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To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel full of challenging words. Preview the words in the list below. For
each word, please place a check in the column that correctly describes your own knowledge of the word. WORD Dont know the word/ Never saw it before Recognize it: Have seen or heard the word used Know the definition/ recognize it in context

To Kill a Mockingbird Key Vocabulary: Word Knowledge Checklist

Can explain it Have used it in my speech or writing

Acquiescence (n.) Acquit (vb.) Adjourned (vb.) Affirmed (vb.) Aggregation (n.) Alleged (adj.) Amiable (adj.) Appeal (n.) Articulate (vb.) Benevolence (n.) Brethren (n.) Cantankerous (adj.) Chattel (n.) Circumstantial (adj.) Condescension (n.) Conduct (n.) Convict (vb.) Corroborate (vb.) Courteous (adj.) Credibility (n.) Cynical (adj.) Decreed (vb.) Defendant (n.) Deportment (n.) Dictum (n.) Disapprobation (n.)


Dont know the word

Recognize it: Have seen or heard the word used

Know the definition

Can explain it Have used it in my speech or writing

Domiciled (vb.) Eccentric (adj.) Edification (n.) Elucidate (vb.) Entailment (n.) Expunge (vb.) Genially (adj.) Hypocrite (n.) Indigenous (adj.) Infallible (adj.) Inflection (n.) Irascible (adj.) Lament (vb.) Malevolent (adj.) Melancholy (adj.) Methodists (n.) Mortification (n.) Oblivious (adj.) Offense (n.) Profane (adj.) Recluse (n.) Scuppernongs (n.) Sentenced (vb.) Sordid (adj.) Spittoon (n.) Statute (n.) Taciturn (adj.) Tactful (adj.) Testimony (n.) Tranquil (adj.) Uncouth (adj.) Verdict (n.)

Think about the words you have been given. Based on this checklist, group the words into categories. In your group, create a short list of categories. Be ready to explain your choice. Example: Words Allusion Alliteration Metaphor Simile Noun Adverb Verb Adjective Category Literary Terms

Parts of Speech

Note: Write the categories only. You do not have to list the words that belong to each category. List as many as you think are useful. Word categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Was there disagreement about possible categories? If so, what caused the disagreement? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

NAME______________ Now that you have had a change to create your own categories, look at the categories below. Move the words in the preview list into the categories that are provided. Check off the words as you place them in the chart below. Words that Words that apply Speech and Setting and identify people to Characters or Legal words Argument words Household words or groups of their Behavior people Positive character traits

Neutral words

Negative character traits

PREDICT: Based on the words and categories, what topics will come up in the novel? The topics that will come up are _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________



Use the vocabulary words in the list from class to make predictions about the book we are reading. You can use the words more than once to make your predictions. Think about how you think the author of the book will use the words in the story. List the words that you think will go with each category of the story structure and then use those words to make predictions and answer the questions about structure. If there are words you cant use because they are too unfamiliar, list those words at the bottom as Mystery Words. Try to use at least half the words from the list. Setting How will the author describe the setting?

Characters What predictions can you make about the characters? Conflict What will the conflict be? Who will be involved?

Plot What will happen in the story? Resolution How will the story end? Questions What questions do you have about the story?

Mystery Words

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