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Formative Instructional and Assessment Tasks

CC Task 4
Domain Cluster Standard(s) Counting and Cardinality Count to tell the number of objects. K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality c.) Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger. 12 cubes 1. Give student a set of cubes to count. !ay" Count to see how many you have. #dd 1 more cube to the set. #s$" How many do I have now? #dd % more. #s$" How many now? #dd 1 more. #s$" How many now? 2. &emove the cubes. #s$" What if we had 5 cubes and added one more? How many cubes would there be then? &epeat with numbers '1() 1*) 1 +. Continuum of Understandin , %ncorrectly identifies -one.more/ with 1ells one more with objects" and0or without objects. , Counts to determine the new amount. 22222 to 1( 22222 1( to 11 22222 11 to 12 , Correctly identifies -one.more/ with objects. 1ells one more without objects" , Correctly identifies -one.more/ without objects. 22222 3 to * 22222 1( to 11 , 5nows -one.more/ instantly) without 22222 1* to 14 22222 1 to 2( counting.

Materials Task

Develo!in Understandin Com!lete Understandin

$. &. 6. 7. 3. *. *. ,.

Standards for Mat"ematical #ractice Makes sense and !erseveres in solvin !ro%lems. 'easons a%stractl( and )uantitativel(. Constructs viable arguments and critiques the reasoning of others. 8odels with mathematics. Uses appropriate tools strategically. #ttends to precision. +ooks for and makes use of structure. +ooks for and e-!resses re ularit( in re!eated reasonin .

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