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Nicole Hale

2769 Glenn Abbey Circle Sandy, Utah 84093 T 80!"4#0"!776 $ yayao%ya&hot'ail(co'


See%in) e'*loy'ent that +ill increa,e 'y %no+led)e and e-*erience +hile . a' attendin) Colle)e(


Nanny Se*te'ber 20!3 / 0ece'ber !0!3 . +a, a Nanny 1or 2a3ra 4eed( . +or%ed a 5ariety o1 ,hi1t, and 5ariable ho3r, +hile e'*loyed by her( . +or%ed a 'ini'3' o1 three t+el5e ho3r ,hi1t, each +ee%( . +a, re,*on,ible 1or the care o1 her children, incl3din) dri5in) the' to and 1ro' ,chool, and their 5ario3, acti5itie,( . +a, al,o char)ed +ith coo%in) their 'eal, and cleanin) their ho'e +hile at +or%( . +a, 'ain ob6ecti5e +a, to occ3*y the children7, ti'e and to %ee* the' ha**y( Lifeguard 8ay 20!2 " Se*te'ber 20!2

. +a, a li1e)3ard at Alta Canyon 4ecreation Center 1or the 20!2 S3''er Sea,on( . +a, re,*on,ible 1or 'a%in) ,3re the *ool, bathroo', la+n chair,, and )ra,,y area,, +ere clean and 3,able at all ti'e,( . +a, in char)e o1 +atchin) the *atron, both in and o3t,ide o1 the *ool and it, co''on area,( And +hen nece,,ary, re,c3in) and re,3,citatin)(


Salt Lake Community College

January 20 ! " pre#ent

$onokaa $ig% Sc%ool& $onokaa $a'aii

(raduated )ay 20 *


C94 Certi1ied 2i1e Sa5in) Certi1ied :a'iliar +ith 8AC and 9C Co'*3ter, 9ro1icient in 8icro,o1t ;ord and 9o+er 9oint C3rrently learnin) S*ani,h, Ha+aiian, and ho+ to *lay the )3itar( . a' a hard +or%er +ho i, de*endable, 'oti5ated and a ,el1 ,tarter( . en6oy +or%in) +ith other, and ha5e e-cellent co''3nication ,%ill,( . a' not a1raid o1 +or%in) lon) ho3r,, and ta%e direction +ell(

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