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PSALM 27 How Faith Handles Fear THESIS: Faith lives right next door to faith

I. FAITH SINGS & SOARS, 1-6 Trusting on the Highlands A. Intelligent Delight in the Lord, 1-3 1. For His Personal Dealings, 1 2. For His Past Dealings, 2 3. For His Promised Dealings, 3 B. Intense Desire for the Lord, 4-6 1. For His Presence, 4 Deliberate Daily Discerning 2. For His Protection, 5-6 a. Hide me, 5 b. Help me, 6 II. FEAR SIGHS & SINKS, 7-14 Trembling in the Lowlands A. Wanting Gods Grace, 7-10 1. Repentant, 7-8 2. Rejected, 9-10 a. By Father in heaven, 9 b. By family on earth, 10 B. Wanting Gods Guidance, 11-12 1. For Direction, 11 2. For Deliverance, 12 C. Wanting Gods Goodness, 13-14 Only Way to Avoid Spiritual Collapse: 1. Get Trust Element in Focus to Save You, 13 2. Get Time Element in Focus to Strengthen You, 14

The ABC's of Psalms (Praises) Author David et al Background Historical Songs of the Saints Doctrinal Millennial Praises Inspirational Praise God & All Things Brighten Christ Seen As the Blessed One, 72:17 As Our All, Col 1:17-19; 3:11 Description 150 Chapters; 2461 Verses; 43,743 Words Era 1490444 BC Factoid Theme Praise thru Prayer Key Verse 29:2 Key Word Praise (150+ times)


Key Thot:

Fear that soars = faith; faith that sinks = fear

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