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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

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Unit Author First and Last Name School District School Name School City, State Unit Overview Unit Title (he )utsider*s +nit ,lan Unit Summary (he students will read the novel, (he )utsiders by S.-. %inton, determine the themes present in the novel, use .raphic or.ani/ers to keep track o0 the character development in the novel, research, .ather data, and make 1ud.ments based on the evidence and data about the crimes committed in the novel, and or.ani/e research, data, 1ud.ments, and evidence into a presentation to try to persuade others about who&what should be held responsible 0or the crimes committed in the novel. Subject Area -n.lish 2rts ra!e "evel 3 4rade Appro#imate Time $ee!e! 2pproximately 56 days. Unit %oun!ation &abits o' "earning Ta#onomy 7ebbs Depth o0 Knowled.e8

Kelsey Stottsberry beria !"# beria $%&%S beria, 'issouri

1. 2. 3. 4.

Recall Skills/Concepts Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking

Blooms Taxonom ! "nal sis E#al$ation Comprehension %no&ledge "pplication

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21st Cent$r Skills Core S$'(ects )earning and *nno#ation Skills *n+ormation, -edia, and Technolog Skills )i+e and Career Skills
Targete! Content Stan!ar!s an! (enchmar)s *ea!ing+"iterature ,ey I!eas an! -etails CCSS.-L2"Literacy.!L.3.: Determine a theme or central idea o0 a text and analy/e its development over the course o0 the text< provide an ob1ective summary o0 the text. CCSS.-L2"Literacy.!L.3.5 2naly/e how particular elements o0 a story or drama interact =e..., how settin. shapes the characters or plot>. Creativity and nnovation8 Students Demonstrate creative thinkin., construct knowled.e, and develop innovative products and processes usin. technolo.y. a. 2pply existin. knowled.e to .enerate new ideas, products, or processes b. Create ori.inal works as a means o0 personal or .roup expression Communication and collaboration8 Students use di.ital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, includin. at a distance, to support individual learnin. and contribute to the learnin. o0 others. a. nteract, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employin. a variety o0 di.ital environments and media b. Communicate in0ormation and ideas e00ectively to multiple audiences usin. a variety o0 media and 0ormats d. Contribute to pro1ect teams to produce ori.inal works or solve problems !esearch and in0ormation 0luency8 Students apply di.ital tools to .ather, evaluate, and use in0ormation b. Locate, or.ani/e, analy/e, evaluate, synthesi/e, and ethically use in0ormation 0rom a variety o0 sources and media c. -valuate and select in0ormation sources and di.ital tools based on the appropriateness to speci0ic tasks d. ,rocess data and report results Critical thinkin., problem solvin., and decision makin.8 Students use critical thinkin. skills to plan and conduct research, mana.e pro1ects, solve problems, and make in0ormed decisions usin. appropriate di.ital tools and resources. b. ,lan and mana.e activities to develop a solution or complete a pro1ect c. Collect and analy/e data to identi0y solutions and&or make in0ormed decisions Di.ital Citi/enship8 Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technolo.y and practice and ethical behavior. a. 2dvocate and practice sa0e,, and responsible use o0 in0ormation and technolo.y. b. -xhibit a positive attitude toward usin. technolo.y that supports collaboration, learnin., and productivity (echnolo.y operations and concepts8 Students demonstrate a sound understandin. o0 technolo.y concepts, systems, and operations. a. +nderstand and use technolo.y systems b. Select and use applications e00ectively and productively

$ETS+S Stan!ar!s.



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c. (roubleshoot systems and applications d. (rans0er current knowled.e to learnin. o0 new technolo.ies Stu!ent Objectives/"earning Outcomes (he students willA determine themes that are present in (he )utsiders by S.-. %inton. analy/e how the central idea develops throu.hout the novel. analy/e how the settin. a00ects the characters and plot o0 the novel. .ather and or.ani/e evidence that will prove who&what is responsible 0or the crimes committed in the novel. prepare a de0ense 0or those who are not responsible 0or the crimes committed in the novel. prepare a presentation to turn in to the D.2. that shows who&what should be prosecuted 0or the crimes committed in the novel and who&what should not be prosecuted.

Curriculum+%raming 0uestions Essential %ow does society a00ect chan.eB 0uestion %ow does society a00ect the individualB %ow does the individual a00ect societyB Unit 0uestions 7hat causes society to 0ailB 7hat responsibilities does society have to its peopleB 7hat is the 0unction o0 a societyB 7hat are the repercussions i0 society 0ailsB %ow does society 0ail the individuals in (he )utsidersB 7ho is responsible 0or the crimes committedB 7ho should be punished 0or the crimes committedB

Content 0uestions Assessment Plan

Assessment Timeline

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

(e'ore project wor) begins

Stu!ents wor) on projects an! complete tas)s

A'ter project wor) is complete!

Cuestio K7L nin. the Di. Chart Cuestion

Cui//es Charact !2F( Sel0" as they read er"trait exercise -valuation 1ournals =!ole, Drainst Final 2udience, 'uddies ormin. ,roduct !ubric Format, (ask> themes t ,oint Comple activities te K7L chart Chapter Summaries

Assessment Summary

Questioning the Big Question. I will put the Big Question (How does society affect change) on the board and the students will generate questions about the Big Question. We will discuss possible answers to the questions that the students generate. This assessment is to help the students start thin ing about one of the ma!or themes in the no"el# The $utsiders# but %.&. Hinton. I will not tell them that societal issues is a theme until later on in the no"el# but I would use this to introduce the theme to the students. This assessment will also aid in engaging the students in higher'order thin ing s ills. Themes (W) *hart. The students will fill out a (W) *hart on themes. They will put what they now about literary themes in the ( column. They will put what they would li e to now in the W column. +t the end of the unit# they will put what they learned about themes in the ) column. This assessment is for me to see how much the students now about themes and what I need to co"er in regards to literary themes in a no"el. Qui,,es o"er the reading. I will gi"e the students comprehension qui,,es while we read the no"el. I will do this to hold the students accountable for indi"idual reading and to chec that students understand the reading. Brainstorming themes in the no"el. The students will brainstorm themes that are occurring throughout the no"el. They will fill in a TH&-& brainstorm chart to help them brainstorm possible themes. *haracter'trait !ournals. The students will eep !ournals about the character traits of the characters in the no"el. This will help eep the students organi,e the characters because it is easy to mi. up the characters in the no"el. This will also help with the final product at the end# because the students will not ha"e to go bac and read different sections of the no"el. They can

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read their character'trait !ournals instead. This will also help me determine if the students comprehend the no"el and that they don/t ha"e any misconceptions about the characters. The students will ha"e to write about the character/s physical appearance# personality traits# and actions. They will also ha"e to find something unique about each character to help them differentiate between the different characters. -uddiest 0oint +cti"ity. The students will fill out a -uddiest 0oint acti"ity sheet that has them answer the following question1 What was the most confusing thing you learned today2 They will do this regularly. *hapter %ummaries. The students will fill out a chapter summary that as s them to choose a 3%tar4 of the chapter# list the 5 ma!or e"ents that occurred in the chapter# draw a picture symboli,ing the conflict of the chapter# and find a meaningful quote or phrase# write it down# and then e.plain why the quote or phrase is meaningful to them. 6+7T e.ercise (6ole# +udience# 7ormat# Topic). The 6+7T e.ercise gi"es the students a safe way to write about the no"el. The students will assume a 6ole (presumably a character in the no"el). They will ha"e to write to a specific audience (the class# another character# etc.) in a specific format (pamphlet# letter# email# song# etc.). They will ha"e to write about a specific topic. There will be se"eral options# and the students will ha"e to pic two to three to write about. This e.ercise will help me determine if the students understand character relationships and e"ents in the no"el. This will also help the students engage in higher'order thin ing s ills. It is also a self' differentiated acti"ity to help those that are struggling in one area or another. *omplete (W) *hart. The students will put what they learned about themes in the ) column of the (W) chart. This will show me that they learned something from the unit.

%elf'&"aluation. The students will e"aluate their own pro!ects by grading themsel"es using the 7inal 0roduct 6ubric. They will need to circle the score they belie"e they deser"e# and they will need to put a reason for what they selected on each category. 7inal 0roduct 6ubric. The rubric for the final product will be gi"en to the students before the final product is due to help guide the students while completing the final product. I will use this rubric to grade the students/ final products.

Unit -etails Prere1uisite S)ills Note"takin. skills 'ovie maker Di.ital Camera 7ord ,rocessin. 'ultimedia = n0o.raphic or other visual presentation>

Instructional Proce!ures

Instructional 0rocedures %ummary

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-ntry ,oint8 I will put the Big Question (How does society affect change2) on the board and the

students will generate questions about the Big Question. We will discuss possible answers to the questions that the students generate. This will help us discuss one of the important themes in the no"el The $utsiders by %.&. Hinton.

Student"8enerated Questions1 The students will be generating questions about the Big Question

(How does society affect change2). The students will not try to answer the Big Question# but they will be generating questions to help clarify what the Big Question could be as ing and9or the students will be generating questions to help guide how we could find out an answer to the Big Question. &.amples of student'generated questions could be1 What is society2 Who ma es up a society2 What does society do2 &tc. The students will also fill out a (W) *hart about literary themes. They will ha"e to write about what they would li e to learn about literary themes# which would be more student'generated questions. +cquire and Internali,e (nowledge1 The students will acquire and internali,e nowledge by reading the no"el# The $utsiders. They will participate in indi"idual# small'group# and large'group reading. They will ha"e to eep a character'trait !ournal to help internali,e the multitude of comple. and simple characters that are present in the no"el. The students will also brainstorm possible answers to multiple unit questions while we go along. These could include1 How does society affect the indi"idual2 How does the indi"idual affect society2 What causes society to fail2 What responsibilities does society ha"e to its people2 What is the function of a society2 What are the repercussions if society fails2 The students will also ta e comprehension qui,,es to hold them accountable for indi"idual reading and for helping me determine what the students are understanding# and what they need e.tra help in understanding. When we finish the no"el# we will re"isit the answers we found9ga"e for the student'generated questions to see if we want to alter them# add to them# or ta e away from them. We also will re"isit our (W) charts and add in any of the 3)4 column for things we learned while reading the no"el. We will also do a theme'finding acti"ity where the students will brainstorm the themes that are present in the no"el.

:eepen ;nderstanding1 The students will complete a 6+7T (6ole# +udience# 7ormat# Topic) acti"ity. The students will ha"e to underta e a 6ole. This could be one of the characters present in the no"el. They will ha"e to write to a specific +udience in their role. This could be another character# the class# or the author. They will ha"e to write in a specific 7ormat. This could be a pamphlet# song# poem# email# letter# rap song# etc. They will ha"e to write on a specific Topic. There will be se"eral choices that the students can pic from# which will help the students automatically differentiate. These 6+7T e.ercises will be graded on content# not grammar or spelling. This will be a good way for the students to in"estigate character relationships# themes# societal issues# and other important topics that are present in the no"el. This will help the student thin more deeply about the topics in the no"el. They will ha"e to choose multiple writing pro!ects# so that they ha"e to thin in different ways about different situations. %ome of these situations will require the students to determine cause9effect relationships# identify and select patterns or trends# compare and contrast one e"ent in the no"el to another e"ent in the no"el# ma e a !udgment about a character as to whether or not they are responsible for any of the e"ents that occur# see the e"ents from se"eral "iewpoints# etc. *ulminating 0roduct1 The students will be gi"en their authentic tas 9problem. The final culminating product is set up on a website for the students to access. The ;6) is . 3<ou are detecti"es who ha"e been gi"en 0onyboy/s witness

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statement (the no"el). Based on this witness statement# that has been pro"en true based on additional witness statements# your !ob is to submit to the :.+. (:istrict +ttorney) who9what should be prosecuted for the crimes committed. <ou will gather e"idence to pro"e who9what is responsible for the crimes committed# prepare a defense for those who are not responsible# and prepare a presentation showing your results that will be presented to the :.+. before she decides who to arrest and ta e to trial.4 The students will ha"e to determine the crimes# research data# ta e polls# inter"iew# research the law# and !udge who9what is responsible for the crimes. They will need raw data# primary sources# and secondary sources in their presentations. They will need to organi,e the information into a presentation tool1 "ideo (Windows -o"ie-a er)# Infographic# website (Weebly)# or 0re,i presentation. o 6oles1 6ole =1 0aralegal' <our !ob is to help the :.+. in interpreting the law and pro"iding a case against the guilty parties. <ou will need to research the specific laws that are bro en and determine all crimes that are committed (e"en those that you don/t wish to prosecute). <ou will need to organi,e the laws and the crimes committed into a "isually appealing way so that it is easy to include the information in your presentation. <ou will be responsible for presenting an equal amount of time to the :.+. and her associates. 6ole >1 0ublic 6elations $fficer' <our !ob is to deal with the public. <ou will need to de"elop a poll to gi"e to your peers# other districts# and adults who ha"e read the witness statement (no"el) to help determine guilt. <ou will also need to de"elop questions and conduct an inter"iew with someone who li"ed during the time period in order to help the :.+. understand the atmosphere (mood) of the setting. <ou will need to organi,e the data from your polls and answers to your questions in a "isually appealing way so that it is easy to include the information in your presentation. <ou will be responsible for presenting an equal amount of time to the :.+. and her associates.

6ole ?1 6esearch +nalyst' <our !ob is to research primary (optional) and secondary (mandatory) sources to find data that others ha"e published opinions or facts to help pro"e guilt or innocence of the parties who were in"ol"ed in the crimes. <ou will need to organi,e your opinions# data# facts# etc. from your primary (optional)# and secondary (mandatory) sources into a "isually appealing way so that it is easy to include the information in your presentation. <ou will be responsible for presenting an equal amount of time to the :.+. and her associates. 6ole @1 Technology &.pert' <our !ob is to research and become an e.pert on the technology that your peers might use for your presentation. <ou will need to e.plain to your peers what all of the technology options are and how to use them. Then# you and your peers will "ote on which technology to use for your presentation. $nce you ha"e determined which technology to use# your !ob will be to organi,e the data (that your peers ha"e prepared) into the presentation. <ou will be responsible for presenting an equal amount of time to the :.+. and her associates.

6eflection and +ssessment1 The :.+. (me) will decide who9what to prosecute based on the students/
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presentations. I will use a rubric to grade their presentations# and the group with the most con"incing presentation will con"ince me to prosecute someone or something for the crimes. The reflection will be the students coming bac to the Big Question# and answer 3How does society affect change in The $utsiders. +lso# the students will answer the ;nit Questions now that they ha"e e.perienced the no"el.
nstructional ,rocedures ,lan8 Day E8 Cuestionin. the Di. Cuestion" will put the Di. Cuestion on the board. (he students will .enerate Fuestions about the Did Cuestion. 7e will discuss possible answers to the Fuestions that the students .enerate and answers to the Di. Cuestion. 7e will also introduce the ?6*s and %arper Lee. will use a clip 0rom .rease G4reased Li.htnin.H to show them how the .reasers dressed and acted. will ask the students to make a #enn Dia.ram to compare the ?6*s with today. will use a bio.raphy over S.-. %inton to introduce the author. Day :8 (he students will receive a K7L chart. (hey will need to 0ill in the K =what do they know> and the 7 =what would they like to know> about themes. 7hen they are done, we will start readin. chapter E o0 (he )utsiders to.ether. Days 5"E?8 !ead daily. Spend the last E? minutes o0 class 0illin. in their character"trait 1ournals. Day ?8 Comprehension Cui/ Day ;8 'uddiest",oint 2ctivity Day EE8 Comprehension Cui/ Day E58 'uddiest",oint 2ctivity Day E?8 Comprehension Cui/ Day E@8 (he students will receive a Drainstormin. (hemes activity sheet. (hey will 0ill in the activity sheet to help them .enerate a list o0 themes present in the novel. Day E3 and E;8 !2F( -xercise. Day EI8 Complete K7L Chart and Start the Final Cumulatin. ,roduct pro1ect. Day :6":;8 ,ro1ect work days. Day :?8 2ll individual work should be completed, and the .roup should be workin. on the presentation. Day :I"568 ,ro1ect ,resentation Day Day 5E8 (he Di. Cuestion and +nit Cuestions J !e0lection J Class Discussion

Accommo!ations 'or -i''erentiate! Instruction

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Special $ee!s Stu!ents

(he district purchased a book on CD =unabrid.ed> that the students checked out and listened to in order to aid in comprehension 0or the stru..lin. readers. (utorin. and extra time to 0inish readin. assi.nments and other activities. 2ctive, small".roup instruction 0or stru..lin. readers to aid in comprehension. (utorials 0or certain types o0 so0tware 0or those who stru..le with technolo.y.

$onnative Spea)ers

(he district purchased a book on CD =unabrid.ed> that the students checked out and listened to in order to aid in comprehension 0or the -SL readers. (utorin. and extra time to 0inish readin. assi.nments and other activities. 2ctive, small".roup instruction 0or -SL students to aid in comprehension.

i'te!/Talente! Stu!ents

Students, who are .i0ted in the area o0 technolo.y, will be o00ered the opportunity to make tutorials on the technolo.y involved in the 0inal products8 7indows 'ovie'aker, ,re/i, n0o.raphic" writin. pro.ram8, ,iktochart Students, who are .i0ted readers can reenact and make videos o0 scenes in the novel. Students who are .i0ted readers can lead student discussions throu.hout the unit.

2aterials an! *esources *e1uire! %or Unit Technology 3 &ar!ware =Click boxes o0 all eFuipment needed> Camera Computer=s> Di.ital Camera D#D ,layer nternet Connection Laser Disk ,rinter ,ro1ection System Scanner (elevision #C! #ideo Camera #ideo Con0erencin. -Fuip. )ther

Technology 3 So'tware =Click boxes o0 all so0tware needed.>

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Database&Spreadsheet Desktop ,ublishin. -"mail So0tware -ncyclopedia on CD"!)'

ma.e ,rocessin. nternet 7eb Drowser 'ultimedia

7eb ,a.e Development 7ord ,rocessin. )ther

(he )utsiders by S.-. %inton Printe! 2aterials Supplies EI3IE"EIIE8 (he Dill o0 !i.hts and Deyond -ncyclopedia o0 2merican Law by David Schult/ (he )utsiders unabrid.ed book on CD or other di.ital copy (eacher*s !esources http8&& http8&& LClhttp8&& Student !esources http8&&"important"principles"o0"e00ective" in0o.raphics&@?6;?& http8&& https8&& http8&&"to"create"a"survey http8&&www.okle.islature..ov&osstatuestitle.html http8&&www.okle.islature..ov& https8&& Internet *esources http8&&"plan&how"conduct"interview http8&&"outsiders&book"summary -bsco %ost" http8&&" aII5"N6E;";a;c"aIedIN@eEEI@ON6sessionm.rN66EPvidKEPhidKNE6@ http8&& https8&& cxK66?E::N5E3NI;:6:E@E368hshk?euw?uw http8&&"us&windows"vista&.ettin."started"with" windows"movie"maker https8&&pre/ http8&&"us&sections&:665?N5E5"De.inner"s"4uide"to" 7eebly http8&&"important"principles"o0"e00ective" in0o.raphics&@?6;?& http8&& https8&&pre/ Other *esources Collaborative school district to participate in polls, surveys, etc. #oluntary participants in student"conducted interviews.

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course ,ro.rams o0 the ntelQ -ducation nitiative are 0unded by the ntel Foundation and ntel Corporation. 9 :663, ntel Corporation. 2ll ri.hts reserved. ntel, the ntel lo.o, ntel -ducation nitiative, and ntel (each ,ro.ram are trademarks o0 ntel Corporation in the +.S. and other countries. R)ther names and brands may be claimed as the property o0 others.

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