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Ed Roland Adrie Koehler EDCI 270 April 23, 2014 Project 3 Narrative a) The best part about this

project was figuring out how all the hyperlinks worked. It was just a satisfying feeling when I was able to get every hyperlink to work right. It was a very tedious take but was a simple task none the less. b) If I had more time to make this project better, I would go more into my topic. As of now, this lesson only scratches the surface on supply and demand. If I were to go on, the lesson would include outside factors that can affect supply and demand on different market levels. c) The planning cards helped to keep my presentation on point and relevant. The peer reviews helped to see the lesson from the perspective of a student around the same age as someone who would be taking the lesson. This helped me polish my work and make the project the best I could in the time I had. d) From this project, I have found that lesson plans are not just made up in one night. They involve weeks of work to make them relevant to the topic, engaging to the learners, and appropriate for the class. Plans can get passed around to several people and be evaluated before a student ever sees it. This helps to get different perspectives on the lesson and make it the best it can be. e) I addressed the standards of high school economics based on the ISTE standards. These state that students be taught the economic trends of supply and demand and be able to recognize the supply and demand curve through example.

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