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Home Toppers Interview Rajesh Meena Interview

Rajesh Meena Interview

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Chairman (Mr. K.K.Paul) Chairman: What is your roll number? Rajesh Meena: Sir, 303441. Chairman: Date of Birth? Rajesh Meena: Sir, 15 August 1987. Chairman: (Smiling) so you were born on a very great day? Rajesh Meena: (Smiling) yes sir (other members were also sporting smile on their faces) Chairman: So, your hobby is stamp collection. What stamp collection is known as? Rajesh Meena: Sir, Philately. Chairman: What is the oldest stamp that you have? Rajesh Meena: (After long thinking) Sir, it is a 10 paise stamp which was released many decades back....emm...after independence (I was not confident in this answer as I was not able to recall the year,

Rajesh Meena 316 2011

State/City Agra, Uttar Pradesh

IAS Interview Board : Mr. K.K. Paul

but when I came back home I saw that those stamp at that time didn?t bear year of release, hence I was foxed.) Chairman: After 1957? Rajesh Meena: (Puzzled)..emm,,,yes sir, I think it was after 1957. Chairman: Why 1957 is famous in philately.....? Rajesh Meena: (Thinking) Sir, I don't know. Chairman: .........or for that matter any reason? Rajesh Meena: (Thinking) Sir, I am unable to recall. (I was beginning to lose confidence by now as the starting was not that good.. Chairman: OK..(He was not looking very satisfied). In 1957 government of India shifted from the ana system to decimal system. Rajesh Meena: (Nodding) Thank you sir. Chairman: Do you know what is the happiness index? Rajesh Meena: Sir, it the index which measures the happiness level of the people of a country. Chairman: So how it is calculated? Rajesh Meena: I don't know exactly sir. Chairman: If you leave this interview hall with very good feelings, what will be your happiness index? Rajesh Meena: (Smiling) sir, it will be very high. Chairman: How HDI is calculated? Rajesh Meena: Sir, it is calculated by taking an average of three components like literacy level.....emm education.... Chairman: ...(interrupting) Why then we haven't adopted happiness index instead of HDI?

Rajesh Meena: Sir, I think HDI is a much broad index and it include happiness index in itself. Hence it is also a reflective of happiness level of the people. Chairman: Which country has adopted happiness index? Rajesh Meena: Sir, Bhutan. Chairman: ( he was looking little satisfied and passes it to the Member 1) Member 1 was more friendly than the Chairman. Member 1: Recently a bill is in the parliament...the Pensions Bill...can you tell what are its provisions? Rajesh Meena- (Thinking) I m sorry sir, I don't know. Member 1: Do you know what is a Param computer? Rajesh Meena: Sir, It is a super computer, which can perform very fast calculations, hence can be used in many places like defence, research SAGA 220 which was developed by DRDO.. (Actaully it was developed by ISRO :( Member 1: Can they be used in remote sensing? Rajesh Meena: Yes sir, they can be used, because in remote sensing huge amount of data has to be processed and analyzed. Member 1: can it be used in the Agriculture? Rajesh Meena: Sir, in Agriculture, they can be used for weather monitoring, crops monitoring, giving warnings etc, so that farmers can be provided early and timely information. Hence they can play a great role in increasing agriculture production. Member 1: OK.... (and passes the baton to Member 2. He looked satisfied with my answers.)

Member 2 was also a little bit extra serious, but his questions were simple. Member 2: What is the difference between DRDO and ISRO? Rajesh Meena: Sir, they are the two most important institutes in the field of Defence and Space research. DRDO looks after the defence of the country while ISRO manages the department of Space.... Member 2- (Interrupting) why do we need two bodies for them....can't a single body do it? Rajesh Meena: Sir, both the departments are very large and critical for our country, hence if one institute looks after one department, they can give specific attention. (he looks satisfied now) Member 2: You are from Allahabad, so what places are there near Allahabad? Rajesh Meena: Sir, there is the most famous Sangam...other places are Anand Bhavan, Alfred park the vicinity of Allahabad there is chitrakoot at the border of uttar Pradesh and madhaya Pradesh. Member 2: Hmm (and passes on to Member 3) Member 3 was more happy with himself and was enjoying in imparting knowledge not only to me but to the entire panel. Member 3: As we were discussing about Allahabad.....what is the name of your college? Rajesh Meena: Sir, it is NIT Allahabad. Member 3: So it seems that its name has been changed? When did it was changed? Rajesh Meena: Sir, earlier it was a Regional Engineering College....and in 2002 it was made a National Institute of Technology...

Member 3: .....(interrupts)what is this MNNIT then? Rajesh Meena: Sir, It stands for Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology. Earlier it was called Motilal Nehru regional Engineering college and now it is called Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology. Member 3: So this Motilal name was from earlier time? Rajesh Meena: Yes sir, actually it was the name given to it by Jawaharlal Nehru after Motilal Nehru who lived in Allahabad for a long time and made it his home. Member 3: What are other educational institutes in Allahabad? Rajesh Meena: Sir, IIIT, Medical college, Allahabad University etc. Member 3: why IIIT is famous for? Rajesh Meena: (Thinking) Sir, it is also a very good technical college of India, but it gives degree only in computer science and IT. Member 3: (With a victorious smile) no no it is something to do with Nobel prizes. Rajesh Meena: (After mechanical thinking) Sorry sir, I don't know. Member 3: (Highly delighted) is the only college of the city fact one of the few colleges in the entire country which attracts Nobel laureates......there is somethings special about it (and kept on imparting this knowledge to the entire panel) Rajesh Meena: Thank you sir. Member 3: Recently some person from Allahabad was in news...who was it? Rajesh Meena: (after thinking) sir very recently? Member 3: Yes, very recently (smiling) Rajesh Meena: (Again thinking) sorry sir, I am unable to recall.

Member 3: (Highly delighted again)there is a girl from Allahabad who has won this years pantaloons famina miss India. Rajesh Meena: Oh..thank you sir. Member 3 satisfied with himself...and passes the baton to the lady member. She was very cheerful and always had an encouraging smile on her face which helped me in my interview. Member 4: Rajesh! what are these 2G, 3G, LTE etc, which are so famous nowadays? Rajesh Meena: Mam they are the generations of

telecommunications which are being used recently. For example 2G means second generation of telecommunications, 3G means third generation of telecommunications. 4G has also been launched in India very recently. Member 4: What are the advantages of 4G over 3G? Rajesh Meena: Mam, the most important is the speed of operation, in 4G it will be about 20mpbs where as in 3G it was only 2mbps. Hence it means that downloading, video chatting, video conferencing etc will be much faster in 4G. Member 4: You mean data streaming will be very fast..... Rajesh Meena: Yes mam...(actually this was the term I slipped and used 'speed of operation' instead....she did notice it) Member 4: What is so special about the 2G? which was also in the news for so long? Rajesh Meena: Mam in 2G, there was a significant amount of spectrum which was sold by the government at very low prices, hence it resulted in to huge loss of revenue to the government. Member 4: No no ...what is the special thing about know..which was in the media for quite a long time? Rajesh Meena: (Thinking), I don't know mam.

Member 4: It was that it helped in transmission of voice and data...(bla bla bla.....i was not getting what she was saying....she was actually trying to know the technical specialty of 2G, but maybe I misunderstood the question...but still she looked satisfied with my answers) Member 4: Rajesh what do you do in your leisure time? Rajesh Meena: Mam I do read novels, I also read and write poems. Member 4: You also write poems? Rajesh Meena: Yes mam...(with a broad smile) Member 4: What type of poem you generally write? Rajesh Meena: Mam I write poems which are rich in Veer ras and Karunya ras. Member 4: (Delighted and admiringly)..Karunya ras!!! Good!! (She happily handed it over to Chairman, I was more happy then her by now.) Chairman: (With a little smile)There are increasing news about eve teasing in the northern states in comparison to the southern states...what do you think is the reason? Rajesh Meena: Sir, I think the level of education has to do a lot with this. The literacy rate in northern states is less in comparison with the southern states.... Chairman: ....but even the well educated people are also indulging in these activities? Rajesh Meena: (Thinking) Sir, I think administration has not taken sufficient steps towards this direction..... Chairman: (Interrupts...seems little annoyed) you think we should deploy a policeman with every female members on the road?

Rajesh Meena: (In a damage controlling mode) no sir, what I feel is that if strong punishment is given to somebody involved in this act, then it will act as reminder to the other people, hence it may play a great role. Chairman: (Nodding)...OK Rajesh....(he looks towards other

members)...your interview is over you can go. Rajesh Meena: Thank you sir

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