olo%ical ake' u!+. "#is eans career counsellin% cannot &e over'si !listic as fittin% !eo!le to Co& s!ecifications or vice versa.

Broadenin% counselorDs roles Ait# increasin% i !ortance of infor ation tec#nolo%y )*"+ as well as infor ation and co unication tec#nolo%y )*."+, t#e conce!t of work, work!lace and work culture #ave c#an%ed. "#is is &ecause virtual tec#nolo%y #as transfor ed Malaysian &usiness as it #as done to t#e rest of t#e world. @ew !atterns of work take !lace, due to tec#nolo%y transfor t#e Malaysian econo y into t#e knowled%e'econo y. "#is eans electronic co erce is increasin%ly &rin%in% novel ways of conductin% &usiness t#rou%# dot co s and e' ail. ,uc# c#an%es in work culture calls for trainin% and retrainin% and unlearnin% of !articular !rocedures at t#e work!lace. "#is direction calls for t#e career counsellor to understand t#e new la&our structure, t#e ensuin% work !rocesses, t#e trainin% and education of #u an resources, t#e c#an%in% work et#ics and new tec#ni;ues of #u an resouce ana%e ent. "#erefore, career counsellors need to &roaden t#eir roles to include career education and career consultation. And if necessary, career consellors ay #ave to !erfor coordination )Art#us, 233?+ roles. *n t#is way, career counsellors %ain ilea%e in knowled%e, skills and resourcefulness for ore effective career counsellin% in a K'econo y.

Attendin% to work and fa ily life E !irical evidence !osits t#at t#e values and as!irations of oneDs fa ily life and t#eir vulnera&ility to c#an%e need to &e e$!lored w#en atte !tin% to understand an individual )Hoelter, 2346< Quek, 2336< 233?&< ,u!er - ,verko, 233:+. "#ese


considerations for t#e ilieu t#at develo! self'conce!t w#ic# t#en influences oneDs acade ic and career as!irations ).#ew, Lee - Quek )Eds.+, 233:+. "#e individualDs acade ic and career as!irations are also influenced &y c#an%es in society. For e$a !le, t#e esta&lis# ent of t#e Multi' edia ,u!er .orridor )M,.+ &y t#e Malaysian %overn ent sti ulated any tec#nolo%ies and start'u! co !anies and %reater attention is focussed on *". "#ese e er%in% tec#nolo%ies transfor ed work activities and fa ily life. For e$a !le, at work, !eo!le ake transactions t#rou%# e' ail, e'&ankin%, e'co erce, and at #o e, t#ey surf t#e internet and do tele's#o!!in%. Additionally, wit# t#e current trend of dual'inco e fa ilies and s aller fa ilies, t#ere arises co!a&ility !ro&le s of &alancin% !rofessional life wit# fa ily life and dele%atin% to do estic #el!ers at #o e and at t#e c#ild'care centres t#e task of &rin%in%'u! c#ildren. "#is direction calls for career counsellors to &e ore skillful in t#e areas of stress' ana%e ent and !syc#olo%ical contractin% w#ic# focuses on issues of dual career counsellin% and *" related !ro&le s ) like s!endin% ore ti e servin% t#e net t#an wit# t#e fa ily+. ,uc# infusion in career counsellin% tends to lead to success w#en !eo!le are assisted in inte%ratin% work and fa ily life in t#is infor ational a%e. Understandin% e er%in% de o%ra!#ic !atterns "#e infor ational a%e !laces a !re iu on knowled%e and individuals wit# current !rofessional and tec#nical know'#ow are in %reat de and. For e$a !le, e !loyees can feel secure in !resentin% a wide ran%e of ideas &ut it is wit# certainty t#at e !loyersD collective e$!ertise and &usiness vision will t#en sift t#rou%# t#ese ideas so as to %et t#e &est ones for ;uality innovation. "#e outco es for e !loyees include satisfaction for t#ose w#ose ideas are c#osen and for t#ose w#o do not %et reco%nition for t#eir work t#ere e$ists disa!!oint ent and dissatisfaction. "#erefore, career counsellors #ave to take note of t#e social !syc#olo%y of e !loyees w#ic# are !resent in t#e de o%ra!#ic !atterns of conte !orary work culture. Associated closely wit# t#e %rowin% infor ation industries are e er%in% de o%ra!#ic !atterns in work !ractice associated wit# a%e and %ender. 7f late, &usinesses tend to e !loy youn%er e !loyees, !refera&ly t#ose w#o are co !uter and tec#nolo%y savvy. "#e senti ent !revalent a on% &usinesses is t#at youn% !eo!le are ore rece!tive to t#e c#an%in% conditions of !roduction and arketin% in &usiness )Quek - ,oon, 2334< 2333+. Additionally, it is re!orted t#at youn% !eo!le tended to &e a&le to adCust faster to ra!id work c#an%es and t#ey tended to #ave a ind'set co !ati&le wit# work o&ility. Also, t#e %rowin% trend of ore wo en attendin% !u&lic universities )fro ::K for t#e 2338>34 intake to :5.4K for t#e 2334>33 intake to :4.6K for t#e 2333>0=== enroll ent, @ew ,trait "i es, 7cto&er 05, 0===+, i !ly t#at ore

wo en want &etter education and !ro&a&ly enter into careers. "#is accentuates %ender work issues related to individual careers and dual careers )Quek, 2333a+. *n t#is direction, career counsellors w#o are in t#e know a&out e er%in% de o%ra!#ic trends in Malaysia will tend to &e ore a&le to assist individuals to face t#e i ense i !lications of !syc#olo%ical contractin% and workin% out individual career strate%ies. Assistin% %overn ent in advancin% science and tec#nolo%y ),-"+ .areer consultin% does not occur in a vacuu . Effective career %uidance and counsellin% takes co%niJance of t#e current econo ic fra ework in t#e Malaysian society and %overn ent !olicies in t#e advance ent of ,-" and in !articular infor ation and co unication tec#nolo%y )*."+ to ensure t#e e er%ence of t#e K'econo y in Malaysia. (reater national !roductivity leadin% to a &etter ;uality of life is t#e #all ark of a culture, w#ic# is literate in *." )Quek, 233?&< Quek ,oon, 2333+. *t is reco%nised t#at ,-" and in !articular *." ena&le individuals in work and leisure activities to attain individual and national %oals. *n t#ese as!ects, t#e Malaysian %overn ent e$!licitly su!!orts a science culture. *t is envisa%ed t#at wit# a ratio of 5=/?=, t#at is, enroll ent 5= !er cent science to ?= !er cent arts students in university, t#ere would &e an indi%enous !ool of science !ersonnel to conduct researc# and develo! ent in ,-" as well as to fro%' lea! Malaysia to a K'econo y. "#is calls for %reater counsellor involve ent t#an &efore in inte%ratin% counsellin% wit# consultation and coordination in career counsellin%. For e$a !le, a career counsellor w#o atte !ts to inte%rate consultation and coordination wit# counsellin% akes in roads into t#e counsellorDs e$!ertise in #el!in% individuals. For instance, ,-" !lanners can use career counsellors for reac#in%'out !ro%ra es focussin% on science and science' related careers as well as usin% ,-" for enc#ancin% well'&ein% in t#e fa ily and at t#e work !lace )Quek, 2335&+. *n addition, &y workin% as a consultant and as a career educator, t#e career counsellor can #el! to esta&lis# linka%es &etween trainin% !ro%ra es and arket de ands for s!ecialised skills w#ic# akes *." and ,-" relevant in career infor ation, work !lace ent, career !lannin% and counsellin%. *t is noted t#at uc# of t#e decision' akin% related to career c#oice is done in t#e adolescent years t#at corres!ond wit# secondary sc#ool and entry into tertiary institutions. "#erefore, career %uidance and counsellin% for youn% individuals is crucial in ter s of selection of o!tions, ty!es of courses to attend as well as !syc#olo%ical testin% to deter ine a!titudes !ertainin% to education and work. "#e career counsellor w#o is knowled%ea&le a&out de and for education and t#e de and of t#e la&our arket and t#e !revailin% %overn ent !olicies on ,-" includin% *." are &etter a&le to #el! youn% !eo!le to know ore a&out

t#e selves. *n t#is direction, youn% !eo!le are assisted to c#oose wisely t#rou%# knowin% a&out t#e selves and t#eir environ ent w#ic# is ra!idly c#an%in% to assu e a K'society. .onclusion "#e enact ent of t#e .ounsellors Act 2334 #as ade an effective sur%e forward in akin% counsellin% a !rofession in Malaysia. "#rou%# t#is !olicy, le%islation, career counsellin% is accredited a !rofession. @otwit#standin% t#is, !ractitioners of career counsellin% will #ave to act collectively in t#e direction of !ro otin% and crystallisin% !rofessional %rowt# in career counsellin%. "#is eans, standards of !ractices ust &e !ractised to !ro!a%ate t#e !rofessional culture in career counsellin%. Additionally, !ro otin% !u&lic understandin% of career counsellin% is antici!ated to encoura%e !eo!le to acce!t and use career counsellin% as a !rofessional service. "owards t#is attain ent, ore #as to &e done &y !ractitioners to develo! an inte%rated a!!roac# toward a client w#ic# will entail %reater &roadenin% of t#e career counsellorDs roles like inte%ratin% career education and consultation wit# counsellin% and attendin% to t#e clientDs work and fa ily life. As is true of ot#er !rofessionals, it is also reco ended t#at incu &ent and !otential career counsellors will en#ance already e$istin% skills and also develo! new skills to #el! clients co!e wit# c#an%e catalysed &y ,-" in t#e Malaysian society. "owards t#is end, understandin% e er%in% de o%ra!#ic !atterns includin% t#ose associated wit# a%e and %ender will ena&le counsellors to assist clients to co!e wit# various i !lications of !syc#olo%ical contractin% so as to work out realistic individual career strate%ies. As discussed, earlier career counsellin% does not o!erate in a vacuu &ut is very conte$t oriented. *n t#is direction, it is antici!ated t#at career counsellors will use t#eir e$!ertise suc# as incor!oratin% consultation and coordination wit# counsellin% to assist t#e Malaysian %overn ent in advancin% ,-" and *." a on% Malaysians. "#e afore su%%ested future directions are intended to !rofessionalise career counsellin%. More i !ortantly, t#ese future directions are Malaysian'&ased and are desi%ned to develo! career counsellin% to &eco e culturally a!!ro!riate in t#eory and !ractice and in t#e Malaysian conte$t. 1eferences A&dul Hali 7t# an )234?+. 1esearc# in counsellin% and %uidance in Malaysia/ An e$!loration in a aCor educational institution. JURNAL P RKAMA, 2, 200'263.
A&dul Hali 7t# an )2333+. Professionalisation of counsellin% in Malaysia. Pa!er !resented at 1e%ional .onference L Aorks#o! on .ultural Diversity *ssues in .ounsellin%, University Malaysia ,a&a#, Kota Kina&alu, Malaysia.


A&dul Latif Md. Ali )234?+. .ounsellin% in secondary education. MKaunselin% dala !endidikan enen%a#N. JURNAL P RKAMA, 2, 26'23. A ir Awan% - Latiff Mirasa )234?+. (uidance and counsellin% in Malaysian sc#ools/ A review and criti;ue.Pa!er !resented at "#ird Asian Aorks#o! on .#ild and Adolescent Develo! ent, University of Malaya, Kuala Lu !ur, Malaysia. Ar&uckle, D.,. )235:+. !ounselling" Philoso#hy, theory and #ra$ti$e. Boston/ Allyn Bacon. Art#ur, M. )233?+. "#e &oundaryless career/ A new !ers!ective for or%anisational in;uiry. Journal o% &rganisational 'ehavior, 2:, 03: L 6=5. Boy, A.9. - Pine, (.O. )2354+. The $ounselor in the s$hools" A re$on$e#tuali(ation. Boston/ Hou%#ton Mifflin. .#ew, ,.B., Lee, K.H. - Quek, A.H. )Eds.+)233:+. du$ation and )ork" As#irations o% Malaysian se$ondary s$hool students. Kuala Lu !ur/ University of Malaya Press. .ounsellors Act 2334 )Act :4=+. La)s o% Malaysia, Kuala Lu !ur/ Percetakan @asional Malaysia B#d. Federation of Malaya )23::+. Annual Re#ort on du$ation, 23::. Kuala Lu !ur/ Art Printin% Aork. Hoelter, O.A. )2346+. "#e effects of role evaluation and co So$ial Psy$hology *uarterly, ?5,2?'?8. it ent on identity salience.

Ka aruddin Hassan )233?+. .ounsellin% in t#e &ankin% sector ' An e$!erience MKaunselin% dala sektor &ank L satu !en%ala anN. Jurnal P RKAMA, :, 2:5'25?. Li , H.K. - Menon, ,. )2340+. ,ocio'!syc#olo%ical !ers!ectives on students in four secondary sc#ools in ,elan%or. Pa!er !resented at @ational .onference on Adolescents, Kuala Lu !ur. Llyod, A. )2345+. "#e sources of citations for %uidance and counselin% articles. Jurnal P RKAMA, 0, 03'64. Llyod, A. )2348+..ounselor education in Malaysia. !ounselor du$ation and Su#ervision, 05)6+, 002'008. Ministry of Education )M7E+, Malaysia )235?+. A!!oint ent of (uidance "eac#ers MPerlantikan (uru Bi &in%anN, KP>:0=3>6:>?)?+. ,ervice .ircular, Educational Plannin% and 1esearc# Division )EP1D+. Ministry of Education )M7E+, Malaysia )2354+. &utline o% guidan$e servi$es. Kuala Lu !ur/ EP1D.


Mo#a ad Hussein )233?+. .ounsellin% in ,ocial Aelfare ,ervice MKaunselin% dala Perk#id atan Ke&aCikan MasyarakatN. Jurnal P RKAMA, :, 2?4'2::. @ew ,traits "i es )0===+. @asional, 7cto&er 05, 0===. Quek, A.H. )2330+. ,u!ervision in vocational and tec#nical education/ A !ers!ective towards 9ision 0=0= MPenyeliaan !endidikan dala lati#an !er%uruan vokasional dan teknik/ ,atu !ers!ektif inovatif enuCu Aawasan 0=0=N, Journal o% du$ation, Ministry o% du$ation, Malaysia, 65,85, 2:'02. Quek, A.H. )2336+. *ntrinsic otivation a!!raisal in vocational teac#er education towards #u an resource develo! ent MPendidikan !er%uruan vokasional ke ara# !erke &an%an tena%a anusia enerusi !en%ukuran otivasi intrinsikN. Journal o% du$ation, Ministry o% du$ation, Malaysia, 68, 84, ?4'::. Quek, A.H. )233?a+. A!!raisin% tertiary education t#rou%# interest ite o% Psy$hology, Malaysia, 3, :3'58. res!onses, Journal

Quek, A.H. )233?&+. Malaysia "owards Aorld .lass Quality. First PriJe Award, Quality *nstitute Malaysia and A erican ,ociety of Quality .ontrol, in conCunction wit# Aorld Quality Day, 233?. Quek, A.H. )2335a+. ,ocial !syc#olo%ical su!!ort services in #o e and sc#ool coo!eration towards o!ti al #u an develo! ent t#rou%# en#ancin% !rofessionalis in education. *n Pro$eedings o% the +th Malaysian Psy$hologi$al Asso$iation National Se,inar, Penan%/ Universiti ,ains Malaysia, 2335, 2=5'2=3. Quek, A.H. )2335&+. .ulture and sc#oolin% towards literacy in science and tec#nolo%y/ .#allen%es and reco endations for educational ana%e ent, Journal o% du$ational Manage,ent, A,inuddin 'aki -nsitute, Ministry o% du$ation, Malaysia, 5)2+, ?5':5. Quek, A.H. )2338+. .ounsellin% for develo! ent of fa ily and society/ Practisin% co unity oriented counsellin% t#rou%# social !syc#olo%y. Pa!er !resented at .ounsellin% ,e inar of De!art ent of Peda%o%y and Educational Psyc#olo%y, University of Malaya, Kuala Lu !ur. Quek, A.H. )2333a+. .areer of wo en in teac#in% and educational ana%e ent in t#e conte$t of sc#ool effectiveness. Journal o% du$ational Manage,ent, A,inuddin 'aki -nsitute, Ministry o% du$ation, Malaysia, 3)2+, 4:'3?. Quek, A.H. )2333&+. *dentifyin% %raduate e !loyeesD %eneric co !etencies wit# i !lications for #i%#er educational ana%e ent. *n 'ook o% Abstra$ts, National Se,inar o% du$ational Manage,ent in conCunction wit# :=t# Anniversary )(olden Ou&ilee+ of University of Malaya, Kuala Lu !ur. Quek, A.H. )0===a+. .areer c#oice and vocational fitness. Asian Psy$hologist, 0)2+, :5':4.


Quel, A.H. )Editor'in'.#ief+ )0===&+. .igher edu$ation /uide, 8t# Edition. Kuala Lu !ur/ ,anon Printin% B#d. Quek, A.H. )0==2+. Desi%nin% counselor education and trainin% !ro%ra es for !u&lic tertiary institutions in Malaysia MOenis reka&entuk dala lati#an dan !endidikan kaunselor di MalaysiaN. Pa!er to &e !resented at @ational ,e inar on ,tandardisation of .ounsellor Education and "rainin% in Malaysia, Kuala Lu !ur, Malaysia. Quek, A.H. - ,oon, ".K. )233:+. Man!ower !lannin%, career and education/ A Malaysian e$!erience. Pa!er !resented at *nnovation 0=0=, "#ird *nternational ,y !osiu on "ec#nical Education and "rainin%, 9ancouver, Britis# .olu &ia, .anada. Quek, A.H. - ,oon, ".K. )2334+. (raduate e !loyeesD %eneric ana%e ent co !etencies and &usiness !references in Malaysia, *n Abstra$ts o% Malaysian S$ien$e and Te$hnology !ongress, 0112. Kuala Lu !ur/ .7,"AM. 2334, ,82. Quek, A.H. - ,oon, ".K. )2333+. Hu an resouce ana%e ent and &usiness !references in Malaysia. *n 'ook o% Abstra$ts o% Malaysian S$ien$e and Te$hnology $ongress, 0111 . Kuala Lu !ur, M7,"E - 7t#ers, 2333/ A54. 1osen&ur%, M. )2383+. !on$eiving the sel%. @ew Pork/ Basic Books. ,uradi ,ali )233?+. * !le entation of %uidance and counsellin% services in Malaysian secondary sc#ools M"a#a! !erlaksanaan !erk#id atan &i &in%an dan kaunselin% di sekola#'sekola# Menen%a# di MalaysiaN. Jurnal P RKAMA, :,2'?=. ,u!er, D.E. - ,verko )233:+. Li%e, roles, values and $areers. ,an Francisco/ Oossey'Bass. "an, ".H. )2383+. E otional !ro&le s for adolescents, Journal Panduan MA3&/A, 2, 63'?:.


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