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Childrens Story Presentation Peer Evaluation Criteria sp14

Name of Book____________________________ Students Name__________________________

This form is to use in making comments about your classmates work. You are not to assign a grade to other students work, but you are required to objectively evaluate what you saw in peer presentations. You will also use what students tell about their work together following the presentation, and what you have learned about the work from your own involvement in this project. Use this form with the Peer Review Form on which you will record your comments. Until or if there is reason to change this, all comments are made anonymously to encourage peer reviewers to be open. All comments must be respectful and constructive. There are positive ways to make comments about where a presenter might need to improveas discussed in class. Roles and Criteria for Different Group Members: The weight of the role is 40%.

Reader of Childs Story

Read at a pace slow enough for children and adults to understand. Lifted eyes from the text to intentionally communicate with audience. Used a voice that was easy to hear (projected voice into room). The reading emphasized key points and climactic momentsit was expressive. Knew material well enough that phrases and sentences were very familiar and the reading flowed as a result of this.

Presenter of Group Reviewed Plot line for Childs Story

Showed and briefly explained all aspects of the plot line, including introduction (setting and characters), rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution/moral learned. Spoke in clear, loud-enough voice. Spoke slowly and at a pace that the audience could understand. Had practiced challenging words so that there were no pronunciation problems. Visual aid (Power Point, camera document, poster board, etc.) were clear and easily readable. The audience was taken into consideration when the plot line was made.

Presenter of Group Reviewed Adult Version

The adult version paralleled key elements with a conflict and resolution that are similar to the childs version. Read at a pace slow enough for children and adults to understand. Lifted eyes from the text to intentionally communicate with audience. Used a voice that was easy to hear (projected voice into room). The reading emphasized key points and climactic momentsit was expressive. Knew material well enough that phrases and sentences were very familiar and the reading flowed as a result of this.

Other CriteriaGroup Participation: The weight of each of these criteria is 10% (total of 60%) Obviously followed instructions. Obviously practiced (rehearsed and timed) individually as well as with members. The group and individuals had practiced separately and together so that there was no confusion about who would present, the order of presentations, and the assistance that each needed, if any.

The group and individuals had worked closely enough together so that they all understood the directions and followed them.

10% 10% Obviously understood plot for childrens book even if the student did not present it. Obviously understood plot of adult version even if student did not present it.


Obviously participated equally and cooperatively with partnersor appeared to.


Obviously helped partners, as needed, in the process and during presentation.

If it does not seem clear how much individuals participated and worked together to do the presentation, the audience will ask. Was there equal willingness, availability, and equality of tasks without common excuses? Does it appear, from what you know, that the members of the group helped each other, not forcing their own ideas on others? By doing an equal amount of work after agreeing with others on what that work would be?

Since there is technology and other aspects of the presentation to manage, assistance is often needed and should be rehearsed. Did the group anticipate the need for helping each other while presenting? Does it appear, from what you know, that the members of the group helped each other, not forcing their own interests or ideas on the group?

10% 10%

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