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What defines a hero? Webster Dictionary defines a hero as someone who fights for a cause. My

hero fought for a great cause; his life. My hero was my grandfather, and his name was Jimmy Davis the 1st. From childhood to adulthood, he s always been there for me. !ven when he had cancer, he "e#t his head held high. $oon the reasons for him being a hero will become a##arent. Jimmy Davis was born on June 1%, 1&'(, in Fort $mith, )r"ansas. From a young age, Jimmy had a difficult childhood. *e was born cross eyed, so he couldn t read. $ince he struggled in school, his family #ulled him out. +ater on, he was ta"en to ,hildren s *os#ital in +ittle -oc", )r"ansas, for eye surgery to re.straighten his eyes. /he surgery was a success, but he didn t go bac" to school until about 1&%&. *is daughter, $ondra ,orbell was #regnant with her first child and he told my grandma, 01 am going to read to that baby.2 $o, he set off on his 3ourney to learn to read and get his 4!D. 5eo#le tried to hel# him learn, but it was something he had to com#lete on his own. When the $ondra6s first child was born, he had a 4!D and could read, write, and even do geometry. *e read to my sister while she was a baby. 7ears #assed, and 1 was born. When 1 was first born, my dad left my mom and it was only my mom, my sister, and 1. 1 was always s#ending time with my grandfather because he was my only father figure in my life. *e was strong, courageous, and #ersevering, but he was also "ind, friendly, and gentle. 1n my fourth grade year, my grandfather develo#ed lung cancer, but that didn t slow him down at all. *e survived the first round of it. /he doctors had believed that it was gone, but about a year later it was bac" and it had move to his liver. /he last si8 months were hard on all of us. 1n the last two wee"s of his life, he develo#ed Jaundice. /he last 1 saw him, it was a Friday. 1 went by the hos#ital to see him after my team had 3ust won a game of baseball. *e was confused on the day 1 told him it was Friday. *e was always friendly. *e was always ma"ing tables and lawn chair for #eo#le. *e died a year and a half later. *e wor"ed for all his life and had hardly anything, but he would give you the shirt off his bac" if you were in need. 9ot to mention, he made me into the man 1 am today. /his man was truly a hero in my eyes. /his man was the e#itome of good traits and overcame many disabilities. When he was

younger, he overcame being cross eyed, and taught himself how to read and write. *e learned to read, so he could read to his granddaughter. 9ot to mention, he hardly had a #enny to his name but made the best of life no matter what. When it was ,hristmas time, and he didn t have much money he made us gifts out of wood and made the family gifts. *e was the strongest man 1 have ever met. *e survived cancer once. /he reason this #erson is a hero to me is because he was always there for me. *e was the only male role model 1 had until 1 was about fourteen. *e was always ha##y even when he was sic" and lost all of his hair he still made the best of his day no matter what. *e would treat everyone e:ually and was nice to everyone. 1f he had the ability to teach himself how to read, then 1 believe that anything is #ossible. *e went into his treatments for the cancer with e8treme courage. !ri" was very courageous, #ersevering, and no matter what the obstacle he would com#lete his #lans. /his is also the attitude my grandfather had. *e always made it through whatever he set his mind to. !ri" faced his #roblems head on by doing something that #eo#le told him he couldn t do. My grandfather did the same by learning to read. /his is the reason 1 believe that my grandfather is a hero. *e built u# his life and created a world for me and my family. *e s always there for me even when he s not #hysically here he taught me what to do and how to treat #eo#le. *ero is defined by someone with a cause. Jimmy Davis had a cause and it wasn t only his life, it was to e8cel and set an e8am#le that anything is #ossible.

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