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Chemical Reaction Project Rubric

Assigned: 1/13/2014 1/27/2014 Due during week of :

Chemical Reaction Project Rubric

36 Points
CATEGORY Descri$tion of Procedure Points Procedure of chemical reaction was outlined in a step-by-step fashion that could be followed by anyone without additional e planations! Pro%ided an accurate e planation" easy-to-follow dia#rams or ima#es with labels to illustrate the reaction bein# studied! Points *pea&s clearly +0 , 100 - of time! .ords understandable! /an be easily heard throu#hout presentation! Presentation 3 , 0 minutes lon#! ! Points Procedure of chemical reaction was outlined in a step-by-step fashion that could be followed by anyone with some additional e planations! Pro%ided an accurate e planation dia#rams or ima#es with labels to illustrate the reaction bein# studied! " Points Procedure of chemical reaction was outlined in a step-by-step fashion" but had 1 or 2 #aps that re$uire e planation! Pro%ided an easy-to-follow dia#rams or ima#es with labels to illustrate the reaction" but one &ey step was left out! # Point Procedures that were outlined were seriously incomplete or not se$uential!


'id not pro%ide a dia#rams or ima#es () they were $uite incomplete!

Project Presentation CATEGORY Presentation ! Points *pea&s clearly 70 , 10- of time! 2ost words understandable! /an be heard most of the time! " Points *pea&s clearly 00 , 60 - of the time! /annot understand se%eral words 2uch of presentation too soft to hear! Presentation 0 , 1 or 1-+ minutes lon#! 'eli%ery is fair but it is clear much more rehearsal was needed! 7air eye contact! # Point *pea&s clearly less than half of the time! /annot understand much of what is spo&en! 3ery soft! 2umblin#! Presentation under 30 seconds or more than + minutes! 'eli%ery not smooth! 8ac& of any rehearsal! 8ittle or no eye contact with the audience!

Time %imit &!' ( min) re*uired+ Pre$aration , Deli-er.

Presentation 2 , 3 or 6-7 minutes lon#! 5eeded to be rehearsed 1 or 2 times more but deli%ery was fairly smooth! 6ood eye contact!

3ery wellrehearsed with smooth deli%ery! 4 cellent 4ye contact with the audience!

Chemical Reaction Project Rubric

Assigned: 1/13/2014 1/27/2014 Due during week of :

Project Design CATEGORY Originalit./ 0nterest Points Presentation reflects an e ceptional de#ree of creati%ity! 4 ceptional attempt to ma&e the presentation interestin# to the audience! 9olds audience attention throu#hout! 7ont si>e and color contrast <font %s! bac&#round color= ma&es it e ceptionally easy to read! 5o #rammatical or spellin# errors! (utstandin# ?ob of o%erall plannin# and desi#n! Plannin# and desi#n helped to en#a#e the audience into the presentation! Presentation shows e%idence of bein# %ery thorou#hly researched! 3 or more citations! ! Points Presentation shows #ood creati%ity! :nterestin# to the audience! 9olds audience attention most of the time! " Points *ome creati%ity shown! *omewhat interestin# to the audience! 9olds audience attention some of the time! # Point 8ittle or no creati%ity shown! 8ittle or no effort to ma&e the presentation interestin# to the audience! ;udience attention lost!

1isual Dis$la. <for those that choose to present this way= O-erall Planning/ Design

7ont si>e and color contrast is #ood! 1 or 2 #rammatical or spellin# errors

7ont si>e and color contrast is fair! 3 or 4 #rammatical or spellin# errors!

7ont si>e and color contrast is poor! 2any #rammatical or spellin# errors!


(%erall pro?ect is put to#ether in an acceptable manner! Plannin# and desi#n ;dds to the presentation without much distraction to the audience! Presentation shows e%idence of ade$uate research! 2 citations!

(%erall pro?ect needs some impro%ement! *omewhat distractin# to the audience

Poor plannin#/desi#n! 3ery distractin# to the audience

4%idence of some research is shown 1 citation!

8ittle or no e%idence of research shown! 5o citations

Chemical Reaction Project Rubric

Assigned: 1/13/2014 1/27/2014 Due during week of :

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