RFC Tournament Hunger-For-wisdom Deck

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Hunger for Wisdom

Cards in your hand: Frederich, Sage of the Hills Peter, Sage of the Forest Walther, Sage of the Gold Field The stacks contain the following cards: Event cards: Council of the Sages (2x) Famine (2x) Action cards: Age of Enlightenment (2x) Doctor (2x) Great Foresight (2x) Mendicants Merchant Merchant Caravan (2x) Po er of the Groves Scout Wise Com!ensation (2x) Wise Protection "egion e#!ansions: $ar%ara& Sage of the Fields Michaela& Sage of the Pasture Piet& Sage of the Mountains Princi!al Sage Woman 'hieves( Hideout Settlement)city e#!ansions: Grain Mill Grove of Freedom Grove of Great Foresight Grove of *igilance City e#!ansions: Academy of Sages (2x) $ath House Cole& Paladin of the Sages Granary "o%ert& Herald of the Sages "oad com!lements: Small Mar+tet 'o n Mar+er cards: Manifesto of Humane Conduct

Ho to !lay the dec+: This deck places e phasis on controlling the e!ents !ia the sages and affecting the opponent !ia Fa ines" #hange the defa$lt starting regions so that the fields region and the gold field are on the left or right side and the o$ntains region is ad%acent to the fields region" &$ild 'o$r first road (etween the fields region and the gold field, and when ($ilding 'o$r first settle ent, choose the fields region and the gold field !ia the Sco$t, aking s$re that the' ha!e the sa e prod$ction n$ (er" Place the Principal Sage Wo an ad%acent to one of the two new regions or ad%acent to a region where the opponent has also placed a sage, which allows you to receive a resource from this region when the "Council of the Sages" event occurs even though you can't build one of your specialized sages there. The first two cities are ($ilt !ia Wise #o pensation" To do so, 'o$ $st allow 'o$r opponent to take the lead or let hi ($ild his cities first" )f he takes the lead (' eans of the trade ad!antage, 'o$ can get 2 reso$rces fro hi !ia the *endicants + if possi(le, take grain" ,o$ can also $se the Thie!es- Hideo$t for this p$rpose" .s soon as possi(le, ($ild the Grain *ill (etween the two fields regions" )t sho$ldn-t (e a pro(le to find the Grain *ill !ia the Gro!e of Freedo " /ntil 'o$ ($ild the Granar', alwa's retain at least 0 grain, in case a Fa ine occ$rs" 1nce the Granar' is ($ilt, 'o$

can also $se 'o$r grain to o(tain a reso$rce 'o$ lack fro 'o$r opponent if he has no grain" Howe!er, 'o$ sho$ld onl' $se the grain if a Fa ine is not i inent" The deck onl' contains the strength points fro #ole and 2o(ert, eaning that 'o$ can-t o(tain the strength ad!antage $ntil relati!el' late in the ga e 3 pro!ided that the opponent doesn-t ha!e ore than 4 strength points" )f the opponent has ($ilt a #h$rch or *arie the Shield aiden, don-t ($ild the two heroes $ntil the !ictor' points the' pro!ide allow 'o$ to win the ga e, (eca$se otherwise 'o$ ight lose the heroes" 5$e to the fact that it onl' has 2 co erce points, the deck also gi!es little attention to the trade ad!antage, and witho$t skill points it often happens that the #ele(ration is onl' (eneficial for the opponent" Howe!er, 'o$ can ward off the e!ents 6#ele(ration6 and 6Trade6 !ia the Gro!e of 7igilance" 5o this whene!er 'o$ co$ld lose i portant reso$rces and the e!ent card 'o$ re!eal instead of the !oided e!ent is not ca$sing a%or da age" The Great Foresight card allows 'o$ to 8$ickl' find o$t the order of the e!ent cards in the stack, and 'o$ sho$ld re o!e e!ent cards that either are har f$l or onl' (enefit 'o$r opponent" Witho$t the strength ad!antage, when rotating the *anifesto to le!el 9 'o$ onl' need a total of 9 settle ents 'o$ $pgraded to cities" Howe!er, a fo$rth settle ent i pro!es 'o$r chance of !ictor', partic$larl' if 'o$r opponent has 4 or : settle ents" The reso$rces 'o$ recei!e !ia the .ge of ;nlighten ent card co$ld (e $sed for the third cit'" )n the following list, all cards are sorted (' sets" Since the cards in the stacks ha!e different (acks, 'o$ can $se this list as a g$ide" The na es appear in the color of the text (oxes on the respecti!e cards" $asic cards: Grain Mill Merchant Caravan (2x) Scout 'he Era of Merchant Princes: Mendicants 'he Era of Progress: $ath House Doctor (2x) 'he Era of Gold: Merchant 'he Era of Pros!erity: Small Mar+et 'o n 'hieves( Hideout 'he Era of Sages: Academy of Sages (2x) Age of Enlightenment ,-#. $ar%ara& Sage of the Fields Cole& Paladin of the Sages Frederich& Sage of the Hills Granary Great Foresight (2x) Grove of Freedom Grove of *igilance Grove of Great Foresight Michaela& Sage of the Pasture Peter& Sage of the Forest Piet& Sage of the Mountains Po er of the Groves Princi!al Sage Woman "o%ert& Herald of the Sages Walther& Sage of the Gold Field Wise Protection Wise Com!ensation (2x)

*ariations: 1ne possi(ilit' is to incl$de other strategies that offer ad!antages when the e!ents 6#ele(ration6 and 6Trade6 occ$r" To this end, 'o$ can $se the other standard decks as odels" )n this case, 'o$ nor all' ha!e to do witho$t so e of the sages" &$ilding 2 sages is often s$fficient" The Fa ine<Granar' co (ination can also (e replaced with so ething else"

Therefore, after the first few ga es 'o$ sho$ld do 'o$r own experi ents to find a deck that atches 'o$r personal st'le"

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