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Set 1 Edited By: Gladys Nobriga I.

Music Video: I Am A Seminole Grammer: Not sure if FSU FAQ should be with an s like: FSU FAQS In the More Around Seminole Source section: o I think the title of the article should have a separation between Huffington and Post. Also, add style at the end like so: Huffington Post: AcaBelles Rock Lordes Royals A Cappella Style o The title for the ESPN article should be all capitalized like the rest. In the More Videos section, Why I Switched Roommates should not have a question mark at the end. In the About Us section at the bottom: o The first sentence should have University at the end, for clarification. o Variety is misspelled. o Find out should not be capilatized. o In the Our Mission part, there is a period missing at the end. Up To Date: More Around Seminole Source section: o This same link is posted, I think this should be taken out to make room for another link. o None of the links when clicked show anything except the title, the only one that works is the Seminole Fan Manifesto II. A Kellum Hall tale Grammer:
(Tthis is a completely fictional taleil) I was a stupid freshman. Originally from Miami, I couldnt wait to start my time at Florida State. I had a horrible priority number when it came time to apply for a dorm, so I ended up living in Kellum.
Formatted: Font: Italic

Personally, it wasnt all that bad. You get use to the kellum smell, pipes coming out of the walls, bi-weekly 2am fire drills, pubic hair mounds in the community showers, and stuff like that. Im not that high maintenance of a guy so I know I could deal with that. stuff. Plus, I knew I was soon going to be rushing a frat soon, so I wasnt going to be spending all that much time there anyways. When rush week finally came around, I went to heritage grove and checked out a couple of houses I had partied at during the summer such as. Theta Chi, Phi Tau, and Sig Ep all se (This is a completely fictional tale)
Comment [S1]: Im not sure which one of these the writer wants to use but this person should pick one. Formatted: Font: Italic

I was a stupid freshman. Originally from Miami, I couldnt wait to start my time at Florida State. I had a high-digit priority number when it came time to apply Kellum. Personally, it wasnt all that bad. You get used to the Kellum smell, ceiling pipespipes near the ceiling, pubic hairs in the community showers, and other unmentionables. Im not a high maintenance guy so I know I could deal with that stuff. Plus I knew I was soon going to be rushing a frat soon, so I wasnt going to be spending all that much time there anyway. When rush week finally came around, I went to Heritage Grove and checked out a couple of houses I had partied at during the summer. The frats all seemed pretty solid to me, and were the places I spent most of my time during that rush week. At the end of rush week I had bids from a couple of the Greek organizations, and since my RA was in a frat for a residence hall and. bBecause of that, I got assigned to

himself (and he was pretty legit), I decided to pledge to my RAs frat. By the 5th week of school all seemed to be going pretty well. I was vice-president of my pledge class, I got an 82% on my first baby bio exam, and I kneow a sorority pledge that wasis interested in me. One night my RA came over to my room and told me that I had to get all my pledge brothers together in the middle of Landis Green within an hour. It was about 9:30PM, so I kneow that wouldnt be toothat difficult. I texted one of my friend groups, and just in time everyone was there just in time. At 10:45, I got a text to look at Landis fountain., there ttaped to the perimeter of the fountain walls were envelopes with each pledges name.

When we all got our envelope, we were each summoned to complete a different task we saw that we all had a different task that we all had to havecompleted by AM the next day.

Tasks ranged from getting a phone number from a girl in every sorority, to being handcuffed to another pledge and figuring out who had the key to separate them. No task was too bad, and it seemed like it was going to be a fun night. My task was I was tasked to inflate 50 balloons, tie them to my arms and keephave them there for at least 2 hours. It was pretty stupid but fun as hell to do. My entire pledge class had to work together to make sure each person accomplished their task by theour set deadline. We came to mine last around 6 am. It was a chore to inflate all those balloons! A bunch of them had holes, several flew away, and a good number popped, and each time one did, it sounded that a sound like a gun shot weant off. We did thethis last task right outside Kellum, so that when we were done, I could just return the helium tank I brought fromto my dorm.
Comment [S2]: I dont know what the context of this means. I cannot figure it out.

All the tasks were finished We finished all the tasks around 7:15 AM. We were pProud of ourselves, but felt lost because we hadnt been told what to do once we completed dorms. Once back in my room, I knocked out immediately. because Aafter being up all night working, I had nothing left in me. Up until I was woken up by something I had never heard before. At this point, I was used to sirens blaring in the morning, usually an ambulance or a fire truck that hurls straight by. But this time, I heard a choir of sirens as if Kellum was in a middle of a high-stakes action scene. I looked out the window to see what the choir was all about. It wasnt a choir; it was an army an army of police cars. themour tasks., Wwe just all went back to our

Breathless wWith bulging eyeseyes bulging, breath stopping, and ringing ears ears ringing I rushed to the fridge to get some water. This is probably a dream or possibly a prank, I thought. As I grabbed a water bottle, I saw the empty balloon strings. The balloons,. t They went pop. To be continued
Comment [S3]: Is this relly suppose to end like this? Is this multiple part article? If so, then okay.

Up To Date: The About Us and Our Mission statement get the same edits and the first reviewed link. III. How to get the New York Times for free? Grammer: The title should be mostly capitalized.
All students have free access to a completely free and ad-less print edition of the New York Times! 99% of students have no idea how to receiveaccess this free perk of being an FSU Student, but we have broken it down into 6 simple steps to get FSU studentsyou connected withto this resource. 1. First off, you need to click on the following link: 2. Login in using your FSU ID and Password.
3. Click on the span of years what year span you wish get content from.

4. Pick a year, month, and date to narrow down the content from the New York Times you want to read.
5. Click on an article title. you wish to read

6. Poof!, Now you have an ad free article straight from the New York Times.
We know that this isnt the simplest way to gain access to The Times, but if you are a news buff, this will save you $35 a month for some of the best reporting in the world!

Up To Date: The About Us and Our Mission statement get the same edits and the first reviewed link. IV. Get more involved! Heres how Grammer: The title sounds better as: Here How to Get More Involved!
If there is one thing that every student at FSU can attest to, it is that there is always something to do.

wW hether it be enjoying happy hour at Pots or feeling patriotic after a college republicans (or democrats) meeting, Florida State at almost every moment of the day has something going on. But where does one begin? Everyday students get involved in research, student government, internships, or in the over 600 clubs known as (or registered student organizations if I want to be technical) around campus,, Hhow is any one suppose to find theirsomething perfect niche?for themselves. Well, the easy solution is to come to Seminole Source everyday (shameless plug). bBut that is the literal the exact purpose why we exist! We are constantly putting out information thatto connects students to the much of involvement opportunities around campus. However, thats too obvious., Tthe main way that most people get involved is through referrals. Someone telling you that some event, organization, or group is really cool and you should check it out. Referrals can come in several ways. FSU has university trained peer involvement counselors that help assess your interests and attempt to guide you to an organization that would be good for you. Many students in SGA have a good number of connections around campus and would love to give advice to thosepeople interested in getting more involved. But then Tthere is also the infamous Market Wednesday, gthatthe day of the week where the union gets taken over by dozens of organizations and they are all looking for new recruits. While daunting or intimidating to many, Market Wednesday is by far the best way for someone one who is new to campus to become involvedment and to get a good breath of options tothat you can later tailor to your interests.
Florida State is a large school but, getting involved and meeting new people helps make it a bit smaller. And, like youll hear a thousand times over, itll look amazing on your resume.
Comment [S4]: Why is this underlined?

Up To Date: The first photograph does not show up. The About Us and Our Mission statement get the same edits and the first reviewed link. V. Surprise Her! Best Places for a Date Near FSU Grammer:
So youve finally asked that girl out from your big lecture class and now youve got a date coming up. And Iif you just moved to Tallahassee, you might not know where to take her. Well dont worry, because Ive got a list of great places you can go thatll help you win her over. Avenue Eat & Drink. Located near the intersection of Park Avenue and N. Monroe, this small restaurant is a great place for a first date. Its usually very quiet and has a menu thats sure to please your more sophisticated taste buds. Make sure to dress nicely and bring some topics to talk about with your partner by candlelight. One thing to keep in mind atThe only downside of Avenue Eat & Drink is the price. I, ts less than economical, especially on a college budget. A meal for two will run anywhere from $50 to $75 b. But if youre looking to impress with your immaculate taste or celebrate an important event with your partner, this is the place. Be sure to make a reservation because; Avenue Eat & Drink fills up quick, especially on holidays. You can reach them at (850) 224-0115 or at their website.

Tom Brown Park. If youve got a car, grab your picnic basket and head east on Park Ave ., which It will eventually become Conner Blvd and then youll see, until you reach Tom Brown Park on the north side of the road. This large park has plenty of hiking trails and is a popular destination for mountain bikers and outdoorsmen alike. You can put down a blanket, kick back, and enjoy the scenery. Its good to get outside and this is the place to do it. There are plenty of trails to explore here , and it never seems too crowded. Tom Brown Park is also pet friendly, so you can bring your furry friend with you. This is a great place to explore with your significant other and you can come back more than once and see new things.

Tallahassee Animal Shelter. The animal shelter is a great place to share your love of animals with your partner. What better way to bond than over kittens? Not far from Tom Brown Park, the shelter is on Easterwood Dr., off of Capital Circle NE. Here you can play with kittens, puppies, and other animals awaiting adoption. Be careful though, you just might come home with one. If youre really feeling adventurous, take her out to Doak Campbell Stadium at night. The gates are sometimes left open, the jumbotron is typically on, and so are the lights. This is a great place to start your college romance. Be careful though, because you arent actually allowed in there when you dont have a reason to be. University Police may ask you to leave if they see you. But hey, it will definitely make for a great story and a memorable first date.

Comment [S5]: Really? For a date?

Up To Date: None of the pictures load. The About Us and Our Mission statement get the same edits and the first reviewed link. VI. Seminole Source Home Page Grammer: Featured Orgs should read Featured Organizations
College Democrats This will be a test deiscription of the college democrats Rowing Club Thise rowing is an organization of people who love to sail, Tthey meet every Wwednesday. Archery Club Thise Archery club is a group of individuals who think that shooting people Speech and Debate FSU has one of the Nations Top Speech and Debate Clubs in the world Hispanic Latino Student Union If youre lLooking for a community, HLSU is the place for you to marinate in your heritage, (whether your hispanic or not. Pride This is the place to go if you want a safe loving LGBT environment. with arrows are fun (at least for sport).

Comment [S6]: Is there suppose to be an actual description?

Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Society ODK recognizes FSU Students who have attained a high standard of leadership in their collegiate activities and wish to inspire others to do the same.;

Up To Date: The Featured Event is from December. The Playing At The SLC movie is from December. All Performances are from December. In the Applications part, the calendars read 13. Not sure if its a template icon or not.

The About Us and Our Mission statement get the same edits and the first reviewed link.

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