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The Road to the Revolution

By: Cesar Hernandez Banda

The Thirteen Colonies

Many people from all of the world settled in different areas of north America for different reason .

Freedom from England

Colonists wanted economic freedom. Colonist wanted religious freedom colonist wanted a better life in North Am

Colonists Unite
They started their own businesses built their home and grew their own food. they wanted to start their own country

Causes of the War

French and Indian War Sugar act Stamp act Quartering act Tae act Boston Massacre Many more

Major Battles of the War

Lexington and Concord Bunker Hill Yorktown Valley Forge Saratoga

Samuel Adams Thomas Paine George Washington Thomas Jefferson King George III Molly Pitcher

Effects of the War

Independence from England Freedom of Speech Freedom of Religion Great Leaders Declaration of Independence

About the Author

My name is Cesar I live in Georgia and I am in 4 grade I have a brother and sister and I like to write and draw and I like to read books and I like to play basketball and soccer.

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