Yoga Eportfolio Assignment

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April Cunningham


Course Prefix Num er-!e"#ion


Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

%ri#e a paragraph on each of #he follo&ing'
1( %ha# )i) *ou learn a ou# +lifelong &ellness, from #a-ing #his .eneral /)u"a#ion "lass0 1 learne) #ha# *oga is a grea# &a* #o )eal &i#h s#ress2 anxie#* an) )epression( 1n #his "lass2 *ou are en"ourage) #o pra"#i"e *oga a# *our o&n pa"e an) no# #o "ompare *ourself #o o#hers in #heir o&n *oga pra"#i"e( 3oga pra"#i"e is all a ou# )oing &ha# is "omfor#a le for *ou a# &ha#e4er le4el *ou ma* e a#( 3ou &ill onl* ge# e##er &i#h #ime( 1f *ou "ommi# #o *oga2 *ou &ill onl* gain ph*si"al s#ren#h an) pea"e of min) #hroughou# *our pra"#i"e(

2( Ho& &oul) *ou appl* #his informa#ion #o *our life0 1 &oul) appl* #his informa#ion #o m* life * "on#inuing #o progress m* *oga pra"#i"e on a "on#inual asis( Perhaps &i#h ano#her *oga "lass or $5$s( 1# &as reall* grea# #o see ho& flexi le an) s#rong *ou "an ge# &i#h "on#inual pra"#i"e an) #ha# mo#i4a#es me #o )o more *oga(

3( %ha# is *our in#en#ion #o "on#inue #o pra"#i"e &ha# *ou ha4e learne) in *our life an) &h*0 1 plan on using #he rea#hing #e"hni6ues an) me)i#a#ion me#ho)s #o help &i#h m* s#ress le4els an) sleep( 1 also &ill "on#inue #o fo"us on #he rea#h an) eing presen# an) min)ful( 1 &ill also remem er #ha# *oga is grea# #o #a-e #ime ou# for m*self2 so #ha# 1 ma* #hen go for&ar) an) help o#hers(

4( .eneral i)eas for impro4ing #his "ourse0 1 reall* lo4e) #he me)i#a#ion &e )i)( 1# &oul) e grea# if &e "oul) )o more in "lass( 7he #ennis all an) alan"e all &ere also fun #o use( 1# &as grea# #o #r* *oga in )ifferen# &a*s(

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