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(adapted from resources developed at Oakland University)

Name: _______________Jeri Alfano__________________________ Unit Topic ig i!ea"s# Essential '(estion"s# The Civil Rights Impact o$ nonviolent p%otest& Civil Rights legislation& li$e a$te% Civil Rights legislation
How do different people view the Civil Rights Movement baed on their past experiences, their beliefs and other factors influencing them?

SSUS+,, The st(!ent -ill i!enti$. !imensions o$ the Civil Rights Movement/ 0123401567 d. Describe the significance of Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a Birmingham Jail and his I Ha e a Dream !"eech. e. Describe the causes and conse#uences of the $i il %ights Act of &'() and the *oting %ights Act of &'(+. SSUS+,2 The st(!ent -ill anal.8e the impact o$ social change movements an! o%gani8ations o$ the 0196s7 a. $om"are and contrast the !tudent ,on-*iolent $oordinating $ommittee .!,$$/ and the !outhern $hristian Leadershi" $onference .!$L$/ tactics0 include sit-ins, freedom rides, and changing com"osition.

Stan!a%!"s") enchma%*"s#

Lesson Plan

!tarter12"ening %e ie3 !it-ins, 4reedom %iders, and the march on Birmingham .5ro6ect $/--hel" the students to connect these "rotests to the march on 7ashington D.$. And the "assage of the $i il %ights Act and the *oting %ights Act of &'(+

Learning Acti ities 8 Assessments17or9 !ession !tudents mo e into grou"-3or9 time. I e:"lain to them the acti it; and gi e an e:am"le. <:am"le=>he "o3erful, 3hite narrati e, s"ecificall; concerning ,ati e Americans. >al9 about Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destin;, etc. 7hite Americans began to belie e that the; 3ere the rightful o3ners of the land and that the Indians should com"romise 3ith them. >he; fought 3ars, the;

signed bad treaties, the; bro9e treaties, etc. All because the; belie ed the; 3ere destined to mo e across the ,orth American continent and gain "o3er o er the land and "eo"le. >he; belie ed and called ,ati e Americans sa ages and belie ed the; had to be educated 3ith the 3hite education to be successful and smart. ?uestions to as9 during this e:am"le@ Do ;Aall remember 3hat the Monroe Doctrine saidB Do ;ou remember the idea of Manifest Destin;B 7hat grou" of "eo"le 3as in this countr; before 3hite settlersB Did 3e ta9e the land for good reasonsB Did 3e treat them 3ith res"ectB <:"lain that this 3as one "ers"ecti e of ho3 American should loo9. It 3as the 3hite "ers"ecti e. ,ati e Americans definitel; belie ed another "ers"ecti e. 7hat do ;ou thin9 the; belie edB C.. >hat the land 3as rightfull; theres. >hat the; 3ere o3ners first. >hat Americans 3ere e:"loiting them. >hat the; 3anted "eace and to be left alone. <tc. !o no3 3eAre about to tal9 about the multi"le "ers"ecti es on the $i il %ights Mo ement. Ho3 different Americans reacted to the e ents and 3h; the; did this. 7hat the; belie ed about the countr;, rights and race affected ho3 the; ie3ed the $i il %ights Mo ement. Just li9e toda; ho3 "eo"le see Health $are or 2bama $are differentl; based on ho3 the; belie e the go ernment and countr; is su""osed to function. IAm going to tell the students the; are going to get into grou"s to anal;De some resources about the $i il %ights. <ach grou" is going to be loo9ing at a different source from the $i il %ights. EouAre 6ob in the grou" is to anal;De ;our source 6ust li9e 3e tal9ed about 3ith the 3hite beliefs about the countr; and ho3 it affected ,ati e Americans. !o ho3 does the "erson in ;our source tal9 about the ci il rights, segregation, 3hites, blac9s, ho3 the go ernment is handling the situation, etc. 7hat is their "ers"ecti eB 7hat do the; belie e to be trueB As9 someone to summariDe the ste"s. !tudents mo e into grou"s. <ach student has a 6ob=one is a reader, one is a 3riter, one tells the class 3hat the; found I gi e the students their "art of the s"eech or 3hate er the; ha e !tudents do their 6obs. &+ minutes to 3or9 in their 6obs to finish this. >hen tal9 about the source as a class. Around + minutes. !ources IAm going to use@ !to9el; $armichael s"eech .s"lit bet3een three grou"sB/0 Alabama go ernor Feorge 7allace inaugural address0 fatherAs letter to his son after his son decided to 6oin the 4reedom %iders0 John Le3is, chairman of !,$$ s"eech0 <ldridge $lea er !oul on Ice letter ?uestions to thin9 about for all the "resent some 3hen 3e are tal9ing about them as a class. ?uestions to as91"resent 3ith %ose Barnett tele ision address 8 letter from John DolanAs father @ 7hat "ers"ecti e do these sources sho3B 7hat do the; belie e about segregation and fighting for the ci il rights of e er; American regardless of their color. 7h; do the; belie e these thingsB >heir bac9ground, their famil;B ?uestions to as9 3ith John Le3isA s"eech@ 7hat role does John Le3is belie e that citiDens should ta9e in securing their rightsB Does he belie e that citiDens ha e the right to go against go ernment la3s and "racticesB Does he belie e the Declaration of inde"endence is being follo3ed b; "olitical "artiesB 7hat does he belie e about e#ualit;B About rightsB ?uestion for $lea er letter@ 7hat is most "eo"leAs ie3 of 3hat America should stand forB 7hat are the contradicts bet3een this ie3 and the realit; of 3hat reall; ha""ens to "eo"le in AmericaB $lea er is sa;ing that the ie3 that 3hite Americans hold is a m;th. Ho3 ha e 3hite "eo"le come to realiDe that their beliefs are not true, that 3hat the; belie e should ha""en, does not ha""enB 7hat is his belief about blac9 AmericansB ?uestions for !toc9le; $armichael@ 7hat does he belief about freedomB .Is it gi en or 3ith ;ou from birthB/ 7hat do all these "eo"le belie e about 3hat rights America is su""osed to "rotectB 7hat do the; belie e are Americas goalsB Ho3 do these "eo"le differ in ho3 the; belie e America achie ing its goalB

5resentations !tudents not "resenting need to 3rite do3n the o erall "ers"ecti e of the "resenting grou"

$loser >ic9et out the door@ 7h; is it im"ortant to loo9 at multi"le "ers"ecti esB

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