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Formative Instructional and Assessment Tasks

CC Task 1
Domain Cluster Standard(s) Materials Task Counting and Cardinality Know number names and the count sequence. K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and tens. K.CC.2 Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of beginning at 1). none 1. Start at 1 and count as far as you can (sto student after 100). !. Count by 10"s as far as you can (sto student after 100). #. $egin counting with the number %. &"ll tell you when to sto . (Sto student at 10.) 'e eat( $egin at 1%. Sto student at !1. $egin at )#. Sto student at )*. $egin at %!. Sto student at +!. Continuum of nderstandin! ,mits or re eats numbers in the counting sequence. Counts by ones- but not to 100. &ncorrectly counts by tens to 100. &ncorrectly begins counting from one or more given numbers. &nconsistently counts over the decade(s). Counts to 100 by ones. Counts to 100 by tens. Counts from all given numbers. Counts correctly- crossing over the decades. ,mits or re eats numbers in the counting sequence. 'ote counts by ones- without errorto........ 'ote counts by tens- without errorto ....... $egins counting from( .... % .... 1% .... )# .... %!

Develo"in! nderstandin!

Com"lete nderstandin!

1. 2. #. ). 0. ). *. ,.

Standards for Mat#ematical $ractice /akes sense and erseveres in solving roblems. %easons a&stractl' and (uantitativel'. Constructs viable arguments and critiques the reasoning of others. /odels with mathematics. 1ses a ro riate tools strategically. Attends to "recision. +ooks for and makes use of structure. +ooks for and e-"resses re!ularit' in re"eated reasonin!.

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